
    About this Episode

    Death with Dignity is legal in 7 states and the District of Columbia. At least 8 other states have legislation under review, including Massachusetts, where I live.

    So I decided to speak with some practitioners who have experience with patients requesting medically assisted death. This interview is the firs of three with healthcare providers from the University of Colorado Hospital’s Cancer Center.

    Today I talk with Joan Hart, the social worker from the team. She provides insight regarding:

    • medical aid in dying (MAID) in Colorado
    • who is a qualified terminally ill adult
    • why some patients choose this option
    • the impact this decision can have on providers

    Recent Episodes from engAGINGconversations's podcast

    Dying with Dad, with Yvonne Caputo_112

    Dying with Dad, with Yvonne Caputo_112

    Teacher, author, corporate trainer, psychotherapist, and author Yvonne Caputo, shares her family caregiver story with us today. Through experiences with her professional life, she was able to have difficult conversations with her father that changed their relationship, and ultimately honored his end of life wishes.

    Listen to our talk today and learn more about:

    • The MOST important thing we can do to improve communication with our parents
    • The Five Wishes Document
    • Quality of Life
    • How to Pick your Health Care Agent/Proxy

    And where to find out more about Yvonne Caputo and her books:

    Flying with Dad

    Dying with Dad

    111_Sandwiched, with Laurie James

    111_Sandwiched, with Laurie James

    How does one manage when you have 4 girls between 10 and 15 years of age and your mom has a life changing medical issue? Why you become sandwiched, of course. Laurie James shares her experience with us today. And the struggles are real.

    Listen to our talk today and find out why it’s so important to advocate for your loved ones, even if it means being the “squeaky wheel”. Other things you MUST know:

    • Why you need to do your homework when your are bringing caregivers into your home
    • The importance of having conversations about finances with your parents (AND YOUR KIDS)
    • Why YOU must have Power of Attorney/Health Care Proxy documentation in place
    • Ask for a palliative care consultation (even if you think it means Hospice–it doesn’t!)
    • Life is short, and if you are not fulfilled, find someone who can help you get where you want to be!!
    • What is the difference between having a coach and a therapist


    Sandwiched: A Memoir of Holding On And Letting Go

    Laurie’s Coaching Services

    Social Media links: FB InstaGram

    A Way Back to Health with Kelley Skoloda_110

    A Way Back to Health with Kelley Skoloda_110

    Personal stories are so important. Sharing our agonies and defeats as well as our wins can help others when they find themselves in similar situations. Kelley Skoloda shares her story today. She was a busy, healthy, active businesswoman, wife and Mom when she was diagnosed with cancer. She wrote a book, A Way Back to Health: 12 Lessons From a Cancer Survivor which she talks about with me. Listen and find out:

    • How important colon cancer screening is
    • Why it’s so important to advocate for yourself, or have a family caregiver advocate for you
    • That it’s ok to interview your potential physician
    • How gratitude can help even on the worst of days

    Find Kelly’s books here:

    A Way Back to Health

    Too Busy to Shop: Marketing to Multi-Minding Women

    Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period with Christian Worstell_109

    Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period with Christian Worstell_109

    Christian Worstell is a licensed insurance agent, senior staff writer for MedicareAdvantage.com, and Medicare expert. I talk with him today about Medicare and all it’s moving parts, including the annual enrollment period which runs from October 15th-December 7th every year.

    Listen to today’s episode and learn:

    • The different types of Medicare coverage
    • About the Annual Enrollment Period
    • Things beneficiaries should be aware of during AEP that can be costly if you don’t pay attention
    • Advice and tips on how seniors can choose the best plan for their needs
    • Benefits covered by Medicare that beneficiaries may not be aware of
    • Why you should care about this if you’re not on Medicare

    Other resources to help you navigate Medicare:

    Find a licensed insurance agent

    State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

    Annual Notice of Change

    Talking Senior Care and Finances with Ryan McEniff_108

    Talking Senior Care and Finances with Ryan McEniff_108

    People like to talk about finances about as much (or maybe less) than they like talking about death. But it is HUGELY important to know what your parents finances. And hopefully before you take on the role of family caregiver.

    I’m talking with Ryan McEniff today and he’s talking to me about this topic. Ryan is the owner/CEO of Minute Women HomeCare in Lexington, MA and host of the podcast The Caregiver’s Toolbox. We are sharing our platforms to help get the word out about the need to have conversations with your parents early and often. We touch on many different issues related to finances and aging. Re-listening to this has given ME anxiety! But avoiding this topic doesn’t make the issues related to it go away. And putting these conversations off until your family is in crisis WILL NOT help you.

