
    “Debate me, coward.”

    enAugust 06, 2020
    What political changes are seen in red states regarding Medicaid expansion?
    How has Medicaid expansion impacted uninsured rates in these states?
    What role does social media play in spreading disinformation?
    How have hosts managed podcast production during quarantine challenges?
    What global issues are addressed in the podcast discussions?

    Podcast Summary

    • Medicaid expansion in red states: A shifting political landscapeThousands uninsured in red states due to Medicaid refusal, but voters' desire for healthcare access shows promise for expansion efforts

      The success of Medicaid expansion efforts in mostly red states, despite Republican opposition, demonstrates the shifting political landscape on health care. The refusal of these states to expand Medicaid has resulted in thousands of people being uninsured and, in some cases, dying. However, the willingness of voters in these states to support Medicaid expansion initiatives shows that there is a strong desire for access to quality and affordable health care, regardless of political affiliation. This trend underscores the importance of continuing to fight for healthcare access and the potential impact of winning over voters in traditionally red states.

    • Missouri ballot initiative highlights shift in political landscapeSuburban voters, many previously Republican, backed Medicaid expansion, signaling support for progressive economic policies from a diverse coalition, including college-educated and affluent individuals. Democrats must address rural voter concerns to maintain party success.

      The popularity of Medicaid expansion goes beyond income and party lines, as shown in the recent Missouri ballot initiative. Suburban voters, many of whom supported Republican candidates in the past, voted for the expansion, indicating a shift in the political landscape. This realignment is not solely about Trump or his presidency, but about progressive economic policies gaining support from a diverse coalition, including college-educated and increasingly well-off individuals. However, it's crucial for Democrats to address the erosion of support in rural areas and find ways to connect with these voters, recognizing that every economic issue has political and cultural implications. The long-term success of the Democratic Party depends on its ability to effectively address the needs and concerns of all Americans, regardless of their geographic location or political affiliation.

    • Progressive activists challenge Democratic incumbentsProgressive activists like Cori Bush defeated long-term Democratic incumbents in 2020 primaries, marking a shift towards a new generation of Democrats who prioritize authenticity and reject corporate money. Their victories, driven by groups like Justice Democrats, reflect the growing influence of progressive policies and activism.

      The 2020 primary season has seen a trend of progressive activists, like Cori Bush in Missouri, challenging and defeating long-term Democratic incumbents. Bush, an activist and nurse, ran on authenticity and refusal to take corporate money, contrasting with her opponent Lacy Clay. Her victory marks a significant moment as she would be the first black woman to represent Missouri in Congress. This victory, along with those of Jamaal Bowman and other progressive challengers, represents a shift towards a new generation of Democrats who came out of recent activism movements. The generational divide, insider-outsider dynamic, and authenticity of these challengers offer voters an alternative to the status quo, especially in the context of policy issues like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. The success of this strategy, employed by groups like Justice Democrats, shows that progressive policies and activism are interconnected and representative of the next generation of Democrats.

    • Progressive Challenges: New Voices and Policies in Safe Blue DistrictsProgressive groups like Justice Democrats are targeting longtime Democratic incumbents, pushing for new, progressive voices and policies. Insurgent campaigns often yield innovative strategies and have led to successful campaigns, including Obama and Sanders. Recent developments include Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, loss of Kobach, and Biden's $280M ad buy.

      Progressive challengers are effectively targeting longtime Democratic incumbents in safe blue districts to bring in new, progressive voices to the House, while also pushing established Democrats to embrace more progressive policies. This strategy, employed by groups like Justice Democrats, has led to successful campaigns for candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley. Another key takeaway is that insurgent campaigns tend to yield the most innovative strategies and have fueled successful campaigns in the past, including those of President Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders. In the realm of recent elections, the loss of a controversial figure like Kobach in the Kansas Republican primary was a positive development, although it may make the race for the Kansas Senate seat more competitive. Lastly, Joe Biden's campaign's recent $280 million ad buy, with a significant portion allocated to targeted media for diverse audiences, was a surprising development, indicating a commitment to a broad reach in the upcoming election.

    • Biden campaign's strategic resource allocationBiden campaign expands focus beyond key battlegrounds, allocating resources to diverse states to secure electoral votes, contrasting Trump's struggling campaign.

      The Biden campaign is effectively using its resources to compete in a wide range of states, surprising many pundits who suggest focusing solely on key battlegrounds like Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. While resource allocation is crucial, especially when it comes to television advertising and inventory, the unpredictability of the pandemic and potential shifts in the race warrant spreading resources across as many potential paths to 270 electoral votes as possible. The Biden campaign's messaging focuses on offering stability and core American values, contrasting Trump's erratic behavior and inability to address the central issue of the pandemic. Trump's campaign, on the other hand, is struggling to speak to voters' primary concerns and is attempting to distract from his handling of the pandemic.

