
    Daily Wire Backstage: Democracy, Danger and a Theatrical Debut

    enJuly 24, 2024
    What recent event significantly impacted the 2020 election?
    Who are the major candidates in the current election race?
    What challenges does Kamala Harris face in her campaign?
    How does the media's influence affect public perception of candidates?
    What is the premise of the film 'Amiright'?

    Podcast Summary

    • 2020 Election AnnouncementThe Daily Wire is making a major announcement regarding the 2020 Election, with the race now between Trump and Harris, and Kamala facing challenges due to her past policies and unpopularity.

      The 2020 election has been unprecedented in American politics, with major shifts and unexpected developments. The Daily Wire team has been providing extensive coverage due to the monumental nature of the events unfolding. The latest announcement from the Daily Wire is a significant one, promising a major announcement in the next hour. The current state of the race is now between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, with Trump holding a slight advantage. Kamala Harris, as the new Democratic nominee, faces an uphill battle due to her past radical policies and unpopularity compared to Hillary Clinton. The media will likely attempt to whip up excitement for her campaign despite these challenges. The team reflects on the last 14 days, which have seen Joe Biden's resignation and Trump's advantage in the polls. Overall, the election remains unpredictable, and the Daily Wire will continue to bring truthful, unfiltered coverage to its members.

    • 2020 Presidential Race ShiftKamala Harris is currently the Democratic nominee to beat, but Trump's campaign must counter media narrative and effectively communicate his vision to sway voters

      The 2020 presidential race has undergone a significant shift, with Kamala Harris now being seen as the one to beat. Despite her past political record and perceived lack of competence, her status as the Democratic nominee and the wave of new voter enthusiasm have put her in a strong position. However, it's important to remember that the corporate media and narrative-setting have a powerful influence on public perception. Trump's campaign will need to work hard to counter this and appeal to voters who have been given permission to support him after years of social censure. Harris's weak campaign messages, such as focusing on the past instead of the future, may not be enough to sway voters. Ultimately, the success of both candidates will depend on their ability to connect with voters and effectively communicate their visions for the future.

    • Kamala Harris's presidential campaign imageAlliance with media, donors, and Democratic establishment could strengthen Harris's campaign image, allowing her to present a tougher stance on crime. However, her past actions and statements could be used against her by the opposition, leading to potential heated debates.

      Kamala Harris's presidential campaign may benefit from her alliance with the corporate media, donors, and Democratic establishment, which she hasn't had in her previous election campaigns. This new support could change the game for her, allowing her to present a tougher image on crime and potentially outflank Republicans on the issue. However, there is a risk that Republicans might try to outflank her on this issue as well, leading to a potentially heated debate. Additionally, Harris's past actions and statements, such as bailing rioters at a prison and lying about her relationship with Biden, could be used against her by the opposition. The outcome of the election could depend on how effectively each side frames their candidate's image and record.

    • Self-care and PoliticsDuring chaotic times, prioritize self-care and acknowledge the importance of casting ballots in politics. Republicans should focus on Harris's radical policies and dishonesty, particularly regarding abortion, when addressing her candidacy.

      During chaotic times, prioritizing self-care, like investing in a good mattress from Helixsleep.com, can help individuals feel refreshed and prepared to tackle challenges. However, in the political sphere, it's crucial to acknowledge the importance of casting ballots and not underestimating opponents. Kamala Harris's candidacy presents unique challenges for Republicans, requiring a focus on her radical policies and dishonesty rather than her personal background. The abortion issue, in particular, requires careful handling. While Harris has been a strong advocate for abortion rights, it's essential to highlight her past actions against pro-lifers and the controversial practices of Planned Parenthood. Ultimately, approaching political discourse with a clear understanding of the issues and the opposition's vulnerabilities is key to success.

    • Core beliefs and actions in controversial issuesDiscussions on controversial issues, such as abortion and political figures, should focus on the core beliefs and actions of those involved, rather than peripheral matters or rare cases. Political courage and the potential role of divine providence are also important themes to consider.

      The response to controversial issues, particularly regarding abortion and political figures like Donald Trump, should involve confronting the core beliefs and actions of those involved, rather than focusing on peripheral matters or rare cases. The discussion also highlighted the importance of political courage and the potential role of divine providence in shaping events. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was cited as an example of these themes, with the former president's response demonstrating raw courage and humility. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the significance of the upcoming Daily Wire event and the excitement surrounding the potential announcements to be made.

    • Secret Service competenceThe Capitol shooting raised serious concerns about the Secret Service's competence and potential malignancy, with former President Trump left unprotected despite known threats and subsequent handling of the situation.

