
    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number Bed's Customization and JD Power Recognition, Trump Indictment Shocks NationSleep Number bed personalizes sleep experience, JD Power recognition. Trump indicted for business fraud, shocking nation, investigation ongoing.

      The Sleep Number smart bed is designed to cater to individual sleep preferences and needs, making it a top choice for customers according to JD Power. Meanwhile, historic news unfolded in the US as former President Donald Trump became the first ex-president to face criminal charges, specifically related to business fraud involving hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. The indictment, which includes over 30 counts, came as a shock to many, with Trump's legal team not yet informed of the specific charges. The investigation relies on testimony from Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen and the Manhattan district attorney's office questioning witnesses about another alleged affair with Karen McDougal. Despite the indictment, some Republican presidential candidates have come to Trump's defense, with Governor Ron DeSantis calling it "un-American" and former Vice President Mike Pence expressing his views to CNN.

    • Trump Surrenders to Face Indictment: Unprecedented Process for High-Profile CaseFormer President Trump to surrender next week, team negotiating terms, security concerns, reaction controlled, narrative shaping, blindsided by timing, conservative media defending, surrogates expected

      Former President Trump is expected to surrender to authorities in New York next week to face an unprecedented campaign finance-related indictment. The process, which includes being photographed and fingerprinted, is underway, but there's no clear playbook for handling such a high-profile case. Trump's team is negotiating the terms of his surrender, and it's unclear if he'll spend any time in jail if convicted. Secret Service protection will be in place due to security concerns. Trump's reaction to the indictment has been relatively controlled, and his team is already working to shape the narrative and rally support from allies. The indictment has blindsided Trump and his team, who had been preparing for it but were caught off guard by the timing. Conservative media figures have already started defending Trump, and his team is expected to continue to roll out surrogates in the coming days.

    • Unprecedented Indictment of a Former U.S. PresidentA former president faces criminal charges, and a key witness's testimony, despite efforts to rebut it, proved valuable. Accountability and upholding the law are paramount, regardless of one's status.

      The indictment of a former U.S. president, Donald Trump, is unprecedented and significant. Michael Cohen, a key witness, testified against him, and despite Trump's team trying to rebut the testimony, it was deemed worthless by the prosecution. Trump has been indicted on criminal charges, and he and other officials, like Fani Willis in Georgia, could have their court dates coordinated. The indictment is not a weaker case than previous ones, and Trump's conviction wouldn't make this crime any less serious. Trump's team sent Robert Costello to counteract the testimony, but he provided nothing of value. Trump's response was to label the witnesses as a convicted felon and a disbarred lawyer. However, Cohen responded that there is plenty of corroborating testimony and that the indictment proves the information provided was sufficient. The former president is handling the situation poorly, as he is not thick-skinned and has a fragile ego. This moment is about accountability and upholding the law, regardless of one's status.

    • Trump Business Dealings Investigation: Key Players and Uncertain OutcomeThe Trump business dealings investigation is complex with key players like Michael Cohen potentially providing inconsistent statements, and the legal territory uncharted as federal charges may be tied to state crimes.

      The ongoing investigation into former President Trump's business dealings is complex and uncertain, with key players like Michael Cohen and Robert Costello having significant impacts on the case. Cohen, a key witness in the case, has been giving interviews and asserting that there are others who will back up his claims, but this could potentially harm the prosecution's case due to the risk of inconsistent statements. The legal territory is uncharted, as this is an untested case to tie potential federal charges to a state crime, and the bar for conviction is high. The district attorney's office is taking a cautious approach, doing their homework to determine if the case can move forward and if there are other potential crimes involved. The investigation is ongoing, and the specifics of the charges are still unclear.

    • Trump Indicted, GOP Rallies, Journalist Detained in RussiaRepublicans rally behind Trump amid business fraud charges, some Senators remain silent. American journalist detained in Russia, raising concerns for his safety.

