
    About this Episode


    In this podcast, based on the eMHPrac webinar presented on 15th November 2015, we look at the factors influencing the mental health of people in the LGBTIQ community and the ways in which we as health professionals can help, both in our face to face dealings with LGBTIQ patients and in the recommendation of online resources developed especially for this population.

    Guest Experts:
    • Sally Morris – Social Worker and National Project Coordinator of MindOUT National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project
    • Stella Topaz – Registered Nurse Qlife National Project manager. Masters in Health Policy

    Both Stella and Sally are members of the LGBQ community as well as experts in mental health care in the community.

    Moderator: Dr Jan Orman – MBBS MPsychMed General Practitioner with a special interest in mental health and GP Services Consultant at the Black Dog Institute

    Recent Episodes from eMHPrac Webinar Based Podcasts – Black Dog Institute Podcasts

    eMHPrac Webinar 66: Supporting Families when Dementia Comes Knocking

    eMHPrac Webinar 66: Supporting Families when Dementia Comes Knocking

    Many people experience difficulties when a family member, friend or someone under their care is diagnosed with dementia. Health professionals are increasingly being asked what community members can do to assist a person maintain their dignity and a good quality of life after a diagnosis of dementia.


    In this webinar we discuss these issues with Dr Hilton Koppe, GP Educator at Dementia Training Australia and facilitator of the award-winning Australian podcast "Dementia in Practice". Hosted by Dr Jan Orman.

    Here’s the link to the graph to include in the podcast notes: https://d34ery7y7ckzql.cloudfront.net/3cb2dc2e-f580-4584-973a-0f95f04b43ff/Public/Resources/Webinar%2066%20Handout.pdf?150

    eMHPrac Webinar 65: Making the most of mental health questionnaires

    eMHPrac Webinar 65: Making the most of mental health questionnaires

    Measurement-based care is gaining popularity, but which questionnaire should you use and what do the data really mean? Psychometric assessment encompasses everything from neuropsychological testing to self-report questionnaires like the K10. Clinical Psychologist Dr Peter Baldwin takes us through how self-report questionnaires work, how to choose a questionnaire, and how to quickly and effectively interpret the scores. He also busts some common myths about mental health questionnaires and share insights from his research and clinical practice.

    Peter is joined by Dale Skinner, who lives with bipolar II. Dale is determined to provide a better understanding of mood disorders and in this webinar will share his own experience of navigating self-report questionnaires.



    Dr Peter Baldwin, academic clinical psychologist

    Dale Skinner, who lives with bipolar II


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura

    eMHPrac Webinar 64: Bonus Understanding Adult ADHD

    eMHPrac Webinar 64: Bonus Understanding Adult ADHD

    In this bonus episode we have an opportunity to hear from Dr Wee-Sian Woon about international models of care for ADHD. He is a GP and Clinical Editor for HealthPathways. He was awarded the Churchill Fellowship and explored models of care overseas to increase accessibility for the diagnosis and management of ADHD in adults. In this episode he shares a distillation of the state of play in Australia, some of the innovative models of care being used abroad, and possible models of care for Australia going forward.


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura.

    eMHPrac Webinar 64: Living Well with ADHD

    eMHPrac Webinar 64: Living Well with ADHD

    We discuss the prevalence of ADHD in adults and what prompts adults to seek a diagnosis. We explore neuroaffirming approaches and strategies for living well with ADHD. We look at strategies related to organisation, memory, stimulation, and sleep.



    Dr Sarah Barker, is a clinical psychologist with an interest in approaches to living well with ADHD to increase well-being.

    Dr Wee-Sian Woon is a GP and Clinical Editor for HealthPathways.

    Dr Sarah Sibson is a specialist GP with expertise in women’s health and neurodivergence, as well as lived experience with ADHD.


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura.

    eMHPrac Webinar 63: Using Social and Emotional Wellbeing Tools with First Nations Peoples

    eMHPrac Webinar 63: Using Social and Emotional Wellbeing Tools with First Nations Peoples

    The WellMob website is digital library with links to over 350 online resources to support the social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Using the example of an Indigenous client presenting with depression, podcast explains how the SEWB framework is relevant to clinical and community practice and show how to find and effectively use WellMob resources.



