
    Daily Wire Backstage: Democracy, Danger and a Theatrical Debut

    enJuly 24, 2024
    What recent announcement is Daily Wire expected to make?
    How is the election dynamics changing between Trump and Harris?
    What failures contributed to the attempted assassination of Trump?
    Why is JD Vance's stance on economy controversial?
    What are the implications of using the 25th Amendment on Biden?

    Podcast Summary

    • Political climate shiftThe political climate is unpredictable with major shifts, Trump holds a slight advantage despite media coverage and opposition, and the Daily Wire is making a major announcement during their show.

      The current political climate is unprecedented and unpredictable, with major shifts happening in the span of just a few weeks. The latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage promises to discuss these events and more, with the hosts offering their unique perspectives while enjoying whiskey and cigars. The election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is a different dynamic than before, with Trump holding a slight advantage but facing irritating media coverage and a challenging opponent. The Daily Wire team is making a major announcement during the show, which is expected to be a watershed moment for the company. Overall, this is a time of monumental change, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged in the political process.

    • Political LandscapeThe political landscape poses significant challenges for Kamala Harris' presidency, but her nomination significantly increases her chances of winning the election despite lack of popular votes in primaries. Corporate media and donor class influence can sway public opinion, making it difficult for Harris to shift voter allegiance from Trump.

      The political landscape has shifted dramatically, making Kamala Harris' path to the presidency a formidable challenge. Former California Governor Willie Brown, who knows Harris well, believes she is an exceptional political tactician. Despite her lack of popular votes in Democratic primaries, Harris has become the party's nominee, and history shows that being the nominee significantly increases the chances of winning the election. Trump's campaign was once seen as unbeatable, but the unexpected events of the last week have fundamentally changed the game. The corporate media, with the help of the donor class and Democrat elites, has the power to set a narrative and sway public opinion. Kamala Harris' perceived strengths, such as her ability to galvanize the base and her experience as a prosecutor, may not be enough to overcome the challenges she faces. The permission structure created by Joe Biden's stay in the race has emboldened voters to openly support Trump, making it harder for Harris to shift their allegiance.

    • Kamala Harris's political positionAlliance with media, donors, and Democratic establishment strengthens Harris's campaign, making her a tough prosecutor contender for Republicans, but her vulnerabilities might be overshadowed by Biden's unpopularity

      Kamala Harris's political position is strengthened by her alliance with the corporate media, donors, and Democratic establishment, which she hasn't had before. This changes the game significantly for her campaign. Additionally, if she runs as a tough prosecutor, she could pose a problem for Republicans, especially if they try to outflank her on the crime issue. However, the risk for Republicans is that they might give up the crime issue due to misguided attempts to outflank Harris. Despite her vulnerabilities, such as her past deceptiveness and lack of experience at the border or abroad, Biden's failed presidency and unpopular policies may overshadow these issues for some voters. The polls currently show mixed results, with some suggesting a slight lead for Harris, while others indicate a lead for Trump. The extended honeymoon period Harris is enjoying may last longer than usual due to her lack of debate experience and the comparison to Trump, whom many voters dislike.

    • Sleep and PoliticsPrioritize good sleep and consider Helix Sleep's customized mattresses and risk-free trial. In politics, focus on candidates' policies and actions, not personal traits, and attack Kamala Harris's dishonesty and radical policies, while handling the abortion issue with care.

      During these uncertain times, prioritizing good sleep is essential for facing daily challenges with energy and vitality. Helix Sleep offers customized mattresses, a risk-free trial, and a generous discount for our listeners. Meanwhile, in politics, it's crucial not to underestimate the importance of casting ballots and not to be complacent. Kamala Harris's dishonesty and radical policies should be the focus of Republican attacks, rather than her past or personal traits. Additionally, the abortion issue requires careful handling, as the public may not be fully informed about Harris's past actions and the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood.

    • Core beliefs and actions in political debatesDuring debates, focus on opponents' core beliefs and actions instead of specific instances to challenge them and galvanize support, as seen with Planned Parenthood and Donald Trump's assassination attempt.

      During political debates, instead of focusing on the rare cases of controversial issues, it's essential to address the core beliefs and actions of the opposing side. Using Planned Parenthood as an example, the conversation should shift from specific instances to the broader implications of the issue. This strategy not only challenges opponents but also galvanizes one's base. Additionally, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump served as a turning point in his political career, showcasing his courage and authenticity. It's crucial to remember that such events, while extraordinary, fit into the larger narrative of God's providence and the intricately connected cosmos.

    • Capitol shooting and Secret Service handlingDespite multiple requests for additional security, the Secret Service left former President Trump unprotected during the Capitol shooting, raising questions of incompetence, potential cover-ups, and a lack of accountability within the organization, further complicated by the Iranian plot to kill him weeks prior.

