
    About this Episode

    Digital Currencies and Africa While the U.S and many countries in Europe and Asia are benefitting massively from the advent of digital money, cryptocurrency adoption among Africans is still moderate at best, as skepticism and knowledge gaps impede widespread acceptance on the African continent. For read more info visit: https://blog.avesta.io/cryptocurrencies-still-long-way-go-africa/

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    How the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry can benefit from Digital Currencies

    How the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry can benefit from Digital Currencies
    The Oil and Gas industry in Nigeria has suffered many years of economic wastage due to loopholes in the accountability system. The sector could benefit immensely from the new innovative and efficient store of value that is Cryptocurrency. For more info visit: https://blog.avesta.io/nigerian-oil-gas-industry-can-benefit-digital-currencies/

    How the Nigerian Economy can benefit From Digital Currencies

    How the Nigerian Economy can benefit From Digital Currencies
    High inflation rates, unemployment and corruption are some of the problems facing Nigeria, a country widely regarded as the Giant of Africa. Read, how the Nigerian economy can benefit from crypto currencies? To get more info please visit blog: https://blog.avesta.io/nigerian-economy-can-benefit-digital-currencies/

    Digital Currencies and Africa

    Digital Currencies and Africa
    Digital Currencies and Africa While the U.S and many countries in Europe and Asia are benefitting massively from the advent of digital money, cryptocurrency adoption among Africans is still moderate at best, as skepticism and knowledge gaps impede widespread acceptance on the African continent. For read more info visit: https://blog.avesta.io/cryptocurrencies-still-long-way-go-africa/