
    Daily Wire Backstage Live at the Ryman

    enAugust 16, 2024
    What topics were discussed at the latest Daily Wire event?
    Who founded The Daily Wire and who are its hosts?
    What is the Daily Wire's mission regarding truth and the status quo?
    How does the left's agenda affect faith and risk-taking?
    What significant risk did The Daily Wire take with their movie release?

    Podcast Summary

    • 2024 election, Kamala HarrisThe Daily Wire team discussed the importance of voting and fighting against the left's agenda, while expressing concern over the lack of scrutiny towards Kamala Harris as a potential 2024 candidate.

      During the latest Daily Wire Backstage Live event at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee, the team discussed various topics including the 2024 election, Kamala Harris' lack of scrutiny as a candidate, and the importance of fighting against the left and building the future. The Daily Wire, founded by Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boring, has grown from humble beginnings to a top 10 podcast with hosts like Andrew Clavin, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, and Brett Cooper. They emphasized the importance of voting for candidates and fighting against the left's agenda, while also touching on the lack of adversarial questioning towards Kamala Harris by the media. The team's mission is to expose the truth and challenge the status quo.

    • Kamala Harris' TransformationThe media and Democratic Party have boosted Kamala Harris' image, but Trump can challenge her by exposing her contradictory positions and defining her beyond her image.

      The current political landscape is witnessing a remarkable transformation of Kamala Harris from a relatively unknown figure to a popular and seemingly unified candidate for the Democratic Party. This shift has been facilitated by the media and the Democratic Party itself, who have been showering her with adulation since she became the nominee without a single primary vote. However, Donald Trump's path to changing the trajectory of the election lies in defining Kamala Harris and exposing her contradictory positions on various issues, which are both radical left and establishment democratic. The media's role in creating a star out of Harris, regardless of her substance, presents a challenge for Trump in getting his message across effectively. Additionally, Trump's resilience, despite facing numerous challenges, remains a factor in the election, and the upcoming debates may serve as a turning point for his campaign.

    • Perception vs PolicyThe 2020 presidential campaign is not just about policies, but also about how candidates are perceived by voters. Effective labeling and messaging can shift the narrative and gain momentum, while inconsistency and dishonesty can hinder a campaign.

      The ongoing presidential campaign is not solely about policy, but also about perception and public image. Joe Biden's campaign has been able to shift the narrative and gain momentum by presenting a more favorable alternative to voters, who were previously unenthusiastic about his candidacy. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has struggled to come up with effective labels or nicknames for his opponent, Kamala Harris. Instead, he could focus on highlighting her dishonesty and inconsistency in her policies and public statements. The media's role in shaping public opinion and the influence of campaign ads on various platforms, such as YouTube, cannot be overlooked. The upcoming debates are expected to be a turning point in the campaign, as they will provide an opportunity for both candidates to directly engage with each other and present their cases to the American people.

    • Presidential debateThe upcoming presidential debate between Trump and Harris on ABC could be a turning point, with Harris' past debate performance and relationship with ABC potentially giving Trump an advantage.

      The upcoming presidential debate between President Trump and Vice President Harris could be a significant turning point in the election, with ABC, known for its corruption, hosting the event. Kamala Harris' debate performance in the past has been criticized, and her close relationship with ABC could give Trump an advantage. The Democratic National Convention before the debate could also present challenges for Harris, including potential tension with Joe Biden and protests from thousands of supporters of Hamas. Despite these challenges, it's crucial for conservatives to continue investing in truth and supporting alternative voices to counteract the hegemonic power of the corrupt press.

    • Democratic Party's imageRepublicans may exploit perceived radical policies and actions of Democratic Party, including Kamala Harris's stance on immigration, to appeal to 'normies' in America

      The ongoing political discourse surrounding the Democratic Party, specifically the selection of Kamala Harris as the vice presidential candidate, presents an opportunity for Republicans to highlight perceived radical policies and actions that may not align with the values or comfort of the American public. The Democratic Party's response, focusing on joy and positivity, may not be enough to counteract the potential backlash against perceived leftist leanings and potential security concerns. Additionally, Kamala Harris's attempts to present herself as a hardliner on immigration could signal a winning issue for Republicans if they can effectively frame the conversation. Ultimately, the election could hinge on which party can better connect with the "normies" in America and address their concerns, rather than relying solely on vibes or positive messaging.

    • Political name-callingInstead of focusing on the issues, political discourse has devolved into name-calling and labeling, distracting from the significant societal problems

      The political discourse has devolved into name-calling and labeling each other as "weird" or "gay" instead of focusing on the actual issues. The left and right engage in this behavior, with the left promoting DEI policies and putting tampons in boys' restrooms, while the right criticizes these actions. The conversation around JD Vance's comments about the importance of children and civilization was twisted into a discussion about his personal life, highlighting the media's focus on trivial matters. It's crucial to recognize and call out the weird and problematic aspects of each side's actions while keeping the focus on the significant issues affecting society.

