
    Daily Wire Backstage: Biden’s Most Terrifying "Accomplishments"

    enMarch 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Candace Owens discusses Twitter feud with Cardi B and lawsuitCandace Owens and Cardi B engaged in a Twitter feud, leading to a lawsuit over deleted tweets. Candace criticized Cardi B's stance on politics and cancel culture, while Cardi B claimed her Twitter is 'fun and friendly'.

      During the latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage, Candace Owens discussed her Twitter feud with Cardi B and the subsequent lawsuit. She also touched upon various topics including the Biden administration and cancel culture. Jeremy Boring, the host, joked around and discussed Michael Knowles' birthday. The team answered questions from Daily Wire members and promoted a new talk show hosted by Candace Owens. A legal dispute arose when Cardi B deleted tweets in question after being called out by Candace, and Cardi B claimed her Twitter is "fun and friendly." This episode showcased the team's lighthearted yet insightful commentary on current events.

    • Normalization of Explicit ContentOnce shocking content like Cardi B's 'WAP' is now commonplace due to audience desensitization. The loss of counterculture and blurred lines between acceptable and taboo is lamented.

      Our culture's definition of shock value has shifted drastically, and what was once considered taboo or graphic is now commonplace. The discussion revolved around the normalization of explicit content in music and media, specifically referencing Cardi B's song "WAP" and the Grammy's performance. The speakers noted that the song, while graphic, no longer shocks due to the desensitization of audiences. They drew comparisons to past performers and roasts that were once considered shocking but now seem tame in comparison. The conversation also touched on the commodification of personal data and privacy, emphasizing the importance of using tools like ExpressVPN to protect online activity. Ultimately, the speakers lamented the loss of counterculture and the blurring of lines between acceptable and taboo content.

    • The Absence of Rules in Art and SocietyBreaking free from rules can lead to innovation but absence of rules can result in chaos and loss of meaning, leading to dehumanization and sadness.

      While breaking free from rules and constraints in art can lead to innovation, the absence of rules can result in chaos and a loss of meaning. The performance discussed was criticized for being devoid of romance or interest, and instead, it felt grotesque and dehumanizing. The artist, Cardi B, was seen as degrading herself and ripping away her humanity. This phenomenon reflects a larger societal issue where people are celebrated for behaving in a way that dehumanizes them. Candace Owens, who challenged this ideology, became a target for the artist's attacks. The rejection of traditional femininity, as seen in Cardi B's performance and other recent examples, was also criticized as sad and unfulfilling. Ultimately, the lack of rules and boundaries in art and society can lead to a loss of humanity and meaning.

    • Men discuss conflicting messages about femininity and individual expressionThe current cultural climate presents conflicting messages about femininity and individual expression, leading to confusion and misery for individuals. Materialism and gnosticism are two opposing ideologies, but they create an 'anti-ideology' that tears down established systems and contributes to widespread unhappiness.

      The current cultural climate presents conflicting messages about femininity and individual expression, which can lead to confusion and misery for individuals trying to navigate these ideas. During a discussion on a talk show, four men agreed that a particular performance lacked sex appeal. One participant brought up the topic of Elliot Page's gender transition and the rejection of femininity in society, which led to a discussion about opposing ideologies: materialism and gnosticism. The materialist idea emphasizes the physical aspect of sexuality, while the gnostic idea focuses on the immaterial self. However, the speaker argued that these ideologies are inconsistent and create an "anti-ideology" that tears down established systems in favor of individual expression. Ultimately, the panelists expressed concern that these conflicting messages contribute to widespread unhappiness and misery. Candace Owens, a guest on the show, shared her perspective as a self-proclaimed non-feminist and encouraged young women to examine the lives of prominent figures in the industry and consider whether their choices align with their desired future. She attributed her own confidence to her personal growth and the influence of Kanye West's music, which encourages individuality and disregard for societal expectations.

    • Music's Impact on Individuals and SocietiesMusic can reflect societal values and influence individuals, with some preferring uplifting tunes over explicit content, while others argue for coexistence of both in popular culture

      Music holds significant power in shaping individuals and societies. As the speaker mentioned, it played a crucial role in helping him find himself. The conversation around Cardi B raised questions about the moral integrity of black America, as the music produced can be a reflection of societal values. The speaker's personal preference is to avoid "trash music" and instead focus on music that uplifts and inspires. However, there is also a counterargument that even influential figures like Kanye West, who has released both explicit and gospel albums, can coexist in popular culture. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal experience with Kanye West's inspiring attitude towards personal growth and success. Lastly, the speaker promoted Policygenius as a helpful tool for buying life insurance, emphasizing its ease and affordability.

