
    Don't Let Debt Take A Toll On Your Relationships

    en-usSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritize emergency fund over car savingsFocus on building an emergency fund first before saving for a car or other non-essential goals, especially when facing financial constraints

      Sarah, who is trying to save for both her old car and baby step three (emergency fund), should prioritize her emergency fund first. Although a reliable car is important, having an adequate emergency fund is crucial for financial security. Sarah's current situation with a low income, a large family, and a small emergency fund, makes it difficult to save for both goals at the same time. Instead, she should focus on building her emergency fund first, and then address the car issue when she has enough savings. The car, while important, can be temporarily managed with creative solutions like carpooling or using public transportation.

    • Managing unexpected expenses during financial strugglesFocus on one goal, use a portion of savings for emergencies, and temporarily adjust lifestyle to reach long-term goals

      During financial struggles, it's essential to prioritize and focus on one goal at a time. When dealing with unexpected expenses, such as a car in need of repairs, it may be necessary to use savings meant for emergencies. However, it's crucial not to drain the entire emergency fund. Instead, use a portion of it to address the immediate issue while keeping some cash in reserve. Additionally, families can work together to temporarily adjust their financial situation to reach their long-term goals. This can involve making short-term sacrifices, such as working additional jobs, to save up for larger expenses, like a new car. Ultimately, these sacrifices can lead to valuable lessons for children and contribute to a debt-free lifestyle.

    • Considering the relational complications of buying a property from familyWhile buying a property from family can be financially beneficial, it's essential to consider potential living space sharing, decorating differences, and uncertain move-out timelines. Carefully evaluate financial situations before rushing into a purchase.

      While buying a property from family members may seem like a good idea financially, it's important to consider the potential relational complications. These complications can include sharing living space, differing opinions on decorating, and the uncertainty of when they will move out. Additionally, rushing into the purchase may not be necessary as the real estate market generally continues to appreciate, and the financial situation of both parties should be carefully evaluated before making a decision. Overall, it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the potential challenges before making a handshake deal.

    • Maintaining open communication and clear expectations in family real estate transactionsCommunicate openly, set clear expectations, and prioritize mental health during family real estate transactions to maintain strong relationships.

      When it comes to family real estate transactions, it's crucial to maintain open communication, set clear expectations, and ensure that all parties involved are making the move willingly. John and Carly's plan to buy a new house with their parents' help demonstrates this. They went through the process of securing a loan through a bank to keep things transparent and set a realistic timeline for the move. Carly explained her reasons for choosing the specific house, and they all agreed it was an upgrade they wanted to make anyways. It's essential to establish that the move is a mutual decision and not a result of any pressure or strange strings attached. Additionally, taking care of one's mental health is vital, and John, who is an expert on the subject, emphasizes the importance of building a non-anxious life. Therapy can be an effective tool for individuals seeking help with managing their anxiety, depression, and other challenges. By prioritizing open communication, clear expectations, and self-care, families can navigate complex transactions and maintain strong relationships.

    • Practical solutions for reducing anxiety and improving daily lifeDr. John Deloney's book offers tangible ways to address the root causes of anxiety, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to live a more non-anxious life.

      Dr. John Deloney's book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," is highly recommended by various professionals and practitioners. It's not just for those deeply interested in neuroscience or mental health, but for anyone seeking practical ways to improve their daily life and reduce anxiety. Anxiety is a common experience, often used as an umbrella term for burnout, chronic stress, and unexplained feelings of unease. This book offers tangible solutions for dealing with the underlying causes of anxiety, rather than just focusing on the symptoms. It's about identifying and addressing the "fires" in our lives that trigger anxiety responses. The book is accessible and actionable, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to live a more non-anxious life. So, if you're interested in taking steps towards reducing stress and improving your overall well-being, consider picking up a copy of "Building a Non-Anxious Life."

    • Weighing the potential outcomes during financial dilemmasConsider your financial situation carefully before making decisions, prioritize paying off debt, and use resources like Ramsey Solutions' Get Started guide to take the next step towards financial freedom.

      During a financial dilemma, it's essential to weigh the potential outcomes before making a decision. Casey, a servicemember, was considering whether to pay off $10,000 in student loans before being medically separated from the Army and having the VA cover the debt. He had the funds to pay it off but was unsure if he would receive a high enough disability rating to have the VA cover the loans. Dave Ramsey advised Casey to pay off the debt, as having no debt is a priority for him. However, if Casey receives a high disability rating, he could reconsider his decision. Ramsey also encouraged listeners to understand their financial situation and take the next step towards financial freedom by using Ramsey Solutions' Get Started guide.

