
    About this Episode

    AREN'T you fed up with all those Forex E-books that promise heaven and deliver hell? Or even worse, ultra complicated strategies to follow, markets to analyze (talk about having freedom, hu?) and sleepless nights in front of the PC praying those pips would take a turn around? I have been trading in Forex market for years. And I have realised that it is not very difficult to make money in this market a few times. But the most difficult things for individual Investor/Trader is to continuously do well. I started using Forex Killer signal program from last June and since then I have been able to make profit continuously. Now I am considering trading full time by using this wonderful service, I never thought my dream comes true so quickly. "Forex Killer" - Forex Trading Software! The Forex Killer software was created for beginners as well as experienced traders. With the Forex Killer manual, detailed: "Forex Learning Book" and the "Crush course", beginners will learn everything they need to know about the forex market to start trading within the next hours! Forex Killer is successfully used by newbies with no Forex experience at all! you can start trading with an amount as low as $500 USD. Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade forex in small share lot sizes. We recommend to start with capital of $2,000-$5,000 USD or train on a Demo account till you are satisfied with the performance. "Forex Killer" Features: 1. used by professionals and beginners alike with no experience whatsoever 2. You can start with as little as $500 USD on a real forex account or learn the ropes on a demo account without risking any real money at all.- 3. Works with all trading plattforms, it is an independent program. You just have to feed it with market data and follow its trading advices. 4. Developed by a mathematics professor, a behavioural psychologist and an experienced forex trader - Works in any country with every broker you like! 5. Highly profitable system that let`s you earn thousands of dollars every day! 6. Applies to each and every currency pair and any financial market. 7. Reliable and consistent Stand-alone software. 8. Can be tested without risking any trading capital. 9. Can be used at any time anywhere as the market is always open! 10. Breathtakingly simple. Easily and quickly understood by the average independent trader 6 newbies alike. I am sure you will enjoy the tremendous benefits the Forex Killer will bring you. So sure that Forex Killer offers a 100% Money Back guarantee. Use the software for 56 days. If you are not completeley satisfied Andreas Kirchberger will refund you your money straight back. And you can even KEEP the software and the free bonuses! You see you have absoluteley nothing to loose, only financial freedom to gain! "Forex Killer" - Forex Trading Software!...Download The "Forex-Killer" Today !! To Your Online Trading Success, A Professional Forex and Stocks Market Trader Dan A. P.S: "Forex Killer" is A Fully Automated Trading Software. Many Traders Around The World, Are Making $1000 - $2000 USD Per Week With This 100% Automated Forex Trading System. Download The Amazing Software Today! CLICK HERE.

    Recent Episodes from MarketScout: Your Forex and Stocks Trading Guide!

    Day Trading Risk Management !!

