
    Daily Wire Backstage State of the Union 2024 Coverage

    enMarch 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Critics Slam Biden's State of the Union AddressThe Daily Wire team criticized President Biden's State of the Union address for its length, monotony, and perceived anti-constitutional nature. They also criticized specific policies on immigration and abortion, and mocked the event's theatrics. Michael Knowles reported on the impact of Biden's failed policies on small towns.

      The Daily Wire team, including Ben Shapiro, Jeremy Boring, Reclavian, and Matt Walsh, expressed their disdain for the State of the Union address, viewing it as a long, monotonous, and anti-constitutional spectacle. They criticized President Biden's policies, particularly on immigration and abortion, and mocked the event's theatrics. Michael Knowles was at the Capitol for the event and reported on the issues facing small towns due to Biden's failed policies. The team also poked fun at the press, specifically Joe Scarborough, for praising Biden's performance. Overall, they found the State of the Union to be a waste of time and an unnecessary display of political grandeur.

    • Biden's Shift Towards Radical Left Policies Disconnects Him from Moderates and IndependentsPresident Biden's shift towards radical left policies has led to dissatisfaction among moderates and independents, causing a loss of support from a larger portion of the electorate.

      Despite President Biden's high approval ratings initially, his shift towards radical left policies has led to dissatisfaction among moderates and independents. This disconnect is evident in various issues such as abortion and foreign policy, where the median American voter's stance differs significantly from the administration's. Furthermore, the speaker expresses frustration with the media's portrayal of certain situations, such as Gina Carano's vaccine stance, and the perceived lack of understanding between the left and right sides of the political spectrum. Ultimately, the speaker argues that President Biden's catering to the radical left has resulted in a loss of support from a larger portion of the electorate.

    • The political climate overshadows nominees' shortcomingsDespite deep-rooted beliefs, it's important to examine nominees' records and understand political ideologies, rather than being blinded by party affiliations or labels.

      The current political climate has led both parties to overlook the shortcomings of their respective nominees, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, due to their deep-rooted convictions and beliefs. Biden, despite his past actions and perceived negatives, is seen as the radical in the race by some, and his history with figures like Clarence Thomas and Andrew Breitbart has contributed to his political evolution. Meanwhile, the left's labeling of critics as "MAGA Republicans" or "alt-right" shows a lack of understanding of political ideologies. Both parties are so focused on their own politics that they're willing to overlook significant issues, such as the failures of the Great Society and movement conservatism. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to look beyond appearances and consider the substance of political figures and ideologies.

    • Balancing safety and government compulsionLeaders must prioritize safety, but minimal government compulsion is crucial. The use of emergency powers is acceptable, but the extent and duration should be carefully considered. Political ideologies, such as movement conservatism, may not be fully implemented in practice.

      While it's important for leaders to prioritize the safety and security of their people, it's crucial to do so with minimal government compulsion. The use of emergency powers is generally acceptable, but the question lies in the extent of powers delegated to the government and for how long. Regarding political ideologies, there's a lack of true implementation of movement conservatism in the US, with most presidential candidates expanding government expenditures rather than reducing them. Ultimately, most Americans vote based on personal likability rather than political acumen, which can overshadow more significant issues. The ongoing debate surrounding Joe Biden's consciousness during the presidential debates highlights this phenomenon.

    • Star Wars: A Game Changer in Cinema HistoryStar Wars sparked intense debates over its impact on the movie industry, with some seeing it as a savior and others as a destroyer, but all agreed on its significant influence.

      The discussion revolved around the impact of Star Wars on the movie industry and the opinions on its quality. Some argued that it destroyed the movie industry by lowering the intellectual level, while others defended it as a savior that revived the industry. The group also shared their personal experiences and nostalgia towards the iconic film. Despite the contrasting views, they all agreed on the significant influence of Star Wars on cinema history. The conversation also included some light-hearted moments, such as the use of Star Wars references and jokes. Overall, the discussion showcased the passion and enthusiasm of the participants towards the topic.

    • Star Wars criticisms and Biden assessmentThe speaker criticizes Star Wars for inconsistent technology and unnecessary changes, while expressing concerns about Biden's age and debating abilities, but acknowledges his potential in controlled environments

      The speaker expresses strong criticisms towards the current state of Star Wars, particularly the changes made by George Lucas and the perceived inadequacy of Joe Biden as a presidential candidate. Regarding Star Wars, the speaker argues that the inconsistency of using swords as advanced technology weapons and the self-destructive additions made to the original trilogy detract from the series. As for Biden, the speaker believes that despite his age and perceived diminishment, he may perform better in a controlled environment like a debate due to teleprompter assistance. However, the speaker also points out Biden's physical decline and argues that muting the TV during his appearances reveals his lack of appeal as a visual presence.

