
    Daily Wire Backstage: Premiere of “What is a Woman?”

    enJune 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Transgender Ideology in 'What is a Woman?' DocumentaryMatt Walsh's documentary challenges mainstream narratives with surprising findings about transgender ideology. A must-watch for understanding the issues.

      Matt Walsh's documentary "What is a Woman?" is an important and entertaining piece of content that tackles hard-hitting topics with humor. Walsh spent a year exploring the world of transgender ideology, and the documentary uncovers surprising findings. The Daily Wire is releasing a series of premium content in June, including the documentary, the return of Gina Carano, and an announcement from Candace Owens. The timing of the documentary's release is not a coincidence, and it makes essential points that challenge mainstream narratives. The documentary is a masterpiece that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, and it's a must-watch for those who want to understand the issues at hand. Make sure to sign up for the Daily Wire or visit whatisawoman.com to watch the documentary.

    • Exploring gender ideology in 'What is a Woman?'The Daily Wire's film challenges gender ideology, revealing unexpected reactions and harm when interviewees' beliefs are questioned, emphasizing the importance of supporting content that pushes boundaries.

      The Daily Wire's latest film, "What is a Woman?" is only available to paid subscribers, and the team behind it is asking viewers to become members to support the production of such content. The film, which explores gender ideology, has already been delayed due to trolling, but the team is proud of the final product, which they believe collapses under the weight of any question. During the making of the film, they discovered that once interviewees were asked a real question challenging their worldview, the entire construct fell apart. The team was surprised by the reactions, ranging from laughter to shocking revelations about harm done to children. Despite the challenging interviews, the team maintained composure to ensure the film's message was conveyed effectively. Overall, the film is a testament to the power of questioning and the importance of supporting content that challenges the status quo.

    • Importance of asking questions and challenging ideologiesThe documentary emphasizes the significance of questioning societal beliefs, particularly those rooted in intolerance and rejection of facts, and the importance of maintaining a neutral expression while doing so.

      The documentary "The Closet of the Transgender Crown" highlights the importance of asking questions and challenging ideologies, particularly those rooted in a hatred of societal institutions and facts. The film showcases individuals like Jordan Peterson and a female psychiatrist who speak about facts, history, and ideas with clarity, while others are defensive and quick to label questioners as intolerant. The misuse of therapeutic language, such as "why do you care so much?", is also a tactic used to silence inquiries. Matt's ability to ask questions and maintain a neutral expression, even in hostile environments, allowed him to gain unique insights. The documentary reveals that the LGBTQI+ movement, with its emphasis on biological reality and tolerance, contradicts the transgender movement's belief in fluid identities and rejection of biological facts.

    • Contradictory Perspectives on Gender Identity and SexualityThe lesbian and gay community values biological sex and gender identity, while the transgender movement advocates for validating feelings and identities, leading to societal instability, highlighting the need for open and nuanced conversations.

      The discussions around gender identity and sexuality, as presented in the documentary, reveal contradictory perspectives. Biological sex and gender identity are central to the lesbian and gay community, but the transgender movement challenges these notions. The transgender movement advocates for validating individuals' feelings and identities, regardless of objective reality, which can lead to societal instability. The documentary also highlights the pervasiveness of these beliefs, making it impossible to predict who holds which perspective based on external factors. Ultimately, the documentary underscores the need for open and nuanced conversations around gender and sexuality, recognizing the complexities and contradictions within these communities.

    • Fear and Anger of Experts Challenged on Gender IdeologyExperts on gender ideology react with fear and anger when questioned, revealing a false consensus and vulnerability to challenge, creating an opportunity to expose the truth and potentially weaken the controversial narrative.

      Fear and anger drive the response to challenging questions about gender ideology, particularly from so-called experts who have dedicated their lives to the subject. These individuals are afraid of being exposed as wrong and angry that their expertise is being questioned, especially by someone perceived as uneducated. They live in a bubble where they believe everyone agrees with their perspective, and they use this false consensus to convince others that their views are the truth. This creates an opportunity for those who question the narrative to challenge the status quo and potentially win the battle against gender ideology, which is seen as the weakest link in the larger Jenga tower of controversial issues. The fear and anger from the experts also highlight the importance of having a backbone and asking basic questions to test ideas and expose the truth.

