
    Doctors Reveal How They Heal Their Autoimmune Disease

    enApril 01, 2024
    What platform simplifies lab ordering for practitioners?
    How does Timeline supplement improve fitness according to Dr. Mark?
    What is the focus of functional medicine?
    What lifestyle changes helped those with progressive MS?
    Why is functional medicine considered beyond conventional medicine?

    Podcast Summary

    • Simplifying lab testing in functional medicineDr. Mark introduces Group of Health, a free platform for lab ordering and management, saving time and eliminating administrative hassles, with access to over 3,000 tests from multiple lab companies.

      Making lab testing more efficient and hassle-free can significantly improve the practice of functional medicine. Dr. Mark introduces Group of Health, a platform that simplifies lab ordering and management, allowing practitioners to access over 3,000 tests from various lab companies in one convenient portal, with only one invoice for all tests. This not only saves time and eliminates administrative headaches but is also completely free. Additionally, Dr. Mark shares his personal experience of enhancing his fitness journey through a supplement called Timeline, which helps improve cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance by replacing worn-out mitochondria. He encourages going back to basics and understanding the foundations of disease and cellular repair to approach health holistically.

    • Addressing Inflammation for Chronic ConditionsInflammation can cause chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Addressing it through a stepwise approach, maintaining a consistent routine, and recognizing the importance of overall health can offer hope and improvement.

      Inflammation, which can manifest in various ways such as nerve damage, gut issues, and thyroid problems, can be a root cause of chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The speaker's personal experience showed that addressing inflammation in a stepwise and controlled manner, even when traditional medicine may not offer a cure, can provide hope and improvement. Another crucial aspect is recognizing the importance of maintaining a consistent routine, including sleep patterns and meal times, to reduce stress on the body and improve overall health.

    • Understanding health as a systemExploring traditional and functional medicine, personalized diet, and cross-disciplinary communication can lead to improved health and well-being.

      Our health is connected in complex ways, and treating it as a system rather than a collection of separate parts can lead to better understanding and solutions. The speaker's personal journey involved learning about the interconnectedness of the body's systems through traditional Chinese medicine and functional medicine. This shift in thinking led her to explore a personalized diet, including ancestral eating and eliminating gluten, which had a significant impact on her health. However, she encountered resistance from conventional medical professionals, highlighting the need for more cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration in healthcare. Ultimately, her experience underscores the importance of considering the body as a whole system and seeking out knowledge and resources that can help optimize energy and overall well-being.

    • The Impact of Gut Health on Oral Health and Overall WellbeingGut health significantly affects oral health and overall wellbeing. Gluten can cause inflammation, leading to poor oral hygiene and tooth defects. Essential fats, like Pentidicanoic Acid or C15 from Fatty 15, offer cellular benefits and can improve gut health.

      The health of our gut plays a significant role in our overall wellbeing, including oral health. Gluten can cause inflammation in the gut, leading to poor oral hygiene and tooth defects. Removing gluten from one's diet can lead to initial discomfort, but long-term health improvements. Essential fats, particularly Pentidicanoic Acid or C15 from Fatty 15, have been discovered as a third essential fat and offer significant cellular benefits. The evidence for the importance of gut health, the impact of food on the body, and the role of toxins in disease is vast, yet often overlooked in conventional medical literature. It can take years for new research to translate into clinical care. The discovery of the importance of hand washing is an example of how groundbreaking ideas are initially met with skepticism.

    • Acceptance of hand washing as a medical practice took timeNavigating functional medicine options can be overwhelming, but having a supportive network can provide clarity and lead to new discoveries in healing and career

      Changing medical paradigms can be challenging, as was the case with the acceptance of hand washing to prevent the spread of infection. When doctors didn't understand the concept of bacteria, common sense wasn't enough to bring about change. It took decades and a tragic outcome for the medical community to acknowledge the importance of hand washing. Similarly, when seeking healing, it can be overwhelming to navigate the infinite options in functional medicine. But having a supportive network, like the unconventional guidance from a clairvoyant friend, can provide clarity and direction. In my personal journey, shadowing integrative doctors led me to discover functional medicine, which became a turning point in both my healing process and my career as a doctor.

