
    Podcast Summary

    • Derek Chauvin Found Guilty on All Three ChargesDerek Chauvin was found guilty of unintentional second degree murder, third degree murder, and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. He faces up to 12.5 years for second degree murder, 12.5 years for third degree murder, and 4 years for manslaughter.

      The Derek Chauvin jury delivered a guilty verdict on all three charges: unintentional second degree murder while committing a felony, third degree murder, and second degree manslaughter. The sentence for each charge varies, with Chauvin facing up to 12.5 years for second degree murder, 12.5 years for third degree murder, and 4 years for manslaughter. The quick unanimous verdict was surprising, as some predicted a hung jury or a more lengthy deliberation process. Some critics argue that the third degree murder charge, which requires intent to cause harm to others, was not applicable in this case. Despite the verdict, the potential for civil unrest remains, as some may choose to celebrate or protest the outcome. Ultimately, the trial's outcome has significant implications for public discourse and the ongoing conversation about police reform and accountability.

    • The Derek Chauvin trial verdict and jury impartialityThe high-profile nature of the Chauvin trial, lack of jury sequestration, and potential external influences raised questions about the jury's impartiality, with the manslaughter conviction being easier to understand than the murder charges due to the required intent.

      The Derek Chauvin trial verdict raises questions about the impartiality of the jury and the potential influence of external factors on their decision-making process. The discussion highlights that the manslaughter conviction, which relied on the charge of reckless disregard, was easier to understand compared to the murder charges that required intent. The defense presented evidence suggesting that George Floyd's death was likely due to drug overdose and pre-existing health conditions. The high-profile nature of the case, with political figures calling for a guilty verdict, and the lack of jury sequestration, may have influenced the jury's decision. The irony is that an acquittal on all counts might have been the only verdict that could be trusted based on the evidence. The media's role in the situation, with a potential desire for polarization and riots, is also a significant concern. Ultimately, the trial's outcome leaves room for speculation about the jury's motivations and the impact of external factors on their decision.

    • Derek Chauvin Trial: A Failure of the Governing ClassPoliticians and media shaped a divisive atmosphere, lack of transparency in police footage, selective narrative presented, behavior described as shameful and dangerous, importance of considering all evidence, need for greater transparency and objectivity.

      That the Derek Chauvin trial was a failure of the governing class, with politicians and media contributing to a divisive and emotionally charged atmosphere. The lack of transparency regarding the full police footage and the selective narrative presented by the media were significant factors in shaping public opinion. The behavior of political figures and the media was described as shameful and dangerous, leading to a society where mob rule prevails. The media's role in creating and influencing public opinion was emphasized, as was the importance of considering all available evidence before forming judgments. The trial highlighted the need for greater transparency and objectivity in reporting and decision-making.

    • Media's selective coverage of police incidentsMedia's portrayal of police incidents can be misleading, with some receiving quick public release while others are withheld. It's crucial to consider all factors in complex issues and not rely on a single-factor analysis, while also acknowledging the lack of attention given to victims, particularly women, in media coverage.

      The media's portrayal of certain events, particularly those involving police and nonwhite individuals, can be misleading without the full context. The example given was the handling of the George Floyd footage compared to other incidents, where one was quickly released for public consumption while the other was withheld. The speaker also emphasized the importance of considering all factors in complex issues, such as criminal justice and racial tensions, rather than relying on a single-factor analysis. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the lack of attention given to victims, particularly women, in the media's coverage of these events.

    • Simplistic analysis of police issues ignores complexitiesOverlooking individual actions and context in police discussions can lead to harmful consequences, erasing complex issues and limiting understanding and empathy for all parties involved.

      The simplistic analysis of the media, which frames police issues as a matter of race without considering individual actions and context, can lead to harmful consequences. This perspective erases complex issues like high crime rates in certain communities and the limited power of police to shape behavior. It also overlooks the fact that police officers are human beings with the intention to serve and protect, and they are the ones who will ultimately bear the brunt of the crime wave that results from such a narrative. The absence of nuanced discussions can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy for all parties involved, and it is essential to recognize that the solution to these issues requires a multifaceted approach.

