
    Daily Wire Backstage: Biden’s Most Terrifying "Accomplishments"

    enMarch 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Candace Owens' Feud with Cardi B and New Show Discussed on Daily Wire BackstageBen Shapiro and team discussed Candace Owens' legal dispute with Cardi B, her new show, and media distortion of race and gender issues. They joked about Candace deleting tweets and showed support for her.

      During the latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage, Ben Shapiro and his team discussed Candace Owens' feud with Cardi B, the launch of her new show, and the media's attempts to distort the truth about race and gender in America. They also touched upon various current events, including Biden's border crisis, Michael Knowles' birthday, and Candace's ongoing legal dispute with Cardi B. Candace explained that she had deleted tweets related to the dispute due to legal reasons, but gave an unusual excuse that they were deleted because she wanted to keep her Twitter "fun and friendly." The team joked about the situation and expressed their support for Candace. Overall, the episode showcased the team's unique humor and insightful commentary on current events.

    • Desensitization to Shock Value in Modern CultureModern culture has become desensitized to shock value, making it harder for artists to elicit reactions. The prevalence of graphic content and commodification of personal data contribute to this shift, leading to a lack of respect for rules and boundaries in our 'anti-cult' society. Protecting online privacy with tools like ExpressVPN is crucial.

      Our culture has become desensitized to shock value, and artists like Cardi B, who once pushed boundaries, now struggle to elicit a reaction. The speaker expresses a loss of shock and awe, noting that even graphic content is no longer shocking due to its prevalence. The discussion also touches on the commodification of personal data and the importance of protecting online privacy. The speaker expresses disappointment in the current state of culture, suggesting that we have moved from a counterculture that challenged norms to an "anti-cult" that no longer acknowledges rules or boundaries. The conversation also includes a brief plug for ExpressVPN as a solution for securing online data and privacy.

    • The Absence of Boundaries in Art and SocietyThe rejection of boundaries and limitations in art and society can lead to a loss of humanity, reducing individuals to mere flesh and bone and disregarding their individuality and depth.

      While there may be no hard and fast rules in art, the absence of boundaries and limitations can lead to a lack of depth, shock value, and ultimately, a loss of humanity. The discussion around Cardi B's performance and the societal acceptance of such behavior highlights this idea, as it degrades the individual's soul, mind, and intellect. The left's argument, as exemplified by WAP, reduces individuals to mere flesh and bone, disregarding their humanity and individuality. The focus on Candace, despite her 60-second response, reveals a deep-rooted discomfort with individuals who challenge societal norms and expectations. Ultimately, the rejection of femininity and caretaking roles, as seen in Cardi B's performance and other recent examples, leads to a sense of sadness and a loss of depth in art and society.

    • Conflicting Ideologies and Individual MiseryCandace Owens found personal fulfillment in conservative values and Kanye West's individualism, but conflicting ideologies of materialism and gnosticism on the left lack logical consistency and leave people unhappy with their lives.

      The current cultural climate presents conflicting ideologies that reject traditional understandings of identity and femininity, leading to individual misery. Candace Owens, a prominent figure in the culture war, gained confidence to speak publicly despite backlash by first finding personal fulfillment in conservative values and being inspired by Kanye West's unapologetic individualism. However, these ideologies, whether materialist or gnostic, lack logical consistency and ultimately leave people unhappy. The rejection of femininity, as seen in the case of Ellen Page, can lead to a denial of one's identity and a sense of sadness. The left presents opposing ideas, such as the objectification of women through materialism and the denial of the body's role in identity through gnosticism. Ultimately, these ideas, while aimed at tearing down old standards, leave individuals feeling unfulfilled and unhappy with their lives.

    • Music's Influence on Society and IndividualsKanye West and Cardi B use music to express ideas and shape society, highlighting the importance of mindfully consuming messages, while tools like Policygenius help secure important matters like life insurance.

      Music, especially in the form of pop culture, holds significant power in shaping society and individuals. Kanye West, as the richest black man in American history, is an inspiring figure who has used music to express his ideas, even if they may not always be clearly communicated. Cardi B, another influential artist, raises questions about the moral direction of black America through her music. It's important to be mindful of the messages we consume and the impact they have on our lives. Additionally, tools like Policygenius can make it easier to take care of important matters, such as buying life insurance, which is an essential step in protecting one's family and securing their future.

    • Discussing complex issues with nuancePolicygenius prioritizes client needs during pandemics, while media should approach complex issues with honesty and thoroughness, avoiding political biases.