    • Unexpected solutions from unexpected sourcesOpen-mindedness to new experiences can lead to personal growth and unexpected solutions to problems

      Sometimes, the solutions to our problems may come from unexpected sources and may involve things we've never considered before. In this case, a heavy energy in a house causing night terrors led the family to try a Native American cleansing ritual using sage. The experience not only helped alleviate the night terrors but also introduced the concept of developing intuition as a means of personal growth. The skeptical mother was initially hesitant but open-minded and eventually found value in the practice. This story serves as a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective to find solutions to seemingly intractable problems.

    • Listening to your body's intuition for healingTune in to your body's signals, start with a Mediterranean-style diet, gradually incorporate paleo elements, and trust the healing process for improved well-being.

      Healing from physical and emotional trauma involves listening to your body's intuition and making dietary changes to support your overall health. The speaker shared her personal journey of overcoming an illness through intuition, functional medicine, and dietary modifications, including eliminating gluten and toxins. She emphasized the importance of learning to trust your body's signals and using them to guide your choices. The speaker also recommended starting with a Mediterranean-style diet and gradually incorporating more paleolithic elements, such as organ meats and seaweeds, for optimal health. Overall, the key takeaway is that by tuning in to your body's needs and making informed dietary choices, you can facilitate the healing process and improve your overall well-being.

    • The Liver: A Nutrient Powerhouse and SuperfoodThe liver is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, K, E, B vitamins, minerals, and coenzyme Q10. Consume it in moderation and from organic sources to avoid toxins. Eliminate gluten, dairy, eggs, grains, beans, processed foods, sugar, and alcohol, and increase vegetable consumption, particularly greens, for optimal health.

      The liver is a nutrient powerhouse and a superfood for humans. It is rich in vitamins A, K, E, B vitamins, minerals, and coenzyme Q10, many of which are important for mitochondrial health and healthy aging. The liver contains more nutrients than most other foods, making it a significant source of essential vitamins and minerals. However, it does not contain vitamin C, so it's important to consume other sources of this vitamin. While the liver is a great food to include in your diet, it's important to consume it in moderation, as too much vitamin A can be toxic. Other organ meats, such as heart and various types of shellfish, are also nutritious and delicious. It's also important to ensure that the liver comes from organic sources to avoid potential toxins, which are primarily stored in the animal's fat. In summary, the dietary principles involve eliminating gluten, dairy, eggs, grains, beans, processed foods, sugar, and alcohol, and increasing vegetable consumption, particularly greens, which are rich in essential nutrients for eye and brain health. Cabbage, onions, and mushrooms also offer great detox support.

    • Eating a balanced diet with vegetables from the broccoli and onion families, mushrooms, and various colors, along with sufficient protein, supports health.A balanced diet rich in vegetables from specific families, mushrooms, and adequate protein enhances health, boosts antioxidants, and strengthens immunity.

      A balanced diet rich in vegetables from the broccoli and onion families, mushrooms, and a variety of colors, along with sufficient protein, plays a crucial role in supporting our health. This dietary approach helps boost intracellular antioxidants, enhance immunity, and promote better nerve growth. Additionally, it's essential to consider lifestyle factors like stress management, exercise, and muscle simulation, as well as hot and cold therapies. The holistic approach to health involves addressing multiple aspects, as various factors can contribute to health issues, such as nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances. By considering these interconnected elements, we can create more effective and comprehensive interventions for managing chronic conditions.

    • A multimodal lifestyle intervention for progressive MSA comprehensive lifestyle intervention including diet, exercise, meditation, and self-massage significantly improved fatigue, anxiety, and memory performance for individuals with progressive MS, while holding functional decline steady.

      A comprehensive lifestyle intervention, including a nutrient-dense diet, exercise, meditation, and self-massage, significantly improved the lives of individuals with progressive MS, despite initial skepticism from funding agencies. The first study showed that participants could follow the intervention, experienced a significant reduction in fatigue and anxiety, and improved memory performance. Remarkably, the group as a whole held their functional decline steady, which is unusual for progressive MS. Subsequent studies further validated these findings, demonstrating the feasibility and efficacy of this multimodal approach. Despite challenges in securing funding, the transformative impact on people's lives led to private donor support, enabling the research to continue.

    • Significant improvements seen in MS patients following a specific diet for 12 weeksA study shows that following a specific diet led to reduced fatigue, improved quality of life, and enhanced physical function in people with MS, with some participants experiencing disappearing lesions and improved symptoms.