      Former President Donald Trump is facing unprecedented legal challenges, with a Manhattan grand jury indicting him on potential business fraud charges. Republican leaders, including Lindsey Graham, are rallying behind him, promising to hold Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg accountable. The House of Representatives is expected to take action, with powerful chairmen like Jim Jordan seeking testimony from Bragg. However, there is a split screen with some Republican leaders in the Senate remaining silent, including Mitch McConnell. Meanwhile, an American journalist, Evan Gershkovitch, was arrested in Russia on espionage charges, leaving many wondering about his fate and what he might be experiencing in the first hours of his detention. Trevor Reed, a marine veteran who was detained in Russia for nearly three years, shared his experience of the initial confusion and shock of wrongful detention.

    • Russian detention of Evan McMullin raises concerns about human rightsMcMullin's detention highlights Russia's disregard for human rights and international laws, potentially used as political leverage against US.

      The detention and treatment of Evan McMullin in Russia raises serious concerns about the Russian judicial system and its disregard for human rights and international laws. McMullin's family and supporters believe that his detention was politically motivated and a hostage situation to gain leverage over the United States. McMullin himself described the Russian government as having "absolutely no value of human life" and "apathy permeating every level." The situation highlights the deteriorating state of US-Russia relations, with tensions escalating to the point of taking journalists and diplomats hostage. McMullin's advice to his family, friends, and colleagues is to prepare for a long fight and remain cautiously optimistic. He emphasizes the importance of the US government taking decisive action to secure the release of innocent Americans detained in Russia. The case underscores the need for diplomatic engagement and dialogue to address conflicts and prevent further deterioration of relations between the two nations.

    • First US president faces criminal chargesHistorical precedent as Trump faces legal accountability, raising questions about consequences for presidential actions

      Former President Donald Trump is making history as the first former or sitting US president to face criminal charges. The legal proceedings against him mark uncharted territory, as no president or ex-president has previously been held legally accountable. Trump's indictment on criminal charges is a significant shift from the past, as it raises questions about the potential consequences for a president's actions. Although he has survived two impeachments, this legal battle is different, as it is not a political process. The outcome of the case is uncertain, and it could have political implications, with some Republicans rallying around Trump despite the indictment. The legal system's handling of the situation underscores the importance of accountability for all individuals, regardless of their position.

    • First ex-president indicted on criminal chargesDonald Trump indicted for business fraud and hush money payments, making history as first ex-president facing criminal charges in US.

      History was made when a grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump on criminal charges, making him the first ex-president to face such accusations in the United States. The indictment, which is still under seal, reportedly relates to business fraud and hush money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about an alleged affair. Trump's legal team and allies have denounced the investigation as a political witch hunt, while the Manhattan District Attorney's office has insisted on treating the former president like any other defendant. The indictment follows years of probes into the hush money payments and comes as Trump is running for reelection. The case has generated significant buzz and controversy, with reactions ranging from defense to outrage. The former president is expected to turn himself in and be arraigned in New York on Tuesday.

    • Former President Trump to be indicted, charges likely related to $150,000 paymentFormer President Trump expected to be indicted for an alleged payment to silence a woman, marking the first time a U.S. president faces criminal charges.

      Former President Trump is expected to be indicted by the Manhattan District Attorney, and the indictment could be unsealed as early as next week. The charges are believed to be related to a $150,000 payment made to a woman, Karen McDougal, to keep her silent about an alleged affair with Trump. Trump's team is reportedly working on the logistics of his surrender to authorities, which is expected to involve a significant security presence. The timing of the indictment has caught Trump's team off guard, as they had been preparing for the possibility of charges but believed the grand jury would be on hiatus. The motivation for the sudden indictment is unclear, and Trump's allies are criticizing it as politically motivated. The former president has denied any wrongdoing and has called the indictment a "witch hunt." The indictment would mark the first time a former U.S. president faces criminal charges.

    • Trump Indicted Over Hush Money PaymentsFormer President Trump was indicted for falsifying business records related to hush money payments to women during the 2016 campaign. Michael Cohen, a key witness, is involved, and the case could be elevated to a felony.

      Former President Trump and his team were caught off guard by the indictment, despite speculation and bracing for the possibility. The indictment relates to hush money payments made to women who alleged affairs with Trump, and Michael Cohen, a key witness, is believed to be involved. The payments were arranged to prevent the stories from being made public during the 2016 presidential campaign. The case revolves around the alleged falsification of business records, and the indictment is a historic first for a former U.S. President. Michael Cohen, who played a role in the payments, has been identified as a star witness. The indictment is a misdemeanor, but it could be elevated to a felony. Trump's team has argued that the case is weaker than the January 6th Capitol insurrection case, but Cohen emphasized that the crime is still significant.

