
    Doug Abrams On Why Hope Is The Antidote For Apathy

    enJanuary 17, 2022
    What role does hope play in human evolution?
    How does Jane Goodall inspire hope and action?
    What is the main theme of Goodall's book?
    Why is hope considered an active response to challenges?
    How can the next generation foster change and hope?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Hope in Human Evolution and ProgressMaintaining hope through action, empathy, and optimism is crucial for individual and collective growth during times of adversity.

      Hope, which originates in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, plays a crucial role in human evolution and imagination. Despite the challenges and crises facing humanity, maintaining hope with action, empathy, and optimism is essential for individual and collective growth. Jane Goodall, a renowned primatologist and climate activist, embodies this perspective, inspiring us to see adversity as part of the curriculum and to embrace the healing power of grieving and suffering. Through her work and her new book "The Book of Hope" co-authored with Douglas Abrams, she offers insights into the nature of hope and the importance of cultivating it as a strategy for human and global progress.

    • Hope: An Active Response to ChallengesHope is an essential response to challenges, setting goals and finding realistic pathways to achieve them, and an antidote to despair and apathy. Utilize resources like the Waking Up app to develop hope and other valuable skills.

      Hope is an active and powerful response to the challenges we face, rather than a passive or unrealistic indulgence. As discussed in the podcast with Douglas Abrams about his book with Jane Goodall, hope isn't about ignoring obstacles or adversity, but rather setting goals and finding realistic pathways to achieve them. Hope is an antidote to despair and apathy, and is essential for taking action and making a positive impact on the world. Additionally, the Waking Up app, mentioned in the podcast, is a valuable resource for developing hope and other important skills, such as mindfulness and empathy, through its extensive catalog of meditations and courses.

    • Understanding the Components of HopeHope is essential for success, personal growth, and survival. It's rooted in realistic goals, pathways, agency, and social support. Cultivating hope in children through goal setting and navigating struggles can foster resilience. Hope originates in the prefrontal cortex and helps us imagine a better future.

      Hope, a fundamental human trait, can be understood through its four components: realistic goals, realistic pathways, a sense of agency, and social support. Hope is essential for academic success, personal growth, and even survival. Research shows that people with less hope are more likely to face negative outcomes, such as death or academic failure. Hope is not only a natural disposition but can also be cultivated through intentional practice, particularly in young people. Encouraging children to set realistic goals and helping them navigate struggles can foster a sense of hope and resilience. Hope originates in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for language, time travel, and problem-solving, allowing us to imagine a better future. We are both hope and fear creatures, and understanding the power of hope can help us overcome adversity and thrive in life.

    • The Power of Hope in Human ProgressCultivate hope, take action towards positive goals, challenge the status quo, and redirect hope towards communal goals for positive change.

      Hope is a powerful force that drives human progress, but it can be easily overshadowed by fear and despair. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of actively cultivating hope and taking action towards positive goals, even in the face of challenges and adversity. They also warned against the dangers of cynicism and the misalignment of social incentives that can hinder the growth of hope. The speakers drew on the example of human evolution, highlighting the role of hope in shaping our civilization. They encouraged listeners to redirect their hope towards communally oriented goals and to challenge the status quo in order to create positive change. Ultimately, hope is not a passive response, but an active and vulnerable one that requires courage and resilience.

    • Exploring the Humanity of Global Icons: A Conversation with Jane GoodallJane Goodall, a global icon known for her message of hope and deep understanding of human nature, continues to inspire through her passion and dedication to her advocacy despite age and pandemic challenges.

      The "Global Icons" series, which includes books like "The Book of Joy" and "The Book of Hope," aims to reveal the humanity of renowned figures by sharing their personal stories and experiences. Jane Goodall, the subject of "The Book of Hope," was chosen due to her global impact as a messenger of hope and her deep understanding of human nature. Despite her age and the challenges of the pandemic, Goodall remains passionate and dedicated to her advocacy, inspiring people around the world with her message. The series invites readers to join long, conversational encounters with these icons, allowing them to relate to their humanity and gain a new perspective on their lives.

    • Finding Purpose and Passion for ResilienceHaving a deep sense of purpose and passion, rooted in something you care about deeply, is essential for resilience. Social support and hope also play crucial roles in helping us navigate challenges.

      Having a deep sense of purpose and passion, rooted in something you care about deeply, is essential for resilience and the ability to handle challenges. Jane Goodall's life serves as a powerful example of this, as she anchored herself in her love for animals and used it to make a significant impact on the world. Furthermore, hope is a social gift that we give to each other, and our sense of hope or despair can impact those around us. The story of Jane Goodall's life also highlights the importance of social support and encouragement in nurturing hope, especially during difficult times. Ultimately, whether we believe in predestination or not, we can make our lives meaningful by seeing our experiences as part of our personal curriculum, with each challenge and opportunity contributing to our growth and development.