    Day Trading Risk Management !!
    Not Risking Too Much Money on any given trade is essential to succeeding as a day trader. Unfortunately, when most people start Day Trading, they do not think about the risk that they are taking - only about the potential rewards. Every day trading strategy must take into consideration the maximum percentage of the total trading capital that should be risked in any one transaction. In fact, a day trader's ability to limit his losses is just as important (or even more important) as his success in managing winning trades. Think about it. If a trader losses a small amount on every transaction, won't he stay in the game a lot longer? Taking huge losses is one of the primary reasons why so many traders don't survive in this business. Why do traders commit financial suicide this way, you may ask? If all big losses start small, shouldn't it be easy to prevent a small loss from becoming unmanageable? The answer is ""YES."" Limiting losses when day trading involves a lot of common sense. To begin with, no trader should risk more than 2 to 5% of his trading capital on any given trade. Why? If a trader sticks to a 1% to 2% maximum loss rule, his chances of succeeding are greatly increased because it will take many consecutive losses to wipe him out and he will have more opportunities to make winning trades. If a trader would be trading a $10,000 account, he should not lose more than $100 to $200 (1% to 2%) on every position taken. Using the same reasoning, if we are dealing with a trading account that's $100,000 in size, the maximum allowable losses can be increased to $1,000 or $2,000 per trade. Based on these percentages and on the amount the price can move against the trader (determined from the charts), he can calculate the maximum size his position should have. This becomes much clearer with an example: Position Sizing Example using Currencies: Assume that an investor can trade a lot of 100,000 USD with a 2,000 USD deposit (50 to 1 leverage) and that he has $10,000 in an account. With this account size, he can trade a maximum of 5 lots (5 x 2000 margin deposit = 10,000), but is this a wise thing to do? Let's look into this a little further. Let's say that based on his Trading Strategy, the day trader analyzes the chart and determines that in order for him to take a long position with a potential reward of $800 per lot, he must be willing to lose $200 per lot. He realizes that if he takes a 5-lot position and all goes well, he could have a gain of $4000 or 40% (5 lots x $800 per lot = $4,000). Using a position size of 5 lots would also require that he be willing to lose $1,000 (5 lots x $200 per lot = $1,000). Should he take the trade? Not with 5 lots! A loss of $1,000 represents 10% of his trading capital! How long will anyone be in business after a few consecutive 10% loses? In this example, his maximum position size should only be one lot. With one lot, he would be risking $200 (2% of his account size) to make $800 (8% return). While it might be tempting to try to make the $4,000 in one trade, it is not a smart thing to do so. Trading is all about your probability of survival. To survive, you cannot risk more than you should. Risking too much is not smart money management. * In General, day traders with less than $10,000 should consider trading with a mini account. A forex mini account can be opened with as little as a few hundred bucks. Position Sizing Example using Stocks: (remember that to day Trade Stocks you need at least $25,000 in your account by law, so I will use an account size of $30,000 in the example below) Assume that an investor has a $30,000 USD account to day trade stocks. He wants to trade Intel (INTC) stock, which is at $30 a share. Based on his strategy, he determines that the stock can appreciate $1.00 during the day, but to take advantage of the appreciation, he must risk $0.50. Since he has an intraday margin of 25% (4 to 1 leverage) he can take a $120,000 maximum position in INTC with his $30,000 (4 x 30,000 = 120,000). Should he do it? Let's do the numbers. With $120,000, the trader can buy 4,000 shares of INTC (120,000 / 30 = 4,000). If INTC moves up 1 point, the trader gains $4,000. If it drops $0.50 (his stop loss), he loses 2,000. A two thousand dollar loss represents 6.7% of his Trading Capital - much too big a risk for him to take. Consequently, a 4000-share INTC position is too large for his account size. Based on a 1% ($300) maximum loss, the day trader should not buy more than 600 Intel shares (300 / 0.50 = 600). Based on a 2% ($600) risk, the maximum trade size becomes 1200 shares. Risk in Day Trading (or in any other form of speculation) must be controlled. One effective way of managing risk in trading is by not taking on a position larger than an account of a given size could handle. While some authors and ""experts"" have complicated ways of determining position size, these methods tend to confuse traders and slow them down. The 1 to 2% rule will keep traders out of trouble and it is simple to apply. It is common sense more than anything else. Don't become another day trading statistic - limit your losses all the time with protective stop orders! Learn How A Retail Forex Trader, Who Never Traded For A Bank, Stumbled Onto The Simple Secrets Of Fundamental Trading That Gives Any Trader Instant Profit Makeover! Click Here!   To Your Online Trading Success, A Professional Forex and Stock Market Trader Dan A.

    Know Your Options: The Mystery of Option Trading!

    Know Your Options: The Mystery of Option Trading!

    WE ALL KNOW that many opportunities exist in Option Trading today. Wherever you turn, someone is waiting to inform you of the tremendous profits to be realized within the stock and the futures markets. Nevertheless, many people are unaware of the derivative trading possibilities that are available within and across several different markets.