    • Trump's State Indictment: Fairness and Significance DebatedTrump faces state charges for hush money payments, but it's different from a federal case. Hush money payments aren't criminal, but falsifying records to cover them up could be. Trump's expected in court on Tuesday, but potential outcomes are uncertain.

      The indictment of Donald Trump on state charges related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal has sparked intense debate over the fairness and significance of the case. Michael Cohen, who made similar payments and served time in federal prison for related crimes, has raised questions about why Trump hasn't faced similar consequences. However, it's important to note that this is a state prosecution, and the potential charges and penalties differ from a federal case. Hush money payments themselves are not criminal, but falsifying business records to cover them up could be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances. The indictment contains over 30 charges, but we have not yet seen the details. Trump is expected to appear in court on Tuesday, and there are questions about what will happen if he refuses to come or if the governor of Florida refuses to extradite him. Overall, this case is sure to generate significant political and legal drama in the coming days.

    • Historic Indictment of Former President TrumpUnprecedented indictment of a former president for campaign finance violations and tax fraud, with potential implications for election outcome.

      The indictment of former President Trump on campaign finance violations, which comes after his business organization was found guilty of tax fraud, is a significant development with serious implications. While some Republicans are rushing to defend him, many are also distancing themselves from the charge itself rather than Trump personally. The historical precedent of indicting a former president is unprecedented, and the allegations of extensive business fraud are not trivial. The nature of this moment, with its many firsts and shocking events, is truly astonishing. The outcome of the political fallout from this indictment will likely depend on how voters view the hush money payments made during the 2016 campaign and their impact on the election result.

    • Historic Indictment of Trump Raises Questions for VotersThe indictment of Trump on criminal business fraud charges has raised concerns for voters, who must decide if they will continue to support him despite the legal issues.

      The historic indictment of former President Donald Trump on criminal business fraud charges raises significant questions for voters about whether they will support him despite his past legal issues. During a previous discussion, it was noted that people had voted for Trump knowing some but not all the facts, as evidenced by Michael Cohen's admission of hush money payments after the election. The current indictment, however, is a different matter, and many people view criminal business fraud as a serious concern. Meanwhile, security concerns are escalating in New York City ahead of Trump's arraignment next Tuesday, with law enforcement agencies preparing for potential unrest. The situation is unprecedented, and both the Secret Service and US Marshals are having conversations with law enforcement to coordinate the event.

    • NYPD Readies for Potential Trump IndictmentThe NYPD is preparing for a potential Trump indictment, with the former President's attorney requesting more time for coordination with the Secret Service. The indictment could include over 30 charges related to falsifying business records, and Trump may use the occasion to address the media and public.

      The New York City Police Department is preparing for former President Trump's potential surrender to face an indictment, with the entire department on alert. The Manhattan District Attorney's Office is maintaining its stance that Trump should present himself relatively quickly after being charged, but Trump's attorney has requested more time for coordination with the Secret Service. The indictment itself, which reportedly includes over 30 charges related to falsifying business records, may not reveal much detail about the crime beyond the number of steps involved. The NYPD and other law enforcement agencies are preparing for a significant presence when Trump does turn himself in, which could potentially be used as a stage for Trump to address the media and public. The timing of Trump's surrender is uncertain, but the NYPD's readiness and the potential for a public spectacle suggest that it could be a significant event.

    • Two Black Hawk helicopters crashed in Kentucky, killing 9 US service membersA military investigation is underway after two helicopters crashed, resulting in the deaths of 9 service members. Meanwhile, a US journalist was arrested in Moscow on espionage charges, and a former president faces campaign finance charges.

      Two Black Hawk helicopters crashed during a training mission in Kentucky, resulting in the deaths of 9 US service members. The military investigative team is working to determine the cause of the crash, but no identification of the victims is expected today. Meanwhile, a Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gerskovich, was arrested in Moscow on espionage charges, and the US is fighting for consular access to him. The US is also dealing with the unprecedented situation of a former president, Donald Trump, being indicted on campaign finance charges. Trump and his allies are reacting with anger, while legal experts analyze the implications of this legal precedent.

