
    Denim Dynamo to Athletics Advocate: Jennifer Sey’s Fight for Females | Saturday Extra

    enJune 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • COVID lockdowns disagreementA former high-ranking executive at Levi's, Jennifer Se, left the company due to her opposition to COVID lockdowns and now runs her own athletic clothing brand while producing a documentary to challenge the narrative on lockdowns and their impact on society.

      Jennifer Se, a former chief brand officer at Levi's, left the company in 2020 due to her disagreement with COVID lockdown policies. She now runs her own athletic clothing brand, XXXY Athletics, and is producing a documentary to ensure history does not repeat the mistakes made during that time. Se, who was once next in line to run Levi's, questioned the lockdowns and school closures from the beginning, citing data that showed the median age of death was in the 80s and kids were at little to no risk. Despite identifying as a left-of-center Democrat, she felt compelled to speak out against what she believed were damaging policies. Se's new initiatives aim to encourage Americans to take a stand and engage in the marketplace.

    • COVID-19 reopening advocacyAdvocating for reopening schools and businesses during a pandemic can lead to personal backlash and consequences, but some individuals remain committed to speaking truth and asking important questions.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, advocating for the reopening of schools and businesses while opposing lockdowns led to intense backlash and personal consequences for some individuals. The speaker, who held this position in San Francisco, was vilified and eventually chased out of the city. Despite the loss of friendships and fractured family relationships, they felt compelled to continue advocating for children and against long-term school closures. They have since started a documentary film project, "Generation COVID," and launched their own brand. The experience was a difficult one, but the speaker remains committed to speaking truth and asking important questions.

    • COVID-19 pandemic responsesExpressing dissenting views on pandemic responses during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in a heavily Democratic city and corporate environment could lead to significant backlash and challenges for individuals.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, expressing views that questioned the use of masks and the necessity of lockdowns in a heavily Democratic city like San Francisco, and in a corporate environment, could lead to an untenable situation. A seemingly neutral tweet about masking sparked controversy, and the speaker, despite being cautious and data-driven in their comments, found it increasingly difficult to remain in the city due to the widespread acceptance of restrictive policies. The speaker's experiences highlight the intense polarization surrounding pandemic responses at the time and the challenges of maintaining a dissenting perspective in a predominantly liberal environment.

    • Impact of COVID-19 on urban familiesThe pandemic led to significant learning loss, mental health issues, and chronic absenteeism for urban children, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds, due to school closures and lack of resources for remote learning. Strict enforcement of social distancing rules also led to unwarranted investigations and stigma against certain families.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions led to unprecedented challenges for families, particularly in urban areas like San Francisco. The closure of schools and outdoor spaces forced children to spend extended periods at home, leading to significant learning loss, mental health issues, and chronic absenteeism. This isolation was especially detrimental for children from lower-income backgrounds, who often lacked the resources and support to keep up with remote learning. The situation was further complicated by the strict enforcement of social distancing rules, which led to unwarranted investigations and stigma against families with multiple children or those whose members appeared to be of different races. Now, as the documentary "Generation COVID" sheds light on these damages, a mother and former executive has left her corporate job to launch a values-aligned athletics brand, hoping to create a more inclusive and supportive community for families.

    • Unexpected career changeSpeaking truthfully in a corporate environment led an individual to start her own business after facing backlash, drawing on her experiences as an elite gymnast and fashion executive to challenge industry norms

      Sometimes, despite our plans and expectations, life may lead us in unexpected directions. For this individual, who had planned to retire, the experience of being asked to apologize for speaking truthfully in a corporate environment led her to start her own business. With a background as an elite gymnast and a fashion executive, she brings unique experiences and a penchant for speaking uncomfortable truths. Her past experience of speaking out against abuse in gymnastics gave her the courage to challenge the status quo in the athletic industry. Despite facing potential backlash, she remains committed to her authenticity and integrity. Ultimately, her determination to be true to herself has led her to entrepreneurship and a new chapter in her life.

    • Women's sports protectionFounders of XXXY Athletics stand up for female athletes' rights to compete fairly and safely in women's sports, fighting against males entering and taking opportunities from women.

      The protection of women's sports and spaces is a critical issue, and the founders of XXXY Athletics are dedicated to standing up for female athletes and ensuring they have a fair chance to compete. The brand is unique in its commitment to this cause, as they believe women deserve safety, privacy, and the opportunity to win on an even playing field. The issue of males entering women's sports is not a fringe concern, as it has resulted in numerous instances of males taking medals, team spots, and sponsorship dollars from deserving women. This not only violates the original intent of Title IX but also denies women their sex-based rights. The founders of XXXY Athletics, who have personally benefited from Title IX, are determined to fight for their daughters' and all women's opportunities in sports. They won't be silenced by those who tell them to sit down and be quiet.

    • Title IX gender identityThe Biden administration's Title IX rewrite conflates gender identity with sex-based rights, allowing males to compete on women's teams and use their facilities, potentially risking federal funding and due process for schools

      The Biden administration's rewrite of Title IX, a law meant to protect women's sex-based rights in education, has significant implications for women's sports and privacy. The new interpretation conflates gender identity with sex-based rights, allowing males who identify as females to compete on women's teams, use their locker rooms, and join sororities. Schools that resist these changes risk losing federal funding and facing accusations of harassment without due process. This rewrite undermines the equal playing field and privacy that Title IX originally intended to secure for women. The benefits of women's sports, including improved self-esteem, higher graduation rates, and reduced teen pregnancy, are at stake. The situation highlights the importance of upholding the original intent of Title IX to ensure fairness and safety for women in educational settings.

    • Two sexes movementThe two sexes movement reflects the beliefs of 70% of the population who believe in the basic truth of two sexes and challenges the current ideological narrative by producing high-quality products and normalizing the conversation around this issue.

      The launch of brands like XXXY Athletics, which focus on traditional sex-based categories, is important because it reflects the beliefs of a significant portion of the population (70%) who believe in the basic truth of two sexes. This movement challenges the current ideological narrative that has politicized the issue of sex and biology. The founders of these brands argue that they are not political but based on truth and biology. By producing high-quality products and normalizing the conversation around this issue, they hope to influence culture and encourage more people to openly express their agreement with the concept of two sexes. This is not a gimmick but a reflection of the beliefs of a large portion of the population, including many Democrats. The success of these brands lies in their ability to create premium products that can compete with industry giants while also promoting a message that resonates with a significant portion of the population.

    • Culture and PoliticsInfluencing culture can lead to political change, as emphasized by Jennifer Say, a cultural commentator, who hopes to impact culture through her documentary and new company.

      Culture plays a significant role in shaping politics. Jennifer Say, a cultural commentator, emphasized this point during her interview on Morning Wire. She expressed her hope that by influencing the culture and encouraging more people to speak out about important issues, politics will eventually follow suit. She also mentioned her upcoming documentary and new company, which aligns with her mission to impact culture and bring about change. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of addressing cultural issues in order to effect political transformation.

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