
    Democrats Abandon Israel-Not Just the Squad, but now Schumer & Biden, plus Mexican President Tries to Blackmail America on Illegal Immigration

    enMarch 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Casino wins lead to real cash prizes, saving lives through charity and medical accuracyWinning at Chumba Casino brings real rewards. Pre Born charity saves lives with ultrasounds and counseling for $28. HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy, potentially saving money.

      While some people may celebrate victories with different gestures, at Chumba Casino, winning can lead to real cash prizes. Meanwhile, in a more serious note, every heartbeat, including a preborn baby's, is a sign of life. Pre Born is a charity that helps save babies from abortion by providing ultrasounds and counseling, and a donation of $28 can make a significant difference. Additionally, HealthLock is a service that helps individuals ensure their medical bills are accurate and correct any errors or fraud, potentially saving significant amounts of money. The discussion also touched on the historic and consequential move by the Democrat party and Biden White House in abandoning Israel, and the ongoing situation at the border.

    • Supporting conservative values through phone company choicesDuring elections, consider aligning with companies that share your values. Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, donates to conservative causes instead of liberal organizations.

      During a presidential election year, supporting companies that align with your values is important. This was discussed in relation to mobile phone companies, specifically Patriot Mobile, which is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. Unlike some larger companies that donate to liberal organizations, Patriot Mobile uses the same major networks for coverage and gives a portion of customers' bills to conservative causes. Additionally, there was a discussion about the UN and the United States' stance on Israel. The U.S. did not vote against Israel but also did not stand with them during a crucial vote for a ceasefire. This was seen as a historic pivot by the Democrat party away from Israel, as evidenced by Chuck Schumer's demand for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down during a war. This was not just an assault on Netanyahu but on the democratically elected government of Israel itself.

    • US abstains from vetoing UN resolution on Gaza ceasefireThe Biden admin's decision to abstain from vetoing a UN resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza marks a shift in US policy towards Israel, criticized as abandoning long-standing protection. Some see it as allowing Hamas to continue terrorist activities, while the White House defends it, causing controversy and concern for US-Israel alliance.

      The Biden administration's decision to abstain from vetoing a UN resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which Israel did not agree to, is seen as a significant shift in US policy towards Israel. This decision, which allowed the resolution to pass, was criticized as abandoning a long-standing practice of protecting Israel from such condemnations at the UN. The resolution's call for an immediate ceasefire, which some interpret as allowing Hamas to continue its terrorist activities, was also criticized as dangerous and disgraceful. The fact that the White House quickly defended this decision, despite it not condemning Hamas, added to the controversy. This development is concerning for both Israel and the US, as it could signal a weakening of the US-Israel alliance.

    • UN vote raises concerns about US commitment to IsraelThe Biden administration's inconsistent stance towards condemning Hamas and its allies, while supporting Israel, has left some questioning the reliability of the US as an ally.

      The UN vote on a ceasefire resolution between Israel and Hamas, which did not condemn Hamas for its actions, highlights a shift in the Biden administration's stance towards Israel. Despite John Kirby's assertion that the US position hasn't changed, the administration's failure to include a condemnation of Hamas in the resolution, and past actions such as lifting oil sanctions on Iran, which funds Hamas, have raised concerns about the US commitment to Israel. The UN resolution's passage, despite the US's objections, further underscores this perception. The US's inconsistent approach to condemning Hamas and its allies, while continuing to support Israel, has left some questioning the reliability of the US as an ally.

    • Biden administration's controversial decision to send funds to Hamas amidst terror attacksThe Biden administration faced criticism for waiving antiterrorism laws to send funds to Hamas, while Israel was under attack, fueling concerns of funding terrorism and anti-Israel sentiment within the Democratic party.

      The Biden administration waived US antiterrorism laws to send millions of dollars to Hamas in Gaza, despite concerns from lawmakers. This decision came amidst horrifying terrorist attacks against Israelis, which the administration initially urged Israel not to retaliate against. The administration's actions were met with controversy, with some arguing that it was funding terrorism. Meanwhile, there is a growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment within the Democratic party, which the administration appears to be catering to. On a different note, it's essential to be vigilant about medical billing errors, as they are estimated to affect over 50% of bills. HealthLock is a healthcare technology company that helps individuals ensure their medical bills are accurate by reviewing claims for errors and negotiating with providers on their behalf. This service can help save significant amounts of money. Lastly, if you're a fan of British television, BritBox is a streaming service that offers access to critically acclaimed series and original content. With powerful performances from talented actors, it's a must-watch for anyone who appreciates high-quality storytelling.

    • Political pressure on Democrats to take stance against IsraelMainstream Democrats like Schumer and Biden face pressure to support Palestinians, Israeli leaders won't be bullied into concessions.

