
    Does Gratitude Help Our Mental Health?

    enMay 01, 2023

    About this Episode

    If you’re someone who has been around the mental health space for a bit, whether from reading or hearing things or dealing with it yourself, you’ve probably come across the concept of gratitude. 

    Gratitude is something that counsellors and psychologists suggest as a tool to help us when we’re struggling with our mental health, and you only have to walk into any stationery or book store to see how popular it has become – there are gratitude journals *everywhere*. And that’s for a reason – gratitude is actually something that can help our mental health.

    But what about as Christians? Should we be following secular suggestions of ‘cultivating a mindset of gratitude’ by simply listing what we’re thankful for, or is there more to gratitude when faith is mixed in?

    This episode we’re speaking with Stephen Unwin, who is actually part of the Anxious Faith team and an editor for Our Daily Bread Ministries. In his spare time, not that there’s much of it, he’s also studying his PhD around the concept of ‘Gratitude and Gift in the Christian Life’.

    While Stephen hasn’t had to deal with mental health challenges of his own, his years of research into what gratitude is have shown how gratitude can help our mental health. 

    In the first half of this episode we’ll talk about what gratitude is, what it looks like in a faith-based context, and where we see it in the Bible. After the break, we’ll chat more about how gratitude can be lived out not just during the good times, but even when we’re struggling or suffering. We’ll also explore some ideas for how we can practise gratitude in those hard times, so make sure you hang around till the end!


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety or your mental health, we’d really encourage you to speak to a doctor, mental health professional, or reach out to one of the organisations on our Help page.

    Recent Episodes from Anxious Faith

    What If The Anxiety Comes Back?

    What If The Anxiety Comes Back?

    We’ve shared lots of stories of people who have dealt with anxiety, and for many of them, the reality is they may always deal with anxiety. But what if you went and sought help, brought it all to God, went to regular therapy sessions and even tried medication,only for anxiety to come back, and come back stronger? 

    What would it be like to do all the right things, to think you had beaten anxiety, only for the anxiety to return later on?

    This episode we’re chatting with Tiffany, a teacher and writer in California in the US who lived this experience. She shares what it’s like to have the anxiety come back even after doing everything right, but also the difference she experienced when she chose to allow her church community into what she struggled with, and the difference that made in her faith.


    Tiffany has also written several pieces for us on the blog, including ‘Clinical Anxiety Isn’t What the Church Thinks It Is’ and ‘How to Be Helpful When a Loved One Tells You They’re Anxious’.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    We Are Not Our Feelings

    We Are Not Our Feelings

    Many of our guests have shared that they’ve experienced some form of anxiety since childhood. But that’s not always the case; for some people, anxiety or any other mental illness might not show up until later in life, seemingly out of nowhere. That was the case for Akos.

    It wasn’t until his 30’s that Akos faced anxiety for the first time, in the form of a panic attack while seated on a small aircraft. That seemingly isolated incident led to a second panic attack, and a third, until his anxiety worsened.

    Despite having a strong faith and a good understanding of mental health—Akos was working in ministry and married to a psychologist, after all—he wrestled with recurring anxious thoughts and couldn’t seem to control his feelings. And that led to a shift in his understanding, as he learned that he was not his anxious feelings — they were separate from him, much like how we can be confronted with sinful temptations that are not a part of our identity. 

    By seeing his anxiety as something outside of who he is as a person, Akos has been able to come to terms with the uncontrollable thoughts he sometimes has and yet choose how to respond to them. 

    Today, he shares with us how he sees the Bible’s “heroes of the faith” also being confronted with trials and suffering outside of their control, but choosing to remain faithful to God and trust in His promises.

    Akos has written several pieces on our blog, including 10 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Having Good Mental Health and As a Christian Bloke, Here’s What I’ve Learned About Dealing With Difficult Emotions.


    If you want to see more of how Akos engages with faith, mental health, and culture, you can check out his personal blog here.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    Managing OCD With God

    Managing OCD With God

    To kick off this year, we’re chatting with Amelie, a university student in Sydney. Amelie’s mental health journey started during high school, with what she thought was anxiety and experiencing a lot of existential dread. Initially she thought that the anxiety was all based around school pressure and performance, but it wasn’t long after she graduated that she realised the feelings hadn’t gone away, which led to a diagnosis of OCD - or obsessive compulsive disorder.

