
    Distractible Tier List

    enJuly 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Futurama's Return Excites Distractible HostsThe Distractible hosts express their enthusiasm for the return of Futurama, share hopes for new episodes, and reflect on past favorites.

      The hosts of Distractible, Bob, Mark, and Wade, shared their excitement about the return of the animated series "Futurama," which has come back after being canceled and rebooted. They discussed their hopes for the new episodes and reminisced about some of their favorite episodes from the past. Bob revealed that the show has officially returned, but the new episodes have not been released yet. They also acknowledged that not all of the Futurama episodes were perfect, but they remain optimistic about the new season. The hosts also engaged in some playful banter and small talk before diving into the topic.

    • Bob, Wade, and Mark discuss pop culture, aging, and video gamesDespite disagreements, staying curious and open-minded is important as we age and face new challenges, as shown in a conversation about pop culture, aging, and video games.

      During a conversation, Bob and Wade discussed various topics including pop culture references, aging, and video games. Wade mentioned his fascination with Baldur's Gate 3 and its controversial adult content, which had reportedly caused other game studios to be hesitant. Mark, who was also part of the conversation, expressed his dislike for Baldur's Gate and its sales. Wade also shared some memories of their past, including references to Game Grumps and team 4 star. Despite some disagreements, they all acknowledged the impact of technology and changing times on people's knowledge and experiences. The conversation showcased their unique perspectives and sense of humor. Overall, it highlighted the importance of staying curious and open-minded, even as we age and face new challenges.

    • Disappointment and Criticism towards 'Hello Neighbor'Critics expressed disappointment with 'Hello Neighbor', but acknowledged the challenges faced by indie developers in game creation, balancing constructive criticism with empathy.

      The game "Hello Neighbor" was initially hyped due to its mysterious concept, but failed to live up to expectations as its updates introduced fundamental issues and failed to deliver a satisfying gameplay experience. The game's creators, Dynamic Pixels, continued to release updates despite criticisms, leading to accusations of milking the game. Some critics, like MatPat, expressed their disappointment and disengagement, while others defended the game as an attempt from an indie developer. The speaker in the conversation acknowledged the potential impact of their words on the developers and held back from expressing negative opinions until it was clear that the game had been milked for a long time. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of balancing criticism with empathy towards creators, especially in the context of indie developers and their first attempts at game development.

    • Preparing a tier list of best bits for a special episodeThe hosts are evaluating their content to create a tier list of their best bits for a special episode, acknowledging that not all content is top-tier and recognizing the importance of separating popular bits from lesser-known ones.

      Despite the misconceptions and absurdities discussed during the conversation, the hosts are preparing a tier list of their best bits from the show for the upcoming special episode. This process involved evaluating their own content and separating the popular bits from the lesser-known ones. The hosts acknowledged that not all bits could be considered top-tier, as they are three individuals with unique perspectives. The conversation also touched upon the idea of aging and the physical toll it takes, but the main focus remained on the upcoming tier list episode.

    • Discovering the limitations of Notepad and appreciating its simplicityUsers value Notepad's simplicity but miss undo/redo functions. Visual references aid audio-only sessions. Old cars can be maintained using eBay Motors. Manage and cancel subscriptions with Rocket Money.

      During a discussion about various topics, it was discovered that Notepad, a simple text editing software, lacks certain features like undo and redo, unlike more advanced text editors like WordPad. This limitation can lead to frustration for users who rely on these functions. However, some users prefer Notepad due to its simplicity and superiority, which they love despite its limitations. The conversation also touched upon the use of visual references during audio-only sessions and the importance of maintaining old cars with the help of eBay Motors. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the need to manage and cancel unwanted subscriptions using apps like Rocket Money.

    • Reflecting on their best momentsCreating content that brings joy and laughter is valuable, even if not all moments reach the 's-tier' level.

      The "I turned around" prerecorded stinger is considered high-quality content, potentially a "s-tier" moment, due to its consistent ability to elicit laughter from the speakers and listeners. However, the speakers acknowledge that not all content they produce reaches this level, and they are open to different interpretations of the ranking. They also reminisce about lost content and express their appreciation for each other's contributions. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of creating and sharing content that brings joy and laughter to others.

    • Creating a new tier for unfunny 'new dad' jokesThe hosts joked about adding a 'not a bit' tier for unfunny jokes, like those about being a new dad, and even considered giving it a unique letter designation.