      The events surrounding the shooting at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the Secret Service's handling of former President Trump's security during that time, raise serious questions about incompetence, potential cover-ups, and the deeper issues of the functioning of our government institutions. The fact that Trump was left unprotected despite multiple requests for additional security, the Secret Service's initial denial of receiving such requests, and the delay in the resignation of the Secret Service head after the incident, all point to a lack of accountability and a culture of incompetence within the organization. Furthermore, the potential malignity involved, as evidenced by the Iranian plot to kill Trump weeks before the incident, adds another layer of complexity to the situation. This incident underscores the need for a thorough investigation and for holding those responsible accountable.

    • Assassination attemptsMultiple failures can lead to tragic events, but human systems are generally robust and can absorb single and double failures. However, deep-seated disdain towards certain individuals can contribute to a cascade of failures, highlighting the importance of compassion and respect for all.

      While it may seem implausible that so many things could go wrong at once leading to tragic events, human systems are actually quite robust and can absorb single and even double failures most of the time. However, there are moments when everything goes wrong, and these moments are often the ones we hear about. In the case of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there were likely multiple failures that contributed to the event, including a lack of sufficient protection for Trump and his team. Despite the temptation to believe in grand conspiracies, it's important to remember that human systems are complex and that accidents and failures are a part of life. At the same time, it's also important to acknowledge that there are those who hold deep-seated disdain for certain individuals and that this disdain can contribute to a cascade of failures. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that everyone deserves compassion and respect, regardless of their political beliefs or affiliations.

    • Biden's disappearance from public eyeDespite loyalty to the Democratic Party, Biden faced silence and speculation during his presidency, raising questions about the party's treatment and reasons behind his disappearance

      Joe Biden's career in politics was marked by his loyalty to his party, even amidst constant criticism and humiliation from his opponents. However, during his presidency, he was sidelined and silenced by the Democratic Party, leading to speculation about his disappearance from the public eye. Theories ranged from him being in a medical crisis to being pushed out in favor of Kamala Harris. Regardless, the Democrats seemed to benefit from his absence, allowing them to install Harris as president for a few months and legitimizing their coup. The party's handling of Biden raises questions about their treatment of him and the true reasons behind his disappearance.

    • Democratic Party Presidency SelectionDespite Harris' nomination, some suggest a New York woman could be a striking alternative, but criticism surrounds Cuomo's exclusion from the ticket. Entering the arena to create change, as seen with 'Amiracist,' is emphasized, along with the importance of acknowledging and addressing personal biases.

      The Democratic Party's choice for the presidency is a topic of debate, with some believing Harris isn't the best pick. A potential alternative suggested is a woman from New York, as having two women on the ticket could be striking. However, the pushout of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who could have been a strong contender, is criticized for being over bogus reasons. The speaker also touches on the importance of entering the arena to create and inspire change, as The Daily Wire is doing with Matt Walsh's new movie "Amiracist," which tackles anti-racism and identity politics. The conversation also touches on the topic of anti-racism and the need for individuals to understand and confront their own biases.

    • Mocking Harmful IdeasThe documentary 'Amiright: The Story of the Gramercy Ranch Debates' uses humor to challenge the taboo of mocking harmful ideas and reveals their insidious nature, allowing viewers to see the absurdity from an outside perspective.

      The documentary "Amiright: The Story of the Gramercy Ranch Debates" goes beyond being a simple documentary by embedding the filmmakers in a room with individuals holding controversial views, allowing their true beliefs to be revealed while also mocking their worldview. The film challenges the notion that it's taboo to mock harmful ideas and people, and it's a successor to the documentary "What is a Woman?" but with a different approach. The movie, which is rated PG-13 and will be released in theaters on September 13th, is described as a social experiment that reveals the insidious nature of certain worldviews through the use of humor. The filmmakers did not manipulate or edit the subjects' words, and the reactions from those depicted in the film have been mixed, with some acknowledging the absurdity of their beliefs when seen from an outside perspective.

    • Movie release dates and character interconnectionsThe entertainment industry can have intricate relationships between projects and release dates, leading to character interconnections and release date mix-ups.

      The entertainment industry can be complex and confusing, with interconnected projects and timelines. Regarding the movie "MI Racist," it was initially planned to come out before "Lady Ballers," but the release dates got mixed up. The character from "Lady Ballers" ended up becoming a character in "MI Racist," adding to the complexity. The movie is rated PG-13, but parents should use discretion based on their child's readiness for the film's topics. As for politics, Ben Shapiro suggested a competent and capable vice president for a hypothetical presidential nomination, mentioning Ron DeSantis, Tom Cotton, and JD Vance as potential picks. JD Vance, despite being perceived as anti-free market, was defended by Ben as someone who understands the power of the free market and entrepreneurship, although his stance on the issue is not yet clear.