    • Trump's pandemic response gives Biden campaign an advantageTrump's lack of response to the pandemic has led to effective ads for Biden, focusing on the issue is likely to continue, and Biden's digital ad spend is significant but less than expected

      The pandemic response by President Trump is widely perceived as indefensible, and this has given the Biden campaign a significant advantage. Trump's lack of response to the issue has led to effective ads, such as one in Florida featuring a senior couple, that have resonated with voters. The Biden campaign's focus on the pandemic issue is likely to continue, and it could lead to doubts among some Trump voters or non-voters. The size of the Biden campaign's digital ad spend, while large, is less than some expected, and it's unclear how much of it is targeted at specific states and demographics. Overall, the pandemic's impact on the election and the candidates' responses to it are likely to be major factors in the outcome.

    • Biden campaign's unique spending strategy and debate negotiationsBiden campaign focuses on older voters, seniors and efficient youth targeting, while Trump pushes for additional debates, proposes unconventional moderators and spreads conspiracy theories.

      The Biden campaign is adopting a different approach to campaign spending compared to previous Democratic presidential campaigns, with a focus on reaching older voters and seniors, as well as targeting youth audiences in a more efficient way. The exact number of ads they are running, both digitally and on TV, is yet to be seen. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is pushing for additional presidential debates and proposing unconventional moderators, while spreading conspiracy theories about Biden's debate participation. This tactic reflects the influence of right-wing media on Trump's campaign strategy, creating an alternate reality that is not based on fact. The strategic value of making up such conspiracies is questionable, as it may not resonate with a wider audience and could potentially backfire. The Biden campaign's unique spending strategy and the ongoing debate negotiations are key developments to watch in the 2020 presidential race.

    • Trump campaign questions Biden's debate readinessThe Trump campaign is attempting to discredit Joe Biden's debating abilities, potentially shifting focus from their own failures to address pandemic and economic issues.

      The Trump campaign is attempting to set a low bar for Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential debates by publicly questioning his cognitive abilities and debating skills. This strategy, which some analysts compare to the campaign's approach towards Hillary Clinton in 2016, aims to capitalize on any potential gaffes or misstatements Biden may make during the debates and use them to fuel negative media coverage. The Trump campaign's efforts to discredit Biden's debating abilities and suggest that he may be hiding or unwilling to participate, despite no evidence to support these claims, are seen as an attempt to shift the focus away from their own failures to address the pandemic and economic issues. The debates are a crucial opportunity for both candidates to showcase their abilities and connect with voters, and skipping them would be seen as a significant disadvantage for Biden, potentially damaging his credibility and electability.

    • Trump Campaign's Debate Demands vs Commission's PowerDespite Trump campaign's demands, the Commission on Presidential Debates holds significant power due to influential members and Trump's intent to debate regardless.

      During the recent presidential debates, the Trump campaign has been making demands to the Commission on Presidential Debates, but the leverage in the negotiations lies with the commission as the Trump campaign still intends to debate regardless. The commission's members, who are influential figures in Washington, add to the commission's power. Furthermore, the Trump campaign's belief that they will benefit from additional debate hours is questionable, and Trump's performance in interviews with non-friendly interviewers, such as Jonathan Swan, shows that he is unprepared and unaccustomed to being challenged. The interviewers' excellent performances in fact highlight Trump's lack of preparedness and truth-telling abilities, which are not magical but rather the result of good journalism.

    • Ineffective White House briefings due to administration's evasion tacticsReporters need to coordinate strategies to challenge false statements and hold politicians accountable, objective interviews are more effective, and a real moderator is necessary for fair debates.

      The current White House briefings have become largely ineffective due to the strategy employed by the Trump administration to evade accountability. Reporters are not coordinating strategies effectively, allowing the administration to move on to the next question without being challenged on previous false statements. This dynamic benefits the administration, as they control who asks the next question. Interviews with objective journalists are a more effective means of holding politicians accountable, as they provide a more revealing and confrontational environment. The Trump campaign's demand for a safe space moderator for the debates is a concern, as it could result in a lack of accountability during the debates. The best approach would be for a real moderator to be selected to ensure a fair and productive debate between Trump and Biden.

    • Trump campaign strategy: Leveraging unfiltered public appearancesThe Trump campaign believes media focus on Biden's gaffes and public's acceptance of Trump's outbursts gives them an edge. Democrats aim to engage voters and potentially shift Texas politics.

      The ongoing debate between the Biden and Trump campaigns over the format and number of debates hides an admission from the Trump team: they believe that Trump's unfiltered public appearances, filled with controversial statements, give them an edge. The Trump campaign strategy relies on the media focusing on Biden's gaffes while the nation is accustomed to Trump's daily outbursts. Meanwhile, in the political landscape, the Texas Democratic Party is optimistic about turning the state blue in 2020. The party has a strong team, a growing and diverse population, and a significant number of competitive races. The Democrats' determination to engage voters and speak to their needs could lead to a significant shift in Texas politics.

