
    Don’t Dare Back Away From This Fight # 1032 (Ep 1032)

    enJuly 29, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Urging President Trump to Address Inner City IssuesDan Bongino passionately urges President Trump to tackle inner city destruction and liberal policies, emphasizing the importance and urgency of the debate. His personal connections to Baltimore add to his motivation.

      Dan Bongino, the show's host, passionately urges President Trump not to back down from addressing the issues of inner city destruction and liberal policies that have left many American cities, including Baltimore, in a state of economic and social despair. Bongino, who has personal connections to Baltimore, emphasizes the importance and urgency of this debate. He also shares his own background and how his experiences motivated him to enter politics. Additionally, the show promotes Boland Branch, a company that makes high-quality organic cotton sheets, which are available with a discount using the promo code Bongino.

    • Political Figure Criticizes Baltimore's Representation and Conditions, Sparking Debate on Responsibility and RacismThe debate over Baltimore's state and representation in politics has been ongoing for decades, with accusations of neglect and racism towards those commenting on the city's conditions. Despite the lack of Republican representation in Baltimore's government since 1942, the conversation continues to dominate the political landscape.

      The debate around the state of Baltimore and its representation in politics has been a contentious issue for decades. This past weekend, a Republican political figure named Kim, who has appeared on Fox News, criticized Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings for his comments on the border situation while neglecting the issues in his own district, Baltimore. In response, President Trump tweeted about the dilapidated conditions in Baltimore, which led to accusations of racism towards him. However, it was pointed out that such criticisms have been a common response whenever anyone comments on Baltimore's state, dating back to Tom Maher's time at Joe's old radio station. The last Republican city council member was elected in Baltimore in 1942, and since then, the city's economy and education system have been in decline. The debate around who is responsible for Baltimore's state and the accusations of racism continue to dominate the conversation, with some arguing that it's a distraction from addressing the real issues at hand.

    • Discussion on inner city conditions labeled as racistTruthful observations about inner city conditions should not be labeled as racist, but rather addressed by Democratic leaders to improve living conditions and create jobs.

      The discussion revolved around how certain comments about the poor conditions in inner cities, using rough language like "rats" and "third world country," are labeled as racist by some Democrats and liberals. The speakers argued that these comments are not racist, but rather truthful observations about the state of these communities, which have been run by Democrats for a long time. They criticized Democratic leaders for not effectively addressing the issues in these areas, leading to poverty, unemployment, and dilapidated buildings. The speakers also pointed out that some Democratic mayors, including Catherine Pugh and Stephanie Rawlings Blake, have faced scandals and criticisms during their tenures. Ultimately, the speakers argued that the labeling of truthful observations as racism is a tactic used by the identity politics left to silence criticism and deflect attention from the real issues.

    • Baltimore's struggles rooted in Democratic control and failed policiesThe speaker argues that decades of Democratic control and liberal policies have led to Baltimore's economic decline and failing schools, particularly in math proficiency. They emphasize the need for school choice and economic improvement, and criticize the media and liberals for labeling criticism as racist.

      The speaker believes the Democratic Party and liberal policies have been in control of Baltimore for decades, leading to economic decline and failing schools, particularly in regards to math proficiency. They argue that these issues are not being addressed effectively due to a lack of school choice and a poor economy, and that the media and liberals are quick to label criticism as racist. The speaker emphasizes their own firsthand experience in Baltimore and the success they have seen in charter schools, which defies the liberal narrative that certain demographics cannot succeed. Overall, the speaker's message is that the root cause of Baltimore's struggles is not racism, but rather the failure of big government policies.

    • Education as a jobs program in struggling communitiesSome liberals view education as a jobs program in struggling communities, which contributes to family breakdown and lack of opportunities. The speaker advocates for open discussion and a focus on giving all families a fair shot at success.

      The education system in struggling communities, particularly those with large black populations, is being viewed as a jobs program rather than an opportunity for children to learn and succeed. This perspective, held by some liberals, is contributing to the breakdown of families and lack of educational and job opportunities in these areas. The speaker, who grew up in a decent school and went on to work hard and succeed, believes it's the morally right thing to address this issue, regardless of potential political consequences. He encourages open discussion about the problem in Baltimore and other similar cities, despite criticism from some quarters. Ultimately, the goal is to give all families, regardless of race or ethnicity, a fair shot at the American dream.

    • Addressing community issues despite criticismEngaging with communities and addressing their issues, even in the face of criticism, is the right thing to do for individuals and politicians. Focus on improving lives and being on the 'morally right side of history'.

      The speaker believes that engaging with communities and addressing their issues, despite criticism, is the right thing to do, regardless of political affiliations or allegations of racism. The speaker shares his personal experiences of working in various communities and addressing issues like crime and fraud. He also defends President Trump's comments about Baltimore and accuses Democrats of not doing enough to help these communities. The speaker emphasizes that the focus should be on improving the lives of people in these communities and that the GOP has an opportunity to be on the "morally right side of history" by addressing these issues. The speaker also promotes Lending Club as a solution for people looking to regain control of their finances.

    • Lending Club: A Simple Solution for Borrowing MoneyLending Club offers a convenient platform for individuals to apply, choose loan terms, and receive funds directly, bypassing banks and high-interest credit cards. Democrats worry about potential criminal acts during the Spygate scandal, specifically the unauthorized leak of sensitive information from a call between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador.

