
    Daily Wire Backstage: Debate Me, Bro.

    enAugust 24, 2023
    What challenges is Governor Ron DeSantis facing in the debate?
    How have polling numbers changed for DeSantis recently?
    What factors motivate other candidates in the primary race?
    Why might Trump remain the likely nominee for 2024?
    How does joy relate to personal purpose in life?

    • 2024 Republican Primary Debate: A Challenging Event for Ron DeSantisRon DeSantis faces tough attacks in the 2024 Republican Primary Debate, with most contenders targeting him. Trump remains the likely nominee due to his strong support and DeSantis' inability to effectively challenge him.

      The 2024 Republican primary debate is expected to be a challenging event for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, with most contenders focusing their attacks on him. DeSantis has seen a significant decline in polling numbers, with some support going to Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy. The other candidates on the stage have various motivations for being there, from running for vice president or a Senate seat to trying to claw down DeSantis to take the second place slot. The only ways to defeat Trump in the primary are by making the case that he underperformed as president or that he's unelectable due to his loss in 2020. However, neither case has been effectively made yet, making Trump the likely nominee. The debate is expected to be a test for DeSantis' ability to weather the storm and defend himself against the attacks.

    • The Republican Primary Race: Trump's Loss to Biden is a RealityDespite ongoing primary contests, Trump's loss to Biden is a fact. DeSantis and others challenge him from the right, but Trump's charisma and perceived threat to Democrats keep him in the race. Unknown candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy are gaining attention through hard work.

      While the outcome of the Republican primary race is uncertain for some candidates, it's clear that former President Donald Trump has already lost the election to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race. Despite allegations of media bias, rule changes, and personal attacks, Trump's loss remains a reality. The focus of the primary race is now on who will challenge Trump from the right, with DeSantis being a strong contender. However, some argue that Trump's charisma and the perceived threat he poses to the Democratic party keep him in the running. Meanwhile, candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy are gaining attention through hard work and hustle, despite being relatively unknown. Ultimately, the outcome of the primary race will depend on how each candidate handles the attacks and presents their vision for the future.

    • DeSantis' debate performance crucial for campaign directionDeSantis' debate showing could refocus his campaign, gain undecided voters, and impact other candidates' polling. Acknowledging weaknesses but emphasizing accomplishments key.

      Ron DeSantis' campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has faced criticism for a lack of clear direction and communication, potentially due to too many people speaking on his behalf. DeSantis' performance in the debate will be crucial in refocusing his campaign and potentially gaining support from undecided voters. The debates could also lead to shifts in voter allegiances, with some supporters of other candidates, such as Nikki Haley and Tim Scott, potentially looking for new candidates to back. The debate performance of other candidates, such as Vivek Ramaswamy and Doug Burgum, could also impact the polls. It was noted that the deep state may target any Republican, not just Trump, and that DeSantis should acknowledge his lack of charisma but emphasize his ability to get things done.

    • Shifting the focus from policy competency to personalityTrump's presidency highlighted the increasing importance of emotional resonance and personality in political campaigns, making it harder for policy-focused candidates to succeed

      The importance of policy competency and results in political campaigns has shifted in favor of personality and emotional resonance, as exemplified by Donald Trump's presidency. Trump's impact on immigration, trade, and war policies during his tenure cannot be denied, but his approach was driven more by impulse and emotional connection with his base than a deep understanding of policy. This shift in voter priorities, fueled by years of cultural war and anger, has made it challenging for traditional, policy-focused candidates to gain traction in today's political landscape.

    • Entertainment value and Trump's style matter in GOP primaryDespite Governor DeSantis' policy record, entertainment value and Trump's unconventional style remain key factors in the GOP primary. Using ExpressVPN can help combat censorship and privacy concerns.

      During the discussion, it was acknowledged that while Governor DeSantis' policy record is impressive, particularly in reshaping Florida into a more conservative state, it may not be enough to win over the Republican base in the primary. Instead, they expressed that entertainment value and Trump's unconventional style continue to hold significant appeal. The use of ExpressVPN was also emphasized as a solution to combat censorship and privacy concerns from both big tech and government. The conversation also touched upon the historical significance of democracy being about more than just entertainment and the potential danger of sacrificing democratic values for it.

