
    Dana White, Mike O'Malley, And The NBA's Motel 6

    en-usJuly 10, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • NBA players' dissatisfaction with living conditions in bubble sparks debateNBA players expressing concerns about living conditions in the bubble has sparked a debate about their privilege and the challenges of isolation during the pandemic.

      The NBA players are expressing their dissatisfaction with the living conditions in the NBA bubble through social media, sparking a debate about their privilege and the challenges of isolation during the pandemic. The episode also mentioned an interview with Dana White and Mike O'Malley, upcoming charity events, and a Father's Day promotion from G4. Additionally, the hosts discussed the return of sports, specifically the NBA, and the criticism players have received for their complaints about the bubble. The hosts also shared their personal opinions on the situation, acknowledging both sides of the argument. Overall, the episode touched on various topics, including sports, entertainment, and current events.

    • NBA Players' Challenges in the BubblePlayers face unique challenges in the NBA bubble, including adjusting to living in a restricted environment and dealing with minor inconveniences. Some players, like Rondo, may have valid complaints, while others, like LeBron, enjoy luxurious accommodations. Overall, the NBA bubble presents a new normal for players, and their reactions are to be expected.

      Despite the challenges of living in a bubble during the NBA season restart, players are generally in decent accommodations, and their complaints are to be expected given their high salaries. Rondo, for instance, may have been upset about something minor in his hotel room, but it looked better than many people's living situations. The bubble lifestyle raises questions about groupies, weed, and other potential distractions, but players likely have only a week to voice their complaints before they become normalized. The NBA is stepping up the food game, and some players, like LeBron James, have luxurious accommodations. For players on non-contending teams, the bubble experience is particularly difficult, and some, like Rondo, may have valid complaints. Overall, the NBA bubble presents unique challenges, and players' reactions are to be expected.

    • College Football's Unpredictable SeasonDespite the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, college football is pushing forward with conference-only schedules and potential spring seasons, leaving fans excited yet concerned about the future of the sport.

      The ongoing pandemic has caused significant disruptions in the world of sports, particularly in college football. The Ivy League's decision to cancel their season set off a chain reaction, leading to Power 5 conferences like the Big Ten, ACC, and Pac 12 announcing conference-only schedules. This raises questions about who will make it to the playoffs and the potential for a spring season. The speaker expresses conflicting feelings about the situation, with one part of him hoping for an exciting debate about which team gets left out, and the other part concerned that this could be a step towards canceling the season altogether. Regardless, everyone is encouraged to wear masks to ensure the safety of athletes and the continuation of sports. The speaker also speculates about Notre Dame's schedule and the possibility of a spring season. Overall, the situation remains uncertain, but one thing is clear - college football fans are in for an exciting and unpredictable season.

    • Coach Harbaugh's stance on COVID-19 restrictionsCoach Harbaugh criticizes unfair restrictions on football and discusses the inconsistency of NFL's jersey swap ban, while also sharing his love for cast iron skillets.

      Jim Harbaugh, the college football coach, has taken a firm stance against the COVID-19 restrictions, arguing that football shouldn't be held responsible for something they didn't cause. Harbaugh believes it's unfair for football to be punished while other activities continue without restrictions. The conversation also touched on the NFL's decision to ban jersey swaps, which seemed arbitrary and inconsistent with other aspects of football. Another topic was the benefits of using a cast iron skillet, which was discussed in the context of a birthday gift and the challenges of cleaning it properly. Overall, the conversation showcased the passion and energy of the speakers, as well as their ability to discuss a range of topics with humor and enthusiasm.

    • Caring for a cast iron skillet and Mike Greenberg's returnCast iron skillets need dedication, no soap, water, steel wool, oil. Mike Greenberg returns to ESPN with beloved demeanor, calming presence.