    • Understanding Everyday Americans' ExperiencesRecognizing the realities and experiences of everyday Americans is essential for accurate narratives and effective policies. Police officers are complex individuals, and media portrayals should reflect the complexities of everyday life.

      The media and elite's detachment from everyday Americans' experiences can lead to misinformed narratives and policies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the realities of the majority of the population, rather than relying solely on the perspectives of the elite. The discussion also touches upon the potential consequences of resisting arrest and the complexities of policing in America. The speaker argues that police officers are human beings with families and are not all "bad," but the current climate in the country can make even good officers appear as villains. Furthermore, the media's portrayal of certain issues, such as police interactions and the COVID-19 pandemic, can be misleading and detrimental to the general public. It is crucial for decision-makers and media outlets to consider the realities and experiences of everyday Americans when shaping narratives and policies.

    • Media's portrayal of events raises questions about intentionsThe media's focus on extreme cases without proper context can fuel mistrust and conflict, while recognizing individuals as more than their race and empathizing with others can help bridge divides.

      The media's portrayal of certain events, such as the George Floyd protests, raises questions about their true intentions. Some argue that the media's goal is to keep people unsettled and divide society, rather than encouraging calm and rational behavior. Additionally, there's a belief that the media does not view individuals from certain communities, such as black people, as possessing human dignity. This lack of empathy and understanding for human nature can lead to biased reporting and misunderstandings. For instance, while there are instances of police brutality against black people, the vast majority of police interactions result in no harm to anyone involved. The media's focus on these extreme cases, without providing proper context, can fuel mistrust and conflict. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that individuals are more than just their race or ethnicity, and that understanding human nature and empathizing with others can help bridge divides and foster more productive conversations.

    • Media oversimplification vs. police assessmentMedia's desire for justice and truth can lead to oversimplification and distortion of reality, while police assessments consider complexities and nuances of human behavior.

      The media's portrayal of events often reduces complex individuals and situations to simplistic, two-dimensional narratives, driven by a utopian desire to establish justice and speak truth to power. This can lead to the omission of important context and facts, and the distortion of reality to fit a preconceived narrative. The police, on the other hand, make individual assessments based on the realities of the situation, recognizing the complexities and nuances of human behavior. The media's disdain for ordinary people and belief in their own superiority can justify lying to the public, despite having less information and understanding than the people they report on. This utopian mindset can turn people into tools or obstacles, reducing them to one-dimensional characters in the media's grand social narratives. The lack of evidence for the racial motivation in the George Floyd case is an example of this distortion, where the media's narrative of America on trial and the need to establish racial justice overshadowed the actual facts of the case.

    • The Danger of Prioritizing Radical Ideologies Over Community Well-BeingPolitical figures like Maxine Waters prioritize radical ideologies over community well-being, leading to social unrest and political division. Remembering the legacy of true civil rights leaders like MLK, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and Condoleezza Rice can inspire unity and maturity in politics.

      During times of social unrest and political division, it's crucial for leaders to present a clear and inspiring vision to guide their followers. However, the speaker argues that some political figures, such as Maxine Waters, have prioritized radical ideologies over the well-being of their communities and the country as a whole. The unwillingness of the Democratic Party to condemn such figures highlights a dangerous trend towards promoting degeneracy and violence as aspirational. Instead of looking up to figures like George Floyd as symbols of justice, the speaker urges us to remember the legacy of true civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and Condoleezza Rice. In a time when we need unity and maturity in politics, the speaker laments the glorification of radicalism and the pitting of communities against each other.

    • George Floyd's Death: Symbol of Injustice or Criminal History?The interpretation of George Floyd's death as a symbol of injustice or a reflection of his criminal history reflects deeper ideological differences between the left and right on the nature of original sin and the path to redemption or justice.

      The discussion revolves around the perception and interpretation of George Floyd's death and its significance in the context of civil justice and the anti-racism movement. Some argue that Floyd should not be considered an emblem of justice due to his criminal history, while others view him as a symbol of injustice and systemic racism. The conversation also touches upon the potential religious aspects of the anti-racism movement, including the concept of inherited guilt and the idea of a savior figure. Ultimately, the debate highlights the fundamental differences between the left and right ideologies regarding the nature of original sin and the means to achieve redemption or justice.

