
    Daily Wire Backstage: Live at the Ryman

    enJune 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Daily Wire's Growth and Success in Media LandscapeConservative media company, The Daily Wire, has grown significantly since its inception with new shows, podcasts, original series, and feature films. Despite challenges, it continues to push boundaries and expand into kids' entertainment and blockbuster announcements.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company founded seven years ago by Ben Shapiro, has experienced significant growth and success since its inception. With the launch of new shows, podcasts, original series, and even feature films, The Daily Wire has become a major player in the media landscape. Despite facing challenges, such as lawsuits against government entities and backlash from critics, The Daily Wire has continued to push boundaries and make bold moves. The company's latest announcements include original kids' entertainment content and upcoming blockbuster announcements. Through it all, The Daily Wire remains committed to providing content that aligns with its conservative values.

    • Overturning Roe v. Wade: A Victory for Pro-Life AdvocatesPro-life advocates celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade as a significant victory, expressing surprise and excitement. They see it as an opportunity to save lives and push forward a pro-life agenda, while criticizing media propagandizing and inconsistencies in pro-choice arguments.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade marks a significant victory for pro-life advocates and the beginning of a larger cultural and political battle. Speakers expressed their surprise and excitement about this development, which they see as an opportunity to save the lives of the unborn and push forward an agenda that values life. They also criticized the media for propagandizing on behalf of abortion and revealed some inconsistencies in the arguments made by those who support abortion rights. Overall, the conversation underscored the deep divide on this issue and the importance of staying committed to one's beliefs and pushing forward in the face of opposition.

    • Abortion Debate: From Eugenics to SacramentThe speaker argues against dehumanizing unborn children and advocates for a more nuanced perspective on women's rights and the inherent value of all human life.

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights in the United States has evolved from eugenics to a more extreme stance that some argue dehumanizes unborn children. The speaker expresses concern over the recent trend of celebrating abortion as a sacrament and argues that this perspective denies the inherent value of life and equality for women. According to the speaker, the dissenting opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case offers a more nuanced perspective, focusing on women's equality and the importance of acknowledging the biological reality of pregnancy. The speaker believes that this perspective, which recognizes the unique abilities and strengths of women, is a more empowering and accurate representation of women's experiences. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting the inherent value of all human life and promoting equality for women without denying their biological capabilities.

    • Women's Complex Experiences with AbortionThe abortion industry can limit women's choices by presenting abortion as the only solution, ignoring the complex and often coercive realities for many women, and prioritizing men's freedom over women's well-being.

      The discussion highlights the complex and often coercive nature of women's experiences with abortion. The speaker shares personal stories of women who felt pressured into getting abortions and expresses concern that the media's portrayal of abortion as a simple, empowering choice ignores the reality for many women. The speaker also criticizes the sexual revolution for prioritizing men's freedom over women's well-being, leading to negative consequences for women's mental health and the lives of unborn children. The speaker argues that the abortion industry, rather than expanding choices for women, can actually limit their options by presenting abortion as the only solution in cases of unintended pregnancy. The discussion also touches on the backlash against the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the efforts to shut down crisis pregnancy centers, which provide resources and alternatives to abortion.

    • The Abortion Debate: A Misunderstood Echo ChamberThe abortion debate is filled with misunderstandings and misrepresentations due to a lack of consideration for opposing viewpoints and a culture of narcissism that prioritizes personal convenience over life.

      The abortion debate exists in an echo chamber where arguments are made without considering opposing viewpoints. The abortion clinic's existence relies on fear and convenience, while pro-choice advocates make arguments that can be interpreted as pro-life. For instance, an article about a woman who kept her twins after Texas' abortion ban was passed was intended to lament her situation but ultimately portrayed the joy she found in raising her children. The culture of narcissism is a significant factor in the debate, with some viewing having a baby as an inconvenience or hindrance to their personal goals. Pro-choice advocates also fail to understand conservative beliefs, such as the importance of the second amendment and traditional family values. These misunderstandings lead to constant misinterpretations and misrepresentations of each other's positions.

    • Navigating Complex Social Issues: A Critique of Identity Politics and IntersectionalityThe speaker critiqued the left's focus on identity politics and intersectionality, expressing frustration with manipulative arguments that overlook underlying principles and intentions.