    • First ex-president indicted in US historyDonald Trump indicted for business fraud, involving hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal

      Former President Donald Trump made history on Thursday as the first ex-president in the United States to be indicted, facing more than 30 counts related to business fraud, primarily concerning hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and model Karen McDougal to keep allegations of affairs quiet. The indictment came after years of investigation and testimony from Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to federal crimes and provided documents and corroborating testimony. Despite Trump's denials and claims of a witch hunt, the Manhattan district attorney's office proceeded with the indictment, sparking criticism and controversy. The indictment marks a significant moment in American history and sets the stage for a high-profile legal battle.

    • Trump Indicted: Legal Process BeginsTrump indicted for falsifying business records, potential charges include campaign finance violations, trial process includes motions, discovery, conviction, sentencing, and appeal, arraignment scheduled for Tuesday

      The indictment of Donald Trump in New York marks the beginning of a lengthy legal process, with potential charges including falsification of business records related to hush money payments. These charges could be a misdemeanor for falsifying records or a felony if it's proven that these records were falsified to conceal another crime. The potential existence of this second crime could involve campaign finance violations, although there's a legal challenge as it's a state court dealing with a federal election. The trial process will include motions, discovery, and a potential conviction leading to sentencing and appeal. This is just the beginning, with an arraignment scheduled for Tuesday, where Trump will likely enter a not-guilty plea and be released on his own recognizance.

    • Unprecedented Legal Action Against Former President TrumpFormer President Trump indicted in New York State on potential charges of falsification of business records and campaign law violations. Defense team plans to challenge star witness Michael Cohen's credibility. Protests expected, security heightened.

      The indictment of former President Donald Trump in New York State marks unprecedented legal territory, with potential charges including falsification of business records and violations of federal campaign law. Trump's defense team is expected to attack the credibility of star witness Michael Cohen, who has previously been convicted of perjury and fraud, and has expressed personal animosity towards Trump. New York City is ramping up security in anticipation of protests, and the specifics of Trump's arraignment are still being discussed. Despite reports that the grand jury had finished its work, Trump and his team were caught off guard by the sudden indictment. It remains unclear whether their belief that it wouldn't happen was based on accurate information or wishful thinking. The unpredictability of grand juries and the actions of District Attorney Alvin Bragg may have contributed to their surprise.

    • Trump Legal Case: Broader Investigation into Business DealingsThe Trump legal case extends beyond Stormy Daniels, with a focus on the Trump Organization's business dealings and payments to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels.

      The ongoing legal case against former President Donald Trump involves more than just Michael Cohen's testimony regarding the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal. The involvement of David Pecker, who ran the company that paid Daniels off, and the focus of Bragg's team on Karen McDougal's $150,000 payment, suggest a broader investigation into the Trump Organization's business dealings. With 30 or more charges being brought, it's unlikely that these charges are solely related to Stormy Daniels. The importance of Cohen's testimony is underscored by the fact that Trump's team sent Robert Costello to rebut it, but Costello provided no new information. Despite Trump's assertions that the case relies on the testimony of a convicted felon and a disbarred lawyer, the indictment serves as proof that the information provided was sufficient for the grand jury. The notion that the case should not be pursued for political reasons does not align with the justice system, and the statute of limitations and other factors dictate when cases must be brought. Georgia's Fani Willis could potentially go first with any indictments, and multiple jurisdictions can coordinate court dates if necessary.

    • Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Indicts Donald TrumpFormer President Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, unexpectedly, amidst multiple ongoing investigations. Details of charges unclear.

      The indictment of Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is not a surprise, given Bragg's campaign promises and the ongoing investigations into the former president. Trump's advisers were caught off guard, but the president is expected to surrender on Tuesday. The indictment comes amidst a flurry of legal actions against Trump, including those related to the January 6th Capitol riots and the Mar-a-Lago documents. Some people who have worked for Trump in the past have expressed satisfaction with the development, citing past grievances against him. The indictment is unprecedented due to the security requirements for protecting Trump, and the details of the charges have not yet been made public.