    • Communicating with a teenager in a blended familyOpenly communicate financial values with your teenager without disparaging the other parent to avoid putting them in the middle and sacrificing relationships.

      When dealing with financial decisions involving a blended family and a teenager caught in the middle, it's essential to communicate openly and honestly with your child without disparaging the other parent. Jamie and Memphis discussed their situation of purchasing their 16-year-old's first car and the disagreement between the parents regarding financing. The advice given was to let the parents make the decision and not put the child in the middle, even if it goes against your financial beliefs. It's a teachable moment, but it's crucial not to sacrifice relationships or make the child feel disloyal. The focus should be on open communication about financial values and the peace that comes with avoiding debt.

    • Prioritizing Relationships Over Financial DecisionsAppreciate relationships and make intentional financial decisions to lead to better outcomes. Avoid putting kids in the middle of financial disputes and appreciate expensive purchases made by friends.

      Building and maintaining strong relationships, especially when it comes to handling money, is crucial. Whether it's between parents and children or individuals managing their own finances, prioritizing relationships over financial decisions can lead to better outcomes. For instance, instead of scolding a friend for leasing an expensive car, Dave Ramsey suggested appreciating the car and the relationship instead. Similarly, parents should avoid putting their kids in the middle of financial disputes and instead focus on setting them up for success. Additionally, for individuals with extra income, small contributions can add up over time and contribute to larger financial goals, such as retirement or buying a house. Overall, the importance of relationships and making intentional financial decisions cannot be overstated.

    • Paying off high-interest or smallest debt first?Selling a car to pay off a significant portion of a high-interest student loan can help individuals save thousands in interest payments and become debt-free faster. Living below means and saving as much as possible are crucial steps towards financial freedom.

      When faced with multiple debts, focusing on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, or the smallest debt to gain momentum and motivation, can help individuals save money in the long run. In this specific case, a recent college graduate named Joshua was considering which debt to pay off first between his student loan and car loan. With a savings of $17,000 and a car worth $26,000, the experts suggested selling the car and using the money to pay off a significant portion of his student loan. By doing so, Joshua could potentially cut his debt load in half and become debt-free faster. This strategy, known as the debt snowball method, can help individuals save thousands of dollars in interest payments over time. Additionally, the importance of living below one's means and saving as much as possible was emphasized, as Joshua was able to save up $17,000 as a recent college graduate by living frugally and saving a significant portion of his income each month.

    • Embracing Change for Financial FreedomMaking difficult decisions, living below means, and aggressively paying off debt can lead to financial freedom in a short timeframe.

      With discipline and focus, one can significantly improve their financial situation within a relatively short timeframe. Joshua's case illustrates how making difficult decisions, such as living below means and aggressively paying off debt, can lead to financial freedom in as little as 10 months. Although the journey may be challenging and uncomfortable, the rewards are worth the effort. The freedom from debt and the ability to save for emergencies can change the course of one's financial future. It's important to remember that staying in the same monotonous financial habits will not lead to progress. Instead, embracing change and taking control of your money can lead to a completely different financial world in just a few years. Don't underestimate the power of making a plan and sticking to it.

    • Marriage and Financial Hidden DebtsAddressing underlying trust and communication issues in a marriage is crucial when dealing with financial problems. Financial infidelity can cause as much damage as physical infidelity and seeking help from a third party can aid in rebuilding trust and working towards a common financial goal.

      Financial issues in a marriage can often be a symptom of deeper underlying problems. In the discussed situation, a wife discovered her husband had hidden a significant credit card debt from her, leading to arguments and feelings of hopelessness. However, the root cause of their money problems may not be solely about finances, but rather a lack of trust and communication between the couple. The hosts of the podcast emphasized the importance of addressing these underlying issues through marriage counseling to rebuild trust and work together towards a common financial goal. They also highlighted that financial infidelity, or hiding financial information from a spouse, can be just as damaging as physical infidelity. The hosts encouraged the couple to seek help from a third party to work through their issues and make a decision about the future of their marriage.

    • Seeking Expert Advice for Financial ConcernsConsider selling a property to eliminate debt or help a loved one understand the importance of wise spending to tackle financial worries.

      Seeking professional help can be crucial when facing complex issues, whether it's fixing a leaky roof or managing financial anxiety. In the discussion, Dave Ramsey and his team provided guidance to callers with various financial concerns. One caller, Sarah, was anxious about her mortgage debt on a rental property and the emotional attachment to the house. The team advised her to consider selling the property to eliminate debt and live debt-free. Another caller, Lindsey, wanted to help her 82-year-old father change his mindset about spending money. The team suggested that Lindsey focus on helping her father understand the importance of spending money wisely and living within means. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of seeking expert advice and taking practical steps to address financial concerns.