      The discussion touched upon the complexities and controversies surrounding various social issues, including education funding, abortion, and race. The speaker expressed frustration with the left's perceived focus on identity politics and their interpretation of principles through an intersectional lens. They also criticized certain arguments made by prominent figures, such as comparing pro-lifers to slave holders and suggesting that pro-life policies are racist due to their disproportionate impact on certain demographics. The speaker believed that these arguments were misguided and manipulative, and that they often overlooked the underlying principles and intentions behind these policies. They also accused the left of expecting black Americans to be less educated and more easily provoked to protest for their causes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the polarizing nature of modern political debates and the importance of understanding the nuances behind the arguments being made.

    • Abortion as a Parenting DecisionThe overturning of Roe v. Wade shifts the abortion debate from a reproductive issue to a parenting decision, with potential consequences for civil unrest and democratic experimentation.

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights and reproductive rights is a matter of defining terms and recognizing the humanity of the unborn. The left's framing of abortion as a reproductive decision obscures the fact that it's a parenting decision, with the baby's life at stake. The overturning of Roe v. Wade will lead to more abortions in some states and fewer in others, but it also makes abortion a legislative issue at the state and federal levels. While some fear this could lead to conflict and civil unrest, others see it as an opportunity for moral federalism and democratic experimentation. Ultimately, the debate comes down to recognizing the value of human life and the role of government in protecting it.

    • The Abortion Debate: Education, Parental Involvement, and the Importance of PatienceThe abortion debate continues, with pro-life gains in some states and education, parental involvement, and patience emphasized for shaping perspectives. A constitutional amendment and historical context were discussed, but progress through informing women is the focus.

      The debate over abortion rights is likely to continue as a gradual process, with the pro-life movement making gains in red and purple states, while the Supreme Court is unlikely to overturn Roe v. Wade through federal legislation. The speakers emphasized the importance of education and parental involvement in shaping young people's perspectives on abortion. They also discussed the need for a constitutional amendment to affirm the right to life, as well as the historical context of Planned Parenthood's influence in promoting abortion. Ultimately, they agreed that the pro-life movement has made significant progress in recent decades by informing more women about the moral wrongs of abortion, and that this trend is likely to continue. However, they also acknowledged the importance of prudence and patience in the face of legal challenges.

    • The Overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Role of StatesThe overturning of Roe v. Wade allows states to decide on abortion laws, criticized Democratic overreach, educational crisis, and AOC's potential danger as an uninformed politician.

      The overturning of Roe v. Wade marks a new stage for the pro-life movement, as the issue will be decided at the state level. The speaker argues that this is how the country is supposed to function, with each state establishing its own laws. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the Democrats for their overreach in response, including calls to pack the Supreme Court and eliminate the filibuster. The speaker also highlights the educational crisis in the country, as many people lack a basic understanding of American civics and institutions. Overall, the speaker sees AOC as a dangerous and ignorant politician, but also recognizes the potential for her to win the presidency if people remain uneducated about the issues.

    • Ignorance and Lack of Critical Thinking in Public FiguresPublic figures' misunderstandings and inability to engage with opposing viewpoints can hinder effective governance and open dialogue. Seeking truth and asking difficult questions is crucial.

      The ignorance and lack of critical thinking displayed by public figures, even those considered intellectual elites, can hinder effective governance and open dialogue. The example given was a discussion about the Three-Fifths Compromise, where it was revealed that the person involved had a misunderstanding of its origins. This issue, along with the inability to engage with opposing viewpoints, makes these individuals weak and susceptible to being challenged. The speaker also shared his experience making the documentary "What is a Woman?" where he found that those questioned couldn't answer simple, direct questions related to gender, revealing the fragility of their beliefs. The importance of asking difficult questions and seeking the truth, even if it's uncomfortable, was emphasized.

    • Conservative Movement's Impact on CultureThe conservative movement is producing high-quality content that competes with industry giants, asking simple questions politely challenges leftist narratives, and their values and beliefs are leading to a cultural shift.

      The conservative movement is making significant strides in culture, producing high-quality documentaries and films that compete with industry giants like Disney. Ben Shapiro discussed how their production value has improved greatly from their humble beginnings, and they are starting to make an impact in the cultural landscape. Shapiro also highlighted the importance of asking simple questions politely, as it challenges the left's narrative of conservatives being angry and imposing their views. This approach has led to failures of leftist content, such as the underperformance of Disney's "Lightyear" after conservative backlash against its inclusion of a lesbian kiss in a children's film. Overall, the conservative movement is learning to stand up for their values and beliefs, leading to a shift in the cultural landscape.

    • Culture War: Traditional Values vs Progressive IdeologiesRecognize the importance of standing up for traditional values and fighting back against progressive ideologies that threaten our civilization. Engage with supportive communities to produce high-quality content that challenges the status quo.