    • The Real Question: What's the Difference Between Trump in 2016 and 2024?Trump's communication style and resilience contrast with Biden's, with each leader facing unique expectations and challenges.

      Despite the perceived differences between President Trump in 2016 and 2024, the real question lies in the delta between the two and the expectations set by each leader. Trump was seen as a comedian and communicator with a limited vocabulary, while Biden was expected to deliver pearls of wisdom. Biden's gaffes may seem significant, but they fit within his communication style. Trump, on the other hand, has shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, refusing to be beaten down. Despite the challenges he has faced, including indictments and losing the last election, he continues to run for office with high energy. The contrast between the two leaders lies in their communication styles and their ability to bounce back from setbacks.

    • Trump's Stronghold on the GOPTrump's base protectively defends him, polling numbers favor him, and his media charm endure, making it tough for primary challengers. Success in a second term depends on serious appointments and letting go of grudges.

      Donald Trump's hold on the Republican Party and his status as its nominee for the 2024 presidential election is strong, despite ongoing legal issues and criticisms from within the party. The feeling of defensive protection from his base, coupled with Joe Biden's polling numbers, made it difficult for any primary challengers to gain traction. Trump's ability to forgive past criticisms and his charm, which is often amplified by the media, also contribute to his enduring popularity within the GOP. However, the success of his administration in the second term may depend on his willingness to appoint serious people and let go of past grudges. Despite personal reservations, many believe that Trump's ability to hold grudges and let go of them once an olive branch is extended could be an asset in the general election.

    • Generation gap in reactions to political eventsYounger generations find older attitudes towards politics strange, while older generations fear polarization and dangerous consequences from DEI movements in industries

      The political landscape and societal norms have significantly shifted between older and younger generations, with younger Americans finding the behaviors and attitudes of older generations strange and unnormalized. This was exemplified in the discussion about Donald Trump's presidency and the contrasting reactions to his speech after the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The older generation sees the current state of affairs as abnormal, while younger generations have grown up with it since 2015. The fear is that the absence of a middle ground and the potential polarization between extremes could lead to even more chaotic and catastrophic events. The DEI movement's influence on industries like aviation and healthcare is a concern, as it could lead to dangerous consequences. The only thing that might bring some comfort is the possibility of subscribing to The Daily Wire for more insightful discussions.

    • Kamala Harris as Potential Next President and Democratic Party CriticismSome believe Kamala Harris has a 50% chance of becoming the next President, while others consider it a long shot. Criticism was directed towards various cabinet members and the Democratic Party's perceived overconfidence in governing effectively. Concerns were raised about the transportation industry and immigration issues.

      There's ongoing speculation about the possibility of Kamala Harris becoming the next President of the United States, given Joe Biden's age and health concerns. Some see it as a 50% chance, while others believe it's a long shot. The conversation also touched on the composition of the current administration, with criticism directed towards various cabinet members and the overall performance of the Democratic Party. The speaker expressed their belief that the Democrats overestimate the public's faith in their ability to govern effectively, while also mentioning their concerns about the transportation industry and immigration issues. Additionally, they shared their thoughts on Star Wars and Darth Vader, expressing that the Empire Strikes Back is a high art piece. Overall, the conversation revolved around political speculation, criticism, and pop culture references.

    • Acting and writing can evoke fear and intimidation in fiction and real lifeUnderstanding jobs and incentives is crucial for effective leadership, while angry and hyper-partisan rhetoric may energize supporters but fails to address real issues.

      Performance and writing in fiction can evoke fear and intimidation differently. James Earl Jones' portrayal of Darth Vader in "Star Wars" may not be as terrifying in real life as other villains, but his acting and the writing brought fear to audiences. The Republican Party's control of Congress and the appointment of new leaders illustrates the importance of understanding the job and the incentive structures, rather than focusing on individuals. The 2023 State of the Union address was criticized for its angry and hyper-partisan tone, with the Ukraine issue used to equate fellow Americans with Vladimir Putin. This tactic was aimed at generating passionate headlines and energizing supporters, but ultimately, it failed to address the real issues and may have even helped elect Donald Trump in the past.