      During a discussion about comedy bits and their ranking, the hosts joked about creating a new tier for a bit that doesn't quite fit into any existing category. The bit in question is a reference to being a new dad and the repetition of this fact, which the hosts acknowledged hasn't gotten many laughs but is used frequently. They mused about creating a "not a bit" tier for this type of joke and even considered giving it its own unique letter designation. The conversation then segued into discussing other specialized tiers they've created for specific types of jokes, such as the "Tier List Tier," which is exclusively used for jokes related to their tier list episodes. The hosts agreed that this "not a bit" category might be more of a trend than a bit worth laughing at, but they found the conversation amusing and entertaining nonetheless. Overall, the discussion showcased the hosts' playful and improvisational approach to comedy and their willingness to poke fun at their own material.

    • Bob's Fridge: A Legendary BitThe 'Bob's Fridge' episode is a legendary bit due to its historical importance, mass appeal, and the many references and derivatives it has spawned.

      The podcast episode about Bob's fridge is a significant and popular bit due to its historical importance, mass appeal, and the many references and derivatives it has spawned. The apologies to the editors and the recurring jokes about Bob's fridge and Lowe's are considered bits because of their longevity and ability to create their own category of content. The episode's impact is so great that it has been compared to an S tier story, and it stands out as a unique and intense experience for the storyteller. The fresh anger and intensity of the storytelling made it a standout episode that continues to be referenced and memed about by the audience.

    • The Importance of Format and Elements in PodcastsPodcasts' unique elements, like assigning titles or debating cannolis, contribute to the overall experience and can't be classified as 'bits'. The freedom to experiment with formats keeps the show engaging and unpredictable.

      The podcast's format and elements, such as assigning titles to stories or the "cannoli" debate, are essential parts of the show and cannot be categorized as "bits" because they go beyond being individual comedic segments. These elements contribute to the overall experience and have the potential to spawn new content. The titles, for instance, were a limiting format that was experimented with but ultimately discarded due to its restrictiveness. The "cannoli" debate, on the other hand, became a popular topic that the audience engaged with extensively, making it a significant part of the show's identity. Additionally, the hosts have the freedom to explore various topics and experiment with formats, even if it may not please everyone, as the goal is to create an engaging and unpredictable podcast experience.

    • Debating the Significance of Cannolis and Shakira in a PodcastGroup discussed varying opinions on the importance and frequency of cannoli and Shakira references in their podcast, ultimately assigning 'C' to cannolis and 'D' to Shakira on their tier list, acknowledging subjectivity.

      During a discussion about ranking various elements from their podcast, the group had differing opinions on the significance and frequency of references to "cannolis" and "Shakira." While some found the cannoli references humorous and frequent enough to merit a higher ranking, others felt they didn't warrant a spot at the top due to their infrequent appearance outside of one episode. Regarding Shakira, the group acknowledged her recurring presence but also noted the divisive nature of her mentions, with some finding it entertaining and others growing tired of it. Ultimately, they assigned "cannolis" a "C" and "Shakira" a "D" on their tier list, but acknowledged the subjectivity of their assessments. The conversation also touched upon the idea of a "second evolution" or "prenole" of a cannoli and a few other humorous tangents.

    • Iconic references and memorable moments from the podcastElements from the podcast, like the 'Ship of Theseus', have resonated deeply with the audience and have taken on a life of their own, inspiring fan creations and cultural impact outside of the show.

      Certain elements from the podcast, such as the "Ship of Theseus," have resonated deeply with the audience and have become iconic references within the community. These elements have been embraced and repeated so frequently that they have taken on a life of their own, even outside of the show. For instance, the "Ship of Theseus" was mentioned in a D&D campaign and has become a redeemable item for upgrading the players' ship. This phenomenon is evident in the spike in Google searches for the term following its mention on the podcast. It's important to note that the hosts didn't invent the concept of the "Ship of Theseus," but their discussion of it did contribute to its resurgence in popularity. Another notable moment was the exploration of Wade's character, revealing a hidden layer of anger beneath his usual horny and joking persona. These moments have become memorable and cherished by the podcast's fans.

    • Reflecting on 'Ship of Theseus' and audience involvementThe hosts discuss the significance of audience participation and their dynamic conversation about various topics, including 'Ship of Theseus' and their tier list.

      During a discussion about the "Ship of Theseus" and creating a new tier on their tier list for it, the hosts reflected on various bits and topics, including Wade's obsession with boats and the audience's participation in creating content. They also discussed the placement of certain bits on their tier list and debated the significance of some topics versus others. Despite some disagreements and humor, they acknowledged the audience's involvement and the shared experience of their content. Overall, the conversation highlighted the dynamic and engaging nature of their podcast and the connection they have with their audience.