      We are living in a time where progress has led us to regressive behaviors and ideologies, creating a culture war that requires a strong response. The speaker argues that this is evident in issues like gender identity and the concept of happiness, which are approached differently in over-civilized societies compared to less developed ones. The speaker also highlights the role of Disney and the media in promoting progressive ideologies that challenge traditional values. The documentary "What is a Woman?" produced by The Daily Wire, is an example of the fight against these ideologies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a supportive community, like The Daily Wire's subscribers, to produce high-quality content that challenges the status quo. The speaker invites viewers to engage in a rapid-fire Q&A session during the second part of the show. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to recognize the importance of standing up for traditional values and fighting back against progressive ideologies that threaten our civilization.

    • The power of continuity and new beginningsBen Shapiro shared heartfelt moments about life's continuity at weddings and funerals, witnessed a proposal backstage, and expressed gratitude for The Daily Wire's support in delivering resonating content to a wide audience.

      The power of continuity and new beginnings was a recurring theme during the event, whether it be through the birth of new life or the start of new ventures. Ben Shapiro shared a heartfelt moment about the beauty of life continuing at weddings and funerals, and even witnessed a proposal backstage before the show. The Daily Wire's comments section, which has rapidly grown in popularity, provides a platform for open-minded discussions and perspectives that challenge the mainstream narrative. Shapiro expressed gratitude for the company's support in delivering content that resonates with a wide audience, including political moderates. Overall, the event emphasized the importance of embracing new experiences and ideas, even in the face of adversity.

    • Speaking to underserved audiences and owning biasesThe Daily Wire's success comes from addressing overlooked conservative demographics, embracing biases, and delivering unfiltered commentary, distinguishing them from mainstream media and driving unprecedented growth.

      The Daily Wire, under the leadership of Ben Shapiro and co-CEO Jeremy Boring, has experienced remarkable success by speaking to underserved audiences and owning their biases. With shows like Brett Cooper's, which has amassed 200 million views in just 4 months, and new initiatives like Morning Wire, Crane and Co, and The Daily Wire itself, the company has made significant strides in competing for audiences historically overlooked by conservatives, such as women and sports fans. By embracing their biases and providing unfiltered commentary, The Daily Wire has distinguished itself from mainstream media, aiming to tell the truth and hold themselves to a high standard, even when it may not align with their audience's preferences. This approach has led to unprecedented growth and engagement, making The Daily Wire a formidable force in the media landscape.

    • Founding The Daily Wire with a Unique ApproachThe Daily Wire's success shows the power of a for-profit business model and marketing in spreading conservative ideas.

      The Daily Wire was founded with a unique approach to address the issues of bias in news and the challenge of marketing conservative ideas to a massive audience. The team, consisting of industry veterans, recognized the importance of marketing and creating culture, but lacked the resources to do so effectively. They aimed to build a large audience through news and commentary content, which would then be used to shine a spotlight on cultural content. Despite setbacks and skepticism, they remained determined and eventually achieved their goal, creating a profitable company with a large audience and the ability to distribute and produce cultural content. The success of The Daily Wire demonstrates the power of a for-profit business model and the importance of marketing in spreading conservative ideas.

    • Daily Wire's Mission and Growth in Media LandscapeThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, stands against cancel culture, produces cultural content, and aims to reach 1M subscribers to compete in the media landscape, while refusing funding from entities not aligned with their mission.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is dedicated to producing cultural content and fighting against cancel culture, while also growing its subscriber base to compete with larger media companies. They have taken a stance against accepting money from entities that do not align with their core mission. This includes producing movies, hiring investigative journalists, and sending reporters into school boards. Notably, they produced a film for Gina Carano after her controversial Disney cancellation. The company aims to reach 1,000,000 subscribers and beyond, recognizing the need to scale to compete in the media landscape. They believe their subscribers and advertisers are crucial to their ability to continue this fight.

    • Daily Wire Launches New Platform for Conservative ContentThe Daily Wire is expanding its offerings with Daily Wire Plus, providing a broader range of content including movies, TV series, kids' content, and exclusive collaborations with creators. The platform aims to challenge the left's influence on children's education and entertainment, offering families an alternative for trustworthy and engaging content.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is expanding its offerings beyond its current platform with the launch of Daily Wire Plus. This new platform aims to hold a broader range of content, including movies, TV series, kids' content, and more. The expansion comes in response to technological challenges, the need for community interaction, and the desire to challenge the left's influence on children's education and entertainment. The company also plans to collaborate with other creators and expand its relationship with PragerU, offering exclusive content to Daily Wire Plus subscribers. The goal is to provide an alternative platform for conservative content and values, ensuring that families have access to trustworthy and engaging content for their children.