    Option Trading is just one of the leading many ways to participate in such type of secondary markets. And in contrast to the popular belief, this potential trading arena is not limited strictly to the practice of selling or writing options. Option Trading is an important element of investing in markets, serving a function of managing risk and generating income too. Contrasting to most other Types of Investments today, Option Trading provides a unique set of benefits to its clients. Not only does Option Trading provide an economical and effective means of hedging one's portfolio against adverse and unexpected price fluctuations, but it also offers a tremendous exploratory dimension to trading. One of the foremost primary conveniences of Option Trading is that an option contracts enable a trade to be leveraged, allowing the trader to control the full value of an asset for a fraction of the actual cost. Then since an option's price mirrors that of the underlying asset at the very least, any constructive return element within the asset will be met with a greater percentage return resource within the option provides limited risk and unlimited reward. With Option Trading the buyer can only lose what was paid for the option contract, and not a penny more, which is a fraction of what the actual cost of the asset would be. However, the profit potential is unlimited because in Option Trading the option holder possesses a contract that performs in sync with the asset itself. If the outlook turns out to be positive for the security, so too will the outlook be for that asset's underlying options. Option Trading also provides their owners with numerous trading alternatives. Option Trading can be customized and combined with other options and even Other Investments to gain the benefits of any possible price dislocation within the market. Option Trading enables the trader or investor to acquire a position that is pertinent for any sort of market outlook that he or she can have, and then be it bullish, bearish, choppy, or silent. It doesn't matter at all. Risks Involved In Option Trading! While there is no disputing that Option Trading offers many investment benefits, it also involves risk and is not for everyone. For the same reason that one's returns can be large, so too can the losses. Also, while the potential for financial success does exist in Option Trading, the means of realizing such opportunities are often difficult to create and to identify. With dozens of variables, several pricing models, and hundreds of different strategies to choose from, it is no wonder that Option Trading and its pricing have been a mystery to the majority of the trading public. Quite often, in Option Trading a wonderful deal of information must be processed before a knowledgeable trading decision can be reached. Computers and sophisticated trading models are often relied upon to select Trading Candidates. However, as humans, we like things to be as simple as possible in Option Trading. This often creates a conflict when deciding what, when, and how to trade a particular investment. It is much more easier to buy or sell an asset outright than to challenge with the many extraneous factors of these derivative markets. If an investor thinks an asset's value will appreciate, he or she can simply buy the security; but if an investor thinks an asset's value will depreciate, he or she can simply sell the security. In such scenarios, the only thing an investor must worry about is the value of the investment relative to the value of the prevailing market. If only Option Trading were that easy! Generally, Option Trading is more awkward and complicated than Stock Trading because here the traders must consider many variables aside from the direction they believe the market will move. The effects of the passage of time, variables and delta, and the underlying market volatility on the splendid price of the Option Trading are just some of the many items that traders need to gauge in order to make informed decisions. If one is not prudent in one's investment decisions, one could potentially lose an enormous number of money trading options. Those who actually ignore cautious and sound money management techniques often find out the hard way that these factors can promptly and easily grind down the value of their Option Trading portfolios. Due to the Risks and Benefits, Option Trading offers tremendous profit potential above and beyond trading in any other device, including the underlying security itself. This is the moment at which theoreticians enter the picture. Once the benefits have been defined, it is then just a matter of determining how to matchlessly attain them. Up till now, the vast majority of Option Trading techniques have been elaborate mathematical models designed to help identify when option writing or selling opportunities exist. On the other hand, we hope to break used ground by introducing simple market-timing techniques to Option Trading that will enable the traders to buy options with greater confidence and with greater success in Option Trading. ...Are Penny Stock Trading For You? Find Out What's The Secret Weapon of The Stock Market Trading Today and How You Can Use it! CLICK HERE! To Your Online Investments Success, Dan A.

    Stock Market: The Philosophy of Investing !!