    • Media and public perception in politicsSuccess in politics depends on more than just policy or social media skills. Confronting media adversaries and generating controversy can boost popularity, while avoiding confrontation may be necessary. Personal beliefs, like denying aliens' existence, can also impact public perception.

      The success of political campaigns, including those of Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy, can be attributed to various factors beyond just policy or competence in social media. Trump's early campaign was criticized, but his ability to confront media adversaries and generate controversy helped him gain popularity. Conversely, Ramaswamy assumed he could avoid confrontational media but found it necessary to engage. Regarding the topic of aliens, despite evidence presented, Ben Shapiro continues to deny their existence, leading some to speculate he may hold this belief due to personal reasons. Ultimately, the nature of media and public perception plays a significant role in shaping political narratives and outcomes.

    • Alien theories about Ben Shapiro and Stephen Hawking's warningsSome believe Ben Shapiro's behavior and statements are otherworldly, while Stephen Hawking warned aliens might not be friendly. Michael Knowles faced accusations of poor performance and inappropriate behavior.

      The discussion revolved around speculations regarding Ben Shapiro's origins and behavior, with some suggesting he might be an alien due to his perceived mind control abilities and controversial statements. However, there was also skepticism and humor present in the conversation. Another topic touched upon was renowned physicist Stephen Hawking's belief that aliens might not be friendly towards humans. The conversation took a turn towards Michael Knowles, with accusations of poor job performance and inappropriate behavior. The team attempted to contact Ben Shapiro for comment but received no response. The conversation ended with a mention of a documentary series investigating a murder case and the exoneration of a man wrongfully convicted. Overall, the discussion was a mix of serious and playful topics, with a focus on speculation and skepticism.

    • Netflix's 'Making a Murderer' Raises Concerns over Accuracy and ManipulationViewers should be cautious of selective information and manipulation in media, especially in complex cases like 'Making a Murderer' where important details were overlooked or distorted.

      The discussion raises concerns about the accuracy and manipulation of information presented in the Netflix series "Making a Murderer." The speaker expresses frustration over important details being left out, such as evidence related to a blood vial, interrogations, cell phones, and rearranged testimony. The speaker also criticizes the portrayal of Stephen Avery as a victim and accuses the filmmakers of deception. Additionally, the speaker shares personal experiences of losing faith in the justice system after watching the series and expresses disappointment in the media's coverage of tragedies, using the example of the Maui fire as a comparison. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of seeking out all available information and being critical of media portrayals of complex cases.

    • Actions during crises raise questions about Biden's empathyDespite media portraying Biden as empathetic, his actions during crises have led some to question his genuine care for others and ability to connect authentically

      Throughout his career, Joe Biden has been portrayed as an empathetic leader. However, during times of crisis, his actions have raised questions about his genuine care for others and his ability to connect authentically. For instance, during Hurricane Katrina, Biden flew overhead instead of physically aiding victims, while President Trump was criticized for his response as well. Additionally, during a fire crisis, Biden was accused of using the tragedy to share his own experiences, rather than focusing on the victims. These incidents, among others, have led some to question Biden's true intentions and empathetic abilities, contradicting the media's long-standing narrative.

    • Maui Fires: Natural Causes or Government Mismanagement?The Maui fires, possibly caused by natural factors, led to misinformation and suspicion due to lack of transparency from authorities. The bigger concern is the government's mismanagement, resulting in over a thousand deaths and road closures. To combat misinformation, truth and accurate info should be shared.

      The fires in Maui were likely caused by natural factors, possibly an electrical fire exacerbated by strong winds. However, the lack of transparency and information from authorities has led some to entertain conspiracy theories. The bigger concern, according to the speaker, is the government's mismanagement of the disaster, which resulted in the deaths of over a thousand people and the closure of the only roads out of Lahaina. The speaker argues that the way to combat misinformation is by telling the truth and providing accurate information to the public. The mayor's evasive response to questions about the number of missing children only fuels suspicion and mistrust. The speaker emphasizes that the focus should be on understanding why the fire was able to cause such devastation and loss of life.