      The events surrounding the shooting at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, raised serious questions about the competence and potential malignancy within the Secret Service. The fact that former President Trump was left unprotected for an extended period before the incident, despite known threats, and that his campaign had requested additional security, which was denied, is deeply concerning. The subsequent handling of the situation, including the delay in Ross's resignation and the initial denial of receiving security requests, further adds to the suspicion of a cover-up or at least gross incompetence. This incident highlights the need for accountability and improved security protocols to protect our leaders and ensure the integrity of our democratic processes.

    • Failure cascades and human emotionsHuman systems are complex and while single or double failures are inevitable, the system as a whole is designed to mitigate against worst-case scenarios. Understanding individuals' motivations and emotions behind events can provide valuable context.

      While it may seem implausible when tragic events occur that involve multiple failures, the robustness of human systems often prevents the worst-case scenario from unfolding. However, there are instances where a general disdain or hatred towards certain individuals can contribute to a cascade of failures, as seen in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It's important to remember that human systems are complex and that single or even double failures are inevitable, but the system as a whole is designed to mitigate against the worst-case scenario. It's also crucial to recognize that behind these events are individuals with motivations and emotions, and understanding their perspectives can provide valuable context. In the case of Joe Biden, despite his long career in politics, many feel he has accomplished little and sacrificed much of his personal life for his party. Some even hold a deep-seated disdain for him, which can contribute to a failure cascade. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that individuals and systems are complex and that understanding the motivations and context behind events can help us make sense of the world around us.

    • Biden's absence and Harris' presidencyDespite speculation, Biden's absence was likely due to COVID-19 quarantine and Democratic control over messaging to avoid backlash. Harris' presidency was legitimized during this time, and Democrats strategically used Biden's absence to their advantage.

      The discussion revolves around the sudden disappearance of President Joe Biden from the public eye and the theories surrounding his absence. It is speculated that he was pushed out of the presidency and replaced by Kamala Harris due to his contradicting liberal views. Biden's absence was used to the Democrats' advantage, allowing them to legitimize Harris' presidency and absolve it of being a coup. Biden's absence was likely due to COVID-19 quarantine and the Democrats' desire to control his messaging to avoid any potential backlash from the public. The discussion also touches upon the speculation surrounding Biden's health and the potential VP picks for the Democrats. The speakers express their opinions on possible picks, such as Roy Cooper in North Carolina and Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, and the challenges of selecting a VP based on residency requirements. The speakers also mention Trump's indecisiveness in choosing his VP and the eventual selection of Mike Pence as a counterbalance to Trump's fiery personality. Overall, the discussion highlights the political maneuvering and speculation surrounding the presidency and the role of the VP in shaping the political landscape.

    • Cuomo's removal from officeDespite past scandals, Cuomo could have been an effective political figure, but his widespread dislike in New York may have led to his removal from office. The right can learn from this and engage in satire and mockery of leftist ideologies through films like 'amiracist'.

      The removal of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from office may have been a missed opportunity, as he could have been an effective political figure despite past scandals. This was a topic of discussion between Ben Shapiro and an unnamed political figure, who also noted that Cuomo was widely disliked in New York. The conversation then shifted to the importance of entering the cultural arena and creating alternatives to leftist ideologies, leading to the announcement of a new movie by Matt Walsh that tackles anti-racism and critical race theory. The film, titled "amiracist," aims to expose and mock the harmful aspects of these ideologies, rather than just criticizing them from the outside. The right has been criticized for not engaging in satire and mockery of leftist ideas, and this film represents an attempt to change that.

    • Race and Identity ExperimentThe documentary 'Amiright' challenges deeply held beliefs about race and identity through social experimentation, revealing some horrifying beliefs and intense brainwashing sessions without manipulation.

      The film "Amiright" is not just a documentary, but a social experiment that challenges the deeply held beliefs of some individuals regarding race and identity. The film, which is rated PG-13 and set to release in theaters on September 13th, uses a tactic similar to that employed by the left, where the filmmakers embody certain beliefs and reveal their absurdities. The film features conversations between the filmmakers and individuals who hold strong beliefs, some of which are quite horrifying and reveal intense brainwashing sessions. The filmmakers did not manipulate the individuals' words, but rather allowed them to express their beliefs freely. The film also includes a scene where Matt, one of the filmmakers, was recognized and called the police. The film's release comes at a time when the political landscape is rapidly changing, and it remains to be seen how the Democratic Party will handle the upcoming convention and potential changes to their ticket.

    • Blurred lines between fiction and realityThe connection between fictional characters and real-life individuals can blur the line between what is real and imagined, leading to complex discussions on art, ratings, and parental decisions.