    Stock Market: The Philosophy of Investing !!
    A LOOK AT GROWTH, Income, and Value Investing - Developing an investing philosophy may seem like an academic exercise, however over time, it will help shape your thinking about the types of stocks that work for your portfolio. This first of a two-part series looks at the three main investing philosophies: 1. Growth 2. Value 3. Income Most investors fall into one or a combination of these investing philosophies. Growth Investors: As the name implies, growth investors look for the rising stars. They are interested in companies that have high potential for earning growth. High earning growth invariable leads to high stock prices – at least in theory. Growth investors are willing to bet on young companies that show promise of becoming leaders in their industry. The technology stocks, especially during the late 1990s, were the perfect example of growth stocks. Many of these young companies started with an idea and nothing more and now are large successful companies. Of course, a great many more of those same technology companies started out with an idea and nothing more and ended up where they started. Which is to say that growth investing carries the risk that some of your investments are going to fail. As much as Americans like success stories, there are more failures than successes when it comes to market leadership. Value Investors: Value investors look for the stocks that the market has overlooked. Value doesn’t mean cheap as in low per share price, but under priced relative to the value of the company. These are stocks the market has passed over while chasing some other industry sector or more glamorous investments. The value investor looks for stocks with a low price/earnings ratio meaning the market is not willing to pay much in the way of a premium for the stock. Of course, the value investor needs to make sure there in nothing wrong with the company that would warrant a low stock price other than neglect or market inattention. Assuming the company is solid, the value investor’s strategy is to buy and hold the stock, anticipating the future time when the market will recognize the company’s worth and bid the stock up to its true value. Income Investors: Income investing is the most straight-forward of all philosophies and the most conservative. Income is the motivation and investors target companies paying high and consistent dividends. People near or in retirement are fond of this strategy for obvious reasons. The companies that qualify for the income investor tend to be large and well-established. There is always some risk involved in investing in stocks, however this remains the most conservative of the investing philosophies. If the stock price increases, that’s icing on the cake for the income investor who would probably trade some capital appreciation for a higher dividend. Conclusion: These three investing philosophies take in a large number of investors, however it is not required that you fall purely in one camp or another. As a practical matter, you will likely modify your investing philosophy as your life circumstances change. ...For The Most Recommended and Profitable Stocks Recommendations Newsletter! Please Visit Here.   To Your Online Investing Success, Dan A. P.S: I hope that 2010 is a breakthrough year for you in every aspect of your life - including trading! Sign up for your free trial to our stocks recommendations service and see if you aren’t closer to reaching your goals in 2010! Go Here.

    Stocks Trading: Beating The Stock Market !!

    Stocks Trading: Beating The Stock Market !!
    MANY PEOPLE DREAM about beating the market through their stock investments. However, is this really worth the effort and is it really possible? Many have attempted to beat the Stock Market and only a few have managed. Some pundits have gone a step further to claim systems that guarantee this. Nevertheless, beating the market may not be the best goal that you can set for your stocks. The reason for this is that there are a number of other considerations that should be made. People are generally unclear about the meaning behind the word “Market”, which leads to its different definitions. Different indexes are used when referred to the stock market one of them being the S&P 500. However, this index fails to objectively present all of the stock sizes. BEATING the market requires the undertaking of various stock deals that enjoy short term benefits. Some experts recommend that you purchase companies that have high customer satisfaction attached to them. There is logic behind this argument, because when clients are satisfied with the product or service of a particular company they use it and become loyal to the company. As a result, the returns increase as well as the popularity among investors. The price of the stock of the company will be also influenced in an upward direction. If you have managed to invest in the company while its price was still low, congratulations you have managed to beat the market. If you fail to walk away of the stock market when the right time has come you may put your money at risk. And what actually happens is that instead you beat the Stock Market you are beaten by it. Beating the market requires you to know when is the right time to enter it and when to exit it. You should learn its indications and not only notice them, but also understand the signals that they send to you. No matter how good you may be at such things, you should consider whether it is worth risking your money for such a goal. Beating the market may reward you very well, but you should never forget that its punishment can be even higher. Winning several hundred dollars from the stock market today may result in their loss tomorrow. Because, even if you have done it once, beating the stock market twice cannot be guaranteed for sure. No matter what formulas the pundits have offered and techniques applied, it is a game in which only a few have succeeded. ...Can A Day Trading Penny Stocks Newsletter Provide You the Day Trading Stock Tips You Need? Find out Which Stocks are the "Real" Most Profitable and Active! CLICK HERE.   To Your Stocks Trading Success, Dan A.

