
    Podcast Summary

    • Critics Disdain State of the Union AddressThe Daily Wire's Backstage team panned the State of the Union address as lengthy, monotonous, and unbearable, criticizing Biden's policies and press coverage.

      The hosts of The Daily Wire's Backstage State of the Union coverage, including Michael Knowles, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klabin, and Jeremy Boring, expressed their disdain for the State of the Union address, viewing it as a lengthy, monotonous, and often unbearable event. They criticized President Biden's policies and speeches, as well as the political spectacle that comes with the event. Michael Knowles, who was physically present at the Capitol, highlighted the issue of border security and the consequences of Biden's failed policies. The hosts also criticized the press for their positive coverage of Biden and the event itself. Overall, they found the State of the Union to be a waste of time and a disappointing display of American politics.

    • Media vs Public Perspectives on Politics and VaccinationsJournalists in a leftist bubble struggle to understand why some individuals choose not to get vaccinated, while Biden's shift to cater to the radical left hinders his approval among moderates and independents.

      There's a significant disconnect between the perspectives of those in the media and the general public, particularly on issues related to politics and vaccinations. The speaker expresses frustration with journalists who fail to understand why some individuals, like Gina Carano, refuse to get vaccinated despite wanting to return to work in Hollywood. He argues that these journalists live in a bubble created by the left and are unable to comprehend the reasoning behind such decisions. The speaker also criticizes President Biden for shifting from a supposedly moderate stance to catering to the radical left, leading to decreasing approval ratings among independents and moderates. He emphasizes that the median American voter is not aligned with the radical left on various issues, such as abortion and the Middle East, and that Biden's focus on pleasing this small group is hindering his ability to effectively govern.

    • The Importance of Recognizing Candidates' FlawsDespite the importance of this election, both parties overlook their candidates' shortcomings and demonize the opposition, leaving many questioning the future of American politics and the potential for authoritarianism.

      Appearances can be deceiving in politics, and both parties are guilty of overlooking the shortcomings of their own candidates while demonizing the opposition. Biden, despite his moderate image, is considered the radical in the race and has a history of antagonizing the American people. The ongoing rhetoric of this being the most important election in history, with both parties elevating aging and seemingly diminished candidates, highlights the extent to which people are prioritizing their political beliefs over recognizing the flaws in their chosen candidates. Additionally, the failure of the great society and movement conservatism have left many questioning what comes next, with some younger generations expressing concerns about potential authoritarianism.

    • Considering the means used to ensure safety and securityLeaders must balance safety with constitutional rights, and historical examples show that promises to reduce government spending and programs may not be kept.

      While some leaders may take necessary actions to ensure safety and security, it's essential to consider the means used and the potential suspension of constitutional rights. Bukele's actions in El Salvador have been cheered on by some, but there's a concern that people are more interested in the suspension of rights than the actual improvement of their lives. The use of minimum force is different from granting vast powers to the government. Historical examples of conservative candidates in the US have not followed through on their promises to reduce government spending and programs. The big question is whether Joe Biden remains conscious during his presidency, but ultimately, most Americans vote based on likability, height, and money, rather than policy or competence.

    • A light-hearted discussion on Star Wars' impact on the movie industryDespite criticisms, Star Wars is acknowledged for its cultural significance and influence on the movie industry, with some believing it saved it while others saw it as a turning point for the worse

      The discussion revolved around the impact of Star Wars on the movie industry and the opinion that it may not have been as groundbreaking as some believe. The speakers joked about the president's speech and made an unexpected detour into a conversation about Star Wars, sharing stories about their personal experiences with the film. They debated the acting and writing quality of the original Star Wars and poked fun at the iconic lines. Despite their criticisms, they acknowledged the cultural significance of the film and its influence on the movie industry. Some argued that the industry was in a decline before Star Wars and that the film saved it, while others believed that it was a turning point for the worse. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of nostalgia, humor, and critical analysis.

    • Speaker's confidence in Biden's SOTU performance despite concerns about age and appearanceThe speaker believes Biden will deliver a strong SOTU address due to controlled environment and team support, but expresses concern about his age and appearance, which could be noticeable if TV is muted.

