
    Podcast Summary

    • The Daily Wire's Expansion and Influence in MediaThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is growing with a new streaming service, partnerships, and legal actions, offering alternative, values-aligned content and standing up for individual rights.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company founded 7 years ago, has made significant strides in expanding its offerings and influencing the media landscape. With the launch of Daily Wire Plus, a new streaming service, they have secured a multiyear deal with Jordan Peterson, whose podcast and video content have amassed billions of downloads and views since 2016. Additionally, they are expanding their partnership with PragerU and have been producing original feature films, documentaries, and podcasts. The company has also taken legal action against the Biden administration over vaccine mandates. These announcements and actions demonstrate The Daily Wire's commitment to providing alternative, values-aligned content and standing up for individual rights.

    • Political victory for pro-life movement, opening opportunities to save pre-born livesThe overturning of Roe v. Wade is a significant political win for the pro-life movement, allowing opportunities to save pre-born lives and push forward an agenda. Former President Trump's appointment of three Supreme Court justices made this possible, and conservatives are encouraged to continue pushing forward.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade marks a significant political victory for those advocating for the rights of the unborn, and it opens up opportunities to push forward an agenda that saves the lives of the pre-born. The speakers expressed their gratitude to former President Trump for filling three seats on the Supreme Court, making this victory possible. They also criticized the media for propagandizing on behalf of abortion and demonstrated their moral colors, which they believe most Americans do not share. This win serves as a political lesson for conservatives, encouraging them to push forward rather than going weak or squishing. The speakers are optimistic about their victories in various states and urged the audience to continue pushing forward.

    • Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade Decision: Complex Debate on Abortion RightsThe recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked intense debate, touching on historical context, pro-choice vs. pro-life arguments, societal norms, and the importance of recognizing the humanity of all life.

      The recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked intense debate and strong emotions, with some expressing sadness for the left and others celebrating the potential saving of more lives. The conversation also touched on the historical context of abortion rights, the distinction between pro-choice and pro-life arguments, and the perceived shift in societal norms. It was noted that some arguments against the decision were based on misinformation, such as the claim that abortion makes up only 3% of Planned Parenthood's services or that the ruling is an attack on women. The discussion also highlighted the importance of recognizing the humanity of all life, including unborn children, and the potential consequences of dehumanizing certain segments of the population. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the complexity and emotional intensity of the abortion issue and the need for thoughtful, informed dialogue.

    • Abortion rights debate goes beyond privacy and autonomy, it's about women's equality and societal pressureThe abortion debate encompasses women's equality, societal expectations, and the complexities of women's reproductive choices, going beyond just privacy and autonomy.

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights in the United States goes beyond privacy and autonomy; it's also about women's equality and the societal pressure women face to conform to certain expectations. The argument that women cannot achieve equality without the ability to terminate pregnancies is a contentious one, as it implies that women's biological capabilities make them inherently unequal to men. However, this perspective overlooks the fact that women do not view their reproductive abilities as a weakness but rather a powerful aspect of their identity. The media's portrayal of abortion as a simple, empowering choice overlooks the reality that many women are coerced into having abortions against their will. Furthermore, the push for sexual freedom and convenience, as a result of the sexual revolution, has led to increased rates of depression and regret among young women. The Dobbs decision and the subsequent cultural shift could potentially lead to a reevaluation of societal norms and attitudes towards sex, relationships, and women's roles.

    • The abortion industry's prioritization of convenience and personal gain over human lifeThe recent overturning of Roe v. Wade allows for a more serious consideration of arguments against abortion and support for crisis pregnancy centers, but there's a concerning backlash against them. We must challenge the culture of narcissism and recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every human life.

      The sexual revolution and cultural acceptance of promiscuous sex have led to blurred boundaries and harmful consequences, particularly for women and unborn children. The abortion industry, which claims to support women's choices, often takes away their autonomy by instilling fear and desperation. The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is a significant win for America, as it allows for more serious consideration of arguments against abortion and the support of organizations that provide resources and choices for pregnant women. However, there is a concerning backlash against crisis pregnancy centers, which offer essential help to women in need. This culture of narcissism, where convenience and personal gain are prioritized over the value of human life, is reminiscent of ancient practices like human sacrifice. The abortion industry's argument for convenience and career advancement mirrors the Aztecs' belief that sacrificing human life leads to material wealth. We must challenge this mindset and recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every human life.