      The line between fiction and reality can be blurred, as seen in the connection between the character from "Lady Ballers and MI Racist" and Mount Walsh of the Mount Walsh Show. This discussion also touched on the PG-13 rating of MI Racist and the decision for parents regarding their children's exposure to the film's topics. Another topic covered was Ben Shapiro's potential Vice Presidential picks, with mentions of Ron DeSantis, Tom Cotton, and J.D. Vance. Matt Walsh discussed his decision to not shave his beard for the documentary and the ongoing debate about J.D. Vance's stance on the free market. Overall, the conversation showcased various topics, from entertainment and politics to personal decisions and economic ideologies.

    • Founding Principles vs. 'Woke' CultureThe political discourse in the US focuses on those who uphold founding principles vs. those against it, with concerns about anti-free market views and the destructive power of 'woke' ideology. The potential implications of invoking the 25th Amendment and the importance of preserving founding principles are also discussed.

      The ongoing political discourse in the United States is not just about left and right ideologies, but rather about those who support the founding principles and those who are against it. The speaker expresses concern about a potential presidential candidate's stance on the founding and his perceived anti-free market views, but believes that his opposition to "woke" culture is a significant factor. The speaker also believes that the destructive power of "woke" ideology is a major issue that needs to be addressed. Additionally, there is a discussion about the potential political implications of invoking the 25th Amendment to replace President Biden with Vice President Harris, with concerns about both the politics and the potential danger of having an incompetent president. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of preserving the founding principles and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

    • Brokered ConventionsDespite being seen as outdated, the possibility of a brokered convention still exists, but it would face legal challenges and intense backlash from supporters of the losing candidate

      The idea of a brokered convention, where a political party's nominee is chosen through a complex process of negotiations and votes rather than primary elections, is often seen as a thing of the past. This belief stems from the fact that if a brokered convention were to occur, it would be difficult for the nominated candidate to get on the ballot in many states due to legal restrictions. However, some individuals, including those from the Never Trump camp, still entertain the possibility of such an event. For instance, they imagine a scenario where Tim Scott becomes the Republican nominee and party elites force Trump in instead. Yet, these same individuals would likely condemn such an outcome as a coup if it happened to their preferred party. Additionally, the intense indoctrination people undergo can lead them to interpret normal interactions as racist, regardless of their actual intentions.

    • Government mistrust, film successDespite government controversy, filmmakers can still succeed in reaching broader audiences through hard work and taking risks in the face of reduced theatrical competition

      Despite the uncertainty surrounding the events of the largest mass shooting in American history, the behavior of certain agencies like the CIA and FBI has fueled conspiracy theories and mistrust in the government. In the world of film, Matt's daring and ambitious project faced contentious creation and release processes, but ultimately succeeded in securing a theatrical release. This success is due in part to the reduced number of films considered for theatrical release due to streaming platforms, creating an opportunity for conservative filmmakers to reach broader audiences. The film's success in theaters is a testament to the hard work and daring nature of the Daily Wire team, and a reminder that representation and impact can be achieved through taking risks and putting one foot in front of the other.

    Recent Episodes from The Matt Walsh Show

    Ep. 1436 - Female “Pastors” Are Going Viral For Claiming God Wants Us To Kill Babies

    Ep. 1436 - Female “Pastors” Are Going Viral For Claiming God Wants Us To Kill Babies

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a viral video shows a female "pastor" explaining why God wants us to kill babies. This is the kind of satanic heresy that has infiltrated many churches across the Western world. Also, the Covenant School shooter's full journal has finally been released. And now it's very obvious why the authorities didn't want us to see it. Plus, the latest viral TikTok trend is actually just check fraud.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/walsh, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


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    Ep. 1435 - Another Day, Another Pathetic Race Hoax. You Won’t Believe This One

    Ep. 1435 - Another Day, Another Pathetic Race Hoax. You Won’t Believe This One

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, racial pandering on the Left has somehow managed to reach new lows in the last week. We'll discuss. Also, the media continues to smear Donald Trump for honoring fallen service members while Biden sat on the beach and couldn't be bothered. Trump clarifies his stance on a pro-abortion measure in Florida. And The New York Times encourages you to ditch your air conditioning for the sake of the climate.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your BRAND NEW 2nd Generation Jeremy’s Razor here: https://amzn.to/3KfSEFc


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit https://www.TNUSA.com/Walsh

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    Ep. 1434 - Left-Wing Elites Laugh as Illegal Gangs Terrorize American Neighborhoods

    Ep. 1434 - Left-Wing Elites Laugh as Illegal Gangs Terrorize American Neighborhoods

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, armed gangs of illegal immigrants are descending on the country, as we plunge further into crime and chaos due to our uncontrolled border. Also, Kamala Harris finally emerges from hiding to do her first interview since becoming the nominee. It does not go well. And Trump is being relentlessly attacked for an alleged "photo op" at Arlington National Cemetery. Is this just the latest anti-Trump hoax?