    • Belief in low expectations for certain communities fuels destructive behaviorsBelief in low expectations for certain communities perpetuates destructive behaviors and reinforces negative stereotypes, hindering progress towards positive change. Education and individual responsibility are crucial to breaking this cycle.

      The acceptance and normalization of destructive behaviors, such as rioting and looting, in response to incidents involving white cops and black suspects, can be seen as a form of bigotry, not soft but pure. This belief that human behavior is not expected from certain communities creates a dangerous cycle of low expectations and relieves individuals of personal responsibility. This perspective, when perpetuated by the media, can further harm communities by reinforcing negative stereotypes and hindering progress towards positive change. Ultimately, education and individual responsibility are key to breaking this cycle and improving conditions for all communities.

    • Focus on building communities based on shared values and goalsRise above immutable characteristics, strive for self-improvement, acknowledge societal issues, and work towards unity.

      We should focus on building communities with individuals based on shared values and goals, rather than being defined by immutable characteristics such as race. The idea that we are the product of external forces and that our skin color defines us are two of the worst lies ever told in human history. Instead, we should strive to rise above sin and work towards making ourselves and our communities better. However, it's important to acknowledge the role of the media and governing classes in spreading misinformation and dividing people. The breakdown of families in certain communities, particularly in inner cities, is a major issue that contributes to societal decay. We must address these underlying issues and work towards creating a more truthful and united society.

    • Absence of father figure contributes to negative behaviorsThe absence of a father figure in a child's life can lead to vulnerability and susceptibility to societal influences, contributing to negative behaviors and societal issues.

      The absence of a father figure in a child's life can contribute to negative behaviors and societal issues. The discussion touched upon a 13-year-old boy involved in a shooting incident, where the father was missing from the picture. This issue is not unique and is a common thread in many cases. The lack of a male role model can leave boys vulnerable and susceptible to societal influences. The government and media play a role in perpetuating this issue by promoting certain ideals that undermine traditional family structures. The Chauvin verdict and subsequent White House addresses are examples of how power dynamics come into play, with some voices being amplified over others. Ultimately, the absence of fathers in the home is a complex issue with deep roots, and addressing it requires a multi-faceted approach.

    • The Evolution and Political Use of Critical Race TheoryCritical race theory, rooted in Marxist ideology, has been used by politicians to gain power and form a new minority coalition, leading to a permanent government activist class and control of the narrative for sweeping reforms.

      The discussion revolves around the history and current state of critical race theory and its connection to Marxist ideologies. The theory gained prominence in the late 1960s and 1970s but was largely abandoned due to its failure to address societal issues. In the 1980s, it was further repudiated by political leaders like Reagan and Clinton. However, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party revived the theory as a means to gain power and form a new minority coalition. Critical race theory is fundamentally incompatible with the systems of the United States and its advocates are using it to maximize government power and rewrite the state of government. The theory, which originated from Marxist ideology, is being used to create a permanent government activist class, with meaningless degrees serving as a credential of approval from the liberal establishment. These activists are encouraged to feel angry and focus on perceived systemic and institutional racism, allowing the government to control the narrative and pass sweeping reforms.

    • The importance of inclusive language and addressing social issues beyond raceThe speaker argues against excessive focus on race, critiques the Democratic Party's shift towards a race-based ideology, and emphasizes the importance of inclusive language and addressing social issues through policies that allow individuals to live freely.

      The pronoun debate is not just about individuals' preferred pronouns, but rather about the extent to which people incorporate inclusive language into their daily lives. The speaker argues that the focus on race is overused and detrimental, as it can be exploited by politicians and create unnecessary divisions. The speaker also criticizes the Democratic Party for shifting from a class-based ideology to a race-based one, which they argue is a move that has been historically successful in creating social change in the US. The speaker also touches upon the history of racism in America and how it can be addressed through socialistic policies, such as infrastructure projects. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the key to addressing social issues is to allow people to live their lives freely and without being overly focused on race or other immutable characteristics.

    • Media's focus on controversial cases of race and justiceThe media prioritizes divisive cases, oversimplifying complex issues and neglecting clear-cut cases of injustice.