      Despite differences in opinion about Star Wars and politics, the speaker believes that Joe Biden, despite his age, will put on a good performance during his State of the Union address due to the controlled environment and support from his team. However, he expresses concern about Biden's physical appearance and decline, which he believes will be noticeable if the TV is muted. The speaker also shares his frustration with George Lucas's alterations to the original Star Wars trilogy and the inconsistency of using swords as weapons in a highly advanced technological universe.

    • Understanding the unique communication styles of Trump and BidenTrump's straightforward approach hides flaws, while Biden's eloquence sets high expectations. Trump's resilience, Biden's stumbles impact politics. Supreme Court absence, abortion debates shape political landscape.

      Despite the attempts to bring them down, both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden have unique communication styles that have served them well in politics. Trump's straightforward and often provocative approach hides a multitude of sins, while Biden's intellectual and eloquent style sets high expectations that can be difficult to meet consistently. Trump's upbeat demeanor in the face of adversity is a form of resilience, while Biden's occasional stumbles can be politically significant. The Supreme Court justices' absence from the State of the Union address is a reminder of the political nature of the event, and the ongoing debates around abortion rights continue to shape the political landscape. Ultimately, understanding these leaders' communication styles and the context in which they operate is crucial for making sense of the complex and ever-evolving political landscape.

    • Donald Trump's Enduring Influence in the GOPTrump's base support and protective Republican electorate keep him ahead in polls, making him the party's likely nominee. Success depends on competent appointments and putting aside grudges.

      Despite facing numerous challenges, including an ongoing legal investigation and a history of losing elections, Donald Trump remains a formidable political figure within the Republican Party. His high energy and ability to galvanize his base have kept him ahead in the polls, even in swing states, making it difficult for opponents to effectively challenge him in primaries. The Republican electorate's protective stance towards Trump and Biden's collapsing poll numbers have further solidified his position as the party's nominee. However, if Trump is elected, the success of his administration may depend on his willingness to appoint competent and serious individuals, as well as his ability to put aside grudges and work with those who have criticized him in the past.

    • Trump vs Media: A Unique DynamicOlder generations view current political climate as abnormal, while younger generations see it as the norm. Trump's exaggerations seem less extreme due to media's exaggeration, and the lack of a middle ground raises questions about the future.

      The dynamic between Donald Trump and the media creates a unique situation where Trump's overstatements and hyperbole seem less extreme compared to the perceived lies of the press. Trump's charm lies in part in the media's exaggeration of his words. Additionally, there is a generational divide where older Americans view the current political climate as abnormal, while younger generations see it as the norm. The boomer generation is often criticized, but they believe they are preventing catastrophic events. The lack of a middle ground in today's political climate raises questions about what might come after the current state of affairs. It could be something good or something even worse than the current situation.

    • Political Landscape and Kamala HarrisThe political climate is polarized, with concerns over government control and cabinet ineffectiveness, while the possibility of Kamala Harris as president is a topic of discussion.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly polarized, with some advocating for strong government control and others pushing back against it. The possibility of Kamala Harris becoming president has been discussed, and the current administration's cabinet has been criticized for its perceived ineffectiveness and corruption. The tone of the conversation was light-hearted, but the underlying sentiment expressed concern over the direction of the country. The speakers expressed skepticism towards the current administration and its policies, with some joking about the perceived incompetence of certain cabinet members. Overall, the conversation highlighted the growing divide between political ideologies and the potential consequences of these differing viewpoints.

    • Politics and Star Wars: The Effectiveness of LeadershipAmerican politics' focus on individuals and the need for narrow majorities can limit effective leadership, leading to continuity despite new leadership and divisive political discourse.

      While some may hold strong opinions about the artistic merit of "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," particularly regarding the performance of Darth Vader and James Earl Jones, the incentive structures of American politics can limit the effectiveness of leadership, regardless of personal beliefs or ideologies. The speaker in the discussion highlights the example of the ongoing political situation in the House of Representatives, where the need for a one-vote majority results in limited action and the perception of continuity, even with new leadership. This is a common issue in American government, where the focus on individuals rather than institutions can lead to the same outcomes despite changes in personnel. Additionally, the state of political discourse and the use of hyperpartisan issues to divide the population were criticized in the context of the State of the Union address.

    • Angry and Divisive 2023 State of the Union AddressThe 2023 State of the Union address was marked by anger, factual errors, and a focus on divisive issues, leaving many questioning its purpose and impact.