    Amazingly though, it was the beginning of her anxiety and mental health journey that actually led Amelie to finding God in high school, and she has a great story of how the growth of her faith has enabled her, along with a lot of hard work and medication, to be in a much better place where her OCD is now manageable, and to know that God is good, God is just, and God is holy even amidst the struggles of OCD.


    Amelie has also shared part of her story in a blog post for us, called With Trauma Came OCD, but Then Came Jesus.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    Wrapping up the Year

    Wrapping up the Year

    Join James, Maddy and Ethan in our final episode of the year to take a look back on where Anxious Faith began and where we’re heading. From small beginnings in January 2023 to almost 25,000 podcast downloads and a growing online community, we’re so grateful for where God has brought us this year. 

    Tune in for a quick recap of all 21 episodes, as well as the team’s reflections on some key things we’ve learned through our work this year that have helped us each in our own mental health journeys. We also take a look at some highlights from the blog this year, and chat about our vision for Anxious Faith in 2024.

    Lastly, we want to say thank you to each of you for listening, sharing your stories with us, and helping us pioneer this ministry. We’re excited for what’s ahead, but in the meantime, we hope you’ll join us on this reflection of the year that’s been! 


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    When Your OCD Is About Your Faith

    When Your OCD Is About Your Faith

    OCD is made up of intrusive thoughts that you can’t control around a particular issue–that’s the “obsession”–and those thoughts cause an incredible amount of anxiety unless you complete a certain action you feel compelled to do–that’s the “compulsive” part. Within the family of OCD, there are a number of different subtypes.

    But what if your OCD is about your faith?

    This episode we’re chatting to Mary, a young woman in the UK who has religious OCD or “scrupulosity”, a type where the obsession and intrusive thoughts are all focused around religion and faith. Having grown up in a Christian family, this has been a difficult journey for Mary.

    For Mary and others suffering with the religious type of OCD, their intrusive thoughts are focused on questions such as whether God is real, and if the Bible can be trusted. While these are questions that we might all ask during our faith journeys, for those with religious OCD, these thoughts are persistent and inescapable.


    Mary's blog piece: I Wish I'd Known It Was Religious OCD


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    When Trauma Leads to Addiction

    When Trauma Leads to Addiction

    Trauma is a big and complex thing, and a topic we want to unpack in more depth in the future; but in today’s episode, we’re sharing the story of one man’s trauma, and the addiction and mental illness it led to.

    Dr Mark McNear is a licensed clinical social worker in New Jersey in the US. As a child, Mark suffered significant trauma and abuse, which he did his best to numb himself from. It wasn’t until Mark was in his 50’s that his doctor noticed he’d been abusing prescription medication and referred him to a rehab centre that could help. 

    Mark calls that day the best and worst day of his life. His wife drove him to rehab and checked him in for several months. As he began to get clean from his substance abuse, Mark was left with memories flooding back to him; recollections of the trauma he’d experienced that he’d suppressed his entire adult life and had never told anyone about.

    With no way to run from the trauma, Mark had no choice but to acknowledge it, share it with others, and work towards healing. In this episode, Mark encourages listeners who’ve faced trauma with lessons he’s learned from his own journey, and shares with us how we as people of faith can walk alongside people we know who may be dealing with trauma or substance abuse. 


    Mark’s book, Finding My Words: A Ruthless Commitment to Healing Gently After Trauma weaves his own story with powerful gospel truths, and reminds us that God is with us in the messiness of life and wants to see us recovering from trauma. You can contact Mark via his website here.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you’re struggling with trauma or addiction yourself, please talk to someone to seek help. That might be a friend, family member, pastor, or your doctor. If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, there’s a list of helplines you can call here.

    A Psychologist Answers Your Questions

    A Psychologist Answers Your Questions

    This episode, we’re speaking to Dr Sarah Morris, a clinical psychologist in Melbourne, Australia. Not only is Sarah a specialist who runs her own practice, but she is also a follower of Jesus who walks the road daily in both mental health and faith spaces. 

    Have you ever wondered, ‘What exactly does a psychologist do?’ Or maybe you’ve heard about cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and ‘measurement-based practice’ and have no idea what those things involve. Well, Dr Sarah is here to answer all our questions!

    If you’ve never had any firsthand experience of seeing a psychologist, it can sometimes be a bit confusing to know exactly what that looks like. And, if you’re a person of faith, you may have wondered whether the field of psychology is compatible with our faith. 

    In this episode, Dr Sarah gives us an overview on what psychology is, how it differs from psychiatry and counselling, and also shares about some of the common types of treatments that psychologists will use with someone. She also shares with us how her Christian faith plays into her profession, and whether faith and psychology are ever at odds. Listen in to find out!