    • Media and political response differed based on political affiliation during Hawaii power outage crisisThe speaker believes that political affiliation influenced the response to the Hawaii power outage crisis, with less criticism under a Democratic governor, but also acknowledges the possibility of bureaucratic inefficiency and lack of communication.

      During the power outage crisis in Hawaii, there was a noticeable double standard in media coverage and political response based on the political affiliation of those in power. The speaker believes that if the crisis had occurred under a Republican governor, the media and political response would have been much more critical. However, the speaker also acknowledges the possibility of bureaucratic incompetence and lack of communication between different agencies contributing to the crisis. Despite the challenges, the speaker argues that it's important for the Republican Party to focus on nominating the strongest candidate to challenge President Biden in the upcoming election. The speaker also highlights the apparent selective application of bureaucratic power, pointing to instances where the federal bureaucracy has been effective in pursuing political opponents, but seemingly ineffective during the Hawaii power outage crisis.

    • Political Figures' Actions Criticized and Judged DifferentlyCriticisms of Ted Cruz's trip to Cancun contrasted with concerns over Biden's leadership and competence. Discussions on abortion and alternatives to abortion pills. Hypothetical conversation about conspiracy theories.

      The actions of political figures, such as Ted Cruz and Joe Biden, have been criticized and judged differently by the media and the public. While Cruz's trip to Cancun during a Texas freeze was seen as selfish, Biden's extended vacations and lack of leadership during crises have raised concerns about the competence and honesty of the government. Additionally, the issue of abortion and the use of abortion pills was discussed, with a focus on the organization Preborn and its efforts to provide alternatives and support for women. Lastly, a hypothetical conversation about conspiracy theories, specifically regarding Michelle Obama's gender, was brought up during the podcast. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, including politics, abortion, and conspiracy theories, and highlighted the importance of addressing these issues and providing solutions for those in need.

    • People's desires and identities aren't always alignedBarack Obama's personal experiences challenge the notion that desires and identities are fixed, and scientific discoveries continue to evolve our understanding of dinosaurs.

      Identities and perceptions can be complex and multifaceted. During a discussion about Barack Obama's past writings, it was revealed that he had fantasized about being attracted to men but identified as straight. This shows that people's desires and identities don't always align neatly, and it's important to remember that everyone's experiences are unique. Another topic touched upon was the nature of dinosaurs, with some suggesting that our current understanding of them may be incomplete or even inaccurate. This highlights the ongoing nature of scientific discovery and the importance of questioning established beliefs.

    • Exploring the Reliability of Stories and InformationQuestion the sources and validity of stories and information to avoid spreading false or misleading narratives, and be aware of potential consequences.

      The speaker expresses skepticism and curiosity towards various stories and theories, ranging from scientific discoveries in nature documentaries to conspiracy theories involving famous figures like the CEO of Facebook and Hillary Clinton. They question the reliability of information and the motivations behind the spreading of certain stories. The speaker also expresses their own opinions and beliefs, such as their disbelief in the existence of reptilian aliens or clones of famous celebrities. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning the sources and validity of information, and the potential consequences of believing and spreading false or misleading stories.

    • Individual freedom under attack: Speech and consumer choicesStand up for individual rights and resist pressure to conform, protect free speech and consumer choices

      Individual freedom and personal choice are under attack, particularly when it comes to speech and consumer preferences. The discussion touched on various examples, such as the controversy surrounding Jordan Peterson and his threatened psychology license in Canada, the censorship of certain views in the media, and the promotion of "woke" culture by mainstream brands. The importance of standing up for individual rights and not giving in to pressure to conform was emphasized throughout the conversation. Additionally, the segment included a plug for Jeremy's Razors, a company that produces high-quality, paraben-free products and does not push a political agenda.

    • Transgender issues in schools and the psychology industryThe psychology industry risks suppressing free speech and promoting extreme ideologies, while Jordan Peterson's work challenges the status quo and promotes understanding of masculinity.

      The conversation revolves around the concerns of an individual regarding the treatment of transgender children in schools and the potential suppression of free speech, particularly in the context of the psychology industry. The speaker expresses their belief that certain ideologies have infiltrated the industry, leading to the stifling of dissenting viewpoints and the promotion of extreme positions. They also highlight the importance of Jordan Peterson's work in helping people understand masculinity and challenging the status quo. The speaker also touches upon the issue of conversion therapy and the irony of its labeling, as they believe that all therapy is a form of conversion. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need for open-mindedness and critical thinking in the face of ideological capture in various fields.