      The media often focuses on controversial cases involving race and justice, as they thrive on division and controversy. According to the discussion, the recent Derek Chauvin trial verdict is an example of this phenomenon. The participants in the conversation agreed that outside pressure and conflicting fact patterns played a role in the jury's decision, and they questioned whether justice was truly served. They also noted that cases like Walter Scott's, which are clear-cut examples of murder, receive less attention from the media because they lack the controversy factor. The media's goal, they argued, is to divide and stoke controversy, and they only want cases that allow them to do so. The conversation also touched on the importance of recognizing the unique fact patterns of each case and avoiding oversimplification.

    • Media's Role in Shaping Public Opinion and Pressure on the Justice SystemThe Chauvin verdict doesn't guarantee Rittenhouse outcome, media's bias and pressure on justice system to deliver politically correct decisions is a concern, supporting alternative media and fair reporting is crucial.

      The Chauvin verdict, while significant, is not a definitive indicator of the outcome of the Rittenhouse trial. The media's role in shaping public opinion and the pressure on the justice system to deliver certain outcomes, regardless of the evidence, was a recurring theme in the discussion. The call for supporting alternative media and raising awareness about the importance of fair and unbiased reporting is crucial. The Chauvin trial was used as a referendum on larger racial issues in America, and the pressure on the jury to make a politically correct decision rather than a just one is a concerning trend. The lack of courage shown by some individuals in the face of potential backlash highlights the need for systemic reforms to ensure due process and protect the rights of all individuals involved in legal proceedings.

    • Historically significant trial amidst unrest and potential dangerControversial decisions by the judge, external pressures raise doubts about fairness and impartiality of Derek Chauvin trial, some question if he'll face another trial, justice system's crisis of courage and leadership

      The Derek Chauvin trial, while historically significant, was conducted in an environment of unrest and potential danger, raising questions about the fairness and impartiality of the proceedings. The jury was under immense pressure, and the city was on edge, leading some to doubt the ability for a just conclusion. The trial was marked by controversial decisions by the judge, including allowing prejudicial testimony and the application of a controversial charge. These issues, along with external pressures, have led some to believe that Chauvin may not face another trial, and that the justice system is in a crisis of courage and leadership.

    • The left's mastery of language in shaping racial narrativesThe left effectively uses language to control narratives around racial issues, making it challenging for critics to express opinions without being labeled as racist. Understanding this tactic is crucial for effective political discourse.

      The Black Lives Matter organization, through clever branding and semantic overload, has successfully framed the narrative around racial issues in America, making it nearly impossible for critics, especially those on the right, to express their opinions without being labeled as racist. The organization's stated goals have little to do with racial issues, but the term "Black Lives Matter" has come to represent three distinct things: the concept that black lives matter, the actual organization, and the idea that America is systemically racist. Critics who condemn the organization are often hit with the comeback that they're denying the value of black lives. The left is skilled at using language as a weapon to control the narrative and shape reality, and the right needs to be more specific and clear in their language to effectively challenge these narratives. The left's success in controlling language and framing issues is a tactic that has been used for decades, and understanding this is crucial for effective political discourse.

    • Courage is the foundation for all virtuesSilence, inaction, and surrender to societal pressures can lead to a loss of dignity, integrity, and ultimately, one's soul. Stand up for truth and justice, even in the face of adversity.

      Courage is essential in today's society as it is the foundation for all virtues. The absence of courage can lead individuals to surrender to lies and injustice. The left's rapid shifting of societal norms has put immense pressure on ordinary people to speak up and stand for what they believe in. Silence, inaction, and surrender are now considered violent acts. The consequence of surrendering to these pressures can lead to a loss of dignity, integrity, and ultimately, one's soul. Theodore Dalrymple's warning about the dangers of lying and agreeing with lies is a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for truth and justice, even in the face of adversity. Joe Biden's behavior during the George Floyd trial serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of surrendering to the pressure to lie or remain silent.

    • Media and public figure perceptionsThe media and public may hold different standards for public figures, raising concerns about inconsistency and potential double standards. The George Floyd trial verdict highlights the complexities and nuances of justice.

      The discussion raises concerns about the inconsistency and potential double standards in how certain public figures, including former Vice President Joe Biden, are perceived and treated by the media and the public. The conversation also touches upon the controversial verdict in the George Floyd trial and the differing interpretations of justice. While some view the verdict as a step towards justice, others believe it falls short, highlighting the complexities and nuances surrounding these issues. The conversation underscores the importance of critical thinking and questioning the narratives presented by the media.