      Lending Club provides an easy and efficient solution for borrowing money without the need for bank trips or high-interest credit cards. The platform, which has issued over $35 billion in loans, allows individuals to apply, choose terms, and receive funds directly into their bank accounts. Additionally, Representative John Ratcliffe, who is expected to become the next Director of National Intelligence, has raised concerns among Democrats due to his assertion that crimes have been committed during the Spygate scandal. He specifically mentioned the unauthorized leak of sensitive national security information from a call between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador as an unquestionable criminal act.

    • Discrepancies in Testimonies during Early Stages of Russian Interference InvestigationFormer prosecutor John Ratcliffe revealed inconsistencies and potential lies in testimonies from Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Bruce Orr from the Department of Justice regarding key meetings and actions during the early stages of the Russian interference investigation. The investigation's legitimacy and motivations are now under scrutiny.

      There are inconsistencies and potential lies regarding key meetings and actions taken during the early stages of the Russian interference investigation. John Ratcliffe, a former prosecutor, has highlighted several instances of apparent perjury and deceit. For instance, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS testified under oath that he didn't meet Bruce Orr from the Department of Justice until after the election, but Bruce Orr testified that they met before the election. Additionally, there are questions about when the investigation actually began and why certain meetings occurred before its official start. Lastly, there is the issue of former FBI Director James Comey leaking confidential documents to the media. These inconsistencies and potential lies have led to concerns about the legitimacy of the investigation and the motives of those involved.

    • Brennan's conflicting statements on the Steele dossierBrennan briefed Harry Reid on the dossier in August 2016, but claimed he didn't know about it until December. His inconsistent statements raise questions about his honesty and role in the dossier's dissemination.

      John Brennan's inconsistent statements regarding his knowledge and involvement with the Steele dossier before and after the 2016 election are under scrutiny. Devin Nunes, during an interview on Maria Bartiromo's show, pointed out that Brennan briefed Harry Reid in August 2016 about the dossier, but he never briefed Paul Ryan or other members of the Gang of Eight at that time. However, Brennan has claimed that he did not come across the dossier until December 2016. This discrepancy raises questions about Brennan's honesty and his role in the dissemination of the dossier. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the CIA, which Brennan headed at the time, has not provided much information regarding their involvement in the dossier, while the FBI has been under scrutiny for their handling of the matter. These inconsistencies add to the ongoing investigations into the origins of the Russia probe.

    • Confusion over who was briefed on Russian involvement with Trump campaignBrennan may have withheld information from Nunes due to potential inaccuracy or sensitivity, leading to McConnell's questioning and a change in briefing for Nunes and Ryan. Allegations against Carter Page have since been discredited.

      During the 2016 election, there was confusion over who was briefed on allegations of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign, specifically regarding Carter Page. Nunes claimed he wasn't briefed, despite Brennan giving the same briefing to multiple individuals. It's suggested that Brennan may have withheld information due to its potential inaccuracy or politically sensitive nature. McConnell's questioning of Brennan may have prompted a change in the briefing given to Nunes and Ryan. The timing of these events coincides with the August 2016 briefing between Orr and Simpson from Fusion GPS, and Harry Reid's letter to the FBI regarding potential conflicts of interest and investigations into the Trump team's meetings with Russian individuals. The allegations against Carter Page regarding a billion-dollar bribe from a Russian gas company have since been discredited.

    • The Steele dossier's origins and potential fabricationsThe Steele dossier, used in Russia probe, may be fabricated. Reid obtained info from Johnny B, who contacted Fusion GPS earlier. Crimes reportedly committed, Brennan may have lied, and privacy concerns with Siri recordings. Mueller's report was a political stunt with insufficient evidence.

      The Steele dossier, which played a significant role in the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, was likely fabricated. Harry Reid obtained information from Johnny B, who claimed he didn't see the dossier until December but had been in contact with someone from Fusion GPS earlier. Crimes were allegedly committed, according to some reports, and John Brennan may have lied about his knowledge of the dossier. Another takeaway is the potential privacy concerns surrounding Siri recordings, as Apple contractors have reportedly heard confidential details on these recordings. Lastly, Andy McCarthy's two-part piece in National Review sheds light on Mueller's report and the use of OLC guidelines as an excuse for not charging President Trump with any crimes. McCarthy argues that Mueller's report was always a political stunt and lacked sufficient evidence for a prosecutable case.

    • Mueller team didn't charge Trump due to lack of case, not OLC guidelinesMueller team chose not to indict Trump due to potential legal battle and loss, not OLC guidelines, but withheld reasoning leading to speculation

      The Mueller team did not charge President Trump because there was no prosecutable case, not because of OLC guidelines preventing an indictment. They hinted at the guidelines as a reason to avoid making a decision, but their mandate required them to make a prosecutorial decision. The team knew that suggesting an indictment would lead to a lengthy legal battle and potential loss, so they chose to remain silent. The confidentiality of the report added to the intrigue, but if the report had remained private, their reasoning would have been valid. However, by withholding the reasoning and allowing the media to speculate, they created a narrative that has persisted despite the lack of evidence for an indictment.

    • Strategic leaks and immediate report release by special counsel's office during investigationThe special counsel's office leaked strategically important information and pushed for quick report release, using OLC guidelines to write an impeachment report while claiming to protect the president.

      During the investigation into potential Russian interference in the 2016 election, the special counsel's office engaged in strategic leaks and pushed for the immediate release of their report after Attorney General Bill Barr summarized it, knowing that the president couldn't defend himself against the report's allegations. The office used the OLC guidelines as an excuse to write an impeachment report for Congress, while simultaneously claiming they were protecting the president. The report had no case against the president, as explained in a piece by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. In a separate development, President Trump secured a victory on Friday by being able to reallocate funds for border wall construction, which will begin at least in some areas. Stay tuned for more discussion on these topics in the future.

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