    • Comparing life insurance quotes and finding the best dealsPrioritizing and organizing important matters like life insurance can save you significant money through quote comparisons.

      During these challenging times, it's essential to prioritize and organize important matters, such as life insurance. Comparing quotes and finding the best deals can save you up to 50% or more. Meanwhile, in the news, there have been discussions about cancel culture and its implications. The media's treatment of certain individuals, like Cardi B, raises concerns about double standards and selective justice. The broader issue is that having the right political stance can lead to getting away with harmful actions, including racism. The recent Atlanta shootings have brought this topic to the forefront, but the focus seems to be on the potential racial motivation rather than other pressing issues, such as sex trafficking and exploitation. It's crucial to address these complex problems and have open conversations about them.

    • Expanding the Critique of Racism to White SupremacyBroadening the critique of racism to white supremacy can challenge institutions and practices, but it's crucial to have clear goals and avoid counterproductive outcomes like segregation. Labeling individuals without understanding their beliefs or motivations can be misleading and unjust.

      The term "racist" has evolved over time, and some people have shifted the focus to "white supremacy" as a way to broaden the scope of criticism. This term is now being used to challenge various institutions and practices in America. However, the concern is that this approach lacks a clear end goal and may lead to counterproductive outcomes, such as segregation. Furthermore, the labeling of individuals as "racist" or "white supremacist" based on single actions or behaviors, without considering the complexity of their beliefs or motivations, can be misleading and unjust. It's essential to have nuanced conversations about race and discrimination, focusing on the root causes and promoting understanding and unity.

    • Societal Issues: Overlooking Other Pressing ProblemsWhile race-related issues are important, it's crucial not to overlook other societal problems like the lack of media attention and dialogue around certain incidents, and the role of the church in American society and its response to societal shifts.

      While societal issues like pornography addiction and sex trafficking are important concerns, it's crucial not to overlook other pressing societal problems. The discussion highlighted the case of black teenagers setting a white man's house on fire and the lack of media attention and dialogue around it. The intentional focus on race-related issues is seen as a distraction from addressing the root causes of societal ills. Additionally, the role of the church in American society was discussed, with the belief that the church's decision to become a political instrument in the late 1980s and 1990s, rather than focusing on being a community of people seeking righteousness from God, contributed to its current struggles. The shift in societal morals and the church's response to it were identified as significant factors in this decline.

    • The Church's Role in Upholding Objective MoralityThe church should focus on helping individuals attain righteousness and uphold objective morality, rather than trying to change the world according to cultural norms.

      The focus of the church shifting towards making the world a better place instead of saving souls and upholding objective morality has led to confusion and a loss of moral compass. The idea that unelected officials in Washington can dictate laws about morality, such as abortion, woke up many evangelicals to the fact that the culture was changing. However, morality cannot be judged solely by human eyes or worldly standards. The church's role is to help individuals attain righteousness, which is a gift from God, not to impose or change moral laws. The traditional understanding of conscience as a judgment of reason, which can distinguish between good and evil, has been lost in today's culturally relativistic society. It is important for the church to remember its role in helping individuals attain righteousness and upholding objective morality, rather than trying to change the world according to the shifting cultural norms.

    • The erosion of religious and moral foundations in societyThe shift in values driven by societal pressure and a lack of critical thinking has resulted in a broken political landscape and a loss of shared values

      The erosion of religious and moral foundations in society has led to confusion and unexpected developments, such as the pope's stance on same-sex marriage and gender identity issues. This shift in values, driven by societal pressure and a lack of critical thinking, has resulted in a broken political landscape where people operate within different frames of reference. Additionally, the education system and the redefinition of happiness over the past century have contributed to a society where individuals prioritize self-definition over adapting to the world around them, leading to a loss of shared values and understanding.

    • The shift from reason-based self-definition to personal happinessThe concept of self-definition has evolved from adapting to circumstances to prioritizing personal happiness, leading to a need for external validation and potential privacy concerns in the context of transgenderism.

      According to the discussion between Carl and Truman, the concept of self-definition has shifted from adapting to the circumstances around us in accordance with reason to being defined as personal happiness. This change in perspective has led to the belief that one's identity, particularly in the context of transgenderism, must be affirmed and validated by others, making it a requirement rather than a personal choice. Additionally, the ease of sharing information and memories through digital means has led to a loss of privacy and the potential for misrepresentation. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding cultural shifts and being proactive in addressing significant issues, rather than dismissing them as fads or sideshows.

