
    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Personal Information from Identity TheftStay vigilant against identity theft in our digital world, use services like Lifelock by Norton to detect potential threats, and consider the long-term consequences of government spending proposals.

      While we celebrate the hard work and contributions of laborers on Labor Day, it's essential to be vigilant about protecting personal information from identity theft in our increasingly digital world. The ease of data exposure makes identity theft a significant concern, but services like Lifelock by Norton can help detect and alert users to potential threats. Meanwhile, the economic landscape is facing a massive inflationary crisis, and government spending continues to be a concern. Politicians' proposals, such as canceling student loan debt, may seem appealing but lack common sense and could have unintended consequences. Ultimately, it's up to the "smart ones" to question the implications of such proposals and consider the long-term effects on our economy.

    • Student loan forgiveness: Who should pay?The speaker believes individuals should be financially responsible and pay off their own student loans instead of relying on forgiveness, which ultimately shifts the burden to others.

      Individuals should be responsible for paying off their own student loans instead of relying on others or the government for forgiveness. The speaker argues that the debt doesn't disappear when it's forgiven, but rather, someone else ends up paying it off. He criticizes those who advocate for student loan forgiveness as being financially irresponsible and suggests that people should work and earn their own money instead. The speaker also expresses his disinterest in paying for others' loans, particularly those who may have spent their money on non-essential things. He proposes a simple solution to the government debt problem: individuals should remove their "asses" from their seats and go to work to earn their own money.

    • Embrace your struggles and learn from themHard work and self-reliance are crucial for personal growth and success, despite challenges. Don't rely on others to solve your problems as it fosters dependency.

      Hard work and self-reliance are essential for personal growth and success, even if it means struggling at times. The HVAC guy's story illustrates this concept. He may not have gone to college but learned the value of putting in the effort and taking on challenges to make a living. The speaker encourages people to embrace their struggles and not rely on others to solve their problems, as it only fosters dependency. The current political climate, where some believe in rescuing people from their struggles at the expense of others, is seen as immoral and unethical. Ultimately, the message is that everyone should take responsibility for their own lives and contribute to society through their labor.

    • Working-class frustration with college students' perceived privilegesThe speaker critiques the perceived unfairness of working-class individuals paying taxes for college students' education and lifestyles, expressing concern for the short and medium-term consequences while remaining optimistic for the long-term future.

      The speaker expresses frustration and anger towards the idea of working-class individuals paying taxes for the education and perceived lavish lifestyles of their neighbors and college students. He questions the fairness of this situation and feels that those who left college without graduating or who were lazy during their time in college should not be burdened by the taxpayers. The speaker believes that the current state of affairs, with people living off others' labor and the collapse of the work ethic, is a sign of the decline of the empire. He remains optimistic for the long-term future but expresses concern for the short and medium-term consequences. The speaker's tone is passionate and impassioned, reflecting his strong feelings on the issue.

    • Authenticity and EndorsementsStay true to your audience, even if it means delivering content that may not be for everyone. Endorse products you believe in for their quality and customer service.

      It's important to be authentic and true to your audience, even if it means delivering content that may not be for everyone. The host shared a story about a listener who took offense to the host's sometimes angry tone on the show, and the host made it clear that he values entertaining his audience above all else. Additionally, the host endorsed Helix Sleep mattresses and Henry Repeating Arms, praising their quality and customer service. In the context of the student loan debate, the host questioned the concept of student loan forgiveness, pointing out that the money was not actually forgiven, but rather being redistributed. The host emphasized the importance of understanding where the money went and who ultimately bears the responsibility for it. Finally, the host encouraged listeners to take action and get to work to improve their lives, and offered discounts on Helix Sleep mattresses and Henry Repeating Arms.

    • Government's student loan forgiveness: Someone Else's MoneyThough student loan forgiveness seems free, it's a cost to taxpayers, leading to potential inflation or higher taxes.