      Policygenius provides a hassle-free experience when it comes to getting life insurance. Even during challenging times like a pandemic, they go the extra mile to ensure their clients can get the coverage they need. Meanwhile, in the news, there's been a discussion about the media's treatment of certain people, like Cardi B, who can seemingly get away with offensive and even criminal behavior due to their political alignment. However, it's important to distinguish between offensive words and confessed crimes. The recent Atlanta shootings have brought up complex issues, including potential sex trafficking and racism, but the focus seems to have been on the latter despite a lack of clear evidence. It's crucial to address these issues honestly and thoroughly, rather than jumping to conclusions based on political biases.

    • Expanding the Definition of RacismThe evolution of the term 'racism' to include 'white supremacy' has led to accusations with little regard for context, potentially overshadowing other moral issues, and a growing trend towards segregation.

      The term "racism" has evolved and expanded to encompass a broader definition, including the concept of "white supremacy." This shift has led to accusations being levied against individuals and institutions with little regard for context or nuance. The end goal of this rhetoric is unclear, and some argue it may be destructive rather than productive. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards segregation in various aspects of society, which some argue is a step backwards from efforts towards equality. The speaker also raises concerns about the conflation of different sins, such as racism and lust, and the potential for this to overshadow other moral issues. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and nuance of issues surrounding race and inequality, and the importance of considering multiple perspectives and contexts.

    • Societal Issues and the Role of the ChurchPornography addiction and sex trafficking are societal issues, but focus on them can overshadow other important problems. Media prioritizes certain stories and ignores pressing questions. The church's political involvement may have led to its disconnection from its original mission.

      The discussion touched upon various societal issues, including pornography addiction, sex trafficking, and the role of the church in American politics. While some believe that pornography addiction may contribute to sex trafficking, others argue that societal focus on certain issues, like racism, overshadows other important problems. The speaker also criticized the media for prioritizing certain stories over others and for ignoring pressing questions. Additionally, the speaker shared a theory that the church's shift towards becoming a political instrument in the late 1980s and 1990s led to its current state of losing its way and becoming disconnected from its original mission of seeking righteousness from God.

    • The Church's Focus on Changing the World has Distracted it from its True PurposeThe church should prioritize saving souls and spreading the gospel over changing the world according to cultural norms, relying on objective morality from God's standard of righteousness.

      The focus on morality and changing the world according to cultural norms has led the church astray from its true purpose, which is to save souls and spread the gospel. The speaker argues that morality cannot be judged by human eyes alone and that the church's adoption of changing cultural morals is problematic. Instead, the church should rely on objective morality, which comes from God's standard of righteousness, and focus on spreading the gospel and saving souls. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of reason in distinguishing good from evil and criticizes the loss of this ability in modern society. In essence, the church should prioritize its spiritual mission over trying to change the world according to cultural norms.

    • The Pope's stance on modern issues reflects a broken societyThe erosion of religious and moral foundations has led to a lack of shared framework, resulting in a society where individuals define their own rules and the church conforms to modern standards, making it difficult to maintain societal cohesion.

      The erosion of religious and moral foundations in society has led to confusion and unexpected developments, such as the pope's stance on same-sex marriage and gender identity issues. The expectation that the church should conform to modern standards rather than the other way around reflects a deeper issue: our politics and culture are fundamentally broken due to a lack of shared framework and critical thinking. This issue is further compounded by the education system, which discourages critical thinking and the widespread acceptance of progressive ideologies, even in religious institutions. The redefinition of happiness from adapting to the world to defining oneself solely based on internal desires, as seen in the shift from the 18th century to the modern era, has led to a society where individuals are no longer bound by rules and boundaries, making it difficult to maintain a cohesive societal framework.

    • Understanding Transgender Identity and Self-DefinitionThe debate over transgender self-definition challenges us to balance individual happiness with reason and societal norms, requiring open and respectful dialogue.

      The debate surrounding transgender identity and self-definition raises important questions about the nature of identity, happiness, and the role of reason and virtue in society. According to Carl Schruppen, some people struggle to understand how self-identification can trump biological reality without infringing on their own ability to reason and define themselves. Truman, on the other hand, argues that self-definition has evolved to mean individual happiness, which requires the world to adapt to one's desires. This can lead to a situation where people feel their very existence is being denied if their self-expression is not approved. The debate highlights the importance of understanding and engaging with significant cultural shifts, rather than dismissing them as fads or sideshows. It also underscores the need for open and respectful dialogue to navigate these complex issues.

    • Cultural Divide: Rejecting Objective RealityThe belief in subjective truth and rejection of objective reality has led to a profound cultural divide, where data and facts are seen as intolerant and power dynamics are used to reshape societal institutions, potentially leading to the fracturing of our country.