    • Texas Democrats Making Progress in Registering New VotersDespite challenges, Texas Dems registered over 200,000 new voters since last election and aim to flip the Texas House and gain competitive congressional seats in the presidential year.

      The Democratic Party came very close to winning several key races in Texas in 2018, but there are still 2.4 million Democrats who did not vote in the midterm elections. However, with high turnout in the primary and runoff elections, and opportunities to flip the Texas House and gain competitive congressional seats, Democrats believe they have a strong chance of making significant gains in the presidential year. Despite the challenges of registering new voters during the pandemic, the Texas Democratic Party has been successful in registering over 200,000 new Democrats since the last presidential election by identifying and targeting those who have moved into the state and sending them pre-filled voter registration applications. The party has also created a website, registertexas.com, to help streamline the registration process and eliminate any potential hurdles. Overall, the opportunities for Democratic gains in Texas are expanding, and the party is innovating to overcome challenges and register new voters.

    • Democratic Party's Texas Push in 2020Democrats invest in Texas for 2020, focusing on presidential race, congressional races, and US Senate. Potential to flip Texas House, impact on national level. Volunteer opportunities.

      The Democratic Party's investment in Texas for the 2020 presidential race is significant, and it's not just about Joe Biden's campaign. The coordinated efforts between the state party, congressional races, and the US Senate race in Texas can bring out Democratic voters in large numbers. With popular candidates like MJ Hager and the potential to flip the Texas House of Representatives during redistricting, the impact on both the state and national level could be substantial. For those interested in supporting the Democratic efforts in Texas, they can text "votes" to 21333 to receive volunteer opportunities. Despite the challenges of remote working, the party remains committed to making a difference in this crucial state.

    • Texas Democrats use Slack for voter outreachTexas Dems use Slack for voter communication, contacted over a million voters during Week of Action, aiming to make a difference on a national scale by flipping key races

      The Texas Democratic Party is leveraging technology and community engagement to reach out to voters on a massive scale. They have launched a Slack platform called Connect, Texas, which started as a mutual aid society but has now been reoriented towards voter communication. The party held a record-breaking Week of Action last week, contacting over a million voters, and they plan to continue this pace leading up to the elections. The stakes are high in Texas, with significant races for the State Board of Education, Texas Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, and Railroad Commission. These races have the potential to set education policy, determine curriculum, regulate oil and gas industries, and impact millions of lives. The Texas Democratic Party is making a strong push to flip these seats and make a difference on a national scale.

    • The Absence of American Leadership and Its Impact on Global ChallengesThe lack of American leadership has worsened global issues like nationalism, disinformation, and climate change, as seen in the COVID-19 response and Facebook's impact on Burma's democracy, where unchecked disinformation and hate campaigns led to ethnic cleansing.

      The absence of American leadership on the global stage over the past three and a half years has allowed various problems, such as the spread of nationalism, disinformation, and climate change, to worsen. This is evident in the COVID-19 response and in the case of Facebook's impact on Burma's democracy. In Burma, the rapid increase in Internet usage, primarily through Facebook, led to a lack of content moderation and the spread of virulent disinformation and hate campaigns. This contributed to ethnic cleansing and is a reflection of the same issue in the US, where people trust information on Facebook as if it's shared by their friends and fail to distinguish truth from falsehood. The podcast aims to highlight these global systemic challenges and the need for learning from each other to address these issues.

    • Exploring Global Issues with Insightful InterviewsThe Pod Save the World podcast offers a global perspective on pressing issues through insightful interviews with thinkers, politicians, and activists, providing potential solutions and inspiring figures to look towards.

      The podcast "Pod Save the World" provides a global perspective on pressing issues, interviewing various thinkers, politicians, and activists from around the world to discuss solutions. The host travels extensively to meet these individuals, utilizing networks from the Obama Foundation and other civil society organizations. Interviews are conducted in various continents, with some taking place in risky scenarios where covert communication was necessary. The podcast aims to leave listeners with a sense of the severity of global issues while also offering potential solutions and inspiring figures to look towards. The host's dedication to exploring various viewpoints results in a comprehensive and thought-provoking series.

    • Journalists raising voices against ethnonationalist movementsJournalists like Rana Aayub inspire progressives to mobilize against ethnonationalist movements, highlighting the need for a global progressive movement. Insights from senior foreign policy figures in the Biden administration offer perspectives and ideas for US policy.

