
    DeSantis OUT, Is Nikki Haley Next? War Stories from the Presidential Trail

    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Two Sources of Excitement and Hope: Chumba Casino and PrebornChumba Casino offers free social games and daily bonuses, while Preborn saves lives by funding abortion-rescuing clinics. A $28 donation can make a difference in a baby's life. Ryan also found help in maximizing masculinity through Chalk.

      Chumba Casino and Preborn are two different sources of excitement and hope in life. While Chumba Casino offers free social casino games and daily bonuses, Preborn focuses on saving lives by providing financial support to clinics that rescue babies from abortion. The heartbeat of a baby is a powerful reminder of life, and for just $28, you can make a difference. In a more personal note, Ryan shared his experience of aging and how he found help in maximizing his masculinity through Chalk, a company that boosts testosterone levels. Lastly, the political news includes Ron DeSantis' early endorsement of Donald Trump for president, making the primary race a two-person battle between Trump and Nikki Haley. Despite the potential close results in the New Hampshire primary, Ryan believes the primary is essentially over.

    • South Carolina primary crucial for Nikki Haley's campaignFormer SC governor Nikki Haley faces a challenging South Carolina primary due to her home state background and Trump's dominance. As a moderate establishment candidate, she struggles to win over voters. The Boston Globe's anti-Trump stance in New Hampshire might sway some voters to her, but her path to the nomination appears slim.

      The South Carolina primary is crucial for Nikki Haley's presidential campaign due to her being a former governor of the state and Trump's dominating lead there. Losing her home state could be devastating, especially in a Republican primary. Additionally, Haley has become the moderate establishment candidate, but she is struggling to win over the majority of voters as 70% do not identify as establishment moderates. The Boston Globe's editorial urging independents to vote against Trump could potentially influence the outcome in New Hampshire, but beyond that, there is no clear path for Haley or any other candidate to beat Trump. Regarding DeSantis, his voters in New Hampshire are likely to go to Trump due to their ideological overlap on conservative issues. However, some voters may have supported DeSantis as an alternative to Trump, and they might switch to Haley. Overall, the South Carolina primary is a significant challenge for Haley, and her chances of winning the nomination seem slim.

    • Trump's Alignment with Voters and Intense Competition in the 2016 Republican PrimaryTrump's ideological and stylistic alignment with voters, negative media coverage, strong competition from candidates like Rubio, data-driven campaigning, and consolidating the conservative vote led to his victory in the 2016 Republican primary.

      During the 2016 Republican primary election, voters ideologically and stylistically aligned with Trump were more likely to support him over other candidates like Haley. Corey Lewandowski, former campaign manager for Trump, shared his experience of Trump's victory and the intense competition in the race. He mentioned the negative media coverage and the strong field of candidates, including Marco Rubio, who ultimately played a role in Trump's win. Lewandowski also highlighted the significance of data-driven campaigning and the importance of consolidating the field to avoid splitting the conservative vote. Additionally, Lewandowski emphasized Patriot Mobile's role as America's only Christian conservative wireless provider, providing dependable coverage without funding the left.

    • Switching to a values-aligned mobile providerConsidering values when choosing a mobile service, Patriot Mobile supports causes like free speech, religious freedom, and military veterans. Easy switch, keeps phone number, and team assistance.

      Supporting companies that align with your values is an important consideration, especially when it comes to something as essential as mobile service. The speaker shared their experience of switching from a mobile provider that they felt didn't align with their values to Patriot Mobile, which supports causes such as free speech, religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and military veterans and first responders. The ease of the switch, which allows you to keep your phone number and team assistance in finding the best plan, makes it a compelling option for those seeking to make a difference with their dollars. Additionally, the speaker discussed the challenging decision-making process behind dropping out of a campaign, explaining that financial constraints often drive candidates out before votes are cast. The importance of effective budgeting and maintaining the belief in a winnable campaign among supporters were also highlighted.

    • Media's relentless coverage of Trump's victories affected other candidatesMedia's bias towards Trump's campaign led to decreased support and resources for other candidates, ultimately impacting their performance in later primaries.

      During the 2016 Republican primaries, the media's relentless coverage of Donald Trump's victories, particularly in his home state of New York, created a self-fulfilling prophecy that led to a significant drop in support for other candidates, such as the speaker in this conversation. Despite the speaker's five consecutive double-digit victories before New York, the media's narrative of Trump's inevitable win led to a decrease in campaign efforts and resources from the speaker's supporters. This ultimately affected the speaker's performance in later primaries, including California and Indiana. The media's influence on the race was significant, with Trump receiving an estimated $3 billion in free media coverage during the cycle, compared to the speaker's $92 million in campaign funds. This imbalance in media coverage played a crucial role in Trump's eventual victory.