      The government's student loan forgiveness program may seem like a free handout, but ultimately, taxpayers are footing the bill. Milton Friedman, a renowned economist, explained that it feels like spending someone else's money, but in reality, your neighbor feels the same way. We're currently experiencing high inflation, meaning the value of your money is decreasing every day. The government's solution to the student loan crisis is to print more money, which will eventually lead to higher taxes or inflation. Instead of withholding taxes, the speaker suggests receiving a quarterly bill and writing a check to understand the financial impact. In essence, the government's loan forgiveness program may not seem like a direct cost, but it's a cost nonetheless.

    • Inflation as a hidden taxInflation decreases the value of money, leading to increased costs and potential food scarcity, acting as a hidden tax on citizens, impacting elections and daily life.

      Inflation, caused by the printing of money to pay for debts and expenses without raising taxes, is a hidden tax that can significantly impact everyday life. This issue, which can lead to increased costs for essentials and even potential food scarcity, has the potential to sway elections. The current administration's handling of student loan debt through inflationary means is an example of this stealth tax. Despite the lack of an immediate increase in taxes, the value of money decreases over time due to inflation, meaning people end up paying in other ways. It's crucial for individuals to understand this concept and hold their elected officials accountable for transparent fiscal policies.

    • The Inflation Reduction Act does not reduce debt as advertisedDespite the name, the Inflation Reduction Act adds significantly to the national debt, with 630 billion dollars in spending over a decade, disproportionately benefiting top income earners.

      The Inflation Reduction Act, as claimed by President Biden, does not reduce the debt as advertised. Instead, it adds significantly to it, with approximately 300 billion dollars in spending this year and 330 billion over a decade. Moreover, around 70% of the loan relief would benefit the top 60% of income earners, contradicting the Democrats' self-proclaimed stance as champions of the middle class. This spending, which will be funded through inflation and future taxes, is a concerning expansion of debt and redistribution of wealth. It's crucial to communicate these facts openly to counter misinformation and hold our elected officials accountable.

    • Trust and reliability in purchasing car parts and data securityRockauto.com offers trustworthy car parts with a long-standing reputation, extensive selection, and competitive pricing. Be vigilant against legislation that may compromise data security.

      Trust and reliability matter, especially when it comes to purchasing essential items like car parts. Rockauto.com stands out as a trustworthy option due to its long-standing reputation, extensive selection of quality parts, and competitive pricing. Meanwhile, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill poses a threat to consumer data security by potentially shifting transactions to less secure networks. It's crucial to advocate against such legislation to protect personal information. Another crucial issue is the manipulation of language by certain groups to push their agendas. An example of this is the ongoing debate over voter ID laws and the redefinition of terms like "sexual orientation" and "gender affirming care." It's essential to be aware of these attempts to change meanings and to advocate for clear, truthful communication. In all things, it's crucial to stay informed and take action to protect our interests and the well-being of our children.

    • Manipulating Language to Create BoundariesBe mindful of the power of language and avoid using labels to silence or bully individuals. Strive for clear and accurate communication to foster understanding and respect.

      The misuse and manipulation of language can be a powerful tool to sway public opinion and create societal boundaries. During the discussion, it was pointed out that labeling someone as a bigot or a homophobe based on their use of certain words, such as "sexual preference," can be damaging and inaccurate. This manipulation of language can be used to silence and bully individuals, even when they hold no hateful intentions. It's important to remember that words have meaning and can be used to build up or tear down. We should strive for clear and accurate communication to foster understanding and respect for all individuals.

    • The Power of Those in Authority to Shape Language and CultureThose in power can manipulate language and redefine concepts to maintain dominance, as seen in political debates and scientific consensus.

      Those in power can manipulate language and redefine concepts like science to maintain their dominance. The speaker shares an experience of going against political figures during a Capitol Hill hearing and observes their reaction when challenged. They then discuss Dr. Fauci and the ongoing debate over the effectiveness of lockdowns. The speaker argues that those in power, including Dr. Fauci, can control the narrative and ignore contradictory evidence, even in the case of scientific consensus. They also mention the ability to redefine social issues like sexual preference. This illustrates the power of those in authority to shape the cultural narrative and manipulate public opinion.