      A small study, funded by donors, showed significant improvements in fatigue, quality of life, and physical function in people with clinically isolated syndrome and relapsing-remitting MS after following a specific diet for 12 weeks. The study was about to begin before the pandemic, but had to be redesigned as a virtual study with three arms: an intervention group following the diet and lifestyle interventions, a control group taking disease-modifying therapy, and a third arm abstracting medical records of newly diagnosed MS patients. The study aims to analyze data on lesions and relapses, and preliminary results show some participants experiencing disappearing lesions and improved symptoms. The research has gained attention and funding from the MS Society following a viral TED Talk, a best-selling book, and social media monitoring. Neurologists are starting to recognize the importance of diet and lifestyle interventions in MS care, and more research is being conducted on various diets and their potential effects.

    • Holistic approach to health and multiple sclerosisA holistic approach to health, focusing on complex systems and addressing root causes, can significantly improve quality of life for multiple sclerosis patients. Upcoming studies explore the effectiveness of diet changes and online programs in improving symptoms and fatigue.

      A holistic approach to health, focusing on complex systems and supporting the entire system, can lead to significant improvements in quality of life and potentially even the management of conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS). This approach, known as functional medicine, emphasizes the importance of diet, lifestyle, and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms or diseases specifically. The speaker mentioned their excitement about upcoming studies, including one evaluating the effectiveness of an online program in improving diet and associated changes in quality of life and fatigue, and another large study on the Wahls diet and ketogenic diet, funded by private donors due to lack of government funding for nutrition research. The speaker also shared their personal experience of shifting the conversation around health to focus on supporting the body's chemistry of life, leading to improved health outcomes for MS patients. An intriguing anecdote from the past involved an MS patient noticing improvements in their condition when their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms subsided. This observation highlights the potential connection between gut health and MS, further emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to health.

    • The microbiome's impact on MS and immune responseThe microbiome significantly influences the immune system, particularly in MS, by communicating with T cells and regulating inflammatory molecules. Addressing gut health through behavior change and group clinics, like the Wall's Protocol, can impact the immune response and improve overall system function.

      The microbiome plays a significant role in the immune system, particularly in inflammatory diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The microbiome influences the immune response by communicating with T cells and regulating the production of inflammatory molecules. A leaky gut can lead to a leaky brain, allowing immune cells and inflammatory molecules to enter and impact the brain's immune response. The Wall's Protocol, which focuses on behavior change and group clinics, can effectively address gut health and, in turn, impact the immune response in MS patients. While functional medicine testing could potentially accelerate recovery, the Wall's Protocol has proven successful in reversing disease and optimizing overall system function. The importance of the microbiome extends beyond MS, as it influences nutrient levels and reduces inflammation throughout the body. The work being done in this area is radical and has brought hope to millions of people, providing access points for those who may not have had them before.

    • Exploring the Power of Functional MedicineFunctional medicine addresses root causes through diet, lifestyle, and sometimes additional support, treating the body as a system and considering factors like rhythm, food, exercise, and emotional health. It's a powerful approach to recovery for those suffering from various health issues.

      Functional medicine offers a roadmap to recovery for those suffering from various health issues, focusing on the interconnectedness of the body and addressing root causes through diet, lifestyle, and sometimes additional support. Functional medicine goes beyond conventional medicine by treating the body as a system and considering factors like rhythm, food, exercise, and emotional health. It's a powerful approach that has helped many people, including the speaker and the woman with vestibular migraines, recover from debilitating conditions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of hope and encourages those who are suffering to explore functional medicine as a potential solution. The free five-day challenge and the autoimmune intervention mastery course are accessible online resources for those interested in starting their functional medicine journey.

    • Healing the root causes with functional medicineFunctional medicine addresses underlying causes of health issues through diet, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplements, leading to symptom relief and overall wellness.

      Functional medicine focuses on restoring health by removing the root causes and adding in essential nutrients. This approach was effective for a patient with severe inflammation, migraines, and gut issues. By addressing her gut health, inflammation, and providing an anti-inflammatory diet, the patient was able to recover and live symptom-free. Additionally, acknowledging and validating the patient's struggles was crucial in building a successful treatment relationship. Functional medicine offers a more holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing that the body is intelligent and capable of healing when given the right tools and support. This patient's transformation serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for recovery and the importance of exploring alternative healing methods.