    • Challenging societal beliefs about animalsJane Goodall's groundbreaking research on chimpanzees proved they have personalities and emotions, bridging the gap between humans and animals, and inspiring us to recognize our relationship with nature to address environmental issues.

      Jane Goodall's determination and love for the natural world led her to challenge the scientific community's beliefs about animals and their emotional lives, despite facing numerous obstacles and resistance. As a woman without an undergraduate degree, she defied societal expectations and ventured into the jungle to study chimpanzees, proving that they have personalities and emotions, bridging the gap between humans and animals. Her work helped us understand our place in the natural world and the importance of recognizing our relationship with it to solve environmental issues. Goodall's story serves as an inspiration to keep pushing towards our goals and to appreciate the continuum of intelligence and emotions that connects all living beings.

    • Jane Goodall's groundbreaking discoveries changed our understanding of animals and inspired her to become an activistJane Goodall's research on chimpanzees and other animals transformed our perception, and her advocacy for their habitats and sustainable livelihoods led to effective conservation efforts, such as Akashinga's all-female anti-poaching brigade.

      Jane Goodall's groundbreaking scientific discoveries about animals, particularly chimpanzees, not only changed our understanding of their capabilities but also inspired her to become an activist and advocate for their habitats and our planet. Her focus on empowering communities to protect their environments and create sustainable livelihoods has proven effective, as seen in initiatives like Damien Mander's Akashinga all-female anti-poaching brigade. The maternal and parental instincts in mammals, including humans, can be harnessed to save us from environmental destruction rather than contributing to it. Goodall's work demonstrates that humans have the capacity to act at the last possible moment to make a difference.

    • Understanding the Power of Intellect and Human ConnectionJane Goodall emphasizes the importance of intellect, resilience, young people's power, and the human spirit in creating a culture that encourages good. Understanding and empathizing with those whose actions seem harmful is crucial.

      Our intellect, which allows us problem-solving and innovation, is a double-edged sword. While it has led to incredible advancements, it has also contributed to the destruction of our planet. Author Jane Goodall believes we are equally capable of good and evil, and our environment plays a significant role in determining which side prevails. To create a culture that encourages the "better angels" of our nature, we need to understand and empathize with those whose actions seem harmful. Intellect, resilience, young people's power, and the human spirit are the four pillars of hope according to Goodall. While her perspective aligns with these concepts, it's essential to consider the distinction between intellect and intelligence and the role they play in shaping our world. To gain a deeper understanding of these ideas, check out Jane's work, as well as podcasts like "The Conversation," "Feel Better, Live More," and "The Proof."

    • Reconnecting with nature's interconnectednessRecognize interdependence in nature, embrace long-term consequences, and find harmony with the natural world to ensure survival

      Our human intellect, as impressive as it is, needs to be used with wisdom and a deeper connection to nature. We've become too separated from the natural world and lost sight of our interdependence. Trees, for example, exchange resources with each other, demonstrating a profound interconnectedness that we've forgotten. The human intellect, with its hubris and hyper-individualism, has led us astray. We must learn to appreciate the oneness of all things and the importance of the long-term consequences of our actions. As Jane Goodall has shown us, we are part of nature, not above it. Our survival depends on recognizing and embracing this interconnectedness. We can learn wisdom again and find harmony with the natural world.

    • Acknowledging and working with current realities for a better futureEmbrace individual actions and societal changes to tackle climate crisis and ensure humanity's survival

      True hope for a better future lies in acknowledging and working with our current realities, rather than fantasizing about becoming different species or eliminating our inherent human traits like selfishness and greed. The natural world, given time, has the ability to bounce back from damage if we make appropriate changes. However, the survival of humanity depends on our ability to evolve culturally and give more to the environment than we take. We can't physically evolve fast enough, so we must adapt our society and way of life to be more sustainable and give back to nature. Inspiring examples of this include individuals and companies restoring damaged ecosystems. The challenge is to develop the political will to invest in necessary technological solutions and infrastructure transformations. Feeling powerless to make a difference on a global scale can lead to depression, so taking small actions at the local level, such as reducing plastic use and adopting plant-based diets, can help individuals feel more emotionally invested and develop a sense of agency. Ultimately, the future will not be won without a battle for the soul and future of humanity. We must act on both individual and societal levels to tackle the climate crisis and ensure our survival.

    • Individual actions and political will are key to addressing global crisesIndividuals can influence corporations and politicians through consumer choices and votes. Empathetic storytelling and direct activism can bring about change. Persistent efforts and a coalition of different approaches can lead to significant progress in addressing global crises.

