
    Daily Wire Backstage: Premiere of “What is a Woman?”

    enJune 02, 2022
    What is the premise of Matt Walsh's documentary?
    How does The Daily Wire view gender ideology?
    What societal roles are considered important in the text?
    What dangers does the speaker identify regarding children's gender identity?
    Why does the speaker advocate for supporting The Daily Wire's content?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Daily Wire's Controversial June LineupThe Daily Wire is releasing a lineup of hard-hitting, controversial content in June, including Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman' documentary and Candace Owens' announcement. The releases are intentional and expected to challenge mainstream media narratives.

      The Daily Wire is releasing a significant amount of controversial content in June, headed by Matt Walsh's documentary "What is a Woman," which challenges gender ideology and transgender beliefs. The documentary is a must-listen, according to Ben Shapiro, and is part of a lineup that includes the premiere of "Terror on the Prairie" and an announcement from Candace Owens. The timing of the releases is intentional, and the content is expected to be both entertaining and hard-hitting, addressing important issues that counter mainstream media narratives. The month of June is particularly significant for The Daily Wire team, who are proud of the content they're releasing and the impact it's expected to have.

    • Exploring the fragility of gender ideologyThe documentary 'What is a Woman' reveals how even basic questions about gender cause experts to stumble, exposing the tenuous foundations of their beliefs. It challenges viewers to question assumptions about gender and demonstrates its collapse under scrutiny.

      The film "What is a Woman," available only to Daily Wire members, exposes the fragility of gender ideology when faced with real questioning. During the making of the documentary, it was discovered that even the most basic questions about gender caused experts and authorities to stumble, revealing the tenuous foundations of their beliefs. The film, directed by Justin Folk, is both funny and thought-provoking, with interviews revealing the harmful practices being promoted under the guise of gender ideology. The Daily Wire's investment in this project, made possible by its members, has resulted in a powerful and impactful film that challenges viewers to question the assumptions they've been taught about gender. While some interviews were entertaining and even laugh-out-loud funny, others were so disturbing that the interviewers had to restrain themselves from laughing or reacting in disbelief. Overall, "What is a Woman" demonstrates that the concept of gender, which is often presented as a complex and nuanced construct, collapses under even the slightest scrutiny.

    • Exploring the tension between questioning and defending beliefsEffectively challenge gender ideology by asking questions and letting it hang itself under the weight of the query. Absorb hostile environments and ask questions, even when faced with accusations.

      The film explores the tension between asking questions and defending one's beliefs. The most effective way to challenge gender ideology, according to the speaker, is to keep asking questions and let it hang itself under the weight of the query. The film highlights the contrasting ways people speak about facts, history, and ideas, with some characters like Jordan Peterson and the lady psychiatrist presenting a clear and logical argument, while others are defensive and react with hostility. The speaker admires the film's protagonist for her ability to absorb hostile environments with a straight face and ask questions, even when faced with accusations of being a sociopath. The film also exposes the underlying hatred of societal institutions and fundamental facts of life, such as the differences between men and women, marriage, and truth, that is rooted in the gender ideology movement. The speaker finds it ironic that the LGBTQI plus movement, which started as a biological-based movement, now includes various identities that are at odds with the transgender movement's belief in fluid identities.

    • Transgender Identity and Its Implications on SocietyThe transgender movement challenges biological reality, requires validation of destructive feelings, and employs inconsistent and manipulative tactics, making it difficult for others to see people as they truly are.

      The discussion revolves around the concept of transgender identity and its implications on society. The speaker argues that the transgender movement's premise challenges biological reality and requires validation of destructive feelings, making it difficult for others to see people as they truly are. The speaker also points out the inconsistencies and manipulative tactics used by the LGBTQ+ community, specifically regarding the validation of their identities and the accusations of cultural appropriation and erasure. The documentary, according to the speaker, highlights the pervasiveness of these beliefs and the shocking reality of people denying their own identities. Ultimately, the speaker questions the commonality and validity of the "ism" movements, including feminism, that claim men and women are essentially the same. The speaker's personal experience of questioning the identities of girls on the street further emphasizes the confusion and pervasiveness of these beliefs.