    • Invest in organizations challenging left-wing ideologiesConservatives can counter leftist dominance by supporting content creators like The Daily Wire, ensuring independence and alignment with audience values.

      Conservatives, as natural optimists and stewards of tradition and religion, should not give up on creating a better future. Instead, they should invest in and support organizations like The Daily Wire, which produces content that challenges left-wing ideologies. The left's ideology may seem overwhelming and present in every corner of society, but it is ultimately filled with hot air, as shown in Matt Walsh's documentary. By investing in and supporting organizations like The Daily Wire, conservatives can help bring about a harvest of positive change, rather than throwing up their hands in surrender. Additionally, it's important for organizations like The Daily Wire to remain indebted to their audience, rather than external investors with potentially conflicting agendas.

    • Exploring the Impact of Gender IdeologyThrough interviews and the Socratic method, the film reveals the pervasive nature of gender ideology and its impact on children and parents. A personal account from a transgender person adds depth to the discussion, highlighting the importance of questioning and understanding the implications of this complex issue.

      Learning from the making of the film is the importance of addressing the issue of gender ideology. At first, the speakers expressed doubts about the relevance and impact of the topic. However, as they delved deeper into the subject using the Socratic method, they discovered how pervasive this issue is in society and how it affects children and parents. The most important interview in the film is with a transgender person named Scott Nugent, who shares his personal experience and reasons for preventing this from happening to kids. The interviews with people on the street were also intriguing as they showed the ambiguity and fear surrounding the topic. The contradictions inherent in transhumanism make it a complex issue, but it's essential to address the potential harm it can cause. Overall, the film highlights the importance of asking questions and shedding light on the implications of gender ideology.

    • Deconstructionist and Postmodernist Perspectives: Confusing and Controlling IndividualsDeconstructionist and Postmodernist ideologies view everything as a system of power, accusing capitalism and free speech, but ultimately aim to confuse and control individuals by requiring them to repeat their ideology exactly and prioritize desires over truth, as seen in the Leah Thomas interview.

      According to the discussion, the deconstructionist and postmodernist perspectives view everything as a system of power. They accuse capitalism and free speech of being systems of power, but their ultimate goal is to confuse and control individuals by requiring them to repeat their ideology exactly as they say it. This ideology, specifically regarding gender, requires individuals to give up their logical and reasoning abilities, prioritize their desires over truth, and conform to their worldview to prove their loyalty. The Leah Thomas interview is an example of this, where Thomas, a supposed woman, dismisses logic and truth in favor of his feelings and desires. This ideology is not only self-contradictory but also reminiscent of authoritarian regimes where truth is manipulated to fit the ruling ideology.

    • The harmful belief that women's sports exist to protect menBelief in women's sports as a protective measure for men is misinformed and harmful. Mental health importance in tribal societies contrasts wealthy, individualistic ones.

      The belief that women's sports exist solely to protect men from losing to women is a harmful and misinformed perspective. This notion was expressed by someone with a significant platform, sparking concern about the deep-rooted prejudices that still exist. Additionally, during the production of a documentary, an undercover journalist named Matt went incognito and interviewed various individuals without being recognized. The team managed to coordinate conversations with an African tribe through normal channels and learned that the tribe's identity and role within their community were crucial to their mental well-being, contrasting the high rates of mental illness in wealthy, individualistic societies.

    • The role of societal institutions in shaping identityOur identity used to be defined by societal roles, but now we prioritize self-fulfillment, potentially disrupting important institutions

      Our identity and sense of purpose are deeply connected to the societal institutions and roles we are born into. According to the discussion, explorers in Africa discovered that women in traditional societies had significant power through their roles in creation, homemaking, and food making, which vanished when they became part of mechanistic societies focused solely on the individual. The interviewee in the film, Carl Trueman, emphasizes that our identity used to be defined by our role in society, but now we define ourselves based on our authentic sense of self-fulfillment, leading us to destroy societal institutions that hinder our perceived authentic selves. The idea of rugged individualism is good when it exists in a structured society with social order, but the therapeutic language used today encourages non-judgment of people but not situations, and it's essential to recognize the importance of societal institutions and the roles they play in shaping our identities.

    • Exploring the complexities of human ideas and beliefs in religionReligion helps us avoid extremes and understand the importance of relationships and community in defining identity.