    • Left's promotion of narratives distorts realityThe left's promotion of certain narratives, such as Critical Race Theory and the Black Lives Matter movement, creates a preferred outcome and only allows facts that support it, leading to a distortion of reality and the perpetuation of problems rather than solutions.

      The left's promotion of certain narratives, such as Critical Race Theory and the Black Lives Matter movement, creates a preferred outcome and only allows facts that support it. This can be seen in various areas, including the response to counterfeit bills, the increase in crime rates, and the education system. The promotion of these narratives has led to a distortion of reality, with individuals and institutions perpetuating the problem rather than solving it. The solution, according to the speakers, lies in individual courage and truth-telling, as well as a major shift in the education system to combat the harmful effects of six hours of daily programming. The speakers argue that the current state of affairs, including mask-wearing and racial tensions, is the result of the problem being perpetuated as the solution. Ignorance, rather than knowledge, is the true pandemic in America.

    • Ignorance and Economic Slavery: The Impact of Education and Societal IssuesThe closure of schools during the pandemic and societal issues perpetuate ignorance, leading to economic slavery. Education frees the mind and alternative methods are needed. Media acknowledgement of protests' influence on outcomes undermines due process.

      The current education system and societal issues are leading to the perpetuation of ignorance and economic slavery, particularly affecting minority and poor communities. The speaker argues that keeping people ignorant is a deliberate tactic to maintain control, as education frees the mind. The closure of schools during the pandemic has worsened this situation, and there's a need for a shift towards alternative education methods. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the media for acknowledging that protests influenced the outcome of a case, suggesting that decisions are increasingly based on virtue rather than due process.

    • The Cycle of Victimhood and PerpetrationHumanity involves experiencing both victimization and perpetration. However, promoting a victim mentality can distort reality and reinforce the cycle, rather than teaching coping skills.

      Every person experiences both victimization and perpetration throughout their lives, which is a fundamental aspect of humanity. However, the "victim mentality" encourages individuals to view their experiences as unique and the result of external forces, leading to a society where people are encouraged to see themselves as perpetual victims. The left's promotion of this victim mentality, by labeling certain groups as the exclusive victims, leads to a distorted perspective on reality and reinforces the cycle of victimhood. This inversion of traditional virtues, such as faith, humility, patience, and temperance, creates a culture that celebrates pride, impatience, and recklessness. Instead of focusing on stopping the cycle of victimhood and perpetration, we should teach individuals how to cope with these universal human experiences.

    • The focus on personal responsibility is seen as a threat to those who want to change systemsSome view personal responsibility as a threat to systemic change, leading to the portrayal of self-improvement advocates as villains and the devaluation of salvation theology.

      There are forces in society that view the idea of personal responsibility as evil because it takes focus away from the need to change systems. This perspective was discussed in relation to Jordan Peterson being portrayed as a villain in comic books, despite his message being about individual self-improvement. The idea that individuals should focus on their own lives first, rather than solely focusing on changing systems, is seen as a threat by those who want to remake those systems. This perspective was also linked to the concept of salvation theology being considered evil, as it can lead to blaming and excluding those who don't fulfill certain values. The discussion also touched on the unique dynamic of the Joe Biden presidency, with Kamala Harris being increasingly involved in public appearances and decision-making.

    • Police reform and societal equityWhile the conviction of officers involved in George Floyd's death is a step towards justice, comprehensive reform and equity in all institutions are necessary for true restoration.

      While the conviction of the officers involved in George Floyd's death is a step in the right direction, it's not enough to heal the deep-rooted issues in our society. Comprehensive police reform and equity in all institutions are necessary for true restorative justice. Human corruption, whether in politics or religion, can be detrimental when it leads to idolatry. It's essential to remember that we, as individuals, are not the accomplishments or institutions of the past, but rather, we have a responsibility to uphold and build upon them. The threats we face today, whether spiritual or otherwise, require courage and a commitment to personal growth. The conversation also touched on the dangers of excessive nationalism or pacifism and the importance of a balanced, "ordinate love" of country. Ultimately, the call to action is for each of us to strive for greatness in our own lives, rather than assuming credit for the accomplishments of our forebears.