    • The biggest moral crisis in America is secularization, according to Dennis Prager.Dennis Prager believes secularization is causing chaos and moral decay in society, and he's dedicated to raising awareness through his radio work and new project with Ben Shapiro.

      According to Dennis Prager, the biggest moral crisis facing the country today is secularization, which he believes is responsible for much of the chaos and moral decay in society. Prager, who has been in radio for 40 years, has devoted his life to raising awareness about the consequences of secularism. He shared a personal story about a young man in the Czech Republic who was brought to conservatism and God through Prager's work. Prager and Ben Shapiro are collaborating on a new project for DW Plus, where they will explore deep moral issues in 45-minute episodes. Prager expressed optimism about the current state of America, but emphasized the importance of fighting for values, regardless of whether one is optimistic or pessimistic.

    • Fight for beliefs in a smart and kind way using logical and moral argumentsDaily Wire Plus encourages logical arguments and tools to help individuals become warriors and messengers for their beliefs, addressing the crisis of masculinity by encouraging men to embrace their inner monster, learn control, and work towards higher goals.

      Every day, we should ask ourselves what we need to do to make a difference, and the answer is to fight for our beliefs in a smart and kind way. This was a lesson shared by Dennis Prager, emphasizing the importance of logical and moral arguments to convince others. Prager also highlighted the story of a Norwegian man he met at the airport, who identified as logical rather than conservative, demonstrating the power of logical and moral arguments. Daily Wire Plus, with the addition of Jordan Peterson's content, aims to provide logical arguments and tools to help individuals become warriors and messengers for their beliefs. The crisis of masculinity can be addressed by encouraging men to embrace their inner monster, learn control, and work towards higher goals. The first series from Jordan Petterson on Daily Wire Plus, titled "Dragons, Monsters, and Men," focuses on this concept.

    • Crisis of Masculinity: Perception vs. RealityDespite societal beliefs, men's role isn't inherently harmful to nature or women. Encouraging positive masculinity and understanding the difference between power and competence can foster healthy relationships between genders.

      Our modern society's perception of human beings as antagonistic to nature and each other, particularly towards men, has led to a crisis of masculinity. People feel an existential burden to make up for perceived lacks in themselves and society, which can be weaponized against men. The anger towards men stems from the belief that they are the driving force of rapaciousness towards nature and oppression towards women. However, the proper response to this potential damage is not to withdraw completely but to channel masculinity in productive ways. Unfortunately, many women have never had positive relationships with men, leading them to be attracted to men with dark triad traits who can mimic competence. This inability to distinguish power from competence results in fear and opposition to masculinity, even within oneself. It's essential to recognize the utility of both the feminine and masculine spirit and encourage positive relationships between genders to break this cycle.

    • The misconception of power as the driving force in relationshipsRecognize the importance of free play and low-stress environments for healthy relationships, rather than focusing on power dynamics.

      The belief that power is the fundamental motivation for human relationships is a misguided and destructive perspective. This ideology, popular among certain radical groups, views power as the driving force behind all interactions and rejects the idea of free speech. Instead, it's essential to recognize that the spirit of free involuntary play is the antithesis to power and the foundation for healthy, optimally structured relationships. This includes intimate partnerships, families, and communities. Play is important for personal development and can only flourish in a low-stress environment. Fathers play a role in creating the structure that allows for this play to take place, creating a "walled garden" where nature and nurture can thrive. Ultimately, this perspective offers a more positive and constructive way to understand human relationships and the role of power within them.

    • Balancing security and freedom, emphasizing inner lives, and maintaining government stabilityEmphasize inner lives for friendships, keep Supreme Court at 9 for stability, and lean into femininity for strength

      While security is important, it's equally essential to allow for freedom and untrammeled development. This balance can be achieved by emphasizing the spirit of voluntary play and focusing on the importance of people's inner lives. Regarding friendships, it's possible to remain friends with those we deeply disagree with by remembering their inherent worth and being willing to speak the truth. The number of Supreme Court justices should remain at 9 to maintain government stability and prevent a never-ending arms race of judicial appointments. A strong woman, according to Candace, is one who leans into her femininity and embraces her nature. These principles, as discussed during the Daily Wire event with Jordan Peterson, can help foster meaningful dialogue and self-governance.