      The complexity of human ideas and beliefs, particularly in the context of religion, requires humility and a recognition of their limitations. This is because none of our ideas, when taken to their extreme versions, are inherently good or bad. Early converts, for instance, can become overly ideological and dogmatic due to their enthusiasm and fear. Religion, in turn, acts as a moderating force that helps us avoid extremes and understand the importance of relationships and community in defining identity. The discussion also touched upon the role of institutions in reconciling independence and togetherness, as well as the potential of the film "The Decline of Western Civilization Part III" as an educational tool for church audiences, provided that the bishop is open-minded and courageous.

    • Exploring controversial ideas about human identityThe Daily Wire's content challenges the belief that humans are made in God's image, sparking important but potentially divisive conversations for mature audiences.

      The content in question, which may challenge Judeo-Christian values and the belief that humans are made in God's image, is not recommended for younger audiences due to its potentially destructive nature. The left's ideology attacks this fundamental notion, leading some to react with fear and defensiveness, making open dialogue difficult. The content produced by the Daily Wire aims to contribute to real conversations, not theoretical ones, and is intended for those who can handle mature and potentially controversial topics. The rejection of the belief that humans are made in God's image is a fundamental attack on identity and can be perceived as a violent attack, making it essential to engage in thoughtful and respectful dialogue.

    • Exposing young children to gender ideology is not for their benefit, but for adults' self-validationAdults pushing radical gender ideology on young children is not for the children's wellbeing, but to validate adults' sense of self-worth

      The push for radical gender ideology in young children is not about their mental health or wellbeing, but rather an attempt by some adults to validate their own sense of self-worth. This perspective was expressed during a discussion about the film "What is a Woman," during which it was argued that exposing young children to gender ideology at an impressionable age is not for their benefit, but rather to confuse them and make the adults feel better about themselves. The speaker also emphasized that there is no such thing as a transgender child, and that children with gender dysphoria may or may not grow out of it. The discussion also touched on the importance of protecting children and allowing them to find their way in life, rather than imposing adult issues on them. Additionally, the film "What is a Woman" is only available to Daily Wire members due to its production costs, but clips and a significant portion of the content are still accessible for free.

    • The importance of audience support in content creationSubscribing and actively participating in content creation ensures valuable and impactful productions continue.

      The success of content creation and consumption relies on the support of its audience. The contradiction lies in wanting access to valuable content without contributing to its creation or funding. The Daily Wire, as an example, emphasizes the importance of subscribers as executive producers, whose financial support brings content to life and shapes the cultural discourse. The film "What is a Woman?" is a testament to this, as it would not have been possible without the existing subscribers' support. The call to action is for those who value such content to subscribe and actively participate in its creation, ensuring the continuation of meaningful and impactful productions.

    • Documentary explores lack of clarity on gender identityDespite professional roles, some couldn't answer basic gender questions, leading to concerns about harm and validity of arguments.

      The documentary "What is a Woman?" exposes the inability of certain individuals to answer basic questions about gender identity, despite their advocacy and professional roles in the field. The film's interview subjects, who include transgender advocates and medical professionals, were unable to provide clear answers to simple questions, even when given advance notice. This lack of clarity and inability to articulate their beliefs led the filmmaker to question the validity of their arguments and the potential harm they may be causing. Additionally, the film explores the speaker's personal struggle with the concept of "pride month" and the idea of taking pride in innate characteristics, such as sexuality or gender identity. Overall, the documentary raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of gender identity and the importance of clear communication and rational discourse.

    • Understanding the Transgender Movement through 'What is a Woman?'This film aims to educate and equip individuals with the tools to engage with the transgender movement, emphasizing the importance of reaching a broader population to shed light on potential societal harms.

      The film "What is a Woman?" aims to equip and inform individuals, especially those who may not have been directly impacted by the transgender movement, with the tools to understand and engage with the issue. The speakers in the discussion express their belief that this film will serve as a first introduction to the realities and potential harms of the transgender movement for many people. They reject the idea that only those already convinced need to be reached, emphasizing the importance of educating and equipping the broader population. The film intends to shed light on the potential societal destruction that the transgender movement may bring, as it strives to tear down existing social structures and norms.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    What is a Click? A Framing Britney Spears Deep Dive Ft. Randi

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