    • Conservatives and Liberals Disagree on Abortion, Education, and IntersectionalityDespite attempts to bridge the gap, conservative and liberal perspectives on issues like abortion, education, and identity politics remain vastly different, leading to ongoing debates and misunderstandings.

      There seems to be a significant disconnect between conservative and liberal perspectives on various issues, particularly regarding abortion and education. Conservatives believe that liberals misunderstand their positions and that they have been consistent in their beliefs. For instance, the idea that men should be required to take care of children if women are forced to bear them was brought up as an example. Additionally, the left's focus on intersectionality and identity politics was criticized for hindering their ability to understand and engage with principles-driven arguments. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding Coach Kennedy's prayer at school events and the potential implications for religious minorities. Ultimately, it appears that both sides struggle to comprehend each other's viewpoints, leading to ongoing debates and misunderstandings.

    • Abortion and racial issues: A complex debateThe debate around abortion rights and racial issues involves complex perspectives, with accusations of hidden agendas and derogatory labels. Abortion is seen as a parenting decision rather than a reproductive one, and the focus should be on human rights for the unborn child.

      The debate around abortion rights and racial issues often involves complex and controversial perspectives. During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that some individuals and organizations, particularly those on the left, are accused of having a hidden agenda to reduce the number of black children. This accusation stems from the disproportionate impact of abortion policies on the black community and the perceived expectation for black Americans to be angry and fight for these causes. The speaker also criticized the use of derogatory labels and assumptions about individuals based on their race and political views. Furthermore, the term "reproductive rights" was challenged, arguing that abortion is not a reproductive decision but rather a parenting decision. The speaker emphasized that the focus should be on the human rights of the unborn child. The conversation also touched upon the potential consequences of policy shifts, such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the importance of reframing the debate to better understand the underlying issues.

    • Impact of Roe v. Wade overturning on abortion lawsThe overturning of Roe v. Wade will result in varying abortion laws across states, with potential conflict and civil unrest, and the need for a federal solution or moral federalism.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade will lead to significant differences in abortion laws between states, with fewer abortions in conservative states and potentially more brutal ones in liberal states. This issue is now poised to become a major focus in state and federal elections. The speaker expresses hope for moral federalism, where individuals move to states that align with their values, but also expresses concern about potential conflict and civil unrest. They believe that the issue should be addressed at the federal level, with a personhood amendment being a potential solution. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing the education system to counteract the influence of organizations like Planned Parenthood and prevent the normalization of abortion. They argue that the pro-life movement has made significant progress in reducing the number of abortions through education and advocacy, and that this groundwork will be crucial in continuing to protect human life at the state level.

    • Supreme Court Challenges for Abortion LawsConservatives must approach abortion issue with prudence, as the Supreme Court may not overturn Roe v. Wade and Casey right away, and the left's calls to pack the court and eliminate the filibuster pose a threat to democratic institutions.

      The passing of a law restricting abortion at the federal level may face challenges in the Supreme Court, and the pro-life movement is expected to continue its gradual advance through the states, potentially leading to a constitutional amendment. It's important for conservatives to exercise prudence in their approach to this issue. The Supreme Court justices' opinions indicate they will not overturn Roe v. Wade and Casey immediately, and the Democratic overreach on the issue includes calls to pack the court, kill the filibuster, and even get rid of the Senate. The left's perception of institutions being "broken" when they don't comply with their demands is a concerning sign of an educational crisis in the country.

    • Ignorance of American Civics: A Threat to Democratic InstitutionsIgnorance of American history and civics among the public and elites contributes to misunderstandings, misinformation, and the persistence of unbeatable political figures. Education and exposure to diverse perspectives are key to strengthening democratic institutions.