    • Personal experiences and wellness training can improve healthcareEmpathy, belief in patients, and compassionate care can be fostered through personal experiences or wellness training for medical professionals, potentially improving patient outcomes.

      The healthcare system could benefit greatly if medical professionals had personal experiences with illness or underwent immersive wellness training. This could lead to increased empathy, belief in patients, and a reduction in dismissive attitudes towards certain conditions. The current system may inadvertently perpetuate illness through a lack of understanding and compassion. Functional medicine, which focuses on creating health, can break this cycle by providing a science-based approach to wellness. Additionally, releasing hope and embracing surrender can be more effective for those suffering from chronic illness than constant optimism. The healthcare field could learn from ancient healing traditions that selected healers based on their own health crises or initiatory illnesses. To improve patient care and outcomes, it's essential to address the trauma and unwellness within the healthcare system itself.

    • Healing goes beyond traditional medicineExplore journaling, asking new questions, resetting inner clock, building community, intuition, and nature for holistic healing

      Grief is not just about losing physical function or dealing with past traumas, but also about releasing subconscious programming and making room for healing and optimism. The speaker discovered this through her own healing journey, which involved journaling, asking new questions, resetting her inner clock, and building a community for support. She also emphasizes the importance of listening to your intuition and connecting with nature. Through her experience, she learned that true healing goes beyond traditional medicine and requires a holistic approach. The 15 steps she outlines in her book provide a practical guide for individuals to begin their own healing journey.

    • The Role of Intuition and Emotions in HealingDoctors can prioritize pleasure, heal the gut, find purpose, and share stories to build human connections with patients, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional help.

      Intuition and human emotions play a significant role in scientific discoveries and healing. Dr. Mark Hyman shared his personal journey of healing from chronic illness and emphasized the importance of prioritizing pleasure, healing the gut, and finding purpose. He encouraged doctors to share their stories and build human connections with their patients. The taboo around doctors disclosing their health issues was also addressed, and the importance of seeking professional help was emphasized. The podcast, which is separate from Dr. Hyman's clinical practice, offers practical ways to improve health and is supported by sponsors to keep it free and accessible to the general public.

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    Highlights from this episode:

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    4. How the wrong exercises mixed with adrenal fatigue could be contributing to stubborn weight gain
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    Connect with Katie to learn more about how she could help you:


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    Thank you Katie!!


    This is not medical advice or meant to be diagnostic in any way.

    All podcast interview inquires can be sent to kellyrompelcoaching@gmail.com

    The Food Doctor: The 4 Foods You MUST Avoid If You Want To Be Healthy! - Dr. Will Cole

    The Food Doctor: The 4 Foods You MUST Avoid If You Want To Be Healthy! - Dr. Will Cole
    At some point in your life you have felt how your thoughts and emotions have had impacts on your body, whether that is not sleeping because of stress or stomach aches from anxiety. While we’ve all felt that modern medicine denies any connection between the two and the effects they have on each other. Dr Will Cole believes that we can’t just separate mental health from physical health as they so obviously affect each other. He believes that the way to heal ourselves fully and not just treat symptoms is to be aware of what we our putting into our bodies, from thoughts to nutrition. In this revolutionary conversation Dr Will Cole teaches all you need to relearn about wellness and how your body works to become healthier and happier in body and mind. His new book ‘Gut Feelings’ is available now: https://amzn.to/3ZMzcp5 Dr Will Cole: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3Z2Cq77 Website: http://bit.ly/3TmQur6 Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Gut-Metabolism Connection

    The Gut-Metabolism Connection


    • Frustration with extreme weight loss approaches.
    • Passion for healing metabolism for natural weight regulation.
    • Introduction to Metabolic Endotoxemia (ME) and its link to gut health.

    Understanding Metabolic Endotoxemia (ME):

    • ME linked to microbiome insult, impacting gut health.
    • Factors include antibiotics, c-section, lack of breastfeeding, and low-fiber diet.
    • Vicious cycle: Microbiome issues lead to low fiber, worsening diversity.
    • Leaky gut allows lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to trigger systemic inflammation.
    • Altered hunger signaling and reduced satiety hormones contribute to obesity.

    Impact of Endotoxemia:

    • Metabolic syndrome features tied to ME: inflammation, insulin resistance, central fat storage, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

    Scientific Quotes on Endotoxemia:

    • Gut dysbiosis induces oxidative stress and ME, major drivers of obesity.
    • Oxidative stress key in developing complications of type 2 diabetes.
    • Gut dysbiosis linked to chronic inflammation in coronary artery disease.