    • Discussing show elements and their significanceThe group debated the importance and placement of various show elements, acknowledging their biases and disagreements, while maintaining a lively and entertaining conversation.

      During their discussion, the group was categorizing various elements of their show into different tiers based on their significance and impact. They debated the placement of certain items, such as "Dogs are fine" and "Artificial intelligence," and agreed that some elements, like "Guru Harold" and "Triangle of Fairness," were particularly noteworthy. They also acknowledged their disagreements and biases, and the importance of following rules when it came to certain bits, like the cigar sketch. Despite their occasional disagreements, they continued to engage in a lively and entertaining conversation, showcasing their unique dynamic and shared sense of humor.

    • Reflecting on past content and growthAcknowledging past challenges and cherishing memories, we continue to strive for improvement in our creative process.

      Despite our attempts at unique and entertaining banter, we still have room for improvement. During a conversation, we joked about our inability to consistently come up with riddles or original content, acknowledging that we haven't yet reached our full potential. We also reminisced about some of our favorite moments from our past content, including instances where we struggled to elicit laughter from each other and instances where we made handshake deals that we later forgot about. These moments, though challenging at the time, have become cherished memories and remind us of the importance of staying true to our creative process and continuing to push ourselves to be the best entertainers we can be. We may not always get it right, but the journey is worth it.

    • Debating the worth of recurring bits in their contentThey struggled to agree on a definitive tier list for their recurring bits, questioning the merit of some segments and considering new additions, but ultimately recognized the value of their diverse and quirky content for their audience.

      The discussion revolved around creating a tier list for recurring bits in their content, but they found themselves questioning the existence and placement of certain elements. They debated the merit of various segments, such as a reference to a popular Reddit user, Shakira mentions, and Bob's TikTok updates. They also discussed the origins of the "expound" bit and pondered the possibility of adding new entries like "Candy Uncle" and the "parachuting clowns." Despite their efforts, they couldn't agree on a definitive list and expressed frustration with the process. Ultimately, they acknowledged that their audience enjoys the variety and quirkiness of their content, regardless of its categorization.

    • Disagreement over Shakira and Boats rankingDespite some disagreements and miscommunications, the group was able to come to a consensus on ranking various bits, with unique and memorable bits influencing the final outcome.

      During a discussion about ranking various bits on a tier list, there was a disagreement regarding the placement of Shakira and Boats. While some believed they were of lower quality, others defended their love for boats and argued that they deserved a higher ranking. Despite some miscommunications and misunderstandings, the group was generally satisfied with the list and predicted strong reactions from the online community. Soulja Boy, a long-running bit, was briefly discussed but ultimately missedpelled and overlooked in the final tally. Mark and Wade, the participants, had similar numbers of S through B tier bits, but Wade was declared the winner due to the unique "Ship of Theseus" bit being placed in its own tier. Despite some complaints and disagreements, the group felt that they had captured the essence of each bit and were happy with the final outcome.

    • A respectful and enjoyable tier list discussionParticipants showed respect, camaraderie, and shared enjoyment during a tier list ranking discussion, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses and expressing appreciation for each other's contributions.

      Despite the playful banter and disagreements, the participants in this discussion respected each other's opinions and the rules of the tier list ranking. Although there were moments of confusion and even a wrong announcement of the winner, the overall spirit of the conversation was lighthearted and fun. It showcased the camaraderie and the shared enjoyment of discussing various topics, from music to technology. The participants also acknowledged their strengths and weaknesses, and showed grace in both victory and defeat. The conversation ended on a positive note, with each participant expressing appreciation for the other's contributions and looking forward to the next episode.

    • Embrace Authenticity and Self-AcceptanceBe true to yourself, even with imperfections. Embrace your unique qualities and don't feel bad for not knowing everything. Connect with others in a community of authenticity and self-acceptance.

      The speaker, during this episode, emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and being true to oneself, even if that means not being perfect or making mistakes. They mentioned that they are "my skirm online," indicating that they are their authentic selves in the digital world, just as they are in real life. They also encouraged listeners to embrace their unique qualities and not feel bad about themselves for not knowing everything. Additionally, the speaker promoted their merchandise, which can be purchased on their website, shop.distractiblepodcast.com. They invited listeners to check it out and encouraged them to be near, implying a sense of community and connection. The speaker also hinted that there might be other layers of meaning to their words, as the other person they were speaking to seems to speak in riddles. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of authenticity, self-acceptance, and community.

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