    • Manhattan DA's case against Trump targets key witness's credibilityThe Manhattan DA's case against Trump may focus on attacking Michael Cohen's credibility due to his past convictions and legal status, while Trump's legal team anticipates making motions to dismiss based on legal issues.

      The Manhattan district attorney's case against Donald Trump is expected to focus on attacking the credibility of a key witness, Michael Cohen, who was convicted of lying to Congress and other financial crimes. Cohen claims to have proof of his truthfulness and corroborating testimony, but his status as a convicted felon and disbarred lawyer raises concerns about his credibility. Jim Trusty, a current attorney for Trump, believes this case represents a politicized prosecution and criticizes the public announcements of targeting Trump by prosecutors. Trusty also anticipates motions to dismiss the case based on legal issues, including the stacking of federal crimes into state misdemeanors, statute of limitations, and the lack of intent to defraud. Trump's legal team is managing multiple investigations, including the January 6th investigation and the classified documents investigation, with a team of experienced professionals. The team is focusing on legal issues and anticipates making motions to dismiss in the Manhattan case.

    • Trump's legal team challenges investigations, East Palestine toxic train derailment updatesTrump's legal team is defending him against investigations, including the classified documents matter. Simultaneously, the East Palestine toxic train derailment situation worsens with CDC investigators falling ill and the DOJ suing Norfolk Southern.

      The legal team for former President Trump is actively working to challenge investigations against him, which they believe to be politically motivated and an attack on the rule of law. Trump's attorney, Jim Trusty, spoke about the ongoing investigations, including the classified documents matter, and emphasized the constitutional right of presidents to handle classified information. Trusty also addressed the criticism of Trump's attacks on the district attorney, Alvin Bragg, stating that the emotional reaction is understandable given the circumstances. Additionally, there is a new development in the East Palestine toxic train derailment, with the CDC confirming that 7 of its investigators fell ill while conducting house-to-house surveys in the contaminated area. The Department of Justice has also filed a lawsuit against Norfolk Southern.

    • Transparency and Trust in Government and Legal SystemRepublican Congressman Brian Mast questions fairness of legal system in Trump's case, while DOJ sues Norfolk Southern for cutting costs and causing harm.

      Transparency has been a significant theme in recent events, with the CDC and EPA both facing questions about the health of investigators and the safety of the environment in East Palestine, Ohio. Meanwhile, former President Trump's indictment has sparked heated debates about fairness and political motivations. Republican Congressman Brian Mast, speaking from a personal perspective, expressed a lack of trust in the legal system to provide a fair assessment in Trump's case, citing past investigations and allegations of political bias. The DOJ's lawsuit against Norfolk Southern, another major story, accuses the company of cutting costs in rail safety, leading to environmental damage and potential harm to residents. The Ohio lawsuit mirrors these allegations, and both are ongoing.

    • New York Indicts Trump: Political ImplicationsFormer President Trump indicted in New York for business fraud, involving hush money payments. Political ramifications for his 2024 campaign. Governor DeSantis supports Trump, adding to controversy.

      The former president, Donald Trump, has been indicted in New York, facing more than 30 counts related to business fraud. The investigation is centered around hush money payments involving Stormy Daniels. Governor DeSantis of Florida has voiced his support for Trump, viewing it as an important issue for the state and one of his constituents. Some see this as a political move by the Democrats, while others believe there is legitimacy to the investigation. Regardless, the indictment is historic and has significant political implications, with potential benefits and drawbacks for Trump's 2024 campaign. Security is heightened in New York City in anticipation of potential protests or demonstrations. The former president is expected to turn himself in on Tuesday for the arraignment.

    • Trump Prepares for New York Indictment at Mar-a-LagoTrump faces indictment over hush money payment, investigation by Southern District of New York, Cohen's testimony and documents, unexpected timing, dinner plans, attorney's statement, facts and motivations for payment to be determined by jury

      Former President Trump is currently at Mar-a-Lago, preparing for his expected Tuesday arraignment in New York over an indictment related to a hush money payment made during the 2016 election. The indictment stems from a thorough investigation by the Southern District of New York, which found that Trump directed Michael Cohen to make the payment. Cohen, a convicted felon and disbarred lawyer, has provided documents and testimony corroborating this fact. Trump's team was reportedly caught off guard by the timing of the indictment but had continued with dinner plans at Mar-a-Lago the night before. Trump's attorney, Joe Tacopino, has stated that the indictment centers around a common confidential agreement, but the facts and motivations behind the payment are still under question and will be determined by the jury.