    Studies and Interventions:

    1. Diet High in Fiber, Polyphenols, and Functional Foods:

      • Improved metabolic markers in type 2 diabetes subjects.
      • Lowered blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and inflammation.
    2. Flaxseed Intervention:

      • Lowered intestinal permeability and LPS in perimenopausal, overweight females.
    3. Pomegranate Extract:

      • Reduced inflammation, improved gut bacteria, and lowered endotoxemia in overweight subjects with high cholesterol.
    4. Resistant Dextrin (Prebiotic):

      • Lowered endotoxemia, improved sleep, quality of life, inflammation, and blood sugar in type 2 diabetes females.
    5. Probiotic (Lactobacillus Rosis GG):

      • Improved inflammation, lowered endotoxemia, and enhanced metabolic outcomes in coronary artery disease subjects.
    6. Symbiotic Intervention (Probiotic + Prebiotic):

      • Significant improvement in endotoxemia, inflammation, and metabolic markers in subjects with obesity.

    Practical Applications and Recommendations:

    • Testing for endotoxemia using LPS antibodies.
    • Dietary focus on high polyphenol, unrefined carbs, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense foods.
    • Power foods include flax seeds, chia seeds, true fermented yogurt, and pomegranate extract.
    • Individualized approach for gut dysbiosis, starting with digestive support.


    • Emphasis on the gut-metabolism connection.
    • Majority may have endotoxemia, a main driver of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
    • Solutions involve optimizing gut health through diet, supplements, and personalized approaches.

    References used in this episode:

    1.Medina-Vera I, Sanchez-Tapia M, Noriega-Lopez L, et al. A dietary intervention with functional foods reduces metabolic endotoxaemia and attenuates biochemical abnormalities by modifying faecal microbiota in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2019;45(2):122-131.

    2.Krumbeck JA, Rasmussen HE, Hutkins RW, et al. Probiotic Bifidobacterium strains and galactooligosaccharides improve intestinal barrier function in obese adults but show no synergism when used together as synbiotics. Microbiome. 2018;6(1):121.

    3.Saleh-Ghadimi S, Dehghan P, Sarmadi B, Maleki P. Improvement of sleep by resistant dextrin prebiotic in type 2 diabetic women coincides with attenuation of metabolic endotoxemia: involvement of gut-brain axis. J Sci Food Agric. 2022;102(12):5229-5237.

    4.Fallah F, Mahdavi R. L-Carnitine and synbiotic co-supplementation: beneficial effects on metabolic-endotoxemia, meta-inflammation, and oxidative-stress biomarkers in obese patients: a double blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Food Funct. 2023;14(4):2172-2187.

    5.Moludi J, Kafil HS, Qaisar SA, Gholizadeh P, Alizadeh M, Vayghyan HJ. Effect of probiotic supplementation along with calorie restriction on metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation markers in coronary artery disease patients: a double blindplacebo controlled randomized clinical trial. Nutr J. 2021;20(1):47.

    6.Farhangi MA, Dehghan P, Namazi N. Prebiotic supplementation modulates advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE), and cardiometabolic risk factors through improving metabolic endotoxemia: a randomized-controlled clinical trial. Eur J Nutr. 2020;59(7):3009-3021.

    Gonzalez-Sarrias A, Nunez-Sanchez MA, Avila-Galvez MA, et al. Consumption of pomegranate decreases plasma lipopolysaccharide-binding protein levels, a marker of metabolic endotoxemia, in patients with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Food Funct. 2018;9(5):2617-2622.

    8. Gonzalez-Sarrias A, Romo-Vaquero M, Garcia-Villalba R, Cortes-Martin A, Selma MV, Espin JC. The Endotoxemia Marker Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein is Reduced in Overweight-Obese Subjects Consuming Pomegranate Extract by Modulating the Gut Microbiota: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2018;62(11):e1800160.

    9. Millischer V, Heinzl M, Faka A, et al. Intravenous administration of LPS activates the kynurenine pathway in healthy male human subjects: a prospective placebo-controlled cross-over trial. J Neuroinflammation. 2021;18(1):158.