    • Manipulation through Language and LabelsUsing certain words or phrases can lead to being labeled, while others get away with divisive statements. We're facing incompetent leadership leading to economic and political issues, and it's important to be informed and self-sufficient.

      The power of language and labels can be used to manipulate and divide society. During the discussion, it was pointed out that using certain words or phrases can lead to being labeled as a bigot or racist, while others can get away with making divisive statements. The left was criticized for not facing the same consequences for their words. Additionally, the topic of the economic and political situation in the country was discussed, with the conclusion that we are being led by incompetent leaders who have made poor decisions, leading to issues such as inflation, energy crisis, and border control. The piece by Barton Swain was referenced, emphasizing that we are in a historical battle between different ideologies, and the current state of affairs is a result of idiotic and irresponsible leadership from both parties. The discussion also touched on the importance of being informed and not relying on one source for news, as well as the importance of self-sufficiency and energy independence. The MyPillow promotion was interjected, offering a buy one, get one free deal on various products.

    • Governance effectiveness depends on both design and moralityHistorical governance theories are irrelevant if those in power are corrupt. Regret for hasty vaccine decisions, criticism of media and politicians, and emphasis on designing the best system while acknowledging human corruption.

      The effectiveness of a governance system depends on both the system's design and the moral character of those in power. The speaker argues that historical theories about governance, whether it's an oligarchy or a constitutional republic, are moot if the people in charge are corrupt. The example given is the CDC's mandate of vaccines and restrictions on religious services and gatherings, which occurred despite living in a constitutional republic with checks and balances. The speaker expresses regret for not waiting for longitudinal data before getting vaccinated and criticizes the media environment that allows for continued adherence to measures like masks and social distancing despite evidence to the contrary. The speaker also criticizes politicians and government officials for making promises they cannot keep and for using derogatory language towards certain groups. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of designing the best system possible while acknowledging that people are inherently corruptible and can corrupt the system.

    • Government interventions in healthcare and education have failed to lower costsDespite government efforts to reduce healthcare and education expenses, costs have continued to rise, with Obamacare and student loan takeover leading to increased prices.

      Despite government interventions aimed at reducing expenses for healthcare and education, these costs have continued to rise dramatically. The discussion highlights the government's involvement in healthcare through Obamacare, which initially promised lower prices but resulted in increased costs for many. Similarly, the takeover of the student loan market through the Obama administration was meant to make college more affordable, but tuition fees have continued to climb. The overall message is that government intervention in these markets has not yielded the desired results and may even worsen the situation.

    • Endorsing Candidates in Florida and New York PrimariesVoting in local primaries is crucial for shaping local politics. Endorsed candidates include Amy Pritchett and Jennifer Russell for Florida school board elections. Individual actions can make a difference, even in local elections. Stay informed and avoid apathy or misinformation.

      It's crucial for people to vote in upcoming primaries in Florida and New York, as these elections can significantly impact local politics. The speaker expressed frustration with the current political climate and emphasized the importance of taking action. He specifically endorsed Amy Pritchett and Jennifer Russell for school board elections in Florida and encouraged listeners in those states to vote for them. The speaker believes that local elections matter and that individual actions can make a difference, even if they don't solve all problems. He also emphasized the importance of being informed and not letting apathy or misinformation prevent participation in the democratic process.

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    • Privatisation of state services isn’t a solution as it is usually a monopoly so prices are high and value is low for consumers.
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    “It was intended for the rich but it impacted the poor the most”

    “Fix money, fix the world”

    “You’re seeing a new rise of a workforce that’s harder to tax”

    “I don’t believe in that Blairite world view”







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    For additional information on this episode and other issues of the day, sign up for YDHTY's email list at www.YDHTY.com/news

    You can find a write-up on the total cost of Biden's debt releif program here: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/new-student-debt-changes-will-cost-half-trillion-dollars

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    Transcript for this week’s episode.


