
    David's cricket adventure - part 1

    enJuly 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Damien's cricket experience at the Valley of the RocksDamien shares his cricket memories and excitement for a comeback, despite health challenges, during a podcast brainstorming session.

      Damien had an experience playing cricket at a beautiful ground called the Valley of the Rocks in Linton and Lynmouth, which left a significant impact on him. He's been dealing with a cold and feels vulnerable due to his recurring illnesses. During their conversation, they discussed an experiential podcast app idea, and Damien shared his excitement about his cricket comeback after a long hiatus. Despite some distractions and interruptions, they continued the conversation, exploring various topics and revealing personal stories. The conversation showcased their unique dynamic and the potential depth of their podcast.

    • Staying open to new experiences and meaningful relationshipsUnexpected encounters can lead to new experiences and deepen existing relationships, challenging our preconceived notions and plans.

      Life can present unexpected opportunities that challenge our preconceived notions and plans. The speaker shares her experience of being approached by someone who wanted to integrate into her life, but she preferred to integrate into theirs instead. This led to an unexpected experience of playing cricket again after a long hiatus. The conversation also touched upon the idea of feeling undervalued and overlooked, and the desire for authenticity and sincerity in relationships. The speaker's friend, John, played a significant role in her decision to play cricket again, and their shared history added an emotional depth to the experience. The conversation also revealed the speaker's past disappointment with cricket and her decision to quit the game. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and the role that meaningful relationships can play in shaping our lives.

    • Impact of Confidence and Age on Participation in Enjoyed ActivitiesConfidence and age can hinder participation in beloved activities, but self-belief and stepping out of comfort zones can reignite passion and motivation.

      Confidence and age can significantly impact an individual's willingness to participate in activities they once enjoyed. The speaker shares his personal experience of losing confidence in his football skills and feeling hesitant to play due to his age. He also mentions how his friend's invitation to play at a renowned cricket ground reignited his passion and motivation. The conversation also touches upon the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and trying new things, even if it means facing fears and insecurities. The discussion emphasizes the importance of self-belief and the role it plays in personal growth and happiness.

    • The Speaker's Enchantment with Wallham HouseThe speaker was captivated by Wallham House's impressive features, including a cinema room, games room, and beautiful grounds with a pool. He expressed a desire to stay longer and saw marketing potential for potential guests. Meeting old acquaintances added to the experience, and the speaker even considered becoming an influencer to promote the house.

      The speaker was deeply impressed by Wallham House in Devon, which he had the opportunity to explore. The house, owned by a young couple, boasts impressive features such as a cinema room, games room, and beautiful grounds with a pool. The speaker was enchanted by the experience and expressed his desire to stay there for an extended period. The house's marketing potential was also noted, making it an attractive proposition for potential guests. The speaker reminisced about meeting old acquaintances during his visit and even entertained the idea of becoming an influencer to promote the house. Overall, the speaker's experience at Wallham House left a lasting impression on him and highlighted the charm and allure of the property.

    • Rejoining a cricket community after a long absenceFinding comfort in familiar objects and community can help alleviate apprehension and strengthen identity

      The speaker in this conversation was reflecting on a recent experience of rejoining a cricket community after a long absence. He felt nervous about the prospect, having spoken to nurses about his health concerns. Despite initial apprehension, the experience was ultimately positive. The speaker found comfort in his cricket gear and the sense of belonging it brought him. He also expressed relief in having his kit, which was a significant part of his cricket identity. The conversation also touched upon the logistics of the event and the speaker's role in closing the minibus door. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of community, identity, and the comforting power of familiar objects.

    • Unexpected connections on travelsThrough unexpected encounters and breathtaking landscapes, traveling can lead to meaningful moments and new discoveries

      Even in seemingly mundane situations like traveling in a minibus or experiencing a beautiful landscape, there are moments of connection and discovery. The speaker shares a humorous experience of minibus etiquette and later connects with a fellow traveler on a mini plane, leading to an enlightening conversation. The journey continues as they travel through stunning North Devon, where the beauty of the landscape takes their breath away and momentarily distracts them from their initial fear of the treacherous terrain. The experience leaves them feeling alive and present in the moment, reminding them to appreciate the journey as much as the destination.

    • Appreciating the cricket experience after a long hiatusAssessing the wicket is crucial for cricket success and staying connected to passions can lead to immersive experiences and personal growth.

      The speaker, despite not having played cricket for seven years, was able to fully immerse himself in the experience and appreciate the significance of being on the cricket pitch once again. He emphasized the importance of assessing the wicket and how it can inform decisions during the game. The speaker also shared an experience of feeling exposed during a charity football game, but he overcame his nerves when returning to cricket. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm and appreciation for the game, even after a long hiatus, highlights the power of immersive experiences and the importance of staying connected to one's passions.