      We're witnessing a profound cultural divide in the United States, fueled by the belief in subjective truth and the rejection of objective reality. This belief, rooted in the philosophies of thinkers like Foucault, holds that power constructs all identities and that objective claims about the world are a threat. This has led to a situation where data and facts are seen as intolerant and bigoted, and power dynamics are used to reshape societal institutions. Some believe we're living in an illusion, with the left thinking they're at the beginning of a leftist paradise, while others see us at the end of an epic. Regardless, the consequences of this cultural divide could be dire, potentially leading to the fracturing of our country.

    • Censorship and resistance to change in politicsPolitical leaders are censoring ideas and suppressing debate, showing signs of discomfort and lack of confidence, rather than embracing new ideas and allowing for generational change.

      The current political climate, with an aging leadership and a resistance to generational change, is a cause for concern. This unwillingness to let go of power and allow for new ideas is being enforced through censorship and the suppression of debate. The example given is the ongoing censorship of certain ideas, particularly those related to gender identity, as seen in the banning of Ryan T. Anderson's book "When Harry Became Sally." This censorship is not a sign of strength or confidence, but rather a sign of discomfort and a lack of answers to opposing arguments. The Democrats, who are currently in power, are acting as if they are not winning and are feeling apprehensive, leading them to rush through policies of censorship in an attempt to maintain control. This situation cannot last forever and the clash between old and new ideas is yet to come.

    • Candace Owens' New Talk Show on Daily Wire Tackles Political and Cultural TopicsCandace Owens' new talk show on Daily Wire discusses major political and cultural issues with celebrity interviews and thought leaders, focusing on gun rights, government control, and border crisis accountability.

      The institutions owned by a select few hold significant power to control narratives and shape public discourse. Candace Owens, a political figure and founder of Bluxet, is launching a new talk show with the Daily Wire, where she will tackle major political and cultural topics with her unique blend of humor and insight. The show, available exclusively to Daily Wire members, features celebrity interviews and panel discussions with influential thought leaders. Meanwhile, the ongoing debate about gun rights and the role of the government in limiting individual freedoms was discussed, with the belief that owning rifles is a means to protect against potential tyranny. The crisis at the border and the use of cages for migrant children was also discussed, with the argument that the Biden administration's policies are being implemented without proper scrutiny or accountability.

    • Biden's inconsistent messaging and identity politicsThe left's focus on identity politics is leading to a misunderstanding of historical figures and transforming black Americans into emotionally driven individuals, rather than encouraging knowledge, punctuality, and hard work. To stop this, black Americans must reject the victim narrative and demand respect and equality based on character.

      Inconsistent messaging and incentives from the Biden administration regarding immigration and the prioritization of identity politics over character are contributing to complex social issues. The left's focus on identity politics has led to a misunderstanding and disregard of historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr., whose dream of judging people by character has been replaced by a focus on skin color. This misguided approach is transforming black Americans into emotionally driven individuals, rather than encouraging knowledge, punctuality, and hard work. The only way to stop this, according to the speaker, is for black Americans to reject the victim narrative and demand respect and equality based on character. The speaker believes that this intentional manipulation of emotions and removal of knowledge is a deliberate power play by the Democrats, leading to a society of individuals who are emotionally driven and non-competitive.

    • Cancel culture targets historical figures and literary classicsCancel culture distorts historical and literary contexts, erasing narratives and undermining freedom and creativity.

      The cancel culture phenomenon is not limited to specific individuals or groups, but it's a trend that targets historical figures and even literary classics. MLK, as a historical figure, is predicted to be canceled due to his controversial past and the evolving interpretation of his message. Orwell's works may also be canceled or reinterpreted to contradict their original meanings. The speaker argues that this trend is insidious as it distorts historical and literary contexts. He also laments the lack of frontiers and freedom, urging Europeans to seek inspiration in figures like Elon Musk, who embodies the spirit of creation and starting anew. Overall, the discussion highlights the dangers of cancel culture and its potential to erase historical and literary narratives.

    • Defining and protecting cultural identity is crucial for maintaining freedomEurope is pushing back against external influences to preserve cultural identity, while America's open doors may put its own at risk. Cultural appreciation vs. appropriation is a blurred line, and defining and protecting identity is essential for freedom and societal uniqueness.

      The concept of freedom and identity are closely linked, and both require a defined space. However, this space can be threatened by external forces that seek to reappropriate or change it. Europe, as an example, is starting to say "no" to external influences that challenge their cultural identity. In contrast, America, with its open doors and lack of belief in a shared culture, risks losing its own identity. A notable example of this comes from the debate around cultural appropriation, where the line between appreciation and appropriation becomes blurred. The Irish embassy's response to a sarcastic tweet about cultural appropriation illustrates this point, as they defended the idea of cultural appreciation but would face backlash if the same argument were applied to another culture. Ultimately, the ability to define and protect one's cultural identity is crucial for maintaining freedom and preserving the unique aspects of human societies.