      Taking care of a cast iron skillet requires dedication and effort, similar to raising a baby. Unlike cleaning a baby, you can't use soap on the skillet. Instead, use water, steel wool or an abrasive pad, and oil. The process might seem daunting at first, but it's worth it for the superior cooking experience. Mike Greenberg's return to ESPN's airwaves is another noteworthy event. His easy-going demeanor and ability to avoid controversy make him a beloved figure in sports media. While some may argue that the next generation lacks the appeal of veterans like Golic, Greenberg's calming presence remains a staple in the industry. In other news, a scientist discovered what's being called the "hungriest hole," possibly a black hole, but some have joked that it resembles a famous celebrity's belly button. Lastly, remember that speeding laws don't apply before 7 AM in some places. Just keep that in mind if you're an early riser and a lead foot.

    • Assumptions can lead to misunderstandingsVerify information before making assumptions to avoid misunderstandings and unexpected consequences.

      Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unexpected consequences. A man named Billy shared his experience of receiving a speeding ticket despite believing that the police had been defunded. He assumed the roads were clear of law enforcement, but he was wrong. The cameras were still operational and caught him speeding. This incident serves as a reminder that it's essential to verify information before making assumptions and that there can be unintended consequences to our actions based on inaccurate beliefs. Additionally, Dana White's upcoming UFC event, Fight Island, may not be exactly what some people expect, but the logistical challenges of holding a fight on a beach make it an impractical idea.

    • Excitement builds for UFC's Fight Island eventUFC's Fight Island event generates buzz with unique features, highly-anticipated fights, and team's determination to deliver a great show, despite challenges

      The UFC's Fight Island event is generating excitement through unique elements like primal lighting and shark-infested waters, despite some criticisms about its location. The fight card itself is also highly anticipated, with several title fights and high-profile rematches. The UFC team has had to adapt to quarantine and time zone differences, but remains confident in their ability to put on a great show. Despite some criticism, such as the lack of a beach setting or the application for a PPP loan, the UFC team remains focused on delivering an exciting event for fans.

    • The Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight saved the UFCThe first season's exciting fight between Forrest Griffin and Stephan Bonnar revitalized the UFC, attracting more fans and investors.

      The Ultimate Fighter series, specifically the Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight from the first season, played a pivotal role in saving the UFC during a financially difficult time. The fight's excitement and success helped revitalize the organization and attract more fans and investors. Dana White also discussed his current workout routine and his thoughts on Conor McGregor's retirement, expressing his belief that McGregor will return to the sport eventually. Additionally, White shared his stance against super heavyweight fights, citing a lack of excitement and athleticism as reasons.

    • UFC's Challenges and Exciting FightsDespite production challenges, UFC delivers exciting fights like Griffin vs. Bonnar. Upcoming bouts, such as Usman vs. Masvidal, generate excitement. Masvidal's readiness and knockout streak fuel fan anticipation. Custom suits from Indochino offer perfect fit and confidence.

      Dana White and the UFC team have faced numerous challenges throughout the production of The Ultimate Fighter, but their ability to deliver exciting fights, such as the one between Forrest Griffin and Stephan Bonnar, ensures their continued success. Upcoming fights, including Kamaru Usman vs. Jorge Masvidal at UFC 251, are highly anticipated and promise to be significant events in the welterweight division. Masvidal's readiness for the fight, despite its late scheduling, is expected, and his recent knockout streak has generated immense excitement among fans. Additionally, Indochino's custom-made suits offer a perfect fit and confidence-boosting experience, making them an excellent choice for formal occasions. Finally, Mike O'Malley, an Emmy-nominated actor, shared his enthusiasm for being part of the conversation and his pride in his work, including his role in Snowpiercer.

    • Behind the Scenes of 'Guts': The Agro Crag's Intimidating RealityThe Agro Crag of 'Guts' was larger than it seemed on TV, with hosts navigating chaos, fanbase recognition, and potential gambling among crew.