      The lack of proper education on American civics among both the general public and influential figures is a significant issue that threatens the ability of the country to govern itself effectively. Emotions often drive irrational arguments, leading to misunderstandings and misinformation. For instance, there are common misconceptions about issues like Article 5, the 3/5 Compromise, and Roe v. Wade. The elites, including media personalities like Whoopi Goldberg, contribute to this problem by spreading misinformation. This ignorance can make otherwise beatable political figures seem invincible, making it crucial to address the issue of civics education. It's essential to challenge people's views and expose them to diverse perspectives to strengthen our democratic institutions.

    • Interviewing advocates of gender ideology left filmmakers surprised by defensiveness and confusionFilmmakers found unexpected hostility and confusion when asking simple questions about gender ideology, reflecting broader cultural tensions

      During the making of a documentary exploring gender ideology, it became apparent that those advocating for these ideas were unable to answer simple questions, becoming defensive and evasive when faced with direct inquiries. This was a surprising finding for the filmmakers, who had planned to build up to more challenging questions. The interview with a professor about the difference between sex and gender resulted in hostility and confusion. This experience reflects the broader cultural point that the left perceives conservatives as angry and aggressive, while conservatives are increasingly asserting their beliefs in a calm and polite manner, leaving the left flustered and unable to respond effectively. The documentary, produced by The Daily Wire, is a significant step forward for conservative media in competing in the cultural sphere. It is both entertaining and tackles an important issue, with the credit for the entertainment value going to the filmmakers. The left's inability to handle polite and straightforward questions is becoming increasingly apparent, challenging their narrative of conservatives as intolerant and aggressive.

    • Culture War: Conservatives Push Back Against Liberal AgendasConservatives are pushing back against liberal agendas in schools and media, with the failure of 'Lightyear' as an example. Progress can lead to regression, and clear definitions of values are needed.

      The ongoing culture war between conservatives and liberals has reached a critical point where both sides are digging in their heels and refusing to back down. The speaker argues that conservatives have long been accused of imposing their values on others, even when expressing concerns over content deemed inappropriate for children. The failure of Disney's "Lightyear," which featured a lesbian kiss, is cited as an example of this. The speaker believes that conservatives are finally starting to push back against liberal agendas in schools and media, and that this resistance is having an impact. The speaker also touches on the idea that progress can sometimes lead to regression and the need for clear definitions of values. The conversation also touches on the documentary "What is a Woman?" and the speaker's experience in Africa, where the concept of being LGBTQ+ is less understood but the importance of family is more valued. Overall, the takeaway is that both sides in the culture war are becoming more entrenched in their beliefs, and the outcome remains to be seen.

    • Disconnect between questioners and content individualsThe Daily Wire fights against societal trends, values truth, and relies on subscribers' support to create meaningful content.

      There is a significant disconnect between those who question the status quo and those who are content with their everyday lives. The speaker expresses concern about the current state of society, where the concept of truth is no longer a priority, and cultural forces are working against civilization. The Daily Wire, as a platform, has been fighting against these trends for the past seven years, and it relies on its subscribers' financial support to create meaningful content. The speaker encourages viewers to submit questions during the show's Q&A session, which is usually reserved for subscribers. The speaker also shares a heartwarming moment of a wedding proposal that occurred before the show and expresses his excitement for the future. Overall, the message is that life continues, and it's essential to support platforms that promote truth and value human life.

    • The Daily Wire's unique perspective resonates with disgruntled liberals and moderatesThe Daily Wire's success comes from challenging mainstream media narratives and owning its biases, resonating with a large audience seeking common sense perspectives

      The Daily Wire, under the leadership of Brett Cooper and her unique perspective, has quickly become a successful and influential voice in the media landscape. With a large subscriber base made up largely of disgruntled liberals and political moderates, The Daily Wire fills a void for those seeking a laid-back, common sense perspective that strays from the popular prescribed narratives. This approach, which challenges the mainstream media's portrayal of reality, has resonated with a large audience and led to rapid growth, with over 200,000,000 total video views in just 4 months. The Daily Wire's success lies in its ability to own its biases and tell the truth, even when it goes against the grain. The company's commitment to taking risks and fighting for its point of view, which it believes is the last best hope for mankind, has set it apart from traditional media and solidified its position in the future of content creation.