    • Historic Fundraising and Media Coverage in the 2016 Republican PrimariesTrump's record-breaking fundraising and massive free media coverage significantly impacted the 2016 Republican primaries, convincing many supporters that the race was over and contributing to his victory.

      During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, Donald Trump raised a historic amount of money from over 1.6 million contributions across the country, totaling $92 million. This was significantly more than any previous Republican candidate. Additionally, Trump received approximately $500 million in free media coverage during the last 30 days of the campaign, over 90% of which was positive. This media coverage played a significant role in convincing many of his supporters that the race was over, leading them to abandon hope and ultimately contributing to his victory. The speaker, a former campaign team member, shared his personal experience of making the decision to suspend his own campaign due to lack of funds and overwhelming media pressure. The importance of data-driven decision making and the influence of media in political campaigns were key themes in the discussion.

    • Media bias against Fiorina's campaign led to lack of coverageMedia bias and lack of coverage can hinder a campaign's viability, emphasizing the importance of being data-driven and having an honest team.

      During the 2016 presidential race, the media largely ignored Mike Pence and Carly Fiorina, focusing instead on the front-runners Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump. Fiorina recounts how the media's bias against her campaign led to a lack of coverage, which in turn contributed to her inability to see a viable path to victory. She also emphasizes the importance of being data-driven and having a team that provides honest feedback. On the morning of the Indiana primary, Fiorina made a surprise visit to an elementary school and interacted with a group of excited children, an experience she found memorable and unique. Ultimately, Fiorina suspended her campaign on May 3, 2016, after recognizing that there was no credible path to victory. Trump was surprised by her decision.

    • The emotional highs and lows of dropping out of a presidential campaignCampaigns can bring unexpected joy and despair, emphasizing the importance of a strong support system during challenging times.

      The experience of dropping out of a presidential campaign can be an emotional rollercoaster. The speaker described a day filled with unexpected joy and then sudden despair, which left him feeling both grateful and devastated. He shared how he felt God's presence during a moment of unexpected support from a crowd of cheering supporters, only to be followed by the painful realization that he had to suspend his campaign. Despite his desire to thank his supporters, he was unable to do so due to the media attention and his own emotional state. The speaker also emphasized the importance of a strong support system, as his wife stepped in to express gratitude and comfort to their supporters. The campaign experience was described as all-consuming and compared to a funeral when it ends for those deeply invested.

    • Reflecting on a past campaign's outcomeCampaigns demand dedication, can be emotionally taxing, and unexpected endorsements may arise

      Campaigns require immense dedication and effort from all involved, and the outcome, whether victory or defeat, can be a difficult pill to swallow. The speaker, reflecting on a past campaign, acknowledged the team's hard work and the emotional toll of the campaign's end. Despite initial doubts, they came close to winning the entire election, but ultimately fell short. Looking ahead, the speaker believes that Nikki Haley faces an uphill battle, as Trump's lead is too large and the resources of opponents may not be enough to change the outcome. The speaker advises Haley to follow her heart and timeline, recognizing that the decision to suspend a campaign is never easy. If she chooses to continue, she may receive unexpected endorsements and support from unexpected sources, as the speaker experienced in a past campaign.

    • Former presidential candidate Lindsey Graham's unpredictable political journeyFormer presidential candidate Lindsey Graham encourages candidates to refocus after elections and find something meaningful to pour energy into, as he did when Trump became president.

      Politics can be a challenging and unpredictable journey, as former presidential candidate Lindsey Graham discovered during the 2016 election cycle. Graham was impressed by Carly Fiorina and considered her as his potential running mate, but found it difficult to break through the media narrative and reach voters. He believed the media favored Hillary Clinton's campaign and wanted her to win. After losing the election, Graham advised candidates to take time to recharge and refocus after the campaign ends. He emphasized the importance of finding something meaningful to pour energy into, which helped him come out of his post-election funk when Trump became president. Graham encourages listeners to subscribe to their podcast, which airs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and to check out BritBox for acclaimed British TV shows.

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      The influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hollywood has become a significant concern, with major studios making choices to appease the CCP in order to distribute their films in China. This issue is explored in detail in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by investigative reporter Tiffany Meyer, available for a limited time for free on hollywoodtakeover.com/ben. Meanwhile, for those looking for entertainment, High Five Casino offers real prizes and Vegas hits, with no purchase necessary. Players can enjoy the hottest games, free daily rewards, and come back every 4 hours for free coins. Remember to play responsibly and check the terms and conditions at highfivecasinodot.com. While Hollywood continues to navigate the complexities of international relations, High Five Casino provides an escape with the thrill of Vegas right at your fingertips.

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