      The Agro Crag from the 90s Nickelodeon show "Guts" was a massive and intimidating set, much bigger than it appeared on television. Children, including the show's hosts, had to navigate the obstacles and find their marks despite the chaos. Moe, one of the hosts, was aware of her massive fanbase and her trailblazing role as a female referee in a children's show. The crew, including the hosts, were young and focused on their work, with some possibly engaging in light gambling on the contestants' performances. Overall, "Guts" was a unique experience that combined excitement, humor, and a sense of adventure for its audience.

    • Mike Rowe's Stories of Remarkable 'Guts' CompetitorsMike Rowe shared heartwarming stories about exceptional competitors on Nickelodeon's 'Guts', emphasizing their skills and impact on children's lives. He prioritized donating a coveted prize to charity.

      Working with children on television requires a high level of sensitivity and awareness to ensure a positive experience for them. Mike Rowe, who hosted the Nickelodeon game show "Guts," shared stories about remarkable competitors, including Jhana the Warrior, Robbie the Animal, and Brian Beer. Brian Beer, in particular, stood out for his perfect score and unmatched skills. Mike was so impressed that he even tried to contact him years later. The Agro Crag, a coveted prize on the show, was another childhood dream of Mike's, but he ultimately prioritized donating it to charity over keeping it for himself. The piece of the Agro Crag became an auction item for Children's Hospital, showcasing Mike and the team's generosity. The funniest part of the story is that Mike might end up winning the auction himself, bidding the most money, but he intends to donate it to charity regardless. Overall, this conversation highlights Mike's dedication to making a positive impact on children's lives and his appreciation for the unique experiences that come with working in television.

    • The Challenges of Creating High-Quality ContentCreating quality content, whether it's sports blogs or TV characters, demands dedication and passion. Despite the analytical fans, embracing the inner fan and sharing deep connections to sports can bring joy to people's lives.

      Creating high-quality content, whether it's a blog or a TV character, requires dedication and hard work. Pres, who had the opportunity to write sports blogs for Yahoo in an alternate timeline, realized the challenges of producing good, funny, and creative content consistently in a competitive environment. Similarly, the character of Rick on ESPN, which Pres brought to life, was a reflection of his deep passion for sports and the emotional connection fans have with their teams. Despite the analytical and smarter fans today, it's okay to embrace the inner fan and care deeply about sports, even if it means feeling bummed out when your team loses. Ultimately, the joy and connection sports bring to people's lives make it all worth it.

    • The emotional connection between sports and parenthoodDealing with failure in both sports and parenthood requires strong friendships and self-belief to overcome isolation and uncertainty

      Sports and parenthood share the ability to evoke deep emotions in us. The way sports make us feel, whether it's the joy of a win or the despair of a loss, is similar to the emotions experienced in parenthood. Mike O'Malley, an actor, shared his personal experience of dealing with a failed TV show, which left him feeling devastated and uncertain about his future. He had put all his effort into becoming a successful actor, but the competitive nature of the industry left him feeling isolated and vulnerable when his show was canceled. However, he emphasized the importance of having strong friendships to help get through tough times. Despite the public nature of his failure, he learned to believe in himself and his abilities, and continued to pursue his career with resilience.

    • Bouncing back from failureEmbrace failure, learn from it, have a strong support system, focus on the work, and practice emotional resilience to bounce back and find success

      Failure is a natural part of the show business industry, and even the most talented individuals experience setbacks. However, it's how one responds to failure that makes all the difference. Having a strong support system, such as good agents and friends in the industry, can help one bounce back and turn their experiences into interesting and relatable stories. Additionally, focusing on the work and being present in the moment can lead to success. Emotional resilience, as taught by the Stoics, can help individuals navigate through difficult times and find control in what they can influence. The sweetness of bouncing back from failure is that it makes the eventual success feel that much more rewarding. As an example, the Red Sox's loss in 2003 made their eventual World Series win in 2004 all the more satisfying. Ultimately, embracing failure and learning from it is a crucial aspect of personal growth and success in any field.