    Eric’s Twitter: @EricMLeeper

    Eric’s UVA profile

    Eric’s Mercatus profile


    David Beckworth’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

    Follow us on Twitter: @Macro_Musings


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    Related Links:


    *A Fiscal Accounting of COVID Inflation* by Eric Leeper and Joe Anderson


    *Fiscal Dominance—What It Is and How It Threatens Inflation Control* by Eric Leeper


    *Three World Wars: Fiscal-Monetary Consequences* by George Hall and Thomas Sargent


    *The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level With a Bubble* by Markus Brunnermeier, Sebastian Merkel, and Yuliy Sannikov


    *George Hall on the History of the U.S. National Debt and Government Financing* by Macro Musings

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    On today's podcast:

    1) President Joe Biden’s unprecedented actions to erase student-loan debt have fallen flat with the young voters in swing states he needs to win reelection, according to the latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll.

    2) After clashing in recent years, Wall Street traders and the Federal Reserve are – for once – broadly in sync: The great monetary pivot is near as central bankers engineer a once-unthinkable soft landing in the world’s largest economy.

    3) House Republicans threatened the US Food and Drug Administration with a subpoena as they intensify scrutiny of the agency’s efforts to deal with quality problems with drugs made in India and China.

    Full transcript:

    Good morning. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Here are the stories we're following today. We want to bring you fresh data now. In the twenty twenty four presidential race, a new Bloomberg News Morning Consul poll shows former President Donald Trump now ahead of President Biden in all seven of the swing states that are likely to decide next year's election. Trump leads forty seven to forty two percent across those states. That is outside this poll's margin of error of one percent. The survey finds President Biden failing to gain traction among suburban women in Michigan, young voters, and union households. He trails Trump in Michigan forty six to forty two percent. As concerns over inflation ride high. Council of Economic Advisor's chair Jared Bernstein tells Bloomberg that sentiment should improve as we get closer to election if we continue to maintain our progress lower prices, not just in the things I mentioned where they're actually coming down eggs, milk, toys, TVs, but also in areas of healthcare. That's the path that we need to stay on. We're not there yet, We're moving in the right direction. But how do we know that. Well, one thing we really need to see is for some of these sentiment indices to reflect that progress, and Jared Bernstein with the Council of Economic Advisors admits those sentiment indices have not gotten better yet. Well, Nathan, another demographic that's expressing concern is Generation Z. The Bloomberg Morning Console poll also finds many young voters in swing states don't think Biden is doing enough on student loan payments. However, Around University professor Wendy Schiller thinks former President Trump's support could wane as he re enters the spotlight. As he comes back into the limelight and independence are reminded of why they have not voted for Trump or Trump's surrogates in the last three elections. That's where I think the polling becomes more favorable, if you can put it that way, for Biden, in the sense that he is a chance to win those voters back into the Democratic camp at least at the present and Brown Universities. Wendy Schiller also says Democrats will need to improve their messaging to get Biden re elected in twenty twenty four. Well, another complication for the president, Karen the House has voted along party lines to formally authorize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. This sets up a high profile clash with the White House over the investigation that's focused on Biden family finances and business dealings. House Oversight Chair James Comer spoke after the vote. We have a simple question that I think of no blooming majority of Americans have. What did the Bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. Despite those accusations from Republican James Comer, Democrat Jamie Raskin says, the attacks on the president are baseless. They understand there's no real evidence to support any presidential offense here. They haven't even named what they think the crime is. House Democrat Jamie Raskin says the impeachment inquiry is purely about next year's election. Well, we turn to the markets now, Nathan and the monetary pivot that traders have been waiting for. After keeping interest on hold, the FED gave its clearest signal yet that its historic policy tightening campaign is over, projecting rate cuts in twenty twenty four, Fed heire J Powell's News