    • Uniting Conservatives: Building a Strong CommunityConservatives must come together, emphasizing solidarity and community, to counteract isolation and effectively challenge cultural pressures and external threats.

      Conservatives need to find ways to unite and build a sense of community in the face of cultural pressures and external threats, just as the left has done effectively. While individualism is a value, solidarity in numbers is crucial for standing up against challenges. The lack of a strong conservative community, particularly in the wake of church disbandments and the fragmentation of conservative factions, has left many feeling isolated. To counteract this, efforts should be made to bring people together and foster a sense of solidarity, both online and offline. This can be achieved through various means, such as forming connections, creating broad movements, and emphasizing the importance of standing together. The recent leftist protests, despite media portrayals focusing on riots, demonstrate the power of collective action and solidarity. Conservatives must learn from this and find ways to build a strong, united front.

    • Politics as a Religion for the Left, Isolation for the RightThe political left views politics as a community with shared values, while the right struggles to find cohesion and unity. The pandemic and remote work have worsened feelings of isolation for conservatives, highlighting the need for a stronger, more united conservative movement.

      For the political left, politics functions as a religious community, providing a sense of belonging and shared values. Twitter serves as a church group, and political events are equivalent to religious gatherings. For conservatives, there is a lack of such a cohesive community and agreement on core beliefs, leading to a lack of a unifying message. This lack of community and shared beliefs, exacerbated by the pandemic and remote work, has left many feeling isolated and lacking courage. To counteract this, some suggest the need for a conservative movement or coalition, emphasizing open dialogue and the importance of filling abstract values with concrete beliefs. The left's takeover of various institutions in American life has left conservatives feeling outnumbered and powerless, making the need for a strong, united conservative movement even more pressing.

    • Instances of racial killings and narrative misalignmentSome argue that certain figures promote a systemic racism narrative inconsistent with most cops being good, express concern over increased federal power and potential conflict with state power.

      During the discussion, it was argued that there have been instances where the narrative of racial killings does not align with the evidence provided, yet the narrative is still being perpetuated. Some individuals believe that certain figures, such as Joe Biden, are promoting a systemic racism narrative in America, which they argue is inconsistent with the idea that most cops are good. They also expressed concern about the potential for increased federal power and control, particularly in regards to policing and voting procedures. It was suggested that this could lead to a conflict between federal and state power. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a clear metric of success when proposing significant shifts in power from individuals to the federal government.

    • Power grab by political leadersPolitical leaders prioritize control, disregard laws, and construct narratives, shaping public opinion and forcing their will on the people.

      Current political leaders, whether it be governors in red states or the President and Vice President of the United States, are prioritizing the top-level control of institutions to advance their agendas, disregarding state laws and even their own personal convictions. This power grab is rooted in a belief that objective truth is subjective and that politics revolves around constructing narratives, regardless of their connection to reality. The leaders' statements and actions, such as passing laws or giving speeches, serve to shape public opinion and force their will on the people. This dynamic of perpetual revolution from within the institutions is a significant shift from past conflicts between radicals and establishment figures.

    • Anecdotes can be manipulated to support biased narrativesIgnoring facts and statistics for psychological beliefs can lead to biased narratives. Building and strengthening communities is crucial for solving complex issues like racial inequality.

      The use of anecdotal data without proper context or statistical backing can be manipulated to support biased narratives. This was discussed in relation to the ongoing debate about police treatment of black people in America, where a columnist's statement that she's more likely to be shot by a police officer than a crackhead, despite having no statistical basis, was used as an example. This phenomenon was criticized for ignoring the importance of facts and statistics in favor of psychological beliefs. Additionally, it was noted that political figures, including the President and Vice President, made statements before and during the trial of Derek Chauvin, raising questions about potential influence on the jury's verdict. Ultimately, it was emphasized that building and strengthening communities, both online and offline, is crucial for making progress towards solving complex issues like racial inequality.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Get your copy of "How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps" here: https://utm.io/uHjZ

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    Get your copy of "How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps" here: https://utm.io/uHjV

    If you like The Ben Shapiro Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: SHAPIRO and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/shapiro

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