    • President's State of the Union address marked by negativity and lack of focusThe president's State of the Union address was criticized for its negative tone, inconsistencies, and factual errors, which could harm his re-election chances.

      The recent State of the Union address given by the president was marked by negativity, meanness, and a lack of focus on the usual strengths of the nation. Instead of starting with the traditional "state of the union is strong" statement, the president spent the opening minutes criticizing Americans and specific issues, including Ukraine and immigration. The speech contained numerous logical inconsistencies and factual errors, such as mispronouncing names and downplaying crime. The overall tone was angry and scolding, which was a departure from the president's previous campaign strategy of being the "screamer." This negative and chaotic approach may not resonate well with voters and could harm the president's re-election chances.

    • Criticisms of Joe Biden's Political SpeechJoe Biden's speech faced criticisms for its length, alleged fabrications, inconsistencies, and reminiscent parliamentary debate tone. Critics also questioned his stance on taxes and his promises on deficit and medicine prices.

      During the recent political speech, there were criticisms towards Joe Biden's long-winded speech, his alleged fabrication of his own biography, and his inconsistencies with the facts. Biden was compared to an "old man raging against the dying of the light," and some found his speech reminiscent of a parliamentary debate with its shouting and name-calling. Mike Pence, his opponent, had a challenging task to keep a straight face during the speech. The discussion also touched upon Biden's past as a community organizer and his stance on taxes, particularly for the wealthy. Critics argue that Biden's promises of lowering the deficit and controlling medicine prices are contradictory to his other statements and actions. Overall, the tone of the discussion was critical of Biden's speech and his political stance.

    • Government involvement in healthcare distorts the marketThe government's role as the largest healthcare consumer and insurance companies' involvement create a distorted market, leading to high healthcare costs.

      The high cost of healthcare in the United States is not a result of a free market system, but rather the government being the largest consumer of healthcare services. The speaker argues that if the market were truly free, prices would drop as they do with consumer goods. However, the government's involvement, along with insurance companies, creates a distorted market where there is no direct relationship between consumers and providers. Furthermore, the demonization of political opponents and labeling large groups of people as insurrectionists is a new and concerning development in American politics. The speaker expresses concern over the lack of nuance and complexity in political narratives, which can lead to misunderstandings and divisions among the population. The speaker also questions the idea that the 2020 election was in dire danger of being overthrown on January 6, 2021.

    • Former President Trump's Controversial 2022 SOTU AddressTrump's divisive and extreme SOTU speech failed to appeal to moderates and independents, pushing them towards his opponent.

      During the 2022 State of the Union address, former President Donald Trump made several controversial statements, including exaggerating the threat to democracy during the Capitol riot and attacking the Supreme Court. He also presented extreme policy positions, particularly on abortion rights. Despite this, Trump believes he can win the 2024 election by energizing his base. However, the speaker argues that Trump needs to appeal to moderates and independents by presenting a sane personality and a moderate policy agenda. Trump failed to do this during his speech, pushing the median voter towards his opponent instead. The speaker also noted the significant shift in the Democratic Party's stance on abortion over the years. Overall, the speech was seen as divisive and extreme, with little appeal to the moderate voter.

    • 2020 election: A referendum on Joe BidenDespite Trump's absence on social media, his campaign remains effective due to voters' focus on Biden and ongoing investigations against him. This dynamic is pushing moderates away from Biden and may be similar to the 2016 election where voters reacted against a disliked candidate.

      The 2020 presidential election is currently a referendum on Joe Biden, with Donald Trump making it about him due to the ongoing investigations and allegations against him. This dynamic is pushing moderates away from Biden and making Trump's campaign more effective, despite his absence on social media platforms. The last election where voters primarily focused on a candidate they liked rather than one they disliked was in 2008 with Barack Obama, who ran an aspirational campaign. However, many voters in the 2016 election, particularly independents, may have voted for Trump as a reaction against Hillary Clinton.

    • Obama's Divisive Decision in 2012 Election Changed PoliticsThe 2012 election marked a turning point in American politics, with President Obama's divisive tactics leading to a constant flood of promises and scandals, and the expansion of federal power enabling unrealistic pledges.