    • Daily Wire targets overlooked sports fans demographicThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is making a strategic push to engage sports fans and challenge the left's dominance in sports media through new shows and targeted marketing.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is making a conscious effort to engage with and create content for audiences that have historically been overlooked, specifically sports fans. They believe that conservatives have not effectively communicated with this demographic and that the left has taken over the sports world. By launching new shows like Crane and Co and focusing on marketing and engagement, The Daily Wire aims to challenge this trend and build a massive audience that can be shined with the spotlight when they create cultural content. The company's success, as evidenced by the downloads and page views of their content, demonstrates the potential impact of this approach. The Daily Wire's commitment to being a for-profit company, rather than a nonprofit, sets them apart from other conservative organizations and allows them to focus on winning through growth and engagement rather than fundraising.

    • The Daily Wire's Success in Filling a Media GapThe Daily Wire capitalized on an opportunity to provide alternative content for audiences overlooked by traditional media, using technology to distribute and monetize cultural content, and maintaining a commitment to their mission despite financial constraints.

      During a time when traditional media seemed to be turning away from certain audiences and content, the Daily Wire saw an opportunity to step in and provide an alternative. The company, which started as a news and opinion outlet, had unexpectedly built the capability to distribute and monetize cultural content through a piece of technology. This allowed them to release their first feature film, "Run Hide Fight," which was a financial success due to conservative audience support. The Daily Wire then doubled down on news, opinion, and investigative journalism, while also producing more feature films and creating content that challenged cancel culture. The company's commitment to not accepting funding from sources that don't align with its mission has been a defining characteristic, even if it means staying "poor." This approach has led to the release of movies like "Terror on the Prairie," which stars Gina Carano, who was unjustly canceled by Disney. The Daily Wire's mission is to provide great content for audiences who may feel underserved by traditional media.

    • The Daily Wire expands offerings with Daily Wire PlusThe Daily Wire is expanding its offerings beyond its current subscription model to include movies, TV series, reality television, kids' content, and a community feature, aiming to attract new subscribers and grow as a media competitor.

      The Daily Wire, a media company, is expanding its offerings beyond its current subscription model to compete with larger media conglomerates. This expansion, named Daily Wire Plus, aims to provide a platform for various types of content, including movies, TV series, reality television, and kids' content. The company faced technological challenges in the past, which led to the decision to rebuild its tech infrastructure and improve the user experience for subscribers. The new platform will also include a community feature, allowing subscribers to interact with each other and build a stronger sense of unity in the cultural battle. The expansion is necessary for The Daily Wire to grow and scale, and the subscribers' support is crucial to the company's continued success. The company's ultimate goal is to create a brand that can contain all these new ideas and attract new kinds of talent, making it a formidable competitor in the media industry.

    • Engaging children with meaningful conversations and educational contentParents should engage with their children more about pop culture and school to counteract negative influences, using trusted sources like The Daily Wire and PragerU for deep, thought-provoking content.

      Parents need to be more engaged with their children as they spend a significant amount of time, approximately 80 hours a week, consuming pop culture and being in school. The influence of these sources can be countered by meaningful conversations and educational content from trusted sources like The Daily Wire and PragerU. Secularization is a major moral crisis facing the country, and it's essential to understand its consequences for the rest of life. The partnership between The Daily Wire and PragerU aims to provide deep, thought-provoking content through the PragerU Masters program, which will feature Dennis Prager diving into the biggest issues in 45 minutes or less. This collaboration intends to make a difference in people's lives, as seen in the story of a man who was brought to conservatism and God through The Daily Wire and PragerU's content. Ultimately, the success of these platforms in America is crucial for the world as a whole.

    • The power of logical and moral argumentsLogical and moral arguments are effective in convincing others. Ask questions, engage in meaningful conversations, and fight for what is right.

      Fighting for what you believe in, with logic and morality, is the key to convincing others. Dennis Prager, a renowned thinker and commentator, emphasizes the importance of being logical and kind even while challenging wrong ideas. He shares an anecdote about meeting a conservative from Norway at the airport, who identified as just "logical," illustrating the power of logical and moral arguments. Prager encourages people to ask questions, be curious, and engage in meaningful conversations, rather than labeling others as optimistic or pessimistic. He believes that the only question that matters is "what do I have to do?" and the answer is to fight for what is right. The Prager University Master Class at Daily Wire Plus offers logical arguments that can be used to persuade others and become a messenger for important ideas.