      The 2023 State of the Union address given by the President was marked by anger, meanness, and a focus on divisive issues, rather than the usual goal of informing Congress about the latest developments within the executive branch. The speech began with attacks on fellow Americans and specific issues, including Ukraine and January 6th, before touching on less contentious topics like the border and immigration. The President's delivery was feisty and energetic, but also included numerous factual errors and mispronunciations, which may have alienated viewers and detracted from the intended message. Overall, the address failed to effectively communicate the state of the union and instead focused on polarizing issues, leaving many questioning its purpose and impact.

    • Critics Disappointed with Biden's Long and Lackluster State of the Union SpeechCritics found President Biden's long, aggressive, and lackluster State of the Union speech disappointing, with some comparing it unfavorably to former President Trump's debates. Biden's campaign is seen as lacking charm, energy, and clear policies, leaving many questioning his ability to hold up for a full campaign.

      President Joe Biden's aggressive and lengthy speeches during the State of the Union address have been criticized for not resonating positively with the audience. The comparison to former President Donald Trump's aggressive demeanor during debates has been made, with some arguing that Biden's shouting is even more irritating and annoying. Critics suggest that Biden's campaign is lackluster, with few skills or policies to offer as alternatives. The lengthy speeches, filled with tales and hyperbole, have been described as shockingly long and a shock to the system. The lack of charm, energy, and clear policies has left many questioning what Biden has left in his bag of tricks. The overall consensus is that Biden's approach during the State of the Union address was a disappointing and exhausting display, leaving many wondering if he can hold up for a full campaign.

    • Clarifying Misconceptions in Political DiscourseThe use of vague terms and false claims in political debates can lead to misunderstandings and misinformation. Clear communication and factual accuracy are crucial for productive discussions on taxes, social programs, and healthcare.

      The ongoing political discourse often involves misinformation and misunderstandings regarding taxes, social programs, and healthcare. The speaker expresses frustration with the use of vague terms like "fair share" and "deficit reduction," and calls out false claims about tax rates for the wealthy and the effectiveness of price controls on medicines. He also emphasizes that the government's role in healthcare and the high cost of medicine distort the market dynamics, making it difficult to identify the true customers and providers. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the recent trend of demonizing political opponents, which he sees as a dangerous development in American politics. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of clear communication and factual accuracy in public discourse.

    • Comparing Trump's rhetoric to current political discourseAvoid oversimplifying complex historical events and creating false narratives that can further divide society. Critically evaluate statements for potential implications on our society.

      The comparison between the rhetoric of former President Trump and current political discourse can be misleading, with complex issues like the January 6th Capitol riot being oversimplified into hyperbolic political narratives. While some may believe that democracy was in grave danger on that day, the reality is much more nuanced, with varying levels of involvement and actions taken by those present. It's essential to recognize the complexity and nuance of historical events and avoid creating false narratives that can further divide society. Additionally, the language used by political figures, such as accusations of freedom being under attack or direct attacks on institutions like the Supreme Court, can be unprecedented and potentially divisive. It's crucial to critically evaluate these statements and consider the implications they may have on our society.

    • Trump's 2024 campaign strategy compared to Clinton's 1996 campaignTrump's focus on energizing his base alone won't win him the presidency in 2024. He needs to appeal to moderates and independents with a moderate policy agenda.

      Donald Trump's campaign strategy in the 2024 election is misguided and unlikely to win him the presidency. Trump's campaign bears more resemblance to Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign than Joe Biden's, with its focus on welfare reform, reducing crime, and balancing the budget. However, Trump is under the misconception that energizing his base alone will secure his victory. This strategy failed in 2016, and it is unlikely to succeed in 2024 due to the Democratic Party's shift towards more liberal policies. Trump needs to appeal to moderates and independents, but he is currently presenting a policy agenda similar to Bernie Sanders and alienating these voters. Trump's best chance of winning would be to shut up and focus on his personality and a moderate policy agenda, but he is currently being silenced on social media and is not campaigning as actively as in past elections. Despite this, Trump is currently leading in the polls, and there are many independents who are hesitant about Biden but may ultimately vote against him. Trump's failure to make the election a referendum on the left in 2020 was a major mistake, and he must learn from this in order to win in 2024.

    • 2022 Election: Referendum on Biden and TrumpVoters are not just concerned with witty lines and appearances but also with real issues. Candidates make promises, but voters consider policy implications.