      The 2012 election was a pivotal moment in American history, with President Obama making a cynical decision to divide the country on race to secure reelection. This decision led to a fundamental transformation of the political landscape, with promises and scandals becoming the norm in politics due to the overwhelming information overload. While candidates continue to make lofty promises, voters are more informed than given credit for and understand the realities of the situation. The expansion of federal government power under Obama enabled such undeliverable promises, leading to a constant barrage of politics and information that has become our national reality.

    • The Expansion of Government Power and the Cycle of Seeking MoreBroken promises and incompetence can lead to more government power, but individual boycotts may not be the best solution for change, and encouraging non-voting could have an impact.

      The expansion of government power often leads to broken promises and incompetence, creating a cycle of seeking more power to fix perceived failures. This was discussed in relation to the U.S. federal government and its handling of various issues. Additionally, the idea of a boycott on specific companies, like CVS and Walgreens, was discussed. It was suggested that while individual boycotts can be noble and effective, announcing a large-scale boycott may not be the best strategy due to the potential for undercutting and the difficulty of finding viable alternatives for essential services. Furthermore, trying to convince people with opposing political views to change their vote is generally a futile effort. Instead, encouraging them not to vote at all can have an impact. However, it's important to remember that not all elections are on the same day.

    • Orthodox Jews support Trump, but some liberal to moderate Jews switch votesDespite strong Orthodox Jewish support, some liberal to moderate Jews are switching their votes due to disillusionment with the party. Trump's actions during the State of the Union address and potential running mates Tim Scott and Jim Jordan are key considerations.

      Despite some Jews in the Orthodox community's strong support for Donald Trump, there are also liberal to moderate left Jews who are quietly switching their votes due to their disillusionment with the party. Trump's actions during the State of the Union address, such as using it as a campaign speech and wearing a Harley-Davidson jacket, may not appeal to those who are more interested in the pomp and circumstance of the event. As for Trump's potential running mate, Tim Scott is a strong contender due to his political alignment with Trump and his observant demeanor, which Trump values. Trump may also prefer a male vice president to avoid overshadowing his campaign. Additionally, Jim Jordan is a strong contender for chief of staff due to his loyalty to Trump, intelligence, and understanding of how the government functions. Overall, the Biden-Harris pick may not matter much to some, but the actions and choices of the current administration continue to shape the political landscape.

    • Using our vote to impact government in a democratic systemAs Christians, we should base our vote on which candidate is best suited to serve as president, rather than personal preference or moral qualms.

      As Christians living in a democratic republic, we have a responsibility to use our vote to impact the government, even if we don't have the opportunity to vote for a great or good person. Paul's teachings in the Bible about rendering to Caesar apply differently in a democratic system, where the government is comprised and given power by the people. In the context of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, some Christians may find themselves faced with a difficult decision between voting for a known quantity like Donald Trump or an opponent with whom they disagree on certain issues. Ultimately, the decision should be based on which candidate is best suited to serve as president, rather than personal preference or moral qualms. The speaker acknowledges that Trump has brought both good and bad things during his presidency, but believes that the policy distinctions between Trump and his opponent, Joe Biden, are the most important considerations. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that the vote does not endorse Trump as the preferred Christian, but rather as the preferred president.

    • Tensions between major powers and the West keep World War III at bayWhile regional conflicts persist, the likelihood of a full-scale global war is low due to disinterest from major powers, but Biden's actions have reversed progress towards Middle Eastern peace and increased instability

      Despite tensions and conflicts around the world, the likelihood of a full-blown World War III is low due to the disinterest of major powers like Russia, China, and Iran in engaging in nuclear or conventional wars with the West. The current global situation involves more regional conflicts, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, which some argue are a result of President Joe Biden's perceived weakness and miscalculations, such as his handling of the Ukraine crisis and the withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, the potential for peace in the Middle East was close to being achieved under the previous administration, and Biden's actions since taking office have reversed that progress and led to increased instability in the region.

    • Middle East Tensions: Potential for Third World WarBiden's Palestinian support plan could embolden terrorists, tensions are high, US involvement could escalate conflict potentially leading to third world war.

      The current geopolitical situation in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is precarious and could potentially lead to wider conflict, even potentially resembling a third world war. The speaker expresses concern over the Biden administration's plans to support a Palestinian state following recent terror attacks, fearing it could embolden other terrorist groups in the region. Additionally, there are tensions between various parties in the region and the potential for escalation is high, with the possibility of US involvement in the conflict. It's important to note that these are serious concerns and the situation should be closely monitored to prevent any further escalation.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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