    • Understanding the Crisis of MasculinityTo overcome the crisis of masculinity, men must embrace responsibility, discipline, and constructive use of aggression.

      There is a crisis of masculinity, and many people view masculinity as a toxic force. According to Jordan Peterson, this perspective stems from a lack of understanding of the concept of original sin and the inherent guilt humans feel in relation to nature and culture. This guilt can be weaponized, leading young men to feel they must "castrate themselves" to atone, rather than using their masculinity in a productive and necessary way. Peterson's new series on Daily Wire Plus, "Dragons, Monsters, Men," aims to help men navigate this crisis by understanding the importance of taking responsibility, being disciplined, and learning to control their aggression. By embracing their masculinity and using it constructively, men can make a positive impact on the world and overcome the challenges they face.

    • The Complexity of Gender Roles and Power DynamicsMany women have had negative experiences with men, leading to fear of competent masculinity and opposition to power, while recognizing the importance of both feminine and masculine spirits in relationships

      The ongoing debate about gender roles and power dynamics stems from a complex interplay of societal, familial, and individual factors. While some argue that the patriarchy oppresses women and that power is the fundamental human motivation, others believe that the utility of both feminine and masculine spirits should be recognized. The speaker emphasizes that many women have never had positive relationships with men, leading them to be attracted to men with dark triad traits and fearful of competent masculinity. This fear can manifest as opposition to power, even within one's own development, due to generational patterns of family fragmentation. The speaker also argues against the radical leftist ideology that power is the sole motivation for human behavior and that free speech is a mask for justifying patriarchy. Instead, they advocate for understanding and engaging in dialogue to build relationships based on mutual respect and shared interests.

    • The importance of play in building stable social structuresOptimizing relationships and circumstances allows for the manifestation of the spirit of play, leading to happiness and highest level of attainment.

      The spirit of voluntary play is the proper antithesis to power and compulsion in building stable and healthy social structures, whether among animals or humans. This idea was discussed in relation to primate social structures and the role of power and peace-making in chimpanzee societies, as well as the importance of play in human development. The speaker emphasized the significance of optimizing relationships and circumstances to allow for the manifestation of the spirit of play, which leads to the highest level of attainment and happiness. The speaker also highlighted the role of fathers in providing security and structure for play to occur. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of understanding the role of power and play in social structures and relationships and striving for optimal conditions for the expression of the spirit of play.

    • Expanding the Supreme Court and Embracing FemininityAvoid court packing for political reasons and embrace femininity, nature, gratitude, kindness, and mutual support in marriage for personal growth and happiness

      There is no logical reason to expand the number of Supreme Court justices beyond nine. This idea, known as court packing, has been attempted in the past for nakedly partisan reasons, leading to an endless arms race of judicial appointments and potentially undermining the stability of government and self-rule. On a different note, another key takeaway is the importance of embracing femininity and nature for women, particularly in regards to their fertility and the potential consequences of rejecting traditional roles. Lastly, the secret to a healthy and happy marriage lies in gratitude, kindness, and the recognition that one's spouse is an integral part of one's own identity and happiness. Additionally, it's essential to root out the spirit of competition in a marriage and channel it in a healthy way to ensure mutual support and understanding.

    • Giving yourself fully to the relationshipRecognize and appreciate unique strengths, prioritize honesty, reliability, and productivity, and approach marriage as a commitment to build a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling union.

      A successful marriage is not about equality or keeping score, but rather about giving yourself fully to the relationship and trusting your partner to do the same. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating the unique strengths and perspectives that each partner brings to the table. Additionally, it's crucial to avoid taking each other for granted and to prioritize honesty, reliability, and productivity in the relationship. Happiness may come and go, but these qualities can help build a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling marriage. The speaker also mentions the importance of understanding that marriage is a commitment, and it's essential to approach it with a clear agreement on its value and purpose.