    • Rebuilding societal normsAcknowledging individual experiences and providing a nuanced approach to societal expectations is crucial for rebuilding societal norms and fostering individual growth and cohesion in a civilization.

      Societal norms and a sense of center are crucial for the cohesion of a civilization. The dissipation or explosion of these norms can lead to societal decline. The current cultural climate, which challenges traditional norms, has left many feeling disconnected and frustrated. The conversation touched upon the Cat Lady comment and the perceived attack on childless women. However, the underlying issue is the need for conservatives to acknowledge individual experiences and provide a more inclusive and nuanced approach to societal expectations. The concept of grace, as exemplified in figures like St. Augustine, offers a reminder that redemption and personal growth are possible, even for those who have made mistakes. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of community and the need to rebuild social standards and norms in a way that allows for individual growth and flourishing.

    • Communities and ChildrenCommunities value shared experiences including having children, but not everyone is called to be a biological parent and there are other ways to fulfill a maternal or paternal vocation.

      Communities are built around shared values and experiences, and having children is a significant aspect of many communities. J.D. Vance's comments reflect this idea, as he discussed how having fewer children than the community norm made him feel like an outsider. However, it's important to note that not everyone is called to have biological children, and there are other ways to fulfill one's maternal or paternal vocation. Additionally, the conversation about the role of communities and the federal government in shaping societal norms and values is complex and multifaceted, requiring efforts at the local, state, and national levels. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of recognizing the diversity of experiences and vocations in our society and the need for ongoing conversations about what it means to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

    • Daily Wire Plus contentDaily Wire Plus offers premium content for personal growth, relationships, negotiation skills, and spiritual journeys, with practical guidance and deep insights from Jordan Peterson and team, releasing new content weekly through the end of the year.

      Jordan Peterson and The Daily Wire team are offering a wealth of premium content through Daily Wire Plus, designed to help individuals navigate various aspects of life, from personal growth and relationships to negotiation skills and spiritual journeys. The content aims to provide practical guidance and deep insights, with a focus on arming individuals against life's challenges and discovering purpose. The team, which includes Drew, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Jeremy Moreg, and Andrew Klavan, is optimistic and generally religious, sharing distinct religious viewpoints. The new content, including the series "Negotiation," "Success," "Depression and Anxiety," "Foundations of the West," and the 10-part series on the gospels, is released weekly through the end of the year. Use promo code JORDAN to save 35% on an annual membership.

    • Reason and history in God's existenceA deeper understanding of philosophy and theology led the speaker to recognize that natural reason and historical evidence can both provide certain knowledge of God's existence.

      While the ontological argument for God's existence may have convinced the speaker at a young age, a deeper understanding of philosophy and theology led them to recognize that natural reason can also provide certain knowledge of God's existence. The speaker also came to appreciate the historical and institutional aspects of Christianity, which influenced their political views. They emphasized that Christianity is unique in being grounded in historical events, real people, and a tangible institution, and that history has profound meaning and allegorical significance. The speaker's personal journey to religious maturity involved recognizing that while logic and reason can guide beliefs, ultimately the choice to believe is a personal one.

    • God and moral structureBelief in God shapes our daily lives and experiences by reinforcing the idea of moral logic in the universe and our actions having consequences.

      Our belief in God and the moral structure of the universe are interconnected, shaping our daily lives and experiences, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not. According to the speaker, living in a godly universe means recognizing the relationship between our actions and their consequences, and the existence of a moral logic in the universe. This perspective is not exclusive to religious individuals, as many people, whether they identify as religious or not, hold similar beliefs deep down. The speaker emphasizes the action-oriented nature of Judaism, which reinforces these beliefs through commandments and traditions that connect individuals to their past and future generations. Ultimately, religion provides a sense of history, continuity, and meaning that transcends individual existence.

    • Foundation of faithHaving a strong foundation in faith equips us with the confidence to stand for our beliefs, even in challenging environments, and allows us to evolve our beliefs as we navigate the complexities of the world

      Having a strong foundation in faith, equipped with intellectual tools to understand why we believe, enables us to boldly and proudly stand for our beliefs, even in challenging environments. The speaker's upbringing instilled in him the importance of standing for truth and learning to enjoy being a contrarian. His journey involved growing up in a faithful family, having independent thoughts in college, and teaching a home church for over 15 years. Through these experiences, he learned the importance of being true to oneself and evolving beliefs as we navigate the complexities of the world. The sun, as the speaker humorously points out, is just one example of the many things in the world that can be detrimental, but having a strong foundation allows us to face these challenges with resilience.