Conference United, one of the biggest post meeting rallies in recent memory. The down closed at a record and the S and P gained one point four percent, but Powell did not entirely rule out tightening. Inflation has eased from its highs, and this has come without a significant increase in unemployment. That's very good news, but inflation is still too high ongoing progress and bringing it down is not assured, and the path forward is uncertain. Chairman Powell reiterated that the FED remains data dependent, but former Atlanta FED President Ans Lockhart says the Fed's tentatively DUBBSH stance, as he puts it, is appropriate at this time. It's clear that they're going into twenty twenty four with the idea that they will be cutting rate, and the summary of economic projections showed to range among fifteen of them from two cuts to four cuts, so it's not a really tight census yet. And former Atlanta FED President Dennis Lockhart says markets are reacting positively to Powell's stands, and the FED gets more data this morning with retail sales do at at eight thirty am Wall Street Time. Well Karen traders may be helping for smoother sailing on the NASDAG today. A system error forced some stock orders on the exchange to be canceled yesterday. Sources tell us Nasdaq's investigating an order entry issue that caused inaccuracies and delays. Although it did not resolve the issue before the end of trading yesterday, the Nasdaq says it will be ready today. Nathan, overseas, we get two major rate decisions from the Bank of England and European Central Bank. Bloomberg's Ewan Pots joins us from London with a preview. Good morning, Ewan, Good morning Karen, Nathan. They're calling it super Thursday with rate decisions from key central banks right across Europe. We've already had a surprise rate hike from Norway. Up next announcements from the ECB and the BOE. The risk of recession in the euro Area will be front of mind for Presidents Christine Legarde. We're here from the ECB at eight fifteen am Eastern time. But first up the Bank of England. Way's sticky inflation with a very sluggish economy. That UK right decision comes in two hours time in London. I'm Une Pots, Bloomberg Radio okay you and thank you. Elsewhere in Europe, UBS is stepping up efforts to recoup hundreds of millions in cash bonuses that Credit Sweeze paid to retain deal makers before it's collapse. Sources say UBS has contacted hundreds of bankers and offered some multi year payment plans as it tries to claw back a chunk of the one point two billion Swiss francs and restricted cash bonuses. One source says UBS is seeking to recover less than six hundred and fifty one million Swiss francs. Meanwhile, in Russia, Nathan President Vladimir Putin is speaking at his annual end of year news conference. He says inflation in Russia's running between seven and a half to eight percent and that Russian companies are paying back their foreign loans. Putin added his war aims in Ukraine remained the same and he does not expect to mobilize a second wave of troops right now. And it is time now for a look at some of the other stories making news around the world, and for that we're joined by Bloomberg, John Tunker, johncinb Morning, Good Morning. Care in the House and Senate have agreed to a massive defense bill. The story in this report from Washington and Bloomberg's Amy Morris. The House passed an eight hundred and eighty six billion dollar defense bill after bipartisan negotiations between the House and Senate. Hard right Republicans had tried to attach restrictions on abortions, transgender care, and diversity initiatives, but those didn't make it into the final bill. Republicans did score some victories, like requiring all promotions to be merit and performance based, outlawing the flying of the LGBTQ flag on military basis, and the teaching of critical race theory and drag show performances will also be banned on bass. Military personnel will also get a five point two percent pay increase in the new bill. Amy Morris, Bloomberg Radio. Negotiators continue to make progress on a border deal. The key negotiators have been meeting with the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorcis. Senator Chris Murphy if Connecticut been leading negotiations for the Democrats. As a real complicated set of law, but there's still no reason that we can't finish this by the time we wrap up for the year. Lawmakers are scheduled a head out of town as soon as tomorrow. The US working with allies to create a multinational effort to protect ships passing through the Red Sea. It's an effort to stem a surgeon attacks by hootie fighters that has provoked unease about commercial trade passing through one of the world's most vital waterways. A federal judge granted Donald Trump's request to pause the twenty twenty election obstruction case scheduled for trial at March well he presses a claim for sweeping immunity against criminal charges. US District Judge Tanya Chunkin