    • The role of confidence in performanceConfidence is crucial for performance, regardless of age. Feeling comfortable and accepted in a group, overcoming fear of judgment, and investing in personal growth can help regain confidence and improve abilities.

      Confidence, no matter one's age, plays a significant role in performance. The speaker shared his experience of regaining his confidence after a long hiatus from cricket. He acknowledged the importance of feeling comfortable and accepted in a group, and how the fear of judgment can hinder one's abilities. The speaker also discussed the cost of equipment and how it can affect one's perception of value. Despite the financial strain, he emphasized that the feeling of hitting the ball correctly and experiencing improvement is worth the investment. The conversation also touched upon the impact of age and the importance of not letting past failures define one's present or future. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-belief, acceptance, and the pursuit of personal growth, regardless of age or circumstances.

    • Intense focus and quick communication in sportsRegardless of age or physical abilities, clear communication and teamwork are crucial in sports for success. Sun protection and hydration are also essential for long games.

      Sports, particularly football and cricket, bring out intense focus and quick communication, especially between teammates and key players like center backs and fielders. The intensity and need for quick decision-making are more pronounced in younger players. As players age, they may not be able to move as quickly, but they can still contribute by taking on specialized roles, such as being a "body on the pitch" or a "guffer" in cricket, where experience and knowledge come into play. The importance of clear communication and teamwork remains crucial, regardless of age or physical abilities. Additionally, the importance of sun protection and staying hydrated during long games cannot be overlooked.

    • Reflecting on a moment of redemption in cricketSelf-perception plays a crucial role in our sense of worth and achievement. Even in challenging situations, we can find renewed energy and make a difference.

      Even in the midst of a challenging experience, there's always a chance for redemption and personal growth. The speaker in this conversation reflects on a cricket match where he felt disconnected and unengaged, but eventually caught a crucial wicket and experienced a sense of accomplishment. He ponders over the reactions of his teammates and wonders if they saw his catch as impressive or just average. This introspective moment highlights the importance of self-perception and the role it plays in our own sense of worth and achievement. Despite feeling old and out of shape, the speaker found a renewed energy and focus in the game, reminding us that it's never too late to contribute and make a difference.

    • Recognizing Personal AccomplishmentsPersonal achievements, no matter the size, hold significance. Appreciate them and don't let external factors diminish their value.

      Moments of achievement, no matter how small, can hold significant meaning for us personally, while others may not remember or value them as much. During a cricket match, the speaker experienced the thrill of catching a ball, but realized that for some of his teammates, it was just another routine moment. He felt exhausted from the physical demands of the game and was disappointed by the spread of sandwiches, sausage rolls, scones, and tea at the break. Despite his healthy eating habits, he succumbed to temptation and ate more than he intended. Overall, the speaker reflected on the importance of recognizing and appreciating personal accomplishments and the impact of external factors on our emotions and actions.

    • Feeling stuck in a cycle of unhealthy food choicesDespite the challenges of social situations and a past of unhealthy habits, the speaker remains committed to making healthier choices for his wellbeing.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the repetitive nature of being offered unhealthy food options, particularly in the context of traveling or social situations. He feels that his past dietary choices, such as playing cricket and consuming sandwiches, are still impacting his current struggles with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The speaker also expresses a sense of isolation and lack of support or understanding from those around him, which adds to his feelings of frustration and despair. Despite these challenges, he remains committed to making healthier choices and finding ways to prioritize his wellbeing.

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    When you want to reach your goal, you must learn how to get to the finish line. Because of course, quitting isn't an option.

    You have a goal, a dream. Reaching those are always the focus.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    So why are you so quick to throw in the towel when things get tough?

    You were created with a burning purpose. Some days, it's easy to live them out. Other days, you want to quit.

    If quitting is so attractive, let's look at why we do it.

    Our minds and body are in search of what we know. Habits are a preferred way of life. When change is introduced, your mind begins to look for ways to escape the mission.

    "Go to what you know," the mind echoes loudly.

    But for most of us, the mind's motto doesn't serve our goals or dreams; our life.

    How do you get to the finish line when everything is working against you?

    Play the tricks. Reverse psychology.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Play the tricks!

    Wrap what is new in what is old.

    1. Stay the course. The worse thing you can do is quit. So don't do it!
    2. Adjust when needed. When you are in realtime, make adjustments. Change what doesn't work. Change what doesn't serve you.
    3. Take A.I.M. Action ignites motivation. Keeping going. You got this!

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.