    Here in Australia, you can visit a psychologist by chatting with your GP to get on a ‘mental health care plan’. If you’re wanting to know what that first visit to your GP looks like, check out this short video of Dr Sarah (a different Dr Sarah from this episode!) explaining the process.

    You might also like to read ‘If Jesus Is Enough, Why Would I Need Psychology?’ and ‘Does My Psychologist Need to Be Christian?’ on our blog.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety or your mental health, we’d really encourage you to speak to a doctor, mental health professional, or reach out to one of the organisations on our Help page.

    Is 'Mindfulness' Okay as a Christian?

    Is 'Mindfulness' Okay as a Christian?

    ‘Mindfulness’ is one of the big practices that are often recommended or suggested to people who are struggling with their mental health. But as Christians, is mindfulness something that we should throw ourselves into without question? Do we need to be careful in following these exercises?

    This episode, we’re speaking with Dr Katherine Thompson, a mental health social worker, member of the Centre of Theology and Psychology, and author of Christ-Centred Mindfulness.  

    Katherine first unpacks what mindfulness is, where it came from, and how it can help our minds and bodies. She then shares how she’s learned to integrate mindfulness and meditative practices with her faith, and takes us through a couple of ‘Christ-centred’ mindfulness exercises that listeners can follow along with.


    If you’re interested in trying some of your own meditating on God’s Word, we’d love to introduce to you to a podcast produced by our colleagues in the UK office of Our Daily Bread Ministries. Evening Meditations are short, 10-minute daily episodes that encourage us to refocus our hearts on God and to untangle ourselves from the busyness of life.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety or your mental health, we’d really encourage you to speak to a doctor, mental health professional, or reach out to one of the organisations on our Help page.

    When Suicide Strikes

    When Suicide Strikes

    As our Suicide Awareness Month comes to a close, we’re taking a look at some of the bigger questions that come along with the topic, such as ‘Was this my fault?’, ‘Could I have done more?’, and ‘How could God let this happen?’. 

    To do that we’re hearing from Al Hsu, a writer in the US who wrote the Discovery Series When Suicide Strikes for Our Daily Bread Ministries, our parent ministry. Al sadly lost his own father to suicide when he was in his twenties, and has wrestled with each of these questions himself. 

    In this episode, Al unpacks the concept of “false guilt” that’s common among suicide survivors, and shares with us that grief isn’t a race and that we have a gracious Heavenly Father who gives us permission to grieve.

    To read more of Al’s story and reflections, find his 6-part series When Suicide Strikes here. You can also check out Al’s book, Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One’s Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope.


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety or your mental health, we’d really encourage you to speak to a doctor, mental health professional, or reach out to one of the organisations on our Help page.

    Surviving Being Suicidal

    Surviving Being Suicidal

    If you listened to our last episode with Pippa, you’ll know that this month we’re opening up the conversation around suicide and hearing from people with firsthand experiences of it; whether they’ve lost someone to suicide or have considered suicide themselves. 

    In this episode we’re hearing from Joshua, a young guy from New Zealand who suffered depression as a teen and came to the point of wanting to end his life. Joshua shares vulnerably with us about his thoughts at the time, including walking us through what was meant to be his ‘final day’ and sharing about the letter he wrote to farewell friends and family.

    Through it all, Joshua’s story is one of hope. Thanks to a somewhat miraculous intervention, Joshua is still with us today and is transparent about his grappling with God and his mental health since that day. We’re grateful for his story, and grateful that he is around to share it. We hope that Joshua’s story will not only help those of us who have considered suicide to feel less alone, but also equip us all to better understand and spot the signs that someone we know might be at risk.


    If you have questions about suicide or want to explore this topic more, we have a new page of Suicide Resources that will help you unpack the main theological thoughts on suicide, look at where we see it in the Bible, hear from others who have lost someone to suicide or attempted themselves, and learn how to help those who might be struggling. On our blog you can also read 6 Ways to Support Someone Struggling With Suicidal Ideation and How to Create a Suicide Safety Plan.


    If this episode is troubling for you, please reach out to someone; whether that’s a family member, trusted friend, your pastor, doctor or psychologist, or you can visit our Helplines page for a list of organisations you can call.  


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    Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with anxiety or your mental health, we’d really encourage you to speak to a doctor, mental health professional, or reach out to one of the organisations on our Help page.