    • Understanding each other's perspectives and finding solutionsRespect each other's experiences, find common ground, and create affordable joyful activities

      Everyone has unique perspectives and priorities shaped by their experiences and upbringing. In this discussion, the speaker shared how their father's experiences during the Great Depression and fighting Nazis had wired him to be frugal, and how his happiness came from simple things. The speaker, on the other hand, wanted to provide her father with a nice vacation as a source of joy. The conversation emphasized the importance of understanding each other's perspectives and finding solutions that cater to both parties' needs and desires. The speaker also suggested creating regular, affordable activities for father and daughter to enjoy together, focusing on their time together rather than the cost. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of respecting and valuing each other's experiences and finding ways to bring happiness to both parties.

    • Beyond Financial Wealth: Seeking Peace, Joy, and ConnectionFocus on creating cherished memories through experiences and connections, rather than relying solely on financial wealth. Prioritize everyday moments, and use budgeting tools to manage unexpected expenses.

      While money can help create experiences and memories, what people truly long for in life goes beyond financial wealth. Instead, people seek peace, joy, happiness, connection, and relationship. A great example of this is the annual state park adventures that Lindsey and her family started, which have brought them closer together and created cherished memories for a fraction of the cost of a extravagant vacation. Another important takeaway is that you cannot change your parents' mindset or control their actions. Instead, focus on giving them a sense of purpose and value in your life, which can lead to a potential mindshift. Lastly, it's essential to make everyday moments a priority and plan for them financially, as life will always present unexpected expenses. By using a simple budgeting app like EveryDollar, you can effectively manage your money and build the life you want for yourself and your family.

    • Regrets Involving Father in Home Purchase, Hesitant to RefinanceSpeaker regrets involving father in initial mortgage, hesitant to refinance due to increased interest rates, considering paying off home early or waiting for larger down payment, income doubled but cautious about debt, speaking with mortgage broker for alternatives.

      The speaker regrets involving his father in the purchase of their first home due to his self-employment status at the time, which required his father's name on the mortgage. Now, three years later, the speaker wants to refinance the mortgage but is hesitant due to the significant increase in interest rates. He's considering paying off the house early instead or waiting until he can afford a larger down payment for a new home. The speaker's income has doubled in the last two years, but he's cautious about taking on more debt and only has a car loan as additional debt. He's considering speaking with a mortgage broker to explore alternatives to refinancing.

    • Weighing personal circumstances when refinancingConsider relationship health and current financial situation before refinancing. Ego should not drive financial decisions.

      When considering refinancing a mortgage, it's essential to weigh the potential financial benefits against the current state of your relationships and personal circumstances. In the discussed scenario, the speakers advised against refinancing due to the absence of significant relationship issues and an aggressive repayment plan. However, they also emphasized that if the relationship was toxic or strained, it might be worth considering getting out of the situation, regardless of the interest rate. Furthermore, they warned against letting ego drive financial decisions and encouraged individuals to prioritize what's best for their family in the current season.

    • Consider reasons and financial situation before movingFocus on becoming debt-free before moving for peace and stability, but acknowledge the stress of difficult financial situations and visualize positive change

      It's important to consider your reasons for wanting to move and your financial situation before making a decision. A single mom named Kelly was in the process of getting out of debt but was unsure if she should move out of her current living situation before completing baby step two. The financial expert on the show advised her to hold off and focus on moving out debt-free in January, as the peace and stability that would come with that goal might outweigh the benefits of moving sooner. The expert also acknowledged the stress and angst that can come with living in difficult financial situations and encouraged listeners to visualize the positive change that could come with reaching their financial goals.

    • Navigating financial blessings and challengesConsider financial goals and seek expert advice when making decisions about large sums of money.

      Even though it may be tough, continuing to persevere in challenging situations, such as being a single parent, can lead to financial freedom and the ability to enjoy life. A million-dollar trust fund can be a blessing, but it's important to consider how it fits into one's financial goals, such as saving for a home or providing for a family. John and Rachel are hosting a Money and Marriage Getaway event to help couples grow and learn practical skills for their marriages and finances. Kate and her husband, who have paid off $120,000 in student loans and are saving for a home, are trying to decide how to use a recent $1 million trust fund blessing. They are considering using it for their home or saving it for their children's future. John and Rachel advise considering financial goals and seeking expert advice when making decisions about large sums of money.

    • Unexpected financial gift from father-in-lawConsider original intentions and use unexpected funds wisely to improve living situation while being respectful of giver's wishes.