    • The joy of sports: camaraderie among athletesSports bring people together in camaraderie and joy, reminding us of shared human experiences. Athletes' genuine investment in each other creates a rewarding experience for fans.

      The camaraderie and enthusiasm among professional athletes, even during high-pressure situations like a pennant race, can be a reminder of the shared human experience and joy that sports can bring. The speaker's observation of a team's excitement in the clubhouse without cameras or external distractions highlights the genuine investment and appreciation these players have for each other. This feeling of fellowship and friendship can make the experience of being a fan all the more rewarding, despite any potential behind-the-scenes intrigue or conflicts. The speaker's reflection on this experience extends to other fields, such as acting, where the ability to fully engage and deliver a strong performance can transport both the performer and the audience into a shared zone of enjoyment.

    • Age doesn't matter on setDespite age differences, focus on performance remains crucial on set. Excited for new projects and adaptable to change.

      The speaker shares a humorous experience about being cast in a new scene with an older actor, Steven Tobolowsky, despite the significant age difference between them. He gets so focused on his performance that he doesn't even notice the change in the script. Additionally, the speaker expresses his excitement for Tom Brady's success with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, despite being a longtime Patriots fan. He also mentions his upcoming project featuring Rob Gronkowski and his intrigue in seeing Cam Newton as the new Patriots quarterback. Overall, the speaker showcases his passion for his work and his ability to adapt to new situations.

    • The importance of quick reflexes and timing in sportsProfessional athletes need to master every little movement for optimal performance, including getting ready for a snap or dropping back in a three-step drop. Quick reflexes and timing are crucial in high-pressure situations.

      The speed and agility required at the professional athletic level is not just about physical strength, but also about every little movement happening faster. For example, even simple tasks like getting ready for a snap or dropping back in a three-step drop can take longer and leave an athlete at a disadvantage. Craig also shared his experience of participating in the TV show "Guts" and how they would continue to enjoy the challenges even after filming had ended. This highlights the importance of quick reflexes and timing in sports and other high-pressure situations. Craig also mentioned his intention to donate a piece of memorabilia from his career and invited the interviewer to join him in the studio for the event. Overall, Craig's insights offer a unique perspective on the demands of athletic competition and the importance of mental and physical preparation.

    • Mike O'Malley discusses focusing on writing over actingDespite a perfect fit, Mike O'Malley chose to prioritize writing over acting in 'The League'.

      Mike O'Malley shared his personal experience of not auditioning for the role in "The League" despite it seeming like the show was tailored for him. He was focused on writing and transitioning into a writer at the time. Additionally, during the conversation, he and the hosts discussed various topics including baseball beat reporters, LeBron James versus Mike Tyson in a boxing match, and embracing debate on sports. The debate topic led to an interesting discussion about Tiger Woods, with one argument stating that he's the greatest golfer and pressure handler, while the other argued that he hasn't maximized his talent to the fullest. Overall, the conversation showcased the hosts' passion for sports and their willingness to engage in lively debates.

    • A discussion about Tiger Woods' golf career and NFL coaches' interest in PFT Commenter as a kickerThe group debated Tiger Woods' untapped potential and NFL coaches' unexpected interest in PFT Commenter as a kicker, highlighting the importance of being prepared for opportunities.

      Despite the debates and jokes about golf and NFL caliber kickers, the group had a meaningful conversation about Tiger Woods and his impressive golf career. Brandless Chambliss made a bold statement that Woods left more on the table than he got out of his talent, but others disagreed, acknowledging the challenges he faced both on and off the golf course. The conversation then shifted to NFL coaches expressing interest in PFT Commenter as a kicker, which he acknowledged could be a joke but also held some truth. The group discussed the potential number of kickers better than him and the importance of being ready to seize opportunities. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of humor and genuine analysis.

    • Struggling with self-doubt in abilitiesSelf-doubt can hinder our growth and success, rooted in fear of failure and uncertainty about our place, it's important to believe in ourselves to overcome mental barriers and reach our potential.

      Self-doubt and uncertainty can cloud our judgment and prevent us from believing in our own abilities, even when others do. The speaker in this conversation expresses a deep internal struggle with his own belief in his professional football kicking skills, despite evidence to the contrary from a friend. This self-doubt, rooted in fear of failure and uncertainty about his place, creates a mental barrier that keeps him from fully committing to his potential. It's a reminder that our minds can be our greatest asset or our biggest obstacle, and that believing in ourselves is essential for growth and success.

    • A brutal, intense rugby match: Fight club with scoringRugby is a violent, passionate sport with lifelong commitment to one's team, compared to hooligan fights and UFC.

      The rugby match discussed was described as a violent and intense experience, reminiscent of a fight club with scoring elements. The participants were seen as massive and intimidating, with fans adding to the passionate and brawl-prone atmosphere. The sport was compared to hooligan fights and UFC, emphasizing its physical nature and lack of skills. The discussion also touched upon the passion and lifelong commitment to one's team, and the evolution of the sport from simple challenges in the backyard. The overall impression was that rugby is a tough, alpha male-dominated sport that appeals to those who enjoy watching or participating in raw physicality.

    • Discussing 'Luck of the Irish' and upcoming guestsThe conversation was filled with laughter and shared interests, including a Disney Channel movie and upcoming guests, with a playful and light-hearted tone.

      During the conversation, the topic of a Disney Channel movie called "Luck of the Irish" was brought up. The movie follows a kid who transforms into a leprechaun and must win at the Scottish games to reverse the transformation and win his high school state championship. This anecdote was shared with amusement and a promise to discuss it further in the future. The conversation then shifted to upcoming guests, including Luke Bryan and a Dungeons and Dragons segment. Jokingly, the idea of harming a guest, Billy, during the D&D game was suggested, with fantasies of torturing and maiming him. The conversation ended with a reminder to tune in Monday for more content and a reminder to have a safe weekend. The key takeaway is that the conversation was light-hearted and playful, with a shared interest in pop culture and upcoming events.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    2023 Minnesota Reaction + Colorado Preview

    2023 Minnesota Reaction + Colorado Preview

    On this week’s episode Ben & Drew profile Infusion Brewing Company in Omaha, Nebraska, React to Nebraska’s loss to Minnesota, Preview Nebraska’s matchup against Colorado, and raise a glass to those Buffaloes with the Sportsman-Sip

    What We Drank: Vanilla Bean Blonde from Infusion Brewing Co. & Dunkel from Prost Brewing 

    Follow Wannabe Walk-Ons on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

    @WannabeWalkOns. Send us your beer recommendations by visiting WannabeWalkOns.com.

    You can find more information on Papa Moon Vineyards at Papamoonvineyards.com 

    Call the 'Wannabe Talk-Ons' Hotline after every game and leave us a message with your hot take/ game reaction: 402-427-0258!

    The 2023 College Football Season is underway! Join us in the coming weeks for previews of all of Nebraska’s 2023 opponents! We look forward to sharing our thoughts on Nebraska football and craft beer under a new Rhule. For more information on the Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild visit Nebraska.beer!

    Thanks for listening and Drink Big Red! 

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    College Sports Now 10-19-21

    College Sports Now 10-19-21

    Hartzell, Roddy, and Surber do a late-night record for some unexpected coaching carousel talk. We break down the ACC, totally avoid mentioning #2 Iowa lost, mustard liquor, plus Hartzell surprisingly campaigns for Cincy to be included in the initial playoff rankings. Rodstradamus is BACK and Surbs contemplates whether he should continue after a bad decision involving picking BYU over Baylor when Chip and Joanna were in the house.

    Follow College Sports Now on Twitter @CSNowTweets!

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