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    Our Labor Day sale is here! Get 40% off NEW ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS with code LABOR40: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/walsh, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


    Done With Debt - Learn more at http://www.DonewithDebt.com


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    Ep. 1433 - When Wildfires Strike, Canada Blames Racism Instead of Taking Action

    Ep. 1433 - When Wildfires Strike, Canada Blames Racism Instead of Taking Action

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, governments across the Western world are putting all kinds of policies in place to supposedly "fight climate change" and stop carbon emissions. But the biggest climate crusader–Canada–is now emitting more carbon than ever. How did that happen? We'll discuss. Also, the FBI claims that the motive of Trump's would-be assassin is still unclear. Kamala Harris allegedly commits her own version of stolen valor. And, Kamala brags about one of her greatest achievements: making lynching illegal…even though it already was.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PragerU - Have your donation TRIPLED at http://www.PragerU.com


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/Walsh


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    Ep. 1432 - This Is The Most Egregious Kamala Flip-Flop Yet

    Ep. 1432 - This Is The Most Egregious Kamala Flip-Flop Yet

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Kamala Harris has abruptly changed her position on every issue under the sun. But her flip-flop on the border wall is the most egregious yet. Also, a book claims that Trump made the "crazy" suggestion of bombing drug cartels in Mexico. Why is that crazy, exactly? A child in Tennessee is expelled from school for making a gun shape with his fingers. And Kamala Harris claims that her story is inspirational for our daughters, that she is a role model for them to look up to. But is that true?




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Today’s Sponsor:


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/Walsh


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    Ep. 1431 - The Real Reason Why Kamala Won't Answer Questions

    Ep. 1431 - The Real Reason Why Kamala Won't Answer Questions

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Kamala Harris won't answer questions or talk about her policies. She's leaving it to surrogates instead. One of her most influential surrogates just declared that Kamala's actual plan is to "reimagine" democracy so that it works for everyone but white straight men. Also, Robin DiAngelo gets caught up in a plagiarism scandal. Doug Emhoff is crowned our country's new "sex symbol" by the Washington Post. And, while astronauts are stranded on the international space station, NASA is focused on decolonizing whiteness.




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    Get your BRAND NEW 2nd Generation Jeremy’s Razor here: https://amzn.to/3KfSEFc


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: http://www.PureTalk.com/Walsh


    Responsible Man - Be the man America needs you to be. Shop Responsible Man, and get an exclusive discount with code WALSH at https://responsibleman.com/


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    Ep. 1430 - A Court Finally Answered The ‘What Is A Woman’ Question — And They Got It Wrong

    Ep. 1430 - A Court Finally Answered The ‘What Is A Woman’ Question — And They Got It Wrong

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, after a trans-identified male sued for access to a women's only app, a court in Australia had to issue a formal ruling officially defining the word "woman." It's no surprise that the court managed to get the answer wrong. Also, RFK Jr. shakes up the race in a major way by endorsing Trump. Trump comes out for "reproductive rights." I'll play another clip from my upcoming movie, "Am I Racist?" This one is very painful, I'm warning you. And the host of the most popular podcast in the world for women must be canceled today.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/Walsh


    ZipRecruiter - Rated #1 Hiring Site. Try ZipRecruiter for FREE! http://www.ZipRecruiter.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1429 - The Message From Democrats Is Clear: Real Men Aren’t Welcome

    Ep. 1429 - The Message From Democrats Is Clear: Real Men Aren’t Welcome

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media tells us that the Democrat Party is rebranding masculinity. Tim Walz and Kamala’s husband are, they say, the new icons of modern manhood. They are the models for us to follow. I’ll explain why that’s a problem. Also, Don Lemon releases a commercial for my new film, “Am I Racist?” It was an unintentional commercial, but a commercial all the same. And with the DNC finally, and mercifully, over, we can now say for sure that the worst moment of the whole abysmal event was the slam poetry performed by acclaimed poet Amanda Gorman.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join The Candle Club! Become a Founding Member for 20% OFF, plus receive an exclusive members box with limited-edition candle at https://TheCandleClub.com.


    Get 35% off an Annual Membership NOW with code FIGHT: https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: https://bit.ly/3EbNwyj


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    BetOnline - Use code "Walsh" to receive a 50% signup bonus of up to $250 at http://www.betonline.ag


    Roman - For treatment that works fast and lasts long, grab the moment. Learn more at http://www.Ro.co/Walsh


    PragerU - Have your donation TRIPLED at http://www.PragerU.com


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    Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked | Episode 4 - Walz of Shame

    Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked | Episode 4 - Walz of Shame

    Scamala Harris has now selected her vice presidential candidate. His name is Tim Walz. And he is one of the most radical governors in America. Despite his seemingly humble beginnings, his career trajectory is littered with questionable decisions, political opportunism, and increasingly radical campaigns.


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    Today’s Sponsor:


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enAugust 23, 2024