at Washington pause the hearings and upcoming deadlines in the case while Trump appeals her earlier ruling denying him immunately from prosecution over events that took place while he was president. Industry regulators say California's risk of power shortfalls and blackouts has fallen as more renewable energy and batteries are added to its electric grid, but at the same time, they and such threats in New York have risen thanks to higher electricity demand and new restrictions on gas fire power plants. Global News twenty four hours a day and whenever you want it With Bloomberg News Now, I'm John Tucker and this is Bloomberg Karen. All right, John, thanks what we do bring you news throughout the day here on Bloomberg Radio. Just as John said, but now you can get the latest news on demand, and that means you can get it whenever you want it. Just subscribe to Bloomberg News Now to get the latest headlines at the click of a button. Get informed on your schedule. You can listen and subscribe to Bloomberg News Now on the Bloomberg Business app, Bloomberg dot Com plus Apples, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. It is time now for the Bloomberg Sports Update. Here's John stash Hour, John Karen and Milwaukee on a night for the buckstar Jannis onto the Compo. He poured in sixty four points. That's as previous career high of fifty five. It's a Bucks team rerecord. They beat Indiana one forty to one twenty six. Jana's twenty of twenty eight from the field and twenty four of thirty two from the free throw line. He's the first player in NBA history to have twenty or more from both and shoot seventy percent or better in both. There was an incident after the game. Giannis went into the Pacers locker room to try to get the game ball, and there was apparently some kind of a melee that broke out. Wizards lost at home by twenty New Orleans one, with Brandon Ingram scoring forty, and the Wizards are now three and twenty. Lakers won only by three in San Antonio, when the Spurs have now lost eighteen games in a row. The NBA has suspended Raymond Green indefinitely, citing his repeated history of incident. Ruins lost in overtime at New Jersey two to one. It's the Chargers and Raiders tonight, kicking off Week fifteen, both teams with only five wins on the season a lot of injuries. Chargers without their quarterback Justin Herbert for the rest of the season in their top whiteout, Keenan Allen won't play tonight due to a foot injury. The Raiders have decided to stick with rookie quarterback Aidan O'Connell. Whiteout. Devonte Adams was questionable with an illness. The NFL has gave me Super Bowl sixty to Los Angeles. That's where the first Super Bowl was played, and the NFL says there'll be a regular season game played next year in South Paolo Brazil. John Stashewer Bloomberg Sports from coast to coast, from New York to San Francisco, Boston to Washington, DC, nationwide on Sirius Exam, the Bloomberg Business app, and Bloomberg dot Com. This is Bloomberg Daybreak. Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager. As we head into a twenty twenty four re election campaign for President Biden, he has been struggling to show voters that the policies that he's put forward, whether it's by partisan infrastructure, it's the Inflation Reduction Act and student debt relief, are working for the voters that he needs to win reelection. Those struggles are reflected in the latest Bloomberg News Morning Consult poll of swing states, just out this morning, and here with us to discuss it as Bloomberg News Politics reporter Gregory Cordy. Gregory, it's great to have you with us this morning. We just saw these numbers cross the Bloomberg terminal moments ago. I know this is an update right of the swing state pole that we conducted just a couple months ago. So what did we find. Yeah, actually, this is the third iteration of this pole. We've been doing it monthly and we're going to continue to do it monthly through the election next November. And what we're seeing is a slow but unmistakable movement in former President Donald Trump's direction in each of these seven swing states, or I should say these swing states collectively. But now for the first time in this poll every one of these seven swing states, Trump is now leading in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. Michigan was the one that was tied the first two times we did this poll. Now President Trump is leading by four and so this is a pretty good poll for him, and it shows how President Biden continues to struggle, as you said, to convince voters that his economic policies are working. Yeah. To see the turnaround in President Biden's disfavor in Michigan is particularly notable when you think about how he's put himself out there as the most pro union president ever. He was the first president to walk a picket line in Michigan, and it doesn't seem at least from this polling that that's worked out for him thus far. Yeah, we took a