      The political pressure on the Democratic Party to take a stance against Israel and support Palestinians is significant, driven in part by the desire to win over younger voters. However, it's important to note that this isn't just coming from the extreme left wing of the party, but also from mainstream Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden. This pressure has been building for decades, with Biden threatening to cut aid to Israel in the 1980s, and his current actions being seen as a continuation of that trend. Despite this, Israeli leaders have made it clear that they will not be bullied into making concessions and will stand by their principles, regardless of external pressure.

    • Political climate, Israel, and financial planning are key election issuesHold Democratic leaders accountable for their stances on Israel, protect retirement funds through gold and silver investments, and stay informed about diplomatic demands affecting US borders.

      The current political climate, particularly regarding Israel and the United States, should be a significant election year issue for voters, especially conservatives. The actions of Democratic leaders towards Israel have been criticized, and it's essential to hold them accountable for their stances. Additionally, financial planning is crucial, especially during times of inflation, and investing in gold and silver through a trusted partner like Freedom Gold USA can help protect and diversify your retirement funds. Lastly, the Mexican president's recent demands for the US to meet certain conditions to address the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs across the southern border could be seen as diplomatic blackmail. It's essential to stay informed about these critical issues and engage in thoughtful discussions and actions to make a difference.

    • Mexico's President AMLO accused of extorting US for billions, seen as anti-American leftist thugMexico's President AMLO accused of attempting to extort US for billions, seen as a hard-left anti-American figure due to his demands aligning with communist dictators in Cuba and Venezuela. Democrats may not be upset about the influx of immigrants as future voters.

      The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO, is accused of attempting to extort the United States for billions of dollars in exchange for controlling the flow of immigrants and lifting sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. AMLO's demands align with communist dictators in those countries, making him a hard-left anti-American figure. His government's relationship with criminal cartels in Mexico has led to devastating violence and crime against the Mexican people. However, the speaker argues that Biden and the Democrats may not be upset about the situation, as they see the influx of immigrants as future Democratic voters. The speaker seems to accept AMLO's behavior as who he is, an anti-American leftist thug.

    • Mexican President AMLO's Response to Trump's Tariff ThreatsDuring Trump's presidency, AMLO deployed soldiers and agreed to U.S. immigration policies to avoid tariffs. Post-Biden, AMLO's leftist policies align with his administration, causing a surge in illegal immigration and lack of action against Mexico's role in U.S. opioid crisis.

      During Donald Trump's presidency, Mexican President AMLO was terrified of his threats to impose tariffs on Mexican goods if Mexico didn't help secure the U.S.-Mexico border. In response, AMLO deployed 6,000 soldiers to Mexico's southern border and agreed to the Remain in Mexico policy, which significantly reduced illegal immigration. However, once Joe Biden took office, AMLO no longer felt threatened and the numbers of illegal immigrants surged. Moreover, AMLO's leftist policies align with those of the Biden administration, which has been criticized for being weak against leftist regimes and for wanting to lift sanctions against countries like Cuba and Venezuela. Additionally, AMLO showed a lack of compassion regarding the U.S. opioid crisis, which is primarily caused by Fentanyl produced in Mexico.

    • Deadly Fentanyl from Mexico: Origins and ScaleDespite US efforts, most deadly Fentanyl comes from Mexico, manufactured using Asian precursors, causing over 70% of US drug overdose deaths in 2020

      Despite the United States having customs, traditions, and a lower rate of drug consumption compared to other countries, the majority of the deadly Fentanyl that is killing Americans comes from Mexico. Mexican drug cartels are manufacturing this Fentanyl using chemical precursors from Asia, with China being a significant supplier. The United States does have some domestic Fentanyl production, but it is minor compared to the volume coming from Mexico. In 2020, over 70,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, with over 70% of those deaths caused by Fentanyl. The Mexican president, AMLO, is allowing this deadly trade to continue with the blessing of the Biden administration and the Democrats. It's crucial to understand the origins and scale of this crisis to address it effectively. On a different note, during this Good Friday and Easter weekend, it's essential to reflect on the significance of these religious holidays. For Christians, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the forgiveness of sins. Three days later, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate his resurrection and the gift of salvation. Regardless of faith, it's a time for reflection, renewal, and spending quality time with loved ones.

    • Reflecting on Family and Relaxation during EasterPrioritize family time, listen and be present, and reduce paint waste. Easter is a chance to show love and appreciation to loved ones.

      The Easter holiday is a perfect time for reflection, family bonding, and relaxation. The speaker has been traveling extensively throughout Texas but is looking forward to spending some downtime with his family at a friend's ranch. He encourages everyone to prioritize time for their loved ones, emphasizing the importance of listening to them and simply being present. Work and other activities should not consume all our time, and holidays like Easter offer an excellent opportunity to show love and appreciation to family members. The speaker also mentions High Five Casino, a social casino with real prizes, and BritBox, a streaming service with acclaimed British shows. Lastly, the importance of reducing paint waste through simple practices like buying only what is needed, using up existing paint, and recycling the rest was highlighted.

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