      Individual actions and political will are crucial in addressing global crises, such as climate change. The Paris Agreement, which brought together 190 countries, was a significant step forward, but more needs to be done. Even large corporations, once seen as obstacles, are now committing to renewable energy and net-zero emissions by 2050. Individuals have the power to influence corporations and politicians through their consumer choices and votes. The story of Jane Goodall, who helped end animal testing on chimpanzees, and Greta Thunberg, who sparked a youth movement, illustrate the importance of both empathetic storytelling and direct activism. Fear, anger, and hope are all necessary responses to the crises we face. Change may not come overnight, but persistent efforts and a coalition of different approaches can lead to significant progress.

    • Multi-faceted approach to addressing climate crisisCollaborate with 'bad actors', internal change, external pressures, and next generation's power can create positive change for the climate crisis

      Addressing the climate crisis requires a multi-faceted approach. Internal change within organizations and external change through political action and activism are both essential. The power of collaboration with "bad actors" to create awareness and shift incentives can be effective, but it must be accompanied by external pressures such as taxes and regulations. Additionally, the next generation holds significant power in creating change through education and activism. The transformation of society and the evolution of our species from generation to generation offer hope for a better future. Despite the doom and gloom portrayed in the news, the majority of human life is filled with compassion, kindness, and caring. Taking a long-term perspective, we have made remarkable progress in a short amount of time, and the potential for continued positive change is great.

    • The power of perspective: Remembering progress and potentialDespite negative news cycles, it's important to remember progress and potential, use technology for creative purposes, and make conscious choices about media consumption.

      While it's easy to get caught up in the negative news cycle and feel that we're in a state of constant crisis, it's important to remember the larger context of evolution and transformation. We've made significant progress in many areas, but our media landscape often focuses on the negative, reinforcing a negative bias in our brains. This can lead to a saturation of "disaster porn" and "misery porn," which can contribute to unhappiness and depression. However, when we use technology and social media for creative purposes and healthy communication, it can be a powerful tool for hope and support. It's crucial to be mindful of our consumption versus creation habits and to strive for positive use of these tools. The media and technology industries have a role to play in encouraging a more balanced view of life, rather than enhancing outrage and despair. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to make conscious choices about how we engage with media and technology, and to remember the progress we've made and the potential for positive change.

    • The power of global connections for positive changeThe Arab Spring demonstrated the impact of social media in driving global change. Personal connections and shared experiences can lead to unexpected collaborations. Iconic figures like Jane Goodall inspire us with their determination, curiosity, and empathy.

      The power of a global connected mind, when directed towards positive change, can be an unstoppable force. This was highlighted in the discussion about the role of social media during the Arab Spring. Additionally, personal connections and shared experiences can lead to unexpected discoveries and collaborations, as evidenced by the encounter between the speaker and Jane Goodall. Goodall's strength, both physical and mental, and her unwavering curiosity and empathy have made her an iconic figure in science and conservation. Her willingness to ask the big questions and follow the facts, despite the challenges, serves as an inspiration for us all. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of harnessing the power of global connections and individual determination to drive positive change.

    • The indomitable human spirit: Going beyond self-regardBy focusing on something greater than ourselves, we can tap into the indomitable human spirit and find the strength to persevere, making a positive impact on the world.

      Indomitable human spirit, as exemplified by leaders like Jane Goodall and Winston Churchill, is a powerful force that helps individuals overcome obstacles and inspire change. This spirit is not limited to the individual, but transcends beyond, with the understanding that the work is not about personal success or failure, but about devoting oneself to solving a problem. By focusing on something greater than ourselves, we can tap into this spirit and find the strength and power to persevere. As Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama teach us, joy comes from going beyond our own self-regard and recognizing that we are here to help something bigger than ourselves. This realization can give us the superpower to overcome personal limitations and make a positive impact on the world.

    • Embracing a mindset of service and surrenderBy recognizing our capacity to be something more, we can tap into our indomitable human spirit and make a positive impact on the world and ourselves.

      Embracing a mindset of service and surrender to something greater than ourselves can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. This perspective, often associated with faith, can help us transcend our selfish desires and connect with the world around us. It's a challenging yet rewarding way to live, especially in a society that values individual achievement above all else. As Jane Goodall puts it, we can step out of our self-absorption and feel a part of something greater by recognizing our capacity to be something more. This indomitable human spirit can manifest in various ways, from surviving against all odds to putting ourselves in danger for the greater good. Ultimately, it's about tapping into our potential to make a positive impact on the world and ourselves. Even when contemplating the end of our lives, maintaining a healthy and thoughtful perspective can bring hope and curiosity about what lies beyond.