    Listen and learn about:

    • What home care can cost
    • What nursing home care can cost
    • Why you need to be proactive to help your parent. AND yourself
    • Where you can find resources to help you navigate this time


    Five Wishes, The National Aging in Place Council, Act III, NAIPC

    A Talk with The Dementia Whisperer, Laura Wayman_107

    A Talk with The Dementia Whisperer, Laura Wayman_107

    Did you know that dementia is not a diagnosis, but rather a list symptoms? And that 50% of those over 65 can have one of these symptoms? What is a dementia whisper and how does one become one? Laura Wayman has spent decades in the memory care space. Her book A Loving Approach to Dementia Care now in its 3rd edition, is a resource for us all. She talks with us today about her experiences and expertise.

    Learn about:

    • becoming dementia aware and why it is essential
    • how to effectively communicate with a loved one with dementia
    • caregiver burnout
    • managing dementia symptoms
    • dementia navigators


    Check out Laura’s video here: Inside the mind of someone with dementia

    Follow her on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn

    Loving Choices, Peaceful Passing with Kathleen Vallee Stein_106

    Loving Choices, Peaceful Passing with Kathleen Vallee Stein_106

    Kathleen Vallée Stein is a baby boomer. And so are her siblings. If you were raised in the 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s, your father often had the final say about everything. And many ruled with an iron hand. When her Dad was facing end of life, it was difficult to reverse rolls. And her Mom was not in a position to take the lead. So what do you do? Kathleen’s experiences led her to write a beautiful book, Loving Choices, Peaceful Passing: Why my Family Chose Hospice.

    We talked about her experience as a family caregiver. Listen today as we discuss:

    • How to start an end of life conversation with your parent when your parent “ruled the roost”
    • Why you might need to start the conversation about hospice
    • Divide and conquer (if you have siblings) is a great strategy
    • Why it is so important to talk to your parents about finances
    • Reasons to consider a hospice chaplain
    • And why it is SO important to do these things before your parent is dying


    The Five Wishes, Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care, Comfort Care,

    Find Kathleen here: YouTube, Facebook

    105_Using Essential Oils for Neuropathic Pain, with Kami Schaal, RN

    105_Using Essential Oils for Neuropathic Pain, with Kami Schaal, RN

    Kami Schaal is a career RN. She spent over a decade working in an ICU, in a level 1 trauma center in Philadelphia. She’s seen it all. She transitioned to home care/hospice case management and says the transition wasn’t difficult. She came to the use of essential oils with her family. Her academic background helps her understand them and confidently share them with others.

    Listen today to hear about:

    • neuropathic pain
    • How it is (and is not) treated
    • Why you might want to learn more about the use of essential oils
    • Who can benefit from their use
    • and a bonus discussion about vaccines and things you may (or may not) know about them

    Hear more from Kami on her new podcast:
    The Imperfect Adventure

    And find her here:

    Her website: Family Wellness Warriors or on Facebook

    When Caregiving Calls with Dr. Aaron Blight_104

    When Caregiving Calls with Dr. Aaron Blight_104

    Dr. Aaron Blight has had a lifetime of caregiving experience. Both personal and professional. He took what he learned as a family caregiver and started a career in professional caregiving. His latest endeavor has taken him from the owner of a homecare business, to being the founder of Caregiving Kinetics, and author of When Caregiving Calls: Guidance as You Care for a Parent, Spouse, or Aging Relative.

    Why should you listen? Because there are over 53 MILLION Americans providing unpaid care for a family member. And 83% of those caregivers are experience MORE stress with the onset of Covid-19. And chances are very good that if you are not already a family caregiver, you’re going to be.

    We had a great conversation today about:

    • Some of the struggles family caregivers face
    • Unanticipated rewards of being a family caregiver
    • Suggestions for managing guilt/resentment family caregivers can feel
    • What dying teaches you about living
    • Why you should read his book

    Find Aaron on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter

    Home Instead Senior Care Services, Visiting Angels

    Caregiver, Cancer Survivor, and Wellness Advocate, Terry Lyn Fountain_103

    Caregiver, Cancer Survivor, and Wellness Advocate, Terry Lyn Fountain_103

    Terry Lyn Fountain has a great outlook on life. As you listen to her speak you can tell she is an optimist. And she is also an realist. She is a 78 year old cancer survivor. She has a husband for whom she provides care. She is also an essential oil user and a new dōTERRA wellness advocate.

    She shares her experiences today. On today’s episode, we talk about:

    • Why it’s important to put yourself first
    • Palliative care and/or integrative medicine
    • How she developed a partnership with her medical doctors to incorporate the use of essential oils
    • What health benefits she and her husband have experienced since starting to use dōTERRA essential oils
    • How many prescription medications she has been taken off of since she began using essential oils
    • One great piece of advice she has when it comes to visits with your doctors

    Get in touch with Terry here: tlfnotary4@gmail.com

    Links to Resources:


    MD Anderson Cancer Center