    • Evidence against Trump's involvement in hush money payments is more extensive than knownSubstantial evidence, including documents, witnesses, and contradictory statements from Trump's own lawyer, suggests Trump knowingly and willfully made false statements to Congress about hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

      The case against Donald Trump for his involvement in the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal is more extensive than what has been publicly known. Michael Cohen, who testified about these payments, is not the only source of evidence. The Southern District of New York has documents, witnesses, emails, text messages, and telephone calls that corroborate the political motivation behind these payments. The charges against Trump are not just a campaign finance violation, but a serious crime that impairs democracy by preventing the American people from knowing the truth. The volume of corroborating evidence is substantial, and even Trump's own lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has contradicted Trump's claims that these payments were legal fees. The specific charges against Trump are not yet known, but they will likely focus on whether he knowingly and willfully made false statements to Congress about these payments.

    • Former President Trump's legal proceedings: Crimes or just paperwork issues?The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Trump involve the question of whether his actions amounted to crimes or just paperwork issues. Michael Cohen's admission of lying at Trump's direction and the potential significance of corroborating documents and communications are under scrutiny.

      That the question of whether former President Trump's actions amounted to a crime or not is at the heart of the ongoing legal proceedings. Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, admitted to lying at Trump's direction, but the significance of this and the evolution from a paperwork issue to a criminal felony remains unclear. The indictment has sent shockwaves through Washington, and the reaction from Democrats on Capitol Hill is being closely watched. Former federal prosecutor Jessica Roth and CNN's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller provided insights into the potential significance of documents and communications that may corroborate Michael Cohen's testimony. Meanwhile, preparations are underway for Trump's surrender to the Manhattan Criminal Court, with security arrangements and logistics being carefully planned.

    • US Cities Monitor Potential Trump Actions Following IndictmentCities are sharing intel, Trump team may file motions, Democrats urge caution, specifics of charges unknown

      New York City and other major cities in the US are closely monitoring potential actions by former President Trump following his indictment. The rest of the country's major cities' intelligence commanders are linked in a network, sharing information. Trump's previous statements about an upcoming rally and controlling the narrative are being considered. The Trump team is expected to file motions to dismiss based on legal technicalities and the absence of intent to defraud. Democrats, including Congressman Dan Goldman, are urging caution and waiting for more information before commenting on the indictment and the political motivations of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Goldman emphasized that without knowing the specifics of the charges, it's premature for anyone to make definitive statements.

    • Handling Trump's legal proceedings in the court of lawThe ongoing legal proceedings against Trump should be resolved in the court system, focusing on corroborating evidence and witness credibility, without political interference.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump should be handled in the court of law and not in the political sphere or Congress. The hush money case, which involves potential false business records, is a complex legal matter with uncharted territory, and the outcome will depend on the evaluation of corroborating evidence and witness credibility. While Michael Cohen, a key witness, has a history of lying, the prosecution team will focus on corroborating evidence and records to strengthen their case. The political interference from Congress in a local prosecution is a concern, and it's essential to let the legal process play out without interference. Additionally, the arrest of an American journalist in Russia on espionage charges highlights the importance of respecting the rule of law and diplomatic relations between nations.

    • Similar experiences of wrongfully detained individualsFormer detainees and US officials express concerns over treatment of Americans in Russia, labeling it a 'hostage situation'. Former President Trump's indictment emphasizes accountability for all, regardless of position.

      The experiences of wrongfully detained individuals, like Evan Gershkovich and Trevor Reed, share similarities in their initial stages. Both men described feeling confused, in shock, and in denial during their first hours of detention. Reed, who was detained in Russia for nearly three years, also expressed concerns about how Gershkovich would be treated by the Russian judicial system, which he described as a "joke" with no accountability for officials who break the law. Reed and some members of Congress have labeled Gershkovich's detention a "hostage situation," and Gershkovich's attorney was not even allowed in the courtroom during his formal arrest. With tensions between the US and Russia escalating, Reed fears that the treatment of Americans in Russia could worsen as Russia becomes more desperate. In response, Reed called for definitive action from the US government to secure Gershkovich's release. Additionally, former President Trump's indictment on a campaign finance issue was described as an "outrage" by his former Vice President, Mike Pence, who emphasized that no one is above the law. Pence's former chief of staff, Mark Short, joined the discussion to provide further insight on the historic indictment.