    Forex Trading: Why You Should Invest!

    Forex Trading: Why You Should Invest!
    FOREX TRADING is an extremely lucrative investment option where money can be made 24 hours a day via investing in foreign currencies. The forex marketplace is simpler in terms of product (currencies) you can invest in when compared to other investment options such as the stock market. As mentioned the foreign exchange market is constantly trading - as the sun sets in one country, it rises in another. What happens to one currency, directly affects another - and the gains are not always inherently good or bad. Banks are most commonly the source the source of currency trading, as millions of dollars are traded daily. So the question must be asked, should you get involved in forex trading? If you are already trading in the stock market, you would have a reasonable grasp of concepts you need to trade successfully Trading on the stock market essentially involves investing money in companies and watching how they consequently perform. In foreign exchange you are basically buying and selling foreign currency, and monitoring swings and trends giving you signals when it is profitable to buy and sell. Using forex trading software is a great way to get a feel for the marketplace. You will almost always be supplied with a demo account which will allow you to be involved in the market without risking any of your own money. Software such as Forex Killer allow you to create such demo account's, but also supply users with credible trends and signals, which literally tell you when to buy and sell on the stock market. You can see the software in action via the demo option, to see if your trades are going to be profitable. Further to forex trading software, broker's most certainly have a place in currency trading. To be involved in the foreign exchange market as an individual you require a broker or institution to represent you.. Individuals are also called spectators, as the amount of money they invest is tiny compared to governments and institutions. Having only a small amount of money is not a reason to not invest, a forex broker can assist in determining what your best options for investing are. Specifically in the US there are strict guidelines as to who can operate as a broker. Always be wary and careful of scams- specifically on the internet. Conclusion: The foreign exchange market is a fantastic investment option from every angle. The main reason being there are not too many options for investment on the market, simplifying the process of making profitable decisions. Further to this the use of forex trading software and broker's can greatly assist trading, and further increase profitability! ...Want to Learn an Amazing Breakthrough? A Forex Trading System which will Help Skyrocket Your Trading Profits? Please CLICK HERE! To Your Online Trading Success, A Professional Forex and Stock Market Trader Dan A.

    What Is: Trading Online Stocks?

    What Is: Trading Online Stocks?
    ONLINE STOCK TRADING is becoming a very popular way in which to invest in the stock market. Ordinary everyday citizens such as you and me can now trade stocks like the pros without paying the ridiculous broker fees that are often associated with trading on the stock market. This doesn't mean there are no fees involved or that you won't be discouraged from capriciously trading stocks. What it does mean is that you will be able to trade stocks, as you may have never been able to do before because the costs involved in trading were so high that only the wealthiest among us could really afford to work the market to any real advantage. You Will find quite a few companies that are going to compete for your business when it comes to empowering you to trade stocks online. It is best to go with a business that offers education and advice in addition to the ability to trade. There are many big names in the brokerage business that are getting in touch with the technology of today and offering full service brokers and financial advisors in addition to offering new online services that include Internet trading. If you decide to go with some of the bigger names in the business you should understand that you will pay a little more than you would pay going with many of the lesser name firms and trading companies. The good news is that the bigger names have more to loose after working for decades to establish themselves and develop a good reputation among traders. This means that they are not going to be "Fly By Night" and are going to work to make sure you have the best possible service from them for your future in the stock market trade. MANY of these firms in addition to offering the ability to buy, sell, and trade online will also offer financial planning for retirement, future expenses, and advice on how to create a fixed income from your investments. They will offer many tips, hints, and advice free of charge on their website while also promoting the services they offer through discounts in hopes of gaining your business for some of the higher ticket transactions that really pay their bills. Online investment services offer consumers the opportunity to invest with lower commissions and fees which means you bring more of the money home when all is said and done and spend far less on fees and expenses associated with investing. By saving these fees you may be doing yourself a huge service but keep in mind that the invaluable advice of a broker can often mean the difference between mild successes and wild successes. If you can manage the fees it is a good plan to at least consult with a broker or financial advisor or planner once or twice a year in order to get the most out of your investment money. Online trading is great but you will find that it lacks the personal service you can expect from a financial advisor or a stockbroker. Very little has such a profound impact on your financial future than the ability to receive and follow expert advice. While there is much to read on the Internet by way of advice on investing in the stock market there is also a lot of conflicting information just as there is a great deal of misinformation. This is something that, when possible, is best left to the experts at least until you manage to learn the ropes and have a few successful trades under your belt. IF YOU have the heart of gambler however, then it is your money you are playing with and your future you are investing. If you are not spending more than you are willing to lose then there is no harm in trying your hand at investing through online brokerage services. You just might roll the dice and find a nice payout for your efforts. ..For More Information About Successful Trading Stocks Online, Please VISIT HERE!   To Your Stocks Trading Success, Dan A. P.S: Interested in Making Serious Funds From a Stocks Recommendations Newsletter?...The "Doubling Stocks" Newsletter is The Only Weekly Stocks Newsletter With an Average 105.28% Profit Gains Every Week! Start Making Real Money From Stocks By Going HERE.