    • The only truly good and incorruptible thing is GodEven the best human creations contain corruption and imperfection, but faith in God serves as the foundation for morality and political authority, implying His existence.

      While the world is filled with corruption and imperfection, the only truly good and incorruptible thing is God. Our job as humans is to learn from the past, identify flaws, and improve upon what we've inherited. However, even the best things we create will contain some degree of corruption and imperfection. Ultimately, our faith in God serves as the foundation for our experience of Him and for claims of political authority, even if some individuals or groups may deny or ignore this truth. The belief in justice and morality, which underpins political authority, implies the existence of God. Despite the denials of some, deep down, we all know that God and objective truth exist.

    • Left's denial of faith-based foundationThe left's removal of God and replacement with laws has led to a satanic system, robbing people of their initiative and risk-taking abilities, and constant war with reality

      The left's attempt to replace God with the state and its laws has led to a form of totalitarianism that is bound to fail. The original biblical structure of government emphasizes the king's subjectivity to the law, even for God. However, the left removed God and left only the law, resulting in a satanic system that empties concepts of their original meaning and weaponizes them against their original intent. This constant war with reality is due to the elimination of faith and trust in a higher power or system, leading to a risk-averse existence where only sexual risk is allowed. The importance of faith and trust in a system or reality is essential for taking risks and building a civilization. The left's denial of this faith-based foundation has robbed people of their initiative and risk-taking abilities. The biggest risk The Daily Wire has taken as a company is the release of the movie "Am I Racist?" which is now showing in theaters.

    • White Grief Support GroupAttending a support group under false pretenses led Matt Walsh to understand marginalized communities and create a controversial film, 'Amiracist', highlighting the importance of pre-ordering tickets for its success in theaters.

      The discussion revolves around a white man named Matt Walsh, who attended a white grief support group under the guise of being someone else. He revealed his true identity and was met with hostility, leading to the group calling the police. This incident marked the beginning of his journey to understand the experiences of marginalized communities and led him to create a film titled "Amiracist." The film is unique as it allows people from these communities to be the butt of the jokes, a style not commonly seen from the right. The importance of pre-ordering tickets for the movie is emphasized to ensure its success in theaters. The conversation also touches upon the idea that one cannot separate themselves from the negative aspects of being white, and that some believe the entire system is inherently racist. The tone of the conversation is serious, with moments of emotion and frustration.

    • DEI conversations, racism, social justiceTo engage in conversations about racism and social justice, challenge biases, de-center whiteness, listen to marginalized voices, and remember that uncomfortable conversations are necessary.

      Engaging in conversations about racism and social justice requires a willingness to challenge ourselves and our own biases. Matt, a certified DEI expert, emphasized the importance of self-reflection and actively working to de-center whiteness in order to make space for marginalized voices. The conversation touched on the intersections of racism and heteronormativity, and the need for white individuals to listen more and be aware of their privilege. It's crucial to remember that these conversations can be uncomfortable, but it's important to never be too careful and to continue the dialogue. The film "Racializing Space" is an opportunity to learn more and engage with these topics, and will be in theaters September 13th.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

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    Who Was The Bad Guy In WWII?

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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-958-1000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/Shapiro 



    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    Ep. 2047 - Matt Walsh DESTROYS The DEI Industry

    Ep. 2047 - Matt Walsh DESTROYS The DEI Industry

    Matt Walsh’s Am I Racist? is out, and Walsh’s chief antagonist – grifter Robin DiAngelo – is running for cover; Kamala Harris continues to run on vibes, as the race settles once again into stagnation; and America approaches the economic cliff.


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/ben, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


    The Wellness Company - Exclusive Discount for my Listeners. Use promo code BEN at https://www.UrgentCareKit.com/BEN


    Helix Sleep - Get 25% off your order + 2 dream pillows. https://helixsleep.com/BEN


    Good Ranchers - Exclusive offer for my listeners with promo code SHAPIRO: https://www.goodranchers.com


    Ramp - Get $250 when you join Ramp. Go to https://www.ramp.com/Shapiro

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 13, 2024

    Ep. 2046 - Post-Debate, Trump STILL Has The Advantage

    Ep. 2046 - Post-Debate, Trump STILL Has The Advantage

    What will the fallout be from the debate debacle? We examine all the data…and we investigate the continued failure of Kamala Harris’ policy rollout.