    • The Perpetuation of a False Consensus on Gender IdeologyThe documentary highlights the backlash faced by those who question gender ideology, with everyday people fearing repercussions and experts displaying anger. The consensus on gender ideology is perpetuated through the manipulation of information and shaming of dissenters, silencing voices and hindering critical examination.

      The fear and anger displayed by both everyday people and so-called experts in response to questioning gender ideology stems from a perceived consensus that this ideology is true. This consensus is created through the manipulation of information and the shaming of those who dare to disagree. The speakers in the documentary describe experiencing backlash from both groups, with everyday people fearing the repercussions of speaking out and experts displaying anger at being challenged. The experts, who have dedicated their lives to their beliefs, are particularly defensive, seeing any questioning as an attack on their intelligence and worth. This dynamic creates an environment where dissenting voices are silenced, and the false consensus is perpetuated. The documentary's makers hope that viewers will take away the opportunity to challenge this consensus and ask questions, as doing so can expose the flaws in gender ideology and ultimately lead to its defeat.

    • Investing in conservative values through The Daily WireSupporting The Daily Wire through subscription is an investment in content that aligns with conservative values, rather than a donation, and trusting the organization to bring about a harvest of knowledge and understanding.

      Supporting organizations like The Daily Wire through subscription is an investment, not a donation. The speakers emphasized that conservatives, as optimistic preservers of tradition and religion, should not give up but instead plant seeds for the future. They criticized left-wing ideologies as being filled with hot air and emphasized the importance of being indebted to the audience rather than external investors with potentially restrictive policies. The Daily Wire's content, including Matt Walsh's documentary, aims to expose the flaws in these ideologies and provide an alternative perspective. By becoming a member, viewers are investing in the production of content that aligns with their values and trusting the organization to bring about a harvest of knowledge and understanding.

    • Exploring the impact of gender ideology on society and childrenThe film highlights the importance of addressing gender ideology's impact on children, featuring interviews with transgender individuals and people on the street, emphasizing the need for protection and understanding.

      Key takeaway from the making of the film is the importance of addressing gender ideology and its impact on society, particularly on children. The team used a Socratic method to explore the issue, and it became clear that this was an important topic deserving of attention. One of the most impactful interviews was with a transgender person named Scott Nugent, who shared his personal story and the reasons why preventing this from happening to kids is crucial. However, the most intriguing interviews were with people on the street, whose lack of understanding and fear highlighted the ambiguity and contradictions inherent in transhumanism. Ultimately, the team recognized that gender is a social construct, but it matters in real life, and it's essential to protect children from its potentially harmful effects.

    • Gender ideology as a system of powerGender ideology challenges logic and reason, requiring individuals to prioritize desire over truth and conformity to contradictory tenets, drawing parallels to postmodernist philosophy.

      According to the discussion, gender ideology, as expressed by some individuals, can be seen as a system of power aimed at confusing and destabilizing logic and reason. This ideology, it is argued, requires individuals to give up their mental health and intellectual honesty in exchange for adherence to its contradictory tenets. An example given is the idea that biology is a social construct while also accepting the existence of transgender children. The Leah Thomas interview mentioned in the discussion highlights the prioritization of individual desire over logic and truth. This ideology, some argue, shares similarities with the ideas of postmodernist philosophers like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, who view all systems of power as inherently confusing and contradictory. Ultimately, the goal of this ideology seems to be to demand unquestioning loyalty and fealty to its contradictory tenets, punishing those who fail to conform.

    • Gender Equality in Sports: Protecting Men or Empowering Women?The debate about gender equality in sports continues, with some questioning if women's sports exist to protect men or empower women. Mental health and community bonds play significant roles in shaping perspectives on identity.

      The discussion touched upon the issue of women in sports and the belief that women's sports were created to protect men from losing. This perspective was expressed by someone in the media, and it highlights the ongoing debate about gender equality in sports. Another topic that emerged was Matt's ability to blend in during interviews for his documentary, with no one recognizing him. This conversation also included anecdotes from filming in Africa, where they reached out to a tribe to discuss transgender issues but found that mental health was not a concern for them due to their strong community bonds and identities. Overall, the conversation showcased various perspectives on gender, identity, and the importance of community.