    • Cultivating Gratitude and Kindness in MarriageGratitude and kindness are essential in a healthy marriage. Women should lean into their femininity and prioritize fertility. Masculinity and femininity complement each other, and avoiding competition or channeling it healthily is important. Each partner should give their all and support each other's growth. Taking each other for granted should be avoided.

      A healthy marriage requires gratitude, kindness, and the recognition of the unique roles and contributions of both partners. Women are encouraged to lean into their femininity and recognize the importance of fertility before it's too late. Gratitude and kindness are essential in establishing a deep connection between partners, and the spirit of competition should be channeled in a healthy way or avoided altogether. A marriage is not about equal parts, but rather about each partner giving their all and supporting each other's growth. The symbiotic nature of masculinity and femininity is crucial for the healthy development of children. Lastly, taking each other for granted should be avoided, and the effort to win one's partner's love and respect should continue throughout the marriage.

    • Seeking deeper values in marriage and lifeFocus on virtues like honesty, nobility, reliability, productivity, and generosity for a strong foundation in marriage and life, rather than solely pursuing happiness.

      Focusing solely on happiness in a marriage or in life can be limiting and misguided. Instead, aim for deeper values such as honesty, nobility, reliability, productivity, and generosity. These virtues can help couples weather the storms and find joy in the journey, even during difficult times. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding that each person's desires and needs may not align perfectly, and that's okay. Additionally, the concept of suffering as a sanctifying experience was mentioned, suggesting that even in the toughest moments, there can be growth and closeness if approached with patience and edification. Overall, the emphasis is on building a strong foundation of values and commitment, rather than chasing fleeting happiness.

    • Understanding Men and Women's Communication NeedsEffective communication requires acknowledging men's solution-focused nature and women's desire to be heard, and ensuring both feel heard, respected, protected, and appreciated.

      Effective communication and understanding the unique needs and desires of both men and women are crucial for a healthy and harmonious relationship. Men, being solution-oriented, often want to fix problems, while women predominantly want to be heard and understood. Misunderstanding these differences can lead to frustration and conflict. It's essential to ask clarifying questions to determine whether your partner wants a solution or just wants to be heard. Additionally, both partners need to feel heard, respected, protected, and appreciated to maintain a strong bond. This dialogue, which may seem unconventional, highlights the importance of acknowledging and embracing the differences between men and women. However, this perspective may not be well-received in certain left-leaning circles due to their disdain for perceived reality and traditional gender roles.

    • Maintaining intimacy in marriage: Prioritize dates and open communicationPrioritize regular dates and open communication to strengthen marriage, avoid burdening partner with every concern, and shoulder some responsibilities on your own.

      Prioritizing regular dates and open communication are essential for maintaining a healthy and intimate marriage, especially during challenging times. Both partners must make a conscious effort to set aside time for each other and avoid letting responsibilities and exhaustion push intimacy down the list of priorities. Additionally, while honesty is important, there is a difference between general honesty and specific honesty. Men, in particular, should be mindful of not burdening their partners with every small concern and instead, shoulder some burdens on their own, as demonstrated in the story of the man in the Soviet labor camp. Ultimately, a realistic and truthful understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities within the marriage is crucial for building a strong and lasting bond.

    • Focus on being the best partner, not changing the otherEmphasize self-improvement and fulfilling your role, rather than trying to change your partner, to create an opportunity for them to be their best self.

      In a meaningful relationship, each partner has the responsibility to work on fulfilling their role to the best of their ability and focus on self-improvement, rather than trying to change the other person. This approach creates an opportunity for the other person to also be their best self. The speaker emphasizes that no one has real power over another person and that trying to coerce or manipulate them will not lead to a successful relationship. Instead, focusing on being the best partner possible, even if it doesn't guarantee the other person will change, can have a mystical effect and lead to both partners reaching their potential. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of practical aspects of marriage, such as communication and understanding the differences between men and women, and the spiritual component, which is rooted in the Bible's teachings on marriage.

    • Awakening to the Need for Change: Jordan Peterson's Personal and Political StrugglesJordan Peterson faces personal targeting from the Canadian government but stays committed to fighting destructive ideas and making a difference, while the government's controversial actions damage its reputation and Peterson moves his money out of the country.