      Despite the risks and challenges, journalists like Rana Aayub continue to raise their voices and report on important issues, inspiring progressives across the world to mobilize and coordinate against ethnonationalist movements. The connections between historical figures like Gandhi and modern-day activists, as well as the learning and influence between far-right leaders like Modi and Trump, highlight the need for a global progressive movement. Through candid conversations with senior foreign policy figures in the Biden administration, the podcast offers insights into their perspectives and ideas for US policy. This may be the last time we hear them speak freely before they become campaign spokespeople or government officials.

    • Insights from U.S. foreign policy leaders on complex issuesThe Hacks podcast humanizes policy-making by sharing personal experiences of key figures in U.S. foreign policy during the Obama administration, offering valuable insights into potential policy positions under a Biden presidency.

      That the Hacks podcast, featuring interviews with key figures in U.S. foreign policy during the Obama administration, offers valuable insights into how these individuals grappled with complex issues and how their experiences shaped their policy positions. The podcast not only provides listeners with potential indications of how a Biden presidency might approach areas like tech regulation and international cooperation, but also demonstrates that these individuals are human beings who have wrestled with these challenges in their own ways. For example, Jake Sullivan's deep thinking about tech regulation stems from his experience with Facebook manipulation during the 2016 election, while John Brennan discusses demilitarizing the U.S. approach to terrorism and Susan Rice reflects on the connection between social justice and U.S. leadership amidst the Black Lives Matter movement. The podcast's humanizing perspective on policy-making sets it apart and underscores the complexity of the issues at hand. Listeners are encouraged to subscribe to Missing America and explore these nuanced discussions.

    • Discussing foreign policy during a quarantineThe Pod Save America hosts remain dedicated to producing informative and entertaining podcasts on foreign policy despite the challenges of quarantine, and took a moment to promote merchandise sales.

      Despite the challenges of producing a podcast during a quarantine, the hosts of Pod Save America remain dedicated to their work and find solace in their shared passion for discussing foreign policy. They also took a moment to promote some merchandise sales on the Crooked Media store. The conversation between the hosts was filled with humor and a shared frustration with the ongoing quarantine situation. They joked about their experiences with lawnmowers and their infrequent meetings in person. Despite the difficulties, they remained committed to bringing their listeners informative and entertaining discussions on foreign policy. They ended the episode by thanking their team for their hard work and encouraging listeners to check out the sale on the Crooked Media store.

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    Trump Is Too Afraid to Debate Harris Again

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Kamala Dominates Trump at the Debate

    Kamala Dominates Trump at the Debate

    In what may be the last huge moment of the campaign, Kamala Harris pulls off an overwhelming win: drawing a clear contrast with Donald Trump, presenting herself as a change candidate, and luring her opponent into getting angry, defensive, and confused. Jon, Lovett, Dan, and Tommy react to Harris's best moments, Trump's tantrums, the crazy pet-eating story, and Taylor Swift's big post-debate endorsement.

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    All Tied up Before the Debate

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump's Happy-Go-Lucky Debate Strategy

    Trump's Happy-Go-Lucky Debate Strategy

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    Kamala Harris: Still the Underdog

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Don’t miss out on future episodes – be sure to sign up for Friends of the Pod at crooked.com/friends

    More on Pollercoaster: Does every new poll make you want to crawl under your desk and get into the fetal position? Do you hate the polls but can’t quit them? Well, we have a podcast that’s just for you (and us!). Pollercoaster is Crooked’s new home for exclusive in-depth analysis across the biggest national polls, latest voter trends, and closest races up and down the ballot. Join former White House Communications Director and Pod Save America host Dan Pfeiffer and a series of expert guests to break down the polls, unpack what they actually mean, and whether or not it’s time to hit the panic button. New episodes of Pollercoaster drop twice monthly for Friends of the Pod subscribers.

    Pod Save America
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    Harris and Walz Meet the Press

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Harris Hits the Airwaves

    Harris Hits the Airwaves

    Lovett and guest host Symone Sanders Townsend of MSNBC discuss the Harris-Walz campaign's latest moves: new ads hitting Trump and touting her housing plan, and a big bus tour through southeastern Georgia. Then, they look at Trump's counter-programming—notably, selling trading cards of himself—and who benefits most from muted mics at the September 10 debate.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Kamala Harris's Path to 270

    Kamala Harris's Path to 270

    Trump threatens to bail on the September debate, his campaign signals yet another attempt to keep their candidate on message, and his newest big endorser now comes with even more dead-animal baggage. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz prepare to hit the road on a Georgia bus tour and sit for a high-stakes interview. Jon and Tommy break down the state of the race as we head into the final two months, and Harris-Walz battleground state director Dan Kanninen stops by to talk about Harris's pathways to 270 electoral votes—and all the work they're doing on the ground to make sure she gets there.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.


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    Jonathan M. Katz (@KatzOnEarth)


    • Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff), Chief Investigative Correspondent, Yahoo News
    • Daniel Klaidman (@dklaidman), Editor in Chief, Yahoo News



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