    • Loss of defined roles in democratic, wealthy societiesDemocracies prioritizing individualism over communitarianism can lead to a loss of essential roles, causing feelings of isolation and disconnection, potentially leading to societal instability.

      Democratic, wealthy societies may have more mental illness due to the loss of defined roles that connect us to one another and shape our identities. These roles, which can include homemaking, food preparation, and community building, provide a sense of power and purpose that is essential for individual and societal well-being. However, in a mechanistic society that prioritizes the individual over the collective, these roles can vanish, leaving people feeling isolated and disconnected. This can lead to a destructive cycle of destroying societal institutions in the pursuit of an authentic sense of self-fulfillment. It's important to remember that we are born into systems that help define us, and these systems provide valuable wisdom and structure that can support our growth and development. Instead of viewing individualism and communitarianism as opposing forces, we should recognize that they can coexist in a society that values both ordered liberty and individual freedom.

    • Exploring the complexities of human nature through heroin use and religionUnderstanding and compassion towards individuals using heroin doesn't mean endorsing the harmful act. Society values diverse perspectives and religion can provide a moderating influence. Identity lies in relationships and connections.

      Understanding and compassion towards individuals using heroin, or any other harmful substance, should not equate to endorsement or non-judgment about the harmful nature of the act itself. A healthy society values both liberal and traditional perspectives, recognizing that extremes of any ideology can lead to harm. Religion can provide a moderating influence, encouraging humility and understanding that none of our ideas fully capture the complexities of human nature. The concept of identity lies in relationships and connections, whether it's the relationship between individuals in a community or the relationship between God and humanity. For church audiences, a film exploring these themes could serve as a valuable educational tool for addressing the complex cultural issues facing the Church today. However, the success of using such a film in a church setting may depend on the openness and willingness of individual church leaders to engage in thoughtful and nuanced discussions.

    • Challenging Judeo-Christian Values in a Thought-Provoking FilmThis movie tackles serious issues with humor, challenging Judeo-Christian beliefs about human origin and sparking important conversations.

      The movie being discussed is an important and thought-provoking resource for those aged 14 and above, as it tackles timely and intellectually serious issues while maintaining a humorous tone. The content is not for those with "vapors" or superficial religious sensibilities. The film challenges Judeo-Christian values, particularly the belief that humans are made in God's image, which is a fundamental notion in Western society. This rejection of the divine origin of humanity is destructive and a source of fear for those holding onto this belief, making open dialogue and engagement difficult. The movie contributes to the conversation and not the hypothetical one, aiming to create content that conservatives want to see, not just want to want to see.

    • Manipulating children's gender identity for adult validation is harmfulAttempts to manipulate children's gender identity for adults' self-validation can be detrimental and not in children's best interests. Identity is personal and based on individual orientation to the world, not societal pressures or fleeting thoughts.

      Attempts to manipulate children's understanding of gender identity for the sake of adult self-validation is harmful and not in their best interests. The speaker argues that identity is not based on fleeting thoughts or societal pressures, but rather how individuals orient themselves to the world and cope with societal rules. The speaker criticizes the deliberate confusion of children's gender identities, especially at a young age, as a means for adults to validate their own sense of self-worth. The speaker emphasizes that children are not capable of fully understanding gender identity at a young age and that such attempts are not for their mental health, but rather for the adults' personal satisfaction. The speaker also highlights the importance of allowing children to form relationships and find their way in life without unnecessary interference. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of supporting content that challenges these harmful ideologies and encourages viewers to become Daily Wire members to help expand the reach of such content.

    • Supporting Content FinanciallyValuing content requires financial support, contributing to platforms and creators ensures accessibility and continuity of content aligned with personal values.

      The success of content creation and consumption relies on the collaboration between creators and consumers. The speakers in this discussion emphasized that those who value certain content should be willing to support it financially, as the subscribers' contributions are essential for the creation and distribution of that content. They criticized the idea of expecting high-quality content for free and pointed out the contradiction in not wanting a platform to have enough subscribers for the content to be accessible, while also not adding to the platform's subscriber base. They also highlighted the importance of supporting content that aligns with one's values and beliefs, rather than unwittingly supporting content that goes against them. The speakers also mentioned the impact of consumer support on the creators' ability to produce more content in the future.