      The 2022 election is still a referendum on both President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as neither leader has effectively changed the narrative. Trump continues to make the election about himself, while Biden's angry and divisive tone in his speech failed to make it a referendum on Trump. The last election that was truly about voting for a candidate rather than against an opponent was in 2008, when Barack Obama's aspirational message resonated with the country. However, Obama's re-election in 2012 was a cynical decision by Democrats, leading to a reactionary political climate. Candidates make lofty promises because they understand that voters are not only concerned with witty lines and appearances but also with real issues like affordability and freedom. Voters are smarter than we give them credit for, and they do consider the implications of candidates' policies.

    • Culture of Overpromising and Underdelivering in PoliticsPeople are given too little credit, leading to a cycle of overpromising and underdelivering in politics. Targeted and strategic boycotts can yield more successful results for holding politicians accountable.

      The constant barrage of political promises and scandals, fueled by the expansion of federal power and information overload, has led to a culture of empty promises and failed delivery in politics. People are often given too little credit for their understanding of the situation, and the pressure to deliver results, even when the government is inherently incapable, results in a cycle of overpromising and underdelivering. While individual boycotts can be effective, mass boycotts against large corporations may not be practical and can lack focus. Instead, targeted and strategic boycotts can yield more successful results. The information age and the expansion of government power have created unique challenges for holding politicians accountable, requiring a more nuanced and strategic approach.

    • Political persuasion: A challenge to change deeply held beliefsFocus on encouraging open-minded voters to support your candidate, accept that some won't be swayed, and respect differing viewpoints.

      It's a challenge to change someone's political beliefs, especially when it comes to deeply held convictions. In the context of the discussion, it was suggested that trying to convince liberal Californians to vote for Trump instead of Biden is an unrealistic goal. Instead, the focus should be on encouraging those who are open to voting for Trump to do so, while accepting that there are others who will not be swayed. The speaker also shared personal experiences of trying to persuade friends and community members, acknowledging the difficulty in breaking through entrenched beliefs. The conversation also touched on the use of political speeches during state of the union addresses and the potential for controversy when the president uses the platform for campaigning. Overall, the discussion underscores the complexity of political persuasion and the importance of respecting differing viewpoints.

    • Discussing Potential VP Picks for Trump and the Role of a Christian VoterTim Scott and Jim Jordan are suggested as potential VP picks for Trump due to political alignment and loyalty. Christians are encouraged to vote in a democratic system, considering the character and leadership qualities of candidates.

      The choice of a vice president for a presidential candidate can be influenced by political advantage and personal relationships. In this discussion, Tim Scott was suggested as a potential vice presidential pick for Donald Trump due to his political alignment and subservient relationship with Trump. The role of a chief of staff was also discussed, with Jim Jordan being proposed as a strong candidate due to his loyalty to Trump and his ability to run a good government. In a democratic republic, Christians are encouraged to participate in the government through their vote, even if they don't agree with the character of the candidates. The relationship between a Christian and their vote in a democratic system was explored using biblical references. Ultimately, the decision comes down to who will be the leader of the country, and the responsibility of the voter is to make an informed choice based on the available options.

    • Comparing policies during electionsDespite personal reservations, the speaker voted for Trump in 2016 due to policy preferences and later determined his actions as president were preferable to Biden's. They acknowledged the importance of understanding policy distinctions and the possibility of geopolitical instability.

      During the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, the speaker weighed the policy distinctions between the candidates rather than their personal beliefs or character. In 2016, they believed there were unknowns about Trump, but after seeing his actions as president, they determined he was a known quantity whose policies were preferable to those of his opponent, Joe Biden. They also acknowledged that their vote doesn't necessarily indicate support for a candidate but rather a preference in a given race. They also discussed the unlikely possibility of World War 3, attributing current global conflicts to Biden's leadership and geopolitical instability rather than a deliberate pursuit of war by major powers like Russia, Iran, or China.

    • U.S. perceived weakness under Biden leads to instabilityBiden's signaling of leniency towards Russia and focus on Middle East issues led to increased tensions and potential for conflict, highlighting the importance of strong American leadership

      The perceived weakness of the United States under President Joe Biden has led to geopolitical miscalculations and instability, most notably in Ukraine and the Middle East. Before the invasion of Ukraine, Biden had indicated that Russia could take part of the country without serious consequences, emboldening Putin to pursue further actions. In the Middle East, Biden's attempts to reengage with Iran and shift focus to Israeli-Palestinian issues have been met with conflict, leading to increased tensions and potential for wider war. The failure to maintain previous peace efforts and the perception of American weakness have put the world on a precarious path towards potential conflict.