      The current global political climate, particularly under the Biden administration and various COVID policies, has led to a mass awakening among people, with many recognizing the need for change. For Jordan Peterson, this realization hits close to home as he has faced personal targeting from the Canadian government. Despite this, Peterson chooses to stay and fight, balancing his efforts between opposing destructive ideas in Canada and traveling internationally to spread his message. The Canadian government's controversial actions, such as freezing bank accounts, have significantly damaged its reputation, and Peterson is moving his money out of the country while continuing to work with Canadian conservatives to bring about change. The political landscape may be uncertain, but Peterson remains optimistic and committed to making a difference.

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    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




    - - -




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




    - - -




    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Do Men Really Need Each Other ? with David Tosti & Ryah Arthur of TMPL

    Do Men Really Need Each Other ? with David Tosti & Ryah Arthur of TMPL

    In this episode, Aaron talks with David Tosti and Ryah Arthur about how a brotherhood group can be so vital to a mans life.







    Ryah Arthur



    David Tosti



    Show Notes

    :23 min Aaron Talks

    Here we are another episode of TKOL podcast.  This episode is a little different. I’ve been on this kick lately around masculinity and what it looks like to be a man in our modern culture.

    Centuries ago we were swinging axes and protecting each other on a battlefield somewhere.

    Even in our last hundred years we’ve either picked up a trade that our fathers shared with us. But in these modern times we put all those trades down to maybe become entrepreneurs of sorts. 

    For men it seems like in modern times we either join a community, build our own community, or find ourselves in the in between. 

    As men in our modern culture…

    It’s not uncommon to feel isolated, alone, and caged from your inner passions.

    You need to be seen for who you are, acknowledged for where you’re at, and held to the vision of your future. 

    Without each other, in brotherhood, without some form of community of men, we become dormant from transforming into the men we want to be, forgetting to take the steps necessary to accomplish our significant missions to make this world better.

    And it just so happens that my brother David Tosti and his longtime friend Ryah Arthur, both coaches, have create a group they called TMPL Brotherhood were men can share their stories together, unleash their creativity, be active, and support one another in and outside of daily life.

    This idea of men bonding and connecting on a deeper level was so interesting and needed I thought I would let Ryah and David tell you what they’re up to…

    2:30 min

    • early beginnings of temple brotherhood

    • Dave wanted to bring more men community together

    • Ryah was all in

    5 min

    • Ryah tribal games

    • The name TMPL is from the center of community

    • It’s not just a workout group

    7:30 min

    • distinguishing what brotherhood is from TMPL

    • Not a-lot of other things that bring men together besides sports

    • Not getting what you need from your friends

    9:30  min

    • integrate mental, physical, spiritual

    • ice bath, workouts and more

    • Each guy is heard with a talking stick

    • Art and expression

    12:30 min

    • nurturing your creativity

    • Mens avoidance to nurture

    • Intentional connection with one or two guys can open up for breakthrough

    15:20 min 

    • most men are in their heads

    • Like dead poet society

    • Drop judgements, perfection, and have more empathy

    • More expressive self

    17:15 min

    • TMPL move. Get In the body

    • Monthly themes

    • Deep dive breath-work


    • the book the War of Art

    • In war shield was actually for the person next them in war

    • Ryah and David are bring the concept of the shield to the modern man

    22:20 min

    • it’s way easier to give than to receive

    • Its really powerful medicine to be there when another man is going through a heavy time

    • Men knowing its ok to feel what their feeling

    25 min

    • interesting stories from TMPL

    • Men have put themselves out of their comfort zone

    • the thing you most fear is usually the navigational tool to point you in the right direction

    28:20 min

    • quote from Joseph Cambell

    • Often people are like the walking dead

    • Men having support whatever vocation they want to pursue

    • Hold you to your pations

    30:15 min

    • when you’re living in your true purpose you’re going to make the world better

    • What TMPL looks like for 2021-22



    Thanks for listening! 


    If anything from this episode has resonated or connected with you in some way, I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts by giving TKOL podcast a review or sharing this episode with a friend.


    If you’d like to connect with the temple brotherhood you can reach out to them on Instagram @TMPL_one


    I’ve left additional links in the show notes.

    You’ve been listening to the kind of podcast.


    I’m Aaron.


    Best of Love to You


    Does Your Job Define You?

    Does Your Job Define You?

    "What do you do?" is a question we've all asked and been asked. But is it who you are?

    Listen as The Two Gentle Men discuss topics such as manhood, adulthood, friendship, relationships, parenting, fatherhood, marriage, masculinity and sport.



    Kiwi's YouTube channel - Lessons for My Children - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvyt4GNQDakHIFRI1plMxxg

    The problem with modern masculinity Ft JP Williams

    The problem with modern masculinity Ft JP Williams
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