    • Interviewing Transgender Advocates for ClarityThe documentary 'What is a Woman?' challenges viewers' perspectives on gender and identity through raw interviews with transgender advocates, revealing unclear answers to fundamental questions.

      The documentary "What is a Woman?" by Matt Walsh does not rely on special effects or editing to create its impact. Instead, it presents straightforward questions to individuals who identify as transgender advocates, revealing their lack of clear answers. Walsh's interviews were not a prank or act of sabotage, as some have suggested, but an opportunity for these individuals to respond to serious inquiries. However, the experience was emotionally draining for Walsh, particularly when interviewing a sex change surgeon. He criticizes the concept of "pride month" and the idea of taking pride in one's sexuality or gender identity, emphasizing that pride should be limited to accomplishments. Walsh's documentary aims to challenge viewers' perspectives on gender and identity, sparking important conversations and debates.

    • Exploring societal issues through educationEducation is crucial for understanding and engaging with societal issues, including the transgender movement. Pride in raising children who contribute positively to society is natural, but not all forms of pride are inherently good. Addressing the reality of these issues is important for social cohesion.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of education and equipping individuals with the necessary tools to understand and engage with societal issues, specifically those related to the transgender movement. Pride and accomplishment were also touched upon, with the idea that taking pride in raising children who contribute positively to society is natural, but that not all forms of pride are inherently good. The speakers emphasized the importance of addressing the reality of these issues, even for those who may not have been directly affected, as they can be harmful to social cohesion and the world as we know it. The film being discussed aims to inform and equip viewers with a better understanding of these issues, and it was encouraged for individuals to seek out and engage with such content, regardless of their current stance on the matter.

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS NOW! Get tickets: https://www.amiracist.com


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS TOMORROW! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join us tomorrow for live coverage of the presidential debate on Backstage Live! Watch on DailyWire+ at 8:30 PM ET: https://dailywire.com


    Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 08, 2024

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    Bex Talks Sex Yes/No/Maybe list: http://www.bextalkssex.com/yes-no-maybe/

    Scarleteen's Yes, No, Maybe sexuality checklist: http://www.scarleteen.com/article/advice/yes_no_maybe_so_a_sexual_inventory_stocklist

    Great Sex: Mapping Your Desire by Jamie Grant (leader of the Desire Mapping session discussed in this episode) http://www.mappingyourdesire.com/book/


    Please send your questions to queersexed@gmail.com for us to answer them on future shows. More information about our mission available at www.queersexed.org.

    This show is made possible by our generous Patreon supporters! If you find the show helpful and you are financially able to support us, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/QueerSexEd. Any amount you can give makes a huge difference for us.

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    Janna was born in New York City and graduated from Binghamton University (SUNY) with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Social Sciences. She has worked as a preschool teacher/director and also as a certified childbirth educator, and she has over a decade’s experience teaching yoga. Her students include beginners, advanced practitioners, pre- and post-natal mothers, and people experiencing disability, grief, transition, pain, and loss.

    Janna is a lifelong learner who loves experiencing new things and giving back to the community. She also volunteers her time and services for these causes:

    • Founding member of Ally Moms, an online community of moms who have come together because they have a transgender child.

    • Helpline volunteer at the Transgender Law Center in Oakland, CA.

    • Team Coordinator for Stone Soup Marin, a volunteer organization that cooks meals for the homeless served by the Mill Street Shelter in San Rafael, CA.

    Janna’s son Amaya is a very smart and motivated student, a well-liked and popular peer among his many friends, and a darn good-lookin’ kid. On occasion, he can be particularly sweet or a bit surly. He is also trans.

    What you’ll hear in this episode

    • What inspired Janna to write her book
    • The challenges she has had to face through this journey
    • Insights into the various experiences Janna has been through
    • How Janna knew the importance for Amaya to show up in the world
    • The need for the general public and therapists to keep broadened perspectives around transgender issues
    • How the medical community needs to become more educated in this area







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