    • A cultural divide rooted in differing beliefs about reality and identityThe cultural divide threatens to undermine our shared reality and could lead to a society that is no longer united by a common understanding of truth.

      We are witnessing a cultural divide that could potentially fracture the country further. This divide is rooted in differing beliefs about the nature of reality and identity. Some people believe that reality is subjective and that one's identity is solely based on their interior life, making objective claims about the world a threat to their beliefs. This philosophy, which stems from thinkers like Foucault, has led to a power dynamic where those in power can impose their beliefs on others, leading to accusations of violence and intolerance towards those who challenge these beliefs. This cultural shift, fueled by the perception that power lies with the left, has led to a belief among some that we are living in an illusion, with the left thinking they are at the beginning of a leftist paradise, while others see it as the end of something. Ultimately, this divide threatens to undermine the foundation of our shared reality and could lead to a society that is no longer united by a common understanding of truth.

    • Censorship and the imposition of will in politicsPolitical leaders are imposing their will through censorship, suppressing contradictory thoughts, and masking radical policies. This behavior, reminiscent of Orwell's '1984', is causing apprehension and uncertainty among the opposition, leading to a potential clash.

      The current political climate, as discussed, is a cause for concern when it comes to generational change and the imposition of will. The unwillingness to let go of power and allow for new ideas and debate is being enforced through censorship and the suppression of contradictory thoughts. This is reminiscent of George Orwell's "1984" and the concept of doublethink, where mutually contradictory ideas are accepted at the same time. The current administration, with its aging leadership, is seen as a mask for more radical ideas and policies, and the censorship is an attempt to hide these from the public. The lack of confidence and the need for control is evident in the rush to implement censorship measures. The Democrats, who are feeling apprehensive and uncertain, are starting with the censorship of conservative books on controversial topics like transgenderism, as they have no clear response to the arguments presented. This situation cannot last forever and a clash is inevitable.

    • Institutional control and censorship of voicesControl of institutions by certain individuals or groups can limit open discourse and debate, shaping public opinion and silencing voices.

      The ownership and control of institutions by certain individuals or groups can limit open discourse and debate, as seen in the context of Candace Owens' new talk show on The Daily Wire. The show, which offers a personal side to Owens and tackles major political and cultural topics, is exclusive to Daily Wire members. The institutions, in this case, The Daily Wire and the media at large, hold significant power to shape public opinion and silence voices. This is further highlighted in the discussion about the border crisis and the use of the "kids in cages" narrative, which was a contentious issue during the Trump administration but is now being employed by the Biden administration with seemingly little pushback. The ability to control the narrative and shape public perception through institutional power is a significant issue that warrants continued attention and discussion.

    • Political climate incentivizes people to act against normsThe current political climate is fueling a culture of disregard for norms and institutions, leading to harmful consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

      The current political climate is creating incentives for people to act against established norms and institutions, whether it's crossing the border illegally, committing crimes, or ignoring historical knowledge. This is due to the perception that there will be less consequences or even rewards for such actions in the future. Additionally, the emphasis on identity politics and labeling people as victims is seen as a deliberate attempt to keep people emotionally driven and ignorant, turning them into "toddlers" who are easily manipulated and controlled. The dream of Martin Luther King Jr. for a society that judges people based on character rather than skin color seems to have been forgotten, leading to a nightmarish situation where the very policies meant to help certain groups are actually harming them in the long run. It's crucial for individuals to recognize this and reject the labels and emotional manipulation, instead striving for knowledge, self-reliance, and personal growth.

    • Monuments to Flawed Historical Figures and Evolution of Societal ValuesEuropeans should focus on innovation within their current contexts while being aware of external forces, as there may be no new frontiers left to explore.

      Even the greatest historical figures, like Martin Luther King Jr., are deeply flawed, and monuments to them may not be sustainable in the future due to the evolving nature of societal values. Orwell's works, such as "1984" and "Animal Farm," are being reinterpreted and used to promote political agendas, often distorting their original meanings. Europeans, who may be behind the US in cultural trends, should consider embracing the spirit of freedom and creation, as there may be no new frontiers left to explore. Instead, they can focus on building and innovating within their current contexts, while being aware of the potential for external forces to undermine their efforts.