    Dominate Forex With A Killer Software !!

    Dominate Forex With A Killer Software !!
    AREN'T you fed up with all those Forex E-books that promise heaven and deliver hell? Or even worse, ultra complicated strategies to follow, markets to analyze (talk about having freedom, hu?) and sleepless nights in front of the PC praying those pips would take a turn around? I have been trading in Forex market for years. And I have realised that it is not very difficult to make money in this market a few times. But the most difficult things for individual Investor/Trader is to continuously do well. I started using Forex Killer signal program from last June and since then I have been able to make profit continuously. Now I am considering trading full time by using this wonderful service, I never thought my dream comes true so quickly. "Forex Killer" - Forex Trading Software! The Forex Killer software was created for beginners as well as experienced traders. With the Forex Killer manual, detailed: "Forex Learning Book" and the "Crush course", beginners will learn everything they need to know about the forex market to start trading within the next hours! Forex Killer is successfully used by newbies with no Forex experience at all! you can start trading with an amount as low as $500 USD. Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade forex in small share lot sizes. We recommend to start with capital of $2,000-$5,000 USD or train on a Demo account till you are satisfied with the performance. "Forex Killer" Features: 1. used by professionals and beginners alike with no experience whatsoever 2. You can start with as little as $500 USD on a real forex account or learn the ropes on a demo account without risking any real money at all.- 3. Works with all trading plattforms, it is an independent program. You just have to feed it with market data and follow its trading advices. 4. Developed by a mathematics professor, a behavioural psychologist and an experienced forex trader - Works in any country with every broker you like! 5. Highly profitable system that let`s you earn thousands of dollars every day! 6. Applies to each and every currency pair and any financial market. 7. Reliable and consistent Stand-alone software. 8. Can be tested without risking any trading capital. 9. Can be used at any time anywhere as the market is always open! 10. Breathtakingly simple. Easily and quickly understood by the average independent trader 6 newbies alike. I am sure you will enjoy the tremendous benefits the Forex Killer will bring you. So sure that Forex Killer offers a 100% Money Back guarantee. Use the software for 56 days. If you are not completeley satisfied Andreas Kirchberger will refund you your money straight back. And you can even KEEP the software and the free bonuses! You see you have absoluteley nothing to loose, only financial freedom to gain! "Forex Killer" - Forex Trading Software!...Download The "Forex-Killer" Today !! To Your Online Trading Success, A Professional Forex and Stocks Market Trader Dan A. P.S: "Forex Killer" is A Fully Automated Trading Software. Many Traders Around The World, Are Making $1000 - $2000 USD Per Week With This 100% Automated Forex Trading System. Download The Amazing Software Today! CLICK HERE.