    • Speakers disagree on American troops near Gaza StripA live discussion featured heated debates over American troops in the Middle East and accusations towards a Mossad agent, with references to pop culture and political cluelessness.

      During a live discussion, the speakers expressed their disagreement with the idea of American troops being deployed near the Gaza Strip. One speaker, who claimed to be a Mossad agent, was accused of being an "evil Jew" trying to get Americans killed. The conversation also touched upon Joe Biden's cluelessness during a recent speech, where he mispronounced a name and seemed disengaged. Despite the controversial moments, the speakers shared their perspectives on various topics, including a reference to "Return of the Jedi." Overall, the conversation showcased a lively exchange of opinions on current events and politics.

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    Ep. 1517 - 12-Year-Old Girl Murdered By Illegal Aliens

    Ep. 1517 - 12-Year-Old Girl Murdered By Illegal Aliens

    The libs defend Illegal aliens after a slew of horrific crimes, Star Wars gets even more gay, and the "N-word” girl repositions herself as a centrist days after debuting as a new right-wing darling.


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    Ep. 1516 - Disney Exec Admits On-Camera "We're Not Hiring White Men"

    Ep. 1516 - Disney Exec Admits On-Camera "We're Not Hiring White Men"

    Democrats want to force your daughter to register for the draft, a Disney executive admits they won't hire white guys, and Senator Ted Cruz introduces a bill to outlaw revenge and deepfake adult videos.


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    God Squad: Shut Up and (Don't) Sing

    God Squad: Shut Up and (Don't) Sing

    With our culture wars at a full rolling boil, apparently all it takes to send our enmity over the edge is…a good old-fashioned country song??

    The furor over Jason Aldean’s “Try That in A Small Town” (and then there’s Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond”) is reminiscent of the old furor over The Dixie Chicks—only the “sides” have switched up.  As The Village Square embarks on a pluralism project to build a hometown where everyone belongs, it’s possible that “round here we take care of our own” is a value we should all seek to restore to American civic life, but does it really need to come with all the guns? We’ll bring The God Squad into this musical fracas (they dove right into this one in our planning meeting), so that they can do their usual thing and go high instead of the usual low. Can we find a place where perhaps we can tolerate each other and just SING? (Dolly Parton has something to say on that front…)

    Check out the “Try That In A Small Town” lyrics. And the lyrics to “Rich Men North of Richmond” are here.

    Joining us for this God Squad are Father Tim Holeda of St. Thomas More Co-Cathedral, Josh Hall of First Baptist Church, Joseph Davis Jr. of Truth Gatherers Community Church, and Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky of Temple Israel. Stefanie Posner of Temple Israel will be facilitating.

    Meet the God Squad, the brains behind our series “God Squad: Improbable conversations for people of faith and no faith at all (because talking politics wasn’t hard enough). Joining us for this edition of God Squad: 

    Find bios for our participants and a full program description online here.

    The Village Square is a proud member of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.

    Funding for this podcast was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

    A Republican Pollster on Trump’s Undimmed Appeal

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    The fact that Donald Trump is the front-runner for the G.O.P. nomination in 2024 has created a chasm in our politics. In the past, Democrats and Republicans at least understood why members of the other party liked their chosen candidates. Most conservatives weren’t confused why liberals liked Barack Obama, and vice versa for George W. Bush. But for a lot of Democrats, it feels impossible to imagine why anyone would cast a vote for Trump. And as a result, the two parties don’t just feel hostile toward each other; they feel increasingly unknowable.

    Kristen Soltis Anderson is a veteran Republican pollster, a founding partner of the opinion research firm Echelon Insights and a CNN contributor. She spends her days trying to understand the thinking of Republican voters, including hosting focus groups for New York Times Opinion. So I wanted to get her insights on why Republicans like Trump so much — even after his 2020 electoral loss, the Jan. 6 insurrection and over 90 criminal charges. What really explains Trump’s enduring appeal?


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    Book Recommendations:

    Subtract by Leidy Klotz

    Party of the People by Patrick Ruffini

    Welcome to the O.C. by Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage and Alan Sepinwall

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Kristin Lin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Rollin Hu. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.