    • Europe should assert cultural identityEuropeans must understand and preserve their cultural heritage while fostering respect for others

      Europe should assert their cultural identity and values, drawing a line against radical ideologies and external influences. No is an essential word for conservatives, and countries like Japan, despite their strict immigration policies, demonstrate the importance of cultural unity and belief. The U.S., on the other hand, faces challenges as some people question American culture and values, leading to confusion and the inability to establish clear boundaries. In the context of the discussion, the Irish embassy's response to a sarcastic tweet about cultural appropriation highlights the inconsistencies in the application of this concept and the need for a nuanced understanding of cultural appreciation and appropriation. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals and nations to understand their cultural heritage and the importance of preserving it while fostering respect and appreciation for other cultures.

    • The Complexity of Social Media and Defending Administration PoliciesCritics challenge White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki's honesty, but defenders argue she's in a tough spot, having to defend unpopular policies with limited access to the president. Social media amplifies seemingly insignificant issues, creating a complex communication landscape.

      The discussion highlights the complexity and often absurdity of social media, specifically Twitter, and the way it can magnify seemingly insignificant issues. The conversation also touches upon the role of the White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, and the challenges she faces in defending the Biden administration's policies. Critics argue that she is constantly lying, but her defenders point out that she's in a difficult position, with limited access to the president and having to defend unpopular policies. The discussion also touches upon the comparison between the Trump and Biden administrations, with some expressing disappointment over the Biden administration's refusal to acknowledge the accomplishments of the previous administration. Overall, the conversation underscores the challenges of modern-day communication and the impact of social media on public discourse.

    • Economic Recovery with RisksDespite economic recovery, high debt levels and potential inflation pose risks. Biden's policies, higher interest rates, and left's interventions may lead to economic downturn by 2025.

      The current economic recovery, while beneficial, comes with risks due to high levels of debt and potential inflation. Biden's policies, such as lower growth rates and increased government spending, have contributed to this situation. The Federal Reserve's decision to limit mortgage purchases by Fannie and Freddie has led to higher interest rates for second homes, making it more expensive for renters. The left's interventions in the economy, including modern monetary theory, can have compounding negative effects. The strong economic recovery in the next few years may lead to economic downturn by 2025 when the ability to take on more debt will be limited. The impact of current policies may not be fully felt for 5 to 6 years.

    • Complexities of beliefs and relationshipsAcknowledging historical context and societal shifts is crucial for understanding complex issues, including personal relationships and societal norms.

      While some beliefs and actions may lead to the loss of relationships, it's important to acknowledge the complexity of these situations. The speaker shares her personal experience of losing family members due to political differences, and the difficulty of reconciling after the fact. She also discusses the concept of censorship and how it has shifted over time, with certain ideas and beliefs becoming more or less acceptable. The speaker argues that acknowledging this historical context and the ongoing shifts in societal norms is crucial for understanding and engaging with these issues. Additionally, the speaker expresses her own views on dogs, finding them unnecessary for human companionship. Despite the diversity of topics discussed, the underlying theme is the importance of acknowledging the complexities and nuances of various issues, whether personal or societal.

    • The importance of human-animal relationshipsDogs are fortunate to have humans who care for them and provide them with a home, and the relationship is mutually beneficial despite the common perception that humans get more from it.

      The relationship between humans and dogs is not one-sided, as humans provide more care and resources for them than they give in return. The speaker argues that it's unfair to suggest that humans don't deserve dogs based on observing their affectionate behaviors. Instead, dogs are fortunate to have humans who care for them and provide them with a home. The speaker also shares their opinions on various topics, including impersonations, becoming a mother, and cancel culture. They express their thoughts on the urgency of political discussions and the importance of extending grace to others, especially for mistakes made during adolescence. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's perspective on the significance of human-animal relationships and the importance of understanding the context and nuances of various social issues.

    • Culture of Cancellation: Forgiveness vs. CancellationOur society has moved from forgiveness and confession towards cancellation and condemnation, harming relationships and hindering growth. We need to embrace sacrifice, reconciliation, and mutual understanding instead.

      Our culture has shifted away from forgiveness and confession towards cancellation and condemnation. This was discussed in relation to the Teen Vogue incident, where someone was forced to resign due to past actions. The idea of mutually assured destruction was raised, with the suggestion that both sides need to stop this culture of cancellation. The late philosopher Roger Scruton's idea that civilization thrives on forgiveness and confession was mentioned, emphasizing the importance of sacrifice and reconciliation. The panel also discussed various things they would cancel, such as the transgender agenda, tight jeans, and the indoctrination of children. The consensus was that this culture of cancellation is harmful and needs to be stopped. Candace Owens was welcomed to The Daily Wire with the announcement of her new show. The use of codes for discounts was also joked about.

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    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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