
    Demystifying Rent Control: Portland’s Tenant Protections

    enNovember 04, 2023

    About this Episode

    For the second time this year, a coalition of landlords are attempting to undermine rent control in Portland.

    In June of this year (previous coverage here), Portland voters voiced their strong support of rent control, with 67% voting to reject an attempt to replace the 5% vacancy turnover increase with the right to reset rent without restriction.

    Not content to slink away with their deeply unpopular policies tucked between their legs, they are now attempting to decontrol all units owned by landlord entities who own 9 or fewer units, on top of the current exemption for landlords with up to 4 units, with no requirement that they live here.

    Given the number of attempts to gut Portland’s rent control ordinance since its passage in 2020, as well as a successful attempt in 2022 to strengthen and clarify the law, the Pine & Roses Editorial Collective would like to share a simplified rundown of rent control as it stands today in Portland.

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    Demystifying Rent Control: Portland’s Tenant Protections

    Demystifying Rent Control: Portland’s Tenant Protections

    For the second time this year, a coalition of landlords are attempting to undermine rent control in Portland.

    In June of this year (previous coverage here), Portland voters voiced their strong support of rent control, with 67% voting to reject an attempt to replace the 5% vacancy turnover increase with the right to reset rent without restriction.

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    Given the number of attempts to gut Portland’s rent control ordinance since its passage in 2020, as well as a successful attempt in 2022 to strengthen and clarify the law, the Pine & Roses Editorial Collective would like to share a simplified rundown of rent control as it stands today in Portland.

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    Get involved with the Livable Portland Campaign

    Donate to Livable Portland

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