
    Do you want to learn who you are?

    enJuly 31, 2024
    What are the advantages of developing psychic abilities?
    Why is self-awareness important in psychic practice?
    How can one learn to control their energy?
    What should be considered when creating spells?
    How does one find a trustworthy psychic reader?

    Podcast Summary

    • Witchy and Psychic abilitiesDiscovering your element, numbers, and reading signs can lead to unique insights, but requires self-awareness, learning, and control of energy. Psychic abilities bring valuable information, but can be overwhelming and require effective communication and responsibility.

      Being witchy and psychic involves discovering your element, numbers, and learning to read signs to understand yourself and the world around you. It's a unique ability with both advantages and challenges. You can develop these gifts, but it requires self-awareness and learning to control your energy. Psychic abilities can provide valuable insights, but they can also bring a lot of information that may be overwhelming. It's essential to learn how to zone in and out and communicate with the world in your unique way. Remember, there's a responsibility that comes with these abilities, and it's crucial to learn the hidden code and language to effectively navigate the world of the unknown.

    • Psychic abilitiesUse psychic abilities responsibly and diplomatically, respecting others' privacy. Find a trustworthy reader for accurate and diplomatic readings.

      Being psychically tuned in is a powerful ability, but it requires responsibility and diplomacy. While it can provide valuable insights and help navigate life's challenges, it also comes with the risk of encountering sensitive information. It's essential to use this gift wisely and respect others' privacy. The process of creating spells involves understanding the vibrations of different elements and combining them to conjure specific energies, much like cooking. However, it's important to remember that psychic readings should deliver accurate and diplomatic messages, even if they're difficult to hear. Finding a trustworthy and powerful reader is crucial for getting the most value from these readings. Ultimately, being psychically tuned in is a valuable tool for personal growth and healing, but it requires a strong sense of self, honesty, and respect for others.

    • Intuition and Life ChangesTrusting and following your intuition can lead to significant life changes, even if it seems beyond current comprehension or unconventional.

      Having a deep connection with your intuition and trusting it, even when it seems far-fetched or beyond current comprehension, can lead to significant life changes. The speaker shares personal experiences of predicting events like a celebrity reaching out to her and the COVID-19 pandemic, despite initial skepticism from others. She emphasizes the importance of staying in the "light" and following the guidance of the spirit, even if it means making difficult decisions. The speaker also encourages using intuition to one's advantage and trusting that the spirit is always on one's side. Overall, the message is to trust and believe in the power of intuition and inner guidance, even when it seems unconventional or challenging.

    • Witches' languageThe 'language of the witches' is a spiritual practice believed to be communicated through intuition, nature, and personal experiences. It requires dedication, practice, and authenticity, and emphasizes empathy and healing. Beware of superficial online resources and those who use this practice to take advantage of others.

      The speaker believes in the existence of a "language of the witches" that can be learned and used for individualized spiritual growth. This language is said to be communicated through various means, including intuition, nature, and personal experiences. However, the speaker warns against taking superficial online resources too seriously and emphasizes the importance of dedication, practice, and authenticity in this spiritual journey. The speaker also stresses the importance of empathy and healing, and warns against those who use this practice to take advantage of others. Overall, the speaker encourages a deep and personal exploration of this spiritual language, but also emphasizes the importance of self-care and discernment.

    • Differentiating true messages from noisePsychic abilities can bring both burdens and blessings. Tuning in to true messages requires filtering out the noise and focusing on the intended signal, like tuning a radio.

      Being psychically gifted can be both burdensome and liberating. The speaker shares an experience of receiving a premonition of a flood, but being unable to prevent it due to its occurrence in a different country. This experience underscores the importance of differentiating between what seems obvious and true messages. The speaker likens this process to tuning in a radio, where one picks up snippets of various channels as they dial in. This metaphor highlights the constant influx of information and the need to focus on the intended message. Despite the challenges, the speaker values the ability to help others through their fears and anxieties, providing a self-development aspect to their gift. The speaker also emphasizes that fear and negative energies are ultimately powerless, and that the most powerful energy is light.

    • Spiritual growthProtect the mystery and authenticity of your spiritual experiences while connecting with yourself, your boundaries, and the world around you, including spirits for support.

      We are all like walking projectors, shedding light on the world through our unique perspectives. Our spiritual growth is a deeply personal journey, and it's important to protect the mystery and authenticity of our experiences. Spirituality is about connecting with ourselves, our boundaries, and the world around us, including the spirits that guide and support us. We are not alone, as our bodies and spirits have their own teams to help us. Embrace the complexities of spirituality, and remember that the good far outweighs the troublesome. Communicate with your body and spirit, ask for help, and open yourself up to the fascinating world of spiritual growth.

    • Growth and learningEveryone has the power to learn new things and expand their knowledge, seek out opportunities and mentors, and keep an open mind for growth and self-improvement.

      Everyone has the power to learn new things and expand their knowledge. The speaker in this conversation expresses a deep passion for teaching and encourages the listener to keep an open mind and seek out new information. Despite the unconventional delivery, the core message is one of positivity, encouragement, and the limitless potential for growth and learning. The speaker's enthusiasm and affection for the listener shine through, emphasizing the importance of self-improvement and the value of knowledge. So, if you're feeling stuck or uninspired, remember that you have the power to learn and grow, and don't hesitate to seek out new opportunities and mentors. Keep your mind open, your heart full, and your curiosity alive.

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