    • Effective therapy involves more than just talkCognitive behavioral interventions, addressing deep desires, and philosophical understanding are essential components of effective therapy.

      While talk therapy can provide some comfort, it may not be enough on its own to bring about significant change. Effective therapy often involves cognitive behavioral interventions, where therapists help clients identify and challenge irrational thought patterns. Freud's ideas, which emphasize the importance of addressing our deepest desires, also have merit, but they should not be the only focus. A good psychologist is not just someone who listens, but someone who offers wisdom and guidance on how to live a fulfilling life. This requires a philosophical understanding of what it means to be human and function properly. Modern psychology has strayed from this approach, prioritizing the fulfillment of basest desires over the imposition of self-restraint. History and philosophy offer valuable insights into what it means to be human and how to live a meaningful life.

    • Understanding the connection between healing, personal growth, and life's purposeAncient philosophers emphasized human flourishing as the ultimate goal, while modern perspectives focus on momentary happiness. Our parents and family are the efficient cause of our creation, and recognizing this can provide meaning in challenging experiences. Joy, found even in hardships, connects to our purpose and evolves over time.

      The purpose of healing and personal growth is closely linked to what we ultimately want to accomplish in life. Ancient philosophers like Aristotle suggested that the final cause, or the ultimate goal, is human flourishing or happiness. However, modern perspectives often focus on feeling good in the moment, which can lead to dissatisfaction. The efficient cause of our creation is our parents and family, and understanding this can help us find meaning in challenging experiences. Joy, which can be found even in difficult times, is connected to our purpose and iterates over time. The loss of a long-term time horizon can make it hard to recognize the joy and meaning in the present.

    • Trump's Interview with Tucker Carlson: A Strategic Move or a Moral Dilemma?Despite potential moral dilemmas, Trump's decision to skip the debate and have an interview with Tucker Carlson could be a strategic move to reach voters. Conflicts during the interview may include Trump's unfinished promises and controversial actions.

      During the discussion, it was suggested that Donald Trump's decision to skip the Republican debate and instead have a pre-taped interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News was a smart move from a strategic perspective, but it may hurt him morally. The debate between Joe Biden and Trump is unlikely to happen due to Biden's refusal to debate someone under indictment. Trump's voters continue to support him despite his controversial actions. Potential points of conflict during Trump's interview with Tucker could be his failures in office, such as the unfinished wall and his response to the January 6th Capitol riots. It was also mentioned that Trump has raised millions off the indictments but hasn't spent any of it on his defense. It was suggested that Tucker should ask Trump about these issues during the interview.

    • Donald Trump's Legal Battles and Debate ParticipationCritics question the value of Trump debating again due to his legal issues and past actions, with some arguing he should be morally obligated to introduce himself to voters, while others feel the funds could be better spent on campaigning against Democratic opponents.

      The ongoing debate about Donald Trump's decision to participate in the 2024 Republican primary debates raises questions about what new information could be revealed, given that most people already know Trump well. Some argue that Trump should be morally obligated to debate and introduce himself to voters, but others question the value of debates given the known factors. A key issue is Trump's ongoing legal battles and the use of campaign funds for legal defense. Critics argue that donors should ask if their contributions are being used effectively against Democratic opponents, rather than legal defense. Some also question the legitimacy of the ongoing investigations and indictments against Trump, with many feeling that he is being treated unfairly. Ultimately, the debate revolves around whether Trump's legal issues and past actions detract from his ability to win the primary and, if elected, the presidency.

    • DA Fani Willis's symbolic act in signing Trump's indictmentWillis signed Trump's indictment in person to counter accusations of bias, while 18 others, including his lawyer, are also indicted, and some defendants are seeking funds for legal defense.

      During this discussion, we explored the political implications of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis signing the indictment against former President Trump in person. This symbolic act is meant to counter accusations that she secretly hopes for Trump's indictment. We also touched upon the broader context of the indictments, which involve not just Trump but 18 other individuals, including his lawyer, Jen Ellis. Ellis has publicly appealed for funds for her legal defense, and the speaker jokingly suggested she should consider using OnlyFans for this purpose. The conversation also hinted at the ongoing debate surrounding the defendants and their legal proceedings. To delve deeper into these topics and access exclusive content, consider becoming a DailyWire member.