    • Understanding and respecting unique differences in marriageListen actively, offer emotional support, accept suffering, and treat spouse with love and respect

      A successful and fulfilling marriage requires recognizing and respecting the unique differences between partners. Men and women have distinct priorities and needs. Instead of assuming that our spouse wants what we want, we should listen actively and respond accordingly. This doesn't mean solving every problem or providing material possessions, but rather offering emotional support and understanding. Additionally, accepting that suffering and hardships are part of life and embracing them with patience and grace can strengthen the bond between partners. Ultimately, the key to a strong marriage lies in understanding that our spouse is an integral part of us and treating them with love, respect, and compassion.

    • Appreciation and Intimacy in MarriageRegular communication, appreciation through gestures, and intentional effort are key to maintaining intimacy and a healthy marriage.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage. The speaker shares an experience where his wife wanted to mute a call from another man, leading to a conversation about appreciation and intimacy. He emphasizes that women want to feel appreciated through gestures like flowers, cards, and kind words, not just through physical intimacy. The couple's practice of regular dates and making a conscious effort to prioritize intimacy has been beneficial in their marriage, especially during challenging times. The speaker also encourages men to avoid "bitching" and instead practice stoicism, allowing their partners to shoulder fewer emotional burdens. This conversation highlights the importance of open communication, respect, and intentional effort in nurturing a long-term partnership.

    • Understanding the difference between general and specific honesty in marriageFocus on fulfilling our own roles and accepting differences rather than burdening partners with every detail

      While honesty is important in a marriage, there's a difference between general honesty and specific honesty. The speaker believes that living in an illusion can diminish the value of the choice we make in selecting our spouse. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the differences between men and women, and not burdening our partners with every specific detail of our thoughts and feelings. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that we have no real power over others and that the best way to improve a relationship is by focusing on fulfilling our own roles to the best of our ability, rather than expecting our partners to change.

    • Support and dedication in relationshipsBeing a supportive partner fosters personal growth and strengthens bonds. Amidst political turmoil, individuals can embrace self-sufficiency, resilience, and optimism.

      Being a supportive and dedicated partner creates an environment for both individuals to be their best selves. This was one of the themes discussed during a panel event. Another topic touched upon was the current political landscape, with optimism expressed about the collapse of certain narratives and the awakening of people to self-sufficiency and government overreach. The speaker also shared her personal experience of facing government opposition and choosing to continue fighting from within, despite having the means to leave. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of individual responsibility, resilience, and optimism in the face of adversity.

    • Jordan Peterson's fight against harmful ideas and government actionsCanadian professor Jordan Peterson opposes harmful ideas and is moving financial resources out of Canada due to government actions. He anticipates PM Trudeau's downfall and continues to collaborate with conservatives in Canada.

      Jordan Peterson, a Canadian professor and author, is actively working against the ideas he perceives as harmful to society, even as he moves his financial resources out of Canada due to government actions. He is committed to opposing these ideas both from within and outside Canada, and believes the Canadian government's freezing of bank accounts was a catastrophic move with long-term consequences for the country's reputation. Peterson anticipates that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not last more than three more years in office. He continues to maintain a residency in Canada and collaborates with conservatives there to address the current state of governance. The event concluded with expressions of gratitude to all involved and optimism for the future.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Andrew Klavan's latest novel When Christmas Comes is now available on Amazon. Order in time for Christmas: https://utm.io/udW6u

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    The Existential and Moral Debate on Abortion

    Abortion has always been a key debate in philosophy and politics, with recent developments of the feminist movement and the legal decisions surrounding Roe v Wade. In this video, I am joined by  @StrangeCornersOfThought to discuss different perspectives on abortion and talk about how we can approach the concept from existential, legal and moral frameworks!
    I hope you enjoy!

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    Where else to find Josh Yen:

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    Ep. 944 - Dems Screech And Howl In Defense Of Baby Butchery

    Ep. 944 - Dems Screech And Howl In Defense Of Baby Butchery

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    Ep. 438 - Abortion Enthusiasts Lose Their Minds

    Ep. 438 - Abortion Enthusiasts Lose Their Minds

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    Check out The Cold War: What We Saw, a new podcast written and presented by Bill Whittle at https://www.dailywire.com/coldwar. In Part 1 we peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.

    If you like The Matt Walsh Show, become a member TODAY with promo code: WALSH and enjoy the exclusive benefits for 10% off at https://www.dailywire.com/Walsh

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