particular interest in Michigan this month in part because it had been so close and now it seems to be leaning Trump. And you're absolutely right. It's a state that Biden absolutely needs to win. It's one of those blue wall industrial states that we talk about that are so important for Democrats, and it shows that Biden's really not improving among those union voters. Now. The unions themselves are pretty happy with Biden. Biden claims to mean it's pro union president in history. He walked the picket line with workers back when the United Auto Workers were on strike earlier this year, and that political support from the White House helped the UAW get a pretty good contract. But rank and file auto workers aren't necessarily listening to their union leadership on this, and we've seen union workers more willing to vote for Donald Trump, especially on these issues of trade and competition with China and immigration and other issues other than collective bargaining. President Trump has made inroads on It is fascinating to see how the former president continues to make inroads on these economic issues when we go by the data every day here on Bloomberg, and we're seeing the signs of improvement in the US economy pretty steadily. What does that say about this disconnect that we're seeing between the way the economy is going and how it's working out for this current president in his polling numbers. Yeah, you've absolutely put your finger on one of the central questions and frankly, one of the big riddles of this election year, as you say, the economic indicators are doing well, and yet Biden isn't getting credit for that. We see when we ask people how is the national economy doing, overwhelming numbers say that it's doing poorly in the seventy percents. But then when we ask people how their local economy is doing, how their state economy is doing, people are saying it's doing much better. And we're really trying to understand that disconnect between vote voter perceptions because the real that local economy is what people more often experience, and what they're saying is, yeah, I've got a job unemployment as low prices are coming down, wages are going up, and yet they look at the national economy and they still think that it's heading in the wrong direction. What that reflects is that they are continuing to associate present Biden with inflation being still too high compared to where we were before the pandemic, and people not exactly happy with where we are and continuing to be a little uncertain about which direction we're heading. I think about thirty seconds left here, Greg gree But are there any positive signs for President Biden in this polling? Well, inflation expectations continue to come down. We see that in a number of different poles, and we see it in this poll. We see people saying that the concerns about inflation are ebbing a little bit. And then we ask people, would you say that the prices that you paid for everyday goods like groceries and gas and so forth, are they going up or they going down? And fewer people say that they're going up. The people are seeing them starting to come down. It's probably not as much as the president would like to see, but some of these indicators are slowly heading in the right direction. It's Bloomberg Daybreak Today, your morning brief on the stories making news from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Look for us on your podcast feed at six am Eastern each morning on Apples, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. You can also listen live each morning starting at five am Wall Street Time on Bloomberg eleven three to zero in New York, Bloomberg ninety nine one in Washington, Bloomberg one oh sixty one in Boston, and Bloomberg ninety sixty in San Francisco. Our flagship New York station is also available on your Amazon Alexa devices. Just say Alexa Play Bloomberg eleven thirty plus. Listen coast to coast on the Bloomberg Business app, serriusxmb iHeartRadio app, and on Bloomberg dot Com. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Join us again tomorrow morning for all the news you need to start your day right here on Bloomberg Daybreak

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    You’ll Be Furious When You Hear About The “Stimulus” Bill (Ep 1420)

    You’ll Be Furious When You Hear About The “Stimulus” Bill (Ep 1420)
    In this episode, I discuss the disastrous “stimulus” bill and the infuriating pork loaded into it.  News Picks: The massive spending bill is loaded with Pork! More on the “stimulus” bill. This is a really bad call by Attorney General Barr. A solid piece which explains the paths forward for the Trump team. President Trump met with members of congress planning on fighting election fraud.   California is going full socialist. Communist NY City Mayor doubles down on stupid.   Teacher’s unions are sabotaging your children’s futures. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices