
    Dangerous Phone Wallpapers, the Oft-Delayed Pixel 4a, & an iPad-Designed iMac?

    enJune 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Latest Tech DevelopmentsDiscussed rumors of a new iMac design, Apple's chip transition, Pixel 4a release, and tech ethics. Released videos on budget phones, Surface Headphones 2, and Tesla software updates. Shared behind-the-scenes stories from Tesla upgrade video.

      Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and there are always new and exciting developments on the horizon. During a recent podcast episode, Marques Brownlee and Andrew Manganelli discussed various tech topics, including rumors of a new iMac design, Apple's switch to their own design chips for Macs, and the long-awaited release of the Pixel 4a. They also reflected on their previous episode featuring a discussion on tech ethics and encouraged listeners to suggest topics and guests for future episodes. Meanwhile, on their tech channel, they released several videos covering various tech products and updates, such as a budget phone video, a review of the Surface Headphones 2, and a reflection on Tesla's software updates and the experience of testing auto summon features. They also shared behind-the-scenes stories from the Tesla upgrade over time video, including a funny moment where they tried to smart summon two Tesla models at the same time in an empty parking lot. Overall, it's an exciting time for tech, and there's always something new and interesting to explore. Whether it's the latest gadgets, software updates, or ethical discussions, technology continues to shape our world in meaningful ways. And for those looking to enhance their travel experiences, Viator offers a solution with over 300,000 travel experiences to choose from, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support. So download the Viator app now and use code Viator10 for 10% off your first booking.

    • Android phones damaged by sunset wallpaperA seemingly harmless sunset wallpaper can render Android phones unusable due to incompatibility issues with the color gamut, demonstrating the importance of caution when setting unknown files as phone wallpapers.

      A seemingly harmless sunset wallpaper can cause significant damage to Android phones, rendering them unusable. This isn't due to malware, but rather an incompatibility issue with the color gamut the photo was exported in. The incident gained widespread attention on social media, with many users attempting to set the wallpaper despite warnings against it. The number of complaints reached almost 2,000, demonstrating the potential reach and impact of such misinformation. To understand the details behind this incident, it's worth checking out Mr. Who's the Boss's video, "How This Wallpaper Kills Your Phone," which provides a deeper explanation. The incident serves as a reminder to be cautious when coming across viral trends on social media and to avoid setting unknown files as phone wallpapers.

    • Pixel with extreme luminance values causes phone crashesImproper image processing and handling of wide color gamuts can lead to software and hardware issues

      A single pixel in an image with a wide color gamut caused a rounding error, leading to phones crashing when the image was set as a wallpaper. The image, which was in Profoto RGB color profile, had a pixel in the sky with extreme luminance values. The sum of the red, green, and blue values of this pixel, when rounded, exceeded the maximum limit of 255, causing Google's conversion algorithm to crash. This issue was not present when viewing the image in the gallery or editing it in Photoshop. The incident highlights the importance of proper image processing and handling of wide color gamuts to prevent potential issues with software and hardware. It's a reminder of the intricacies involved in digital image processing and the potential consequences of seemingly insignificant errors.

    • OnePlus' secretive approach to a controversial featureTransparency with consumers about sensitive features is crucial to avoid misunderstandings, privacy concerns, and negative publicity.

      OnePlus, in an attempt to keep a secret a potentially controversial feature on their new phone, may have inadvertently disabled it without proper communication to consumers. The feature in question was an X-ray vision mode in the color filter camera of the OnePlus 8 Pro. This mode, which could see through some fabrics and clear plastics, raised privacy concerns. Theories suggest that OnePlus realized this issue after finalizing the phone and marketing materials, but before the phone's release. They chose to disable the feature without announcing it publicly, leaving it hidden in the phone's menus. This secretive approach backfired when the media discovered the issue and reported on it, leading to negative headlines and potential damage to the company's reputation. The moral of the story is that transparency with consumers, especially when it comes to potentially sensitive features, is crucial. Hiding such features can lead to misunderstandings, privacy concerns, and ultimately, negative publicity.

    • Criticisms of iMac's design, Google's address bar, and Viator's travel solutionsThe iMac's outdated design, Google disabling address bar hiding, and Viator's one-stop travel services are topics of recent discussion.

      The iMac's design, specifically its large chin with the Apple logo and thick bezels, is considered outdated by some users. Google has disabled the Chrome feature for hiding the address bar on iOS and may do the same for Android on hydrogenOS. Meanwhile, Viator offers a solution for travelers looking to make the most of their vacations by providing access to guided tours, activities, and more in one place. The housing market is currently unaffordable for many, leading to a standoff between buyers and sellers, making it difficult for young adults to move out and achieve the American dream. A rumored iMac refresh is expected to address these design concerns with an iPad Pro-like design.

    • IMac's New Design with iPad Pro InspirationThe new iMac may have thinner bezels, Face ID, a wider screen, all-SSD storage, and T2 chip for enhanced security, while ports could move to the side for easier access.

      The upcoming iMac is expected to adopt the design language of the iPad Pro, featuring thinner bezels, and potentially incorporating Face ID for added security. This new design is said to make the iMac look sleeker and more modern, with a wider screen and less wasted space. Additionally, the iMac may be ditching the Fusion Drive, a combination of hard drives and SSDs, in favor of all-SSD storage. The T2 chip, which is rumored to be included, could suggest more advanced security features. Some users have suggested placing ports on the side of the iMac for easier access, rather than having them all on the back like current models. Overall, these changes aim to make the iMac more visually appealing and functional.

    • Redesigning iMac's ports and stand for better aesthetics and functionalityThe speaker suggests moving iMac's ports to the front of the stand for easier access and less clutter, and anticipates Apple's transition to M1 chips for improved performance and efficiency.

      The speaker expresses a desire for a more aesthetically pleasing and functional design for the iMac's ports and stand. Currently, having USB wires and peripherals attached to the side of the iMac bothers him, and he suggests a solution where the ports could be located at the front of the stand, making it easier to access and reducing clutter. Additionally, there's anticipation for Apple's potential shift to their own M1 chips for Mac computers, which could bring improvements in performance and efficiency. However, this transition is expected to happen in stages, as it involves developers adapting their apps and the operating system to work with the new architecture.

    • Apple's Mac Transition from Intel to Custom ChipsApple plans to announce the transition of Macs from Intel to custom-designed Arm chips, starting with a new MacBook model, aiming for improved efficiency, performance, and better ecosystem integration.

      Apple is expected to announce the transition of their Mac computers from Intel processors to their own custom-designed Arm chips, starting with a new MacBook model this year. This shift towards in-house chips, similar to what they've done with iPhones and iPads, aims for improved efficiency and performance. The eventual goal is to create a more seamlessly integrated ecosystem where Apple has more control over the hardware and software, reducing reliance on external chipmakers like Intel. This transition is a significant step for Apple, as it's not only about making their own chips but also moving away from Intel. The potential benefits include faster and more efficient Macs, better integration with iOS devices, and quicker incremental improvements. The transition is expected to start with the lower-end Macs, with higher-end models like iMacs, iMac Pros, and Mac Pros likely to still use Intel chips for the time being. Apple's WWDC 2020 conference, scheduled for June 22nd, is expected to provide more details about this transition.

    • Google Pixel 4a Release Delayed, Apple iPhone SE CompetesGoogle Pixel 4a release delayed, consumers left in limbo. Apple's iPhone SE enters $400 market, offers powerful chip but lacks headphone jack. Pixel 4a rumored for design update, Snapdragon 730 processor, 6GB RAM, 1080p OLED display, single camera setup, improved software features. Competition heats up between budget phones.

      The anticipated release of the Google Pixel 4a, which was expected to be unveiled at Google I/O 2020, has been delayed due to the cancellation of the event because of COVID-19. The Pixel 4a was highly anticipated as a budget edition of the Pixel series, and its absence from the event has left consumers in limbo. The phone is rumored to feature a design update, a Snapdragon 730 processor, 6GB of RAM, and a 1080p OLED display. It is also expected to have a single camera setup similar to the Pixel 4, but with improved software features. The delay in the release of the Pixel 4a comes as Apple has entered the $400 smartphone market with the iPhone SE, which also offers a good camera for the price. While the Pixel 4a's camera is expected to be slightly better than the iPhone SE's, the iPhone SE has a more powerful A13 Bionic chip. Another advantage of the Pixel 4a is its headphone jack, which is not present in the iPhone SE. Overall, the delay in the release of the Pixel 4a and the competition from the iPhone SE have left consumers waiting to see which budget phone will come out on top.

    • Factors beyond camera qualityConsider operating system preference, battery life, performance, value, software support, and chipset power when choosing between the Google Pixel 4a and Apple iPhone SE.

      When it comes to choosing between the Google Pixel 4a and the Apple iPhone SE, there are several factors to consider beyond just the camera quality. While both phones have their strengths, such as the Pixel s smaller hole-punch display and the iPhone's home button and fingerprint sensor location, other factors like operating system preference, battery life, performance, and value come into play. For instance, the iPhone SE's longer software support lifespan and more powerful chipset make it a stronger contender in terms of value, while the Pixel 4a's larger battery and less power-hungry processor may be more suitable for those who game frequently on their phones. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and usage habits.

    • Companies strategically release mid-range and flagship phones at different timesCompanies strategically release mid-range and flagship phones at different times to cater to various market segments and optimize marketing efforts. This allows the flagship phone to receive maximum attention while the mid-range phone targets specific customer bases.

      Companies release their mid-range and flagship phones at different times to mentally separate them in consumers' minds. This strategy allows the flagship phone to receive all the attention and be the focus of the marketing efforts. The mid-range phone, on the other hand, may be released at a different time to cater to specific market segments, such as budget-conscious buyers or those looking for an upgrade during off-season. For instance, Apple's iPhone SE was released separately from the iPhone 11 series to target a different customer base. The decision to release phones at different times is likely due to the parallel development of different teams working on various models and the need to choose an optimal release window for each product.

    • Impact of Timing on Consumer Technology UpgradesUnderstanding consumer behavior and timing of technology releases can significantly impact consumers' upgrade decisions. Focusing on meeting sponsors' key points during testing can lead to different results.

      Everyone has different strategies when it comes to upgrading technology, and the timing of new releases can significantly impact consumers' decisions. The speaker shares her observations on the impact of releasing new products at different times and how it affects consumers' upgrade plans. She also discusses her experience with testing sponsored products and the difference between testing for a review and testing for a sponsor. While testing for a review, she looks for all the good and bad aspects, but when testing for a sponsor, she focuses on ensuring the sponsor's key points are met. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding consumer behavior and the impact of timing on their decisions.

    • Creators prioritize products for video opportunities and current featuresCreators prefer sponsoring products with unique video potential and focus on currently available features when making tech purchases.

      Creators prioritize sponsoring products that make for interesting videos, and they advise against buying tech products based on promised future software updates. Instead, consumers should focus on purchasing what is currently available and proven to be good. The creator's personal preference for Mac and iPhone over Windows and Android is rooted in their attachment to the specific software they use for editing and gaming, respectively. Ultimately, while it may be challenging to switch ecosystems entirely, the benefits of staying within one's preferred software outweigh the inconvenience. In the context of sponsorships, creators prioritize products that offer an interesting video opportunity, while in tech purchases, it's essential to focus on the present and the known rather than the potential future features.

    • Personal experiences with adapting to similar technologiesUser experience plays a crucial role in people's attachment to technologies, making it easier to adapt to similar systems and causing disappointment with significantly different ones.

      People's attachment to certain technologies, such as operating systems or phones, can stem from their daily use and the ease of transition between them. The speaker shares their personal experiences with using Mac and Windows operating systems, and Android and iPhone devices, and how they find it easier to adapt to similar technologies compared to having to switch between significantly different ones. They also express disappointment with certain tech experiences, such as the complicated sound settings in Windows or the limited functionality of the Huawei P40 Pro Plus in the US. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of user experience and the impact it can have on people's satisfaction with different technologies.

    • Editing a podcast involves unexpected issuesUnexpected issues can increase podcast editing time significantly, but touch screens in cars offer a consistent alternative to physical buttons, as long as essential controls are easily accessible.

      Editing audio for a podcast is generally a quick process, taking around two to three hours, but unexpected issues can significantly increase the time required. For instance, a guest recording on the wrong audio output led to an eight to nine hour editing session. The consistency and memorization of touch screen interfaces in cars, like those found in Tesla models, make them a viable alternative to physical buttons, as long as essential controls are easily accessible. However, the ongoing COVID-19 situation, such as the planned holding of CES despite other major events being canceled, remains a concern.

    • Considering Virtual Alternatives for CES 2021Amidst COVID-19, virtual CES or robot attendance could reduce virus transmission risk. Society's reliance on tech companies might lean towards LG or Samsung for diverse offerings.

      The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2021 might not be the best idea due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The large crowds and shared use of technology make it a potential hotspot for virus transmission. The speaker suggests considering a virtual alternative or replacing human attendance with robots. The discussion also touched upon an intriguing thought experiment: if an entire society relied on products from one tech company, which one would it be? The consensus leaned towards companies like LG or Samsung due to their wide range of offerings.

    • A colorful future with individualityDespite quarantine challenges, people have discovered new skills and improved in some areas, while acknowledging regressions. The speaker values individuality and prefers a vibrant future to a monochrome one, even for a year. New hobbies and work-life balance have been discovered.

      The future could be a monochrome world of perfection under the control of specific tech companies, or a vibrant, colorful place where we can still maintain our individuality and use various assistants. The speaker prefers the latter, even if it's only for a year. Another key takeaway is that people have discovered new skills and improved in various areas during the quarantine, such as cooking and organization, while also acknowledging the areas where they've regressed, like haircuts and team sports. The speaker has become better at separating work and personal time, and has found solace in new hobbies like rock climbing, despite the challenges of having to create a makeshift climbing wall at home.

    • Man's Excitement for Climbing Despite Partner's DisapprovalDespite past struggles and partner's disapproval, a man looks forward to improving his climbing skills at home.

      The speaker is looking forward to practicing climbing again despite his past struggles with the activity. He has a large climbing wall installed in his backyard but his partner isn't thrilled about it due to its unsightly appearance. The speaker acknowledges that he may not be very good at climbing, as he hasn't improved much since the last time he practiced. He aims to get better and is excited to have the opportunity to do so at home. The speaker also mentioned upcoming tech events like CES and WWDC, encouraging listeners to engage with them on Twitter. Waveform, the podcast the speaker is a part of, is produced by Studio 71 and features intro and outro music by Cameron Barlow.

    Recent Episodes from Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!
    This week, Marques is back to discuss all of the news he missed last week (and a bunch of new stuff too). With David out on vacation, Marques and Andrew do Headlines in a Hat and go over everything from the Surface phone that never was to icon theming in iOS 18. They also talk about all of the gadgets that are coming this summer including the Pixel 9 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Then we wrap it all up with some trivia questions provided by James Carter of the PodQuiz podcast! It's a fun one, enjoy! Links:  The hat: https://bit.ly/4cioPQR PodQuiz weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ New CMF Teaser: https://bit.ly/3VYsTQq iOS Icon Tinting: https://bit.ly/45GI4kz Surface Duo 3 Patent: https://bit.ly/3WbMVap New Motorola Phones: https://bit.ly/3W0nGY9 Pixel 9 Renders: https://bit.ly/4bnIAVy Volkswagen Group Invests in Rivian: https://cnb.cx/3zmRBRA Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Rumors: https://bit.ly/4chnutt Galaxy Watch Renders: https://bit.ly/4bvUxcc Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz
    We have another bonus episode! In this one, Andrew sits down and talks with James Carter from PodQuiz who began his popular trivia podcast back in 2005. He just published his 1000th episode so Andrew took the opportunity to pick his brain on how he comes up with his questions and the current state of podcasting.  Links:  PodQuiz Weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ James Carter: https://www.jfc.org.uk/ Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?
    This week, Marques is out working on a big video project so he left Andrew and David in charge of going over the news of the week. First they give their quick impressions on the new Surface devices that showed up right before we sat down to record. Then they discuss the new Threads API before getting into a new Instagram competitor. After that, they discuss the DOJ suing Adobe and YouTube experimenting with community notes. Lastly, they talk about the CMF Phone 1 teaser before wrapping it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  Threads Launches API: https://bit.ly/3z4Cmwr YouTube Community Notes: http://tcrn.ch/3xsKEhi TikTok Launches Whee: https://bit.ly/4ca44qa DOJ Sues Adobe: https://bit.ly/3RBdFOG CMF Phone Teaser: https://bit.ly/3RBZt7X TLD Health Update Video: https://bit.ly/4eyxYGj Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Everything From WWDC 2024!

    Everything From WWDC 2024!
    This week was WWDC, and the podcast crew has some thoughts! Marques chats with Andrew and David about everything from Apple Intelligence to the new iPad calculator app. There's so much to get into so we hope you enjoy! Links:  MKBHD Recap video: https://bit.ly/3KOHc3r MKBHD vs Tim Cook: https://bit.ly/3x70kGZ Snazzy Labs Spatial Photos: https://bit.ly/4eeDPAq Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?
    There was a lot to get into this week! First, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss Instagram testing unskippable ads before getting into some Microsoft Recall news. Then they go deep on what they expect to see from Apple's WWDC 2024 next week. Then we finish it up with a call to action: we want to add some sounds to our soundboard so make sure to leave a comment on YouTube with your favorite soundbite. We then of course round it out with some trivia. Links:  Instagram Unskippable Ads: https://tcrn.ch/4ecanuL Kevin Beaumont Micosoft Recall Security Issues: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog MacRumors WWDC Predictions: https://bit.ly/4bLeX1y Thread radios in Mac: https://bit.ly/4aQGrSe Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!
    A lot happened this week! Marques, Andrew, and David jump into a ton of different topics ranging from the special edition Nothing Phone 2a and the death of the Spotify Car Thing. Then they get into Google AI overview telling people to eat rocks and the Coffeezilla series about the Rabbit R1. Lastly, Miles comes on to talk about the new hybrid Porsche 911 with Marques and David. Links:  Thanksgiving Pea video: https://bit.ly/3VmLpkZ Marques Apple Testing: https://bit.ly/4aH2b2S Verge Spotify Car Thing: https://bit.ly/450vRqB Louis Rossmann Spotify Car Things video: https://bit.ly/4aKaPh8 Emma Roth Disable AI overview: https://bit.ly/3R79WIh Coffeezilla Rabbit R1 Part 1: https://bit.ly/3X3N7cl Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Miles:https://www.youtube.com/@CarswithMiles TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!
    It's bonus episode time! What started as a small segment for Ellis to recommend something, turned into an entire dedicated episode where Marques, Andrew, and David suggest some of their favorite things! The topics range from some of their favorite YouTubers and YouTube videos, all the way to something that you can buy that has to come with a handle. It's a bit chaotic but a ton of fun! YouTube Videos Mentioned: Formula Addict - https://www.youtube.com/@formulaaddict/videos Internet Shaquille: https://www.youtube.com/@internetshaquille/videos Natasha Adams: https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasCars Mii's Daily: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMiisDaily Roy Hibbert: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyHibbertYT Ben Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4 Digital Spaghetti w/Gaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDAqyQIaUPY Ken (Denky): Exploring tokyo's biggest tech store Time for Sushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU& Settled Swamppletics: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=runescape+settled+swampletics The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2SMIOHYig Products Mentioned: Anker 2-in-1 USB-C Memory Card reader: https://geni.us/C5JdR Omnitype IRL edition: https://geni.us/bC2N Air Blower Dust Bulb: https://geni.us/iD8Ni2f Red XLR Cable: https://geni.us/ebrXo Ryobi One Cordless Drill: https://geni.us/HZLIZ Headlamp: https://geni.us/wVYT DXA Micro Pro: https://geni.us/DbZh Gaffer Tape: https://geni.us/Wafj Mousepad: https://geni.us/ovvUtUd Smallrig Tripod Fluid Head: https://geni.us/oqxgEc Logitech MX Master 3: https://geni.us/k0xNZh Pulsar X2: https://geni.us/HPGW2d8 Artisan Obscura: https://geni.us/p2fI EUFY Keyboard Deadbolt: https://geni.us/Hlbo2M Vacuum Pad Camera Opener: https://geni.us/0eyonvg Neewer Panoramic Pannic: https://geni.us/noblAn dbrand skin: https://geni.us/VA3M RTIC Cooler: https://geni.us/hCPC Ridge Commuter backpack: https://geni.us/szzU01z Brevite backpack: https://geni.us/NpQptdj Moment Everything Backpack: https://geni.us/ggxAylR Peak Design Everyday backpack: https://geni.us/VaMIhn Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
    This week, Marques jumps right into it with Andrew and David about the OpenAI vs Scarlett Johansson drama regarding one of the voices from ChatGPT 4o. Then they dig into the new Surface products from the Microsoft event and David explains why the move to ARM is such a big deal. To close it out they talk about a feature that Rivian is adding to its cars and a different feature Tesla is removing from its cars. Enjoy! Links:  Scarlett Johansson statement: https://bit.ly/4axIUkb Wired article David mentions: https://bit.ly/4c8UpjB Sci-Fi joke: https://bit.ly/3UTutkP MacObserver Circle to Search news: https://bit.ly/452CGrx Decoder interview with Sundar Pichai: https://bit.ly/44S63wF Dave2D Video: https://bit.ly/44YWhJk Rivian Adding YouTube and Cast: https://bit.ly/44XgmQ6 Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O
    This was a week full of AI events! First, Marques gives a few thoughts on the new iPads since he missed last week and then Andrew and David bring him up to speed with all the weirdness that happened during Google I/O and the OpenAI event. Then we finish it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk MacStories iPadOS: https://bit.ly/3V1G0Qq The Keyword: https://bit.ly/4blfFm5 OpenAI GPT-4o Announcements: https://bit.ly/3V3Sabv 9to5Google I/O 2024 Article: https://bit.ly/3V2rDLv Merch tweet: https://bit.ly/4bnhNcV Shop products mentioned: Apple iPad Air: https://geni.us/SsXTRLt Apple iPad Pro M4: https://geni.us/HXDlXo Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!
    Marques was out sick when we recorded, so Andrew and David take over the pod and talk about all of the newest gadgets that came out this week! They start with the new Nintendo Switch rumors before digging into the new iPads that were announced. Then they get into the Pixel 8a before we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a surprisingly busy month and we're just getting started. Enjoy! Links:  Cam James Channel: https://bit.ly/3WyhyHq David Imel Sparkle Video: https://bit.ly/4btBVK4 Nintendo Switch 2 pre-announcement : https://bit.ly/4btt2QK Nintendo Switch 2 Joycons: https://bit.ly/3WCjij6 MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk New iPads: https://apple.co/3QDvbRW MKBHD Pixel 8a: https://bit.ly/4bxvNjW Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Gewaltige Frenemies – wildert Google mehr in Apples Gefilden? | #heiseshow

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