    10. Iqbal A, Prince LR, Novodvorsky P, et al. Effect of Hypoglycemia on Inflammatory Responses and the Response to Low-Dose Endotoxemia in Humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104(4):1187-1199.

    11. Pei R, DiMarco DM, Putt KK, et al. Premeal Low-Fat Yogurt Consumption Reduces Postprandial Inflammation and Markers of Endotoxin Exposure in Healthy Premenopausal Women in a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr. 2018;148(6):910-916.

    12. Madison AA, Belury MA, Andridge R, et al. Afternoon distraction: a high-saturated-fat meal and endotoxemia impact postmeal attention in a randomized crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;111(6):1150-1158.

    13. Sant'Ana CT, Amorim AD, Gava AP, et al. Brown and golden flaxseed reduce intestinal permeability and endotoxemia, and improve the lipid profile in perimenopausal overweight women. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2022;73(6):829-840.

    14. Frank J, Gupta A, Osadchiy V, Mayer EA. Brain-Gut-Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity. Nutrients. 2021;13(2).

    15. Cani PD, Osto M, Geurts L, Everard A. Involvement of gut microbiota in the development of low-grade inflammation and type 2 diabetes associated with obesity. Gut Microbes. 2012;3(4):279-288.

    Lean for Life is now in the App Store!

    Heal your Metabolism with the Lean for Life app: https://empowered-nutrition.ck.page/193bb2cd67

    Help yourself feel aligned using our three phase approach: Lean for Life Membership called Heal, Optimize , and Refinewhere you will be empowered to reverse previous metabolic damage with the assistance of our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Check out more details on our website!

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    Optimizing the Gut-Hormone-Detox Axis with Gayatri Saldivar MS, RDN, CLT, IFNCP

    Optimizing the Gut-Hormone-Detox Axis with Gayatri Saldivar MS, RDN, CLT, IFNCP

    In this episode, dietitian Gayatri discusses the importance of addressing root causes for optimal health.

    A little bit about Gayatri:

    Gayatri Saldivar, MS, RDN, CLT, IFNCP is an expert in the art and science of lab-based protocol design to help clients achieve whole-body wellness. Integrating the Kalish method and the science of nutritional genomics into her work, she named her practice 23 Nutrition Therapy. She is certified in Lifestyle Eating And Performance (LEAP) therapy and customizes anti-inflammation and elimination diets. 

    In this episode, she emphasizes the gut hormone detox connection and how it can lead to symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, sleep issues, and gut problems. Saldivar shares her approach of comprehensive root cause analysis and testing to help clients rebalance stress hormones, heal the gut lining, and support detoxification for sustainable wellness. The episode also explores various testing methods, including gut testing, hormone testing, conventional lab work, and micronutrient testing, as well as the significance of personalized nutrition and lifestyle changes. Practical tips are provided to support gut healing, hormone balance, and detox pathways, while debunking diet misconceptions.

    Key Points:

     • Comprehensive testing is crucial in identifying imbalances in stress hormones, gut health, and detoxification.

     • Correcting the gut hormone detox connection in the right order can lead to significant progress in healing and overall well-being.

    • Detox pathways are evaluated, with a specific emphasis on liver function and glutathione levels.

    • A clear and structured plan is developed to address specific concerns in a phased approach.

    • Misconceptions exist on both extremes: thinking diet alone can solve everything or dismissing diet as unrelated to health problems.

    • Struggling with gut breakdown due to a poor diet but still wanting to consume trigger foods or drinks creates a disconnect.

    • Quick wins for gut, hormone, and detox health include focusing on chewing food properly and ensuring adequate protein intake.


    Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding of your own health or seeking guidance to support others on their health journey, this episode has something for everyone.

    Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health! 

    Thank you for being a part of our podcast community. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to sharing more enlightening episodes with you.

    Did you know that Lean for Life is now in the App Store?

    Heal your Metabolism with the Lean for Life app: https://empowered-nutrition.ck.page/193bb2cd67

    Help yourself feel aligned using our three phase approach: Lean for Life Membership called Heal, Optimize , and Refinewhere you will be empowered to reverse previous metabolic damage with the assistance of our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Check out more details on our website!

    Want to learn more about our one-on-one Empowered Nutrition coaching? Book a free chemistry call to discuss your story and see if we're a good fit.

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    Do you have questions you would like answered on the Empowered Nutrition podcast? You can propose your questions/ideas by email to: podcast@empowerednutrition.health

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