    • The complex interplay between politics and the law in high-profile casesProsecutors should use discretion when deciding whether to indict high-profile figures, but public pledges to pursue a case regardless of facts may raise political concerns. Vice President Pence's decision to testify in the January 6th investigation, despite potential political implications, could help his image as someone who follows the rule of law.

      While no one is above the law, there should be prosecutorial discretion in deciding whether or not to indict former President Trump. However, if a prosecutor has publicly pledged to pursue a case regardless of the facts, it may raise questions about political motivations. This paradox was discussed in relation to the Manhattan DA's decision to reconsider charges against Trump, which some saw as a political move. Additionally, the vice president's decision to testify in the January 6th investigation, despite potential political implications, was seen as a principled stand. The legal implications of this decision are still unfolding, but it could potentially help Pence's image as someone who follows the rule of law. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex interplay between politics and the law in high-profile cases.

    • Sleep Number Smart Beds: Personalized Comfort for High-Quality SleepSleep Number offers customizable comfort with adjustable firmness and temperature settings, helping alleviate snoring. Ranked #1 in customer satisfaction, it's a top choice for upgrading sleep experience with limited-time 40% discount on select smart beds.

      Sleep Number Smart Beds prioritize individualized comfort and high-quality sleep. During the CNN This Morning segment, the hosts emphasized the importance of quality sleep and introduced a promotion for the Queen Sleep Number C4 Smart Bed, which is currently on sale for $1,599, a savings of $300. The Sleep Number bed offers customization options, including adjusting firmness and temperature, and even helps alleviate snoring. JD Power has ranked Sleep Number number one in customer satisfaction with mattresses purchased in-store, making it a top choice for those seeking a comfortable and effective sleep solution. Additionally, there is a limited-time offer for a 40% discount on Sleep Number's limited edition smart bed. Overall, Sleep Number's focus on personalized comfort and high-quality sleep sets it apart as a leading option for those looking to upgrade their sleep experience.

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    CNN This Morning
    enJune 25, 2024

    Debate Strategies, Roe v. Wade, Iowa Underwater

    Debate Strategies, Roe v. Wade, Iowa Underwater
    New reporting on the strategies Joe Biden and Donald Trump plan to use during Thursday night's historic CNN debate. Two years to the day since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, how that ruling is impacting lives and our political .landscape today. Nearly two dozen counties in Iowa are underwater.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    CNN This Morning
    enJune 24, 2024

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    How Strong Is the Case Against Donald Trump?

    How Strong Is the Case Against Donald Trump?
    Derek talks to ‘Semafor’ political reporter Dave Weigel about how the Trump indictment could reshape the election—or turn out to be a big ole nothing burger. But before that, Norman Eisen, a lawyer who served as cocounsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment and trial of Donald Trump, argues that Alvin Bragg's case is much stronger than the conventional wisdom. If you have questions, observations, or ideas for future episodes, email us at PlainEnglish@Spotify.com. You can find us on TikTok at www.tiktok.com/@plainenglish_ Host: Derek Thompson Guests: Norman Eisen and Dave Weigel Producer: Devon Manze Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Trump PANICS and sends New Witness to Testify Before Grand Jury

    Trump PANICS and sends New Witness to Testify Before Grand Jury
    Donald Trump is sending a new witness to testify on his behalf before the Manhattan criminal grand jury. The new witness is a lawyer named Robert Costello who once represented Michael Cohen in 2018 and is referenced in the Mueller Report for potentially obstructing justice on behalf of Donald Trump. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports. New full-length episodes of the MeidasTouch Podcast featuring the brothers are released every Tuesday & Friday morning. The rest of the week, enjoy our short-form content we call ‘The Mighty.’ If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review and subscribe. Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

    The Indictment of Donald Trump

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    Guest: Ben Protess, an investigative reporter for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.