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


    Watch Jordan Peterson’s new series, Depression and Anxiety. Ep 1 available now, exclusively on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/4dchGRx


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    Why The Fed Interest Rate Drop Matters To YOU | Facts Ep. 17

    Why The Fed Interest Rate Drop Matters To YOU | Facts Ep. 17

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


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    A SECOND Trump assassin attempts to shoot the former president, and now finds himself in custody; Kamala Harris tries another interview, and falls flat again; and Donald Trump’s campaign seeks to reverse the momentum.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    Ep. 2047 - Matt Walsh DESTROYS The DEI Industry

    Ep. 2047 - Matt Walsh DESTROYS The DEI Industry

    Matt Walsh’s Am I Racist? is out, and Walsh’s chief antagonist – grifter Robin DiAngelo – is running for cover; Kamala Harris continues to run on vibes, as the race settles once again into stagnation; and America approaches the economic cliff.


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/ben, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 13, 2024

    Ep. 2046 - Post-Debate, Trump STILL Has The Advantage

    Ep. 2046 - Post-Debate, Trump STILL Has The Advantage

    What will the fallout be from the debate debacle? We examine all the data…and we investigate the continued failure of Kamala Harris’ policy rollout.


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS TOMORROW! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Ep. 1693 - The Battle Royale Begins: Ron vs. Don

    Ron DeSantis gives an interview to Piers Morgan in which he opens up on his criticisms of Donald Trump; a New York grand jury prepares to indict Donald Trump on felony charges of falsification of business records; and Joe Biden gains ground in polls despite his terrible job performance.

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    Daily Wire Backstage: Debate Me, Bro.

    Daily Wire Backstage: Debate Me, Bro.

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    Trump skipped class to hang with Tucker. We’re making predictions on the debates. We’ll check in with Candace Owens live in Milwaukee for the scoop. And the world will finally get an answer to a burning question: Is Ben Shapiro an alien? Join Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, and  Andrew Klavan for a roundtable discussion that will be a laugh a minute.*

    *Average laughs per minute may vary. 


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    3/22/23: Trump Arrest Imminent, Desantis Hits Trump On Covid, China Boosting Russia With Drones, Biden Vetoes Anti Woke Bill, Google Unveils AI, Republicans Split On Rail Safety, Virologist Explores Ebola Lab Leak,

    3/22/23: Trump Arrest Imminent, Desantis Hits Trump On Covid, China Boosting Russia With Drones, Biden Vetoes Anti Woke Bill, Google Unveils AI, Republicans Split On Rail Safety, Virologist Explores Ebola Lab Leak,

    Ryan and Emily discuss Trump's imminent arrest, Desantis finally attacking Trump on Covid and White House chaos, China Boosts Russia's War Effort with new drones, Biden Vetoes Anti-Woke ESG Bill, Google unveils an AI Rival to Chat GPT called "Bard", Republicans split over bipartisan Rail Safety bill, and we're joined by Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham to discuss the questions around the Ebola Lab Leak theory in wake of new evidence.

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    8/2/23: Trump Reacts To Indictment, Pence Attacks Trump, DeSantis Unveils Economic Plan, Media Spins Hunter Corruption, BlackRock Investigated By House, Elon Sues Hate Speech Org, Niger Erupts After Coup, And CNN Bashes Trump Supporters

    8/2/23: Trump Reacts To Indictment, Pence Attacks Trump, DeSantis Unveils Economic Plan, Media Spins Hunter Corruption, BlackRock Investigated By House, Elon Sues Hate Speech Org, Niger Erupts After Coup, And CNN Bashes Trump Supporters

    Ryan and Emily discuss Trump's reaction to his 2020 election indictment, Pence attacks Trump on Jan 6th, DeSantis reveals economic plan for 2024, media spins Hunter Biden corruption, House launches inquiry into BlackRock foreign influence, Elon Musk sues anti-hate speech organization, Niger erupts after military coup, and CNN bashes Trump supporters.

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.supercast.com/

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