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    Join the Fight for 47 with 47% Off NEW Annual DailyWire+ Memberships using code FIGHT! https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS TOMORROW! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro


    Policygenius - Get your free life insurance quote & see how much you could save: https://policygenius.com/SHAPIRO


    Boll & Branch - Get my exclusive offer at https://www.bollandbranch.com/ben


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit https://www.TNUSA.com/Shapiro


    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/ben


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    Ep. 2045 - The Most RIGGED Debate In HISTORY

    Ep. 2045 - The Most RIGGED Debate In HISTORY

    Trump takes on Kamala Harris…and David Muir…and Lindsey Davis in the most rigged debate in American history; Harris wins on points, but does it really change the race? Plus, Taylor Swift finally drops her magical endorsement.


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    Join the Fight for 47 with 47% Off NEW Annual DailyWire+ Memberships using code FIGHT! https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Helix Sleep - Get 25% off your order + 2 Dream Pillows at https://www.HelixSleep.com/Ben


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


    Prize Picks - Download the app today and use code "BEN" to get $50 instantly when you play $5: https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/BEN


    Bambee - Visit https://www.bambee.com and type in ‘Ben Shapiro’ when you sign up.


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    Daily Wire Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Daily Wire Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris go head-to-head in a historic face-off, clashing over key issues like inflation, abortion, and immigration. Join Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing as they break down the debate, analyze the key moments, and discuss what this monumental exchange means for the upcoming election and the future of our nation.


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    PDS Debt - PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at https://PDSDebt.com/backstage


    Lumen - Get 15% off your purchase! https://lumen.me/backstage


    Oracle - Do more and spend less with OCI. Take a free test drive at https://Oracle.com/SHAPIRO


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 11, 2024

    Ep. 2044 - Mark Cuban Attacks Me For Saying Kamala Isn’t My Momala

    Ep. 2044 - Mark Cuban Attacks Me For Saying Kamala Isn’t My Momala

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    Join us TONIGHT for live coverage of the presidential debate on Backstage Live! Watch on DailyWire+ at 8:30 PM ET: https://dailywire.com


    For a limited time, take 47% Off NEW Annual DailyWire+ Memberships using code FIGHT! https://dailywire.com/subscribe


    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/ben


    Policygenius - Get your free life insurance quote & see how much you could save: https://policygenius.com/SHAPIRO


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Stamps - Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at https://www.stamps.com/shapiro. Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the show!


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    Ep. 2043 - Kamala’s Momentum GONE, Trump Regains LEAD

    Ep. 2043 - Kamala’s Momentum GONE, Trump Regains LEAD

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    Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://bit.ly/3WDjgHE




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join us tomorrow for live coverage of the presidential debate on Backstage Live! Watch on DailyWire+ at 8:30 PM ET: https://dailywire.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro


    ZipRecruiter - Try ZipRecruiter for FREE: https://www.ziprecruiter.com/dailywire


    Black Rifle Coffee - Give back by drinking America's coffee! Get an exclusive discount with code DAILYWIRE: https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/


    BetOnline - Use code "BEN" to receive a 50% signup bonus of up to $250 at https://www.betonline.ag/


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    The King Of Satire And Disguise | Matt Walsh

    The King Of Satire And Disguise | Matt Walsh

    On today’s episode of the Sunday Special, I sit down with the man, the myth, the fearless leader of the Sweet Baby Gang, The Daily Wire’s very own Matt Walsh. Walsh’s knack for revealing lies with satire has been captured once again in "Am I Racist?”, where the toxicity of racial equity is on full display. In the film, Matt infiltrates a “White Privilege Grief Workshop,” disguises himself as a DEI consultant to the queen of the anti-racists, Robin DiAngelo, and all while threads the needle for us as viewers on the profound anti-Americanism that undergirds it all. All of us at The Daily Wire cannot wait for the rest of the nation to see the film, and grapple with the reality of the DEI industry. Don’t miss this inside look at "Am I Racist?", out in theaters September 13th. Welcome back to another episode of the Sunday Special.



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    Today’s Sponsors:



    International Fellowship of Christians and Jews - To give to IFCJ, visit https://benforthefellowship.org/

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 08, 2024

    Ep. 2042 - How Trump Can DESTROY Kamala In Debate: 9 Things Trump MUST Do and 3 He CAN’T

    Ep. 2042 - How Trump Can DESTROY Kamala In Debate: 9 Things Trump MUST Do and 3 He CAN’T

    We examine the keys to Donald Trump defeating Kamala Harris in the most consequential debate in modern presidential history; Trump lays out his economic plans for his second term; and we examine the rising claims of Russian disinformation put out by the media and the Biden White House.


    Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://bit.ly/3WDjgHE




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your BRAND NEW 2nd Generation Jeremy’s Razor here: https://amzn.to/3KfSEFc


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit https://www.TNUSA.com/Shapiro


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


    Young America’s Foundation - Attend a local YAF advanced screening for Matt Walsh's latest film "Am I Racist?" at https://yaf.org/air


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