      Having unexpected financial resources can provide opportunities for improvement in one's living situation, but it's important to consider the original intentions of the giver and use the funds wisely. In this discussion, Kate and her husband received a significant financial gift from Kate's father-in-law, which they had been unaware of until recently. Initially, they were unsure how to approach the situation and considered ignoring it, as they were content with their current lifestyle. However, they began to consider how the money could help them achieve their long-term goal of buying a larger home and starting a family. They also wanted to honor their father-in-law's wishes and be good stewards of the funds. The money was managed in a mutual fund, which was growing, and they were able to discuss how much they could use towards a larger home without being hasty or impulsive. They considered what their father-in-law might have wanted for them and weighed the possibility of using a larger portion of the funds to purchase a more expensive home. Ultimately, they wanted to use the funds to improve their living situation while remaining respectful of the original intention and being good stewards of the money.

    • Impact of Financial Gifts: Open Communication and Shared VisionEffective communication and a shared vision are crucial when accepting and using significant financial gifts to ensure financial security and mental wellbeing for both the giver and the recipient.

      Money given as a gift can have a profound impact on the recipient's life, but open communication and a shared vision are essential when accepting and using that money. A father-in-law's generous gift to his daughter and son-in-law could be used to buy a house debt-free and save for college, but the couple hesitated to discuss their plans with him. The father-in-law suggested having a conversation and sharing their intentions, emphasizing the importance of being debt-free and providing financial security for their family. He also shared his own emotional connection to the idea of using a large sum of money as a springboard for future generations. The discussion also touched on the mental health toll of student loan debt and the importance of financial responsibility. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of open communication and a shared vision when dealing with significant financial gifts.

    • The pressure to succeed and pay off student loans can lead to mental and emotional health issuesRecognizing the connection between student debt, mental health, and the need for support can help alleviate anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

      The narrative that hard work in school leads to the ability to pay off student loans is often untrue, and this misconception, coupled with the lack of information and guidance for marginalized populations, can lead to significant mental and emotional health issues, including anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. The pressure to succeed and the burden of debt can be overwhelming, and it's essential to acknowledge and address these issues. The Anxiety Test mentioned in the discussion can help identify areas of concern, including connection, freedom, mindfulness, health and healing, and belief and reality. It's crucial to prioritize these areas and seek support when needed. The book "How to Build an Onion Skins Just Life," which comes out on October 3rd, also touches on these themes and offers insights and solutions.

    • Prioritizing self-care, connection, and freedom can lead to improved relationships and well-beingFocus on self-care, connection, and freedom to enhance personal relationships and overall well-being. Be aware of distractions and prioritize real-life experiences.

      Prioritizing self-care, connection, and freedom can lead to significant improvements in personal relationships and overall well-being. Rachel's experience of reconnecting with her daughter after years of strain is a powerful example of this. However, it's essential to be aware of the areas in our lives where we may be lacking in these areas and take active steps to address them. Fantasies, such as fantasy football, can be a distraction from the real-life relationships and experiences that truly bring us joy and fulfillment. It's important to be mindful of our attitudes and emotions towards these distractions and focus on the things that truly matter in our lives. As the scripture of the day reminds us, those who work their lands will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.

    • Accepting help from family: Complex emotionsConsider intent and impact when accepting family financial help. Gratitude and financial responsibility can strengthen relationships.

      Accepting financial help from a family member can bring up complex emotions, especially when the recipient feels capable of supporting themselves. In the discussed scenario, Caroline feels guilty for accepting her grandfather's financial assistance because she believes she could manage on her own. However, it's essential to consider the intent behind the help and the potential impact on the relationship. If the grandfather is genuinely concerned about Caroline's well-being and wants to bless her, rather than insisting on help, then accepting the money can be a way to show gratitude and practice financial responsibility. Caroline could consider setting aside the money for major purchases or emergencies while continuing to work and live independently. Ultimately, the decision depends on the unique circumstances and dynamics of the family relationship.

    • Discussing housing plans with roommates or familyBe transparent about saving for a future home, consider concerns, plan ahead, and share goals when necessary.

      If you're living with roommates or family with the intention of saving up for a down payment on a future home, it's important to be transparent and honest about your financial plans. However, it's also crucial to consider the potential concerns of your loved ones, especially regarding your long-term living arrangements. Caroline Ramsey emphasized the importance of planning ahead and having a clear vision for your future housing situation. Rachel Cruz added that it might be wise to share your plans with your loved ones, but only when necessary. If they ask about the money you're saving, you can be open about your goals. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach your financial situation with transparency, honesty, and intentional planning.

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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    How Much Should You Have Saved and Invested (By Age!)
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