    • JD Vance's stance on economy, populismJD Vance's stance on the economy and potential shift towards populism makes him a strong contender in the political landscape, despite concerns. The 25th Amendment discussion revealed the importance of a stable presidency and the potential dangers of instability, while immigration and illegal voting were identified as critical issues to address.

      There are concerns about JD Vance's stance on the free market economy and potential shift towards populism, but overall, he is seen as pro-founding and anti-woke, making him a strong contender in the political landscape. Another pressing issue discussed was the potential use of the 25th Amendment against President Biden and the implications it could have for Kamala Harris, both politically and for the country's stability. Despite the potential boost for Harris, the consensus was that the country cannot function without a president, making it a dangerous situation that should not be tolerated. Additionally, there were discussions about the impact of immigration on political demographics and the potential for illegal voting in upcoming elections. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of standing firm on principles and addressing critical issues, regardless of political implications.

    • Political nominations, legitimacyHistorical manipulation of vote counts and the end of brokered conventions have fueled debates about the legitimacy of modern political nominations, while perceptions of systemic racism and heightened sensitivity to racial issues add complexity to the discussion.

      The rules and processes surrounding political nominations have significantly changed over the decades, and the idea of a brokered convention, where parties could change their nominee after filing deadlines, no longer exists. During the 2016 Democratic primary, Nancy Pelosi acknowledged this by manipulating the vote count to secure Hillary Clinton's nomination. The ongoing debate about the legitimacy of the current election process is often rooted in this historical context, with some arguing that the Democrats' actions in 2020 are an attempt to bypass democratic processes. Additionally, the perception of systemic racism and the interpretation of everyday interactions through a racial lens have become increasingly common, leading to accusations of racism even when none may have been intended.

    • Film industry risks and opportunitiesThe film industry presents financial and brand risks, but also offers opportunities for success and reaching a broader audience. Daring to take risks and pursuing opportunities, even in the face of challenges, can lead to success.

      The film industry, particularly theaters, present both financial and brand risks for content creators, but also offer opportunities for success and reaching a broader audience. The Daily Wire's experience with releasing the controversial film "What is a Woman?" in theaters illustrates this. Despite creative disagreements and initial hesitation due to the film's controversial nature, the team saw potential in theaters as a platform where they could compete and be acknowledged for their successes. The reduced number of films considered for theatrical release due to streaming platforms created an opening for conservative content. The film's success in theaters demonstrates the importance of daring to take risks and pursuing opportunities, even in the face of challenges.

    • MI Racist live showThe Daily Wire is hosting a live show, MI Racist, at The Ryman Auditorium on August 14th. Tickets are available for purchase with a discounted promo code.

      MI Racist, an upcoming live show by The Daily Wire, is expected to be exceptional. Tickets for the event at The Ryman Auditorium on August 14th are now available for purchase with a discounted promo code at dailywire.com. The Daily Wire team is excited about the event and hopes to represent their audience well. They believe the audience will enjoy MI Racist, which is just one of many projects they're working on with the support of their community. So, mark your calendars for August 14th and get your tickets now to be a part of this anticipated event.

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Ep. 1564 - First Kamala Harris Interview EXPLAINED In 2 Mins

    Ep. 1564 - First Kamala Harris Interview EXPLAINED In 2 Mins

    Kamala Harris gives her first interview since stealing the Democrat nomination from Joe Biden, The Acolyte gets canceled, and the University at Buffalo removes me from its homepage.


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    Join The Candle Club! Become a Founding Member for 20% OFF, plus receive an exclusive members box with limited-edition candle at https://TheCandleClub.com.


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Order your Mayflower Cigars here: https://bit.ly/3Qwwxx2 (Must be 21+ to purchase. Exclusions may apply)


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join The Candle Club! Become a Founding Member for 20% OFF, plus receive an exclusive members box with limited-edition candle at https://TheCandleClub.com.


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code KNOWLES at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    Get your BRAND NEW 2nd Generation Jeremy’s Razor here: https://amzn.to/3KfSEFc


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Birch Gold - Text “KNOWLES” to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/knowles, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: http://www.PureTalk.com/Knowles


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join The Candle Club! Become a Founding Member for 20% OFF, plus receive an exclusive members box with limited-edition candle at https://TheCandleClub.com.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Good Ranchers - Get the Michael Knowles box: https://www.goodranchers.com/dailywire. Use code KNOWLES for additional savings.


    Hillsdale College - Enroll for FREE today at https://www.hillsdale.edu/knowles


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