    • Cultural Appropriation: Complex and Nuanced DiscussionsUnderstanding cultural appropriation requires looking beyond simplistic labels and considering historical facts, while public figures like Kendall Jenner face intense scrutiny for their actions.

      Cultural appropriation discussions can be complex and nuanced, as seen in the debates over the origins of dreadlocks and tequila. It's essential to look beyond simplistic labels and consider historical facts. In the case of public figures like Kendall Jenner, their actions can be subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism, especially when it comes to their roles in the media. The press secretary role is a challenging one, as Jen Psaki currently faces, having to defend the Biden administration's policies while dealing with a hostile media environment. The debate around cultural appropriation and historical facts can lead to heated discussions, but it's crucial to approach these topics with an open mind and accurate information.

    • Economic Challenges Ahead: Higher Interest Rates, Inflation, and the Housing MarketUnprecedented government spending and winding down of stimulus measures could lead to economic challenges including higher interest rates, inflation, and negative impacts on the housing market by the mid-2020s. Political dynamics and evolving economic conditions require ongoing attention and consideration.

      The current economic situation, fueled by unprecedented government spending and the winding down of pandemic-related stimulus measures, could lead to significant economic challenges in the coming years. The speakers discussed the potential for higher interest rates and inflation, which could negatively impact the housing market and overall economic growth. They also touched on the political dynamics at play, with some policymakers advocating for policies that could further drive up interest rates and undermine the housing market. Ultimately, it was suggested that the full impact of these trends may not be felt for several years, but could lead to significant economic challenges by the mid-2020s. It's important to note that these are complex economic issues and the situation is constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay informed and consider multiple perspectives when trying to understand the economic landscape.

    • Historical context of censorship and shifting normsUnderstanding historical censorship norms is essential to navigating current debates around political correctness, wokism, and cancel culture.

      The lines between acceptable speech and censorship have shifted, and understanding this historical context is crucial in navigating current debates around political correctness, wokism, and cancel culture. Michael Malone argues that throughout history, certain things have always been off-limits or accepted, and these norms have changed over time. He uses the example of book burnings to illustrate this point, acknowledging that while the concept itself is problematic, there have been instances of censorship that were considered justified in their time. Today, the left is shifting what is considered off-limits, and the right needs to acknowledge this reality to effectively engage in the debate. Malone also discusses his personal experiences with losing family relationships due to political differences, emphasizing that it's challenging to reconcile after such divisive rhetoric.

    • The speaker's dislike for keeping dogs as petsThe speaker believes dogs are a burden and don't contribute significantly to human lives, despite our provision of food, shelter, and care.

      The speaker expresses a strong dislike for keeping dogs as pets, viewing them as unnecessary and even a burden to humans. He argues that dogs haven't earned the right to live in human homes, as they don't contribute to our lives in the way that we do for them. He also shares his frustration with people who say humans don't deserve dogs, as we provide them with food, shelter, and care. The speaker also discusses his impersonations and shares his favorite, which is Beto. Additionally, the conversation touches on the impact of politics on motherhood and the speaker expresses his opposition to cancel culture, particularly when it comes to canceling individuals for actions they took as teenagers.

    • The power of apology and forgivenessApology and forgiveness lead to personal and societal growth, but cancel culture is harmful and unfair, especially towards people's past actions. Civilization thrives on forgiveness and confession, and sacrificing pride and resentment is necessary for societal harmony.

      The power of apology and forgiveness is crucial for personal and societal growth. This was highlighted in a personal experience of the speaker, where they received grace from someone they had wronged in their teenage years. The speaker emphasized that in a culture that values grace and apology, both are virtues that lead to societal progress. However, they also criticized the current cancel culture trend, which they believe is harmful and unfair, especially when applied to people's past actions, particularly during their formative years. The philosopher Roger Scruton's idea that civilization thrives on forgiveness and confession was echoed, emphasizing the importance of sacrificing pride and resentment for societal harmony. The speakers also identified specific areas they would like to see canceled, such as indoctrination of children and the transgender agenda, but agreed that there can be no reconciliation or middle ground between opposing ideologies.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Envita Health - Learn more about their treatment options at http://www.EnvitaHealth.com or http://www.Envita.com


    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code SHAPIRO: https://www.goodranchers.com


    PreBorn! - Help save babies from abortion: https://www.preborn.com/BEN


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