    David Edwards, Worimi man and Director of WellMob

    Angela Sheridan, Wiradjuri woman and Project Officer at WellMob

    Dr Mim Weber, Senior Workforce Development Officer at WellMob


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura.

    eMHPrac Webinar 62: Understanding Social And Emotional Wellbeing

    eMHPrac Webinar 62: Understanding Social And Emotional Wellbeing

    Many of us are aware of the term Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB), but what does SEWB mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how it might impact on our clinical practice? For this brief webinar, Dr Jan Orman will be joined by Angela Sheridan, a Wiradjuri woman and member of eMHPrac's WellMob website team. The WellMob website is based on this holistic SEWB model of health and wellbeing.  They will discuss how connection to culture, country and community can be a protective factor to tap into for your Indigenous patients and client wellbeing.


    eMHPrac Webinar 61: "What's the use of a Formulation?"

    eMHPrac Webinar 61: "What's the use of a Formulation?"

    A good formulation provides a solid foundation for effective mental health care. In this podcast GP Dr Jan Orman and psychologist Dr Melissa Black discuss the process of making a formulation, how it may work alongside a mental health diagnosis, and its value to both the clinician and their patient/client. 


    Melissa is the Clinical Research Lead and Clinical Psychologist at Black Dog Institute. She works across clinical research projects focusing on new models of care for specific populations such as healthcare workers and emergency service workers, as well as transdiagnostic treatments for common mental health problems (including depression, anxiety, trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorder). She is interested in how to better integrate digital tools with person-to-person therapy. She also works collaboratively with patients in Black Dog Institute Clinical Services, embracing her role as a scientist-practitioner.

    You can view the slides referred to in this Webinar here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/152_U2oukNtxsEheTWr_hA97Ul5oAWooT/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114901012576974386472&rtpof=true&sd=true

    eMHPrac Webinar 60: Anxiety Disorders in Women

    eMHPrac Webinar 60: Anxiety Disorders in Women

    Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition, and the leading cause of total burden amongst females aged 5-64. This webinar summarises the factors that increase the risk for anxiety amongst women and discusses how biological factors like the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception impact anxiety severity and treatment responsiveness. We describe how to modify the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders to improve outcomes for women by attending to these female-specific factors.



    Professor Bronwyn Graham, Professor and Clinical psychologist from University of New South Wales, Sydney

    Dr Catherine Choi, General Practitioner in Inner Sydney and the GP Lead at headspace Camperdown


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura, GP

    eMHPrac Webinar 59: Climate Change and Mental Health

    eMHPrac Webinar 59: Climate Change and Mental Health

    Climate change is a major global existential challenge that provokes intense feelings in many people. In most cases, concerns about climate change are a rational response to the problem and may lead to positive adaptation, but some people experience significant mental distress. This webinar explores the range of emotional responses to awareness of climate change and how they may impact mental health.  Key aspects of assessment and response to climate distress are discussed, with reference to emerging evidence and existing psychotherapeutic models. 



    Dr Anna Seth, GP, Co-chair of Doctors for the Environment Australia Mental Health Specific Interest Group, Climate Aware Practitioner, and facilitator with Psychology for a Safe Climate

    Brenda Dobia, Psychologist, Adjunct Fellow in the School of Education at Western Sydney University, a clinical practitioner at Headspace and a member of Psychology for a Safe Climate and the Climate Psychology Alliance

    Dr Chloe Watfern, Postdoctoral fellow at the Black Dog Institute’s Arts Based Knowledge Translation Lab and research associate of the Knowledge Translation Strategic Platform of Maridulu Budyari Gumal SPHERE (Sydney Partnership for Health Education Research and Enterprise)


    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura, GP

    eMHPrac Webinar 58: Mental health of young people impacted by cancer

    eMHPrac Webinar 58: Mental health of young people impacted by cancer

    Whether they’re dealing with a close family member’s cancer or their own, our studies show that young people are up to six times more likely to experience high or very high levels of psychological distress than their peers their own age. This webinar explores the impacts on young people, their needs, and how you can support them.

    Dr Esther Davis, clinical psychologist and Acting Research Manager for Canteen Australia

    Kelly Blackman, social worker and Clinical Team Leader for Canteen Australia
    Moderated by: Dr Phoebe Holdenson-Kimura, GP