    • Belief in Consciousness Beyond DeathExperts studying near-death cases suggest consciousness continues beyond death, offering hope and interconnectedness. Open-mindedness, wonder, and purpose are key to navigating life's mysteries.

      Consciousness continues beyond death, according to observations and experiences of near-death cases studied by experts like Bruce Greyson. This belief, shared by Jane, offers a sense of hope and interconnectedness that transcends individual lives. The human project, as Jane sees it, is to survive and thrive on this planet, and we can choose to believe in the meaningful coincidences and synchronicities in our lives as evidence of something greater. The speaker expresses excitement about the challenges we face as a species and the need for us to become the greatest generations to meet them. Ultimately, the discussion emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness, wonder, and a sense of purpose in navigating the mysteries of life.

    • Hope as an actionable traitCultivate hope by engaging in intentional actions, recognizing mysteries, and fostering optimism, even in uncertain times. Instill hope in children by acknowledging interconnected crises and taking steps to address them.

      Hope is not just a feeling, but an actionable trait that can be cultivated and nurtured, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Humility and recognition of the vast mysteries of the universe can fuel this hope, as demonstrated by visionary scientists like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. Hope and optimism may seem similar, but hope requires intentional engagement and action. Christiana Figueres' "stubborn optimism" is an example of this, as she actively worked to create the imaginative possibility for the Paris Climate Treaty's success. As parents, we can instill hope in the next generation by acknowledging the interconnectedness of individual and global crises and taking steps to address them, rather than individualizing and atomizing the challenges. By fostering hope, we can help our children become resilient and effective agents of positive change.

    • Modeling hope through actions during children's strugglesEmbrace challenges, be present during children's difficult times, and allow them to feel emotions and learn from experiences.

      Hope is a crucial social gift that parents can model in their own lives. Our actions and support during our children's struggles are more important than our words. While it's natural to want to alleviate their suffering, it's important to remember that human life is filled with challenges and our role is to be present during their difficult times. Grief and sadness are also essential parts of life, and acknowledging and experiencing these emotions is necessary for healing and growth. As parents, we may feel responsible for our children's suffering, but it's not our job to save them from it. Instead, we should recognize the importance of embracing the challenges and allowing our children to feel their emotions and learn from their experiences. The example of influential figures like Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, and Jane shows us that a life filled with adversity can be amazing and that there's no joy without sadness.

    • Recognizing the power of choice for personal and world changeID Architects empowers visionaries to create impactful media and make a positive difference in the world through intentionality and authenticity.

      ID Architects, where the speaker works, is a mission-driven company that helps visionaries create a wiser, healthier, and more just world by developing their compelling ideas and stories. They do this primarily through books, but also in film, television, and podcasts. Their work aims to provide hope and new possibilities for individual and world change. The speaker shares a personal story of how recognizing the power of choice saved her life and how their work reflects that same goal on a larger scale. The conversation emphasizes the importance of intentionality and authenticity in creating impactful media and making a positive difference in the world.

    • Supporting the PodcastEngage with the podcast by subscribing, leaving reviews, supporting sponsors, signing up for the newsletter, and sharing episodes to help keep the team and content thriving.

      Supporting the podcast in various ways can make a significant impact. This includes subscribing on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, leaving reviews and comments, supporting sponsors, and sharing episodes with friends or on social media. Additionally, signing up for the newsletter on richroll.com can keep you updated on special offers and podcast news. The production of the podcast involves a team of talented individuals, and their work is supported by listeners' engagement and actions. So, every little bit helps in keeping the podcast running and growing.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2024

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
    Tom Shadyac is the acclaimed director of hit comedies like “Ace Ventura,” “Bruce Almighty,” and “The Nutty Professor,” who walked away from Hollywood success to pursue a life of greater meaning. This conversation explores Tom’s spiritual journey from materialism to service, his life-changing work with Memphis Rox, and his iconoclastic views on consciousness and human interconnectedness. We discuss the illusion of separation, finding purpose through community, and how embracing uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth. Along the way, Tom turns the tables and becomes the interviewer—probing my relationship with ego and uncertainty. Tom’s wisdom and humor are such a treasure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

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    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 Parental support molds us
    • 04:59 “Because you did it, I can do it too.”
    • 07:34 We live in a war against nature
    • 10:22 Everyone of us makes an impact on the planet
    • 12:58 A language of gesture that predated human spoken language
    • 18:49 Living through a time when it totally seemed hopeless
    • 22:53 The only way to give hope to others is to help them
    • 24:48 Hope is about action
    • 28:00 First, see that you can make a difference locally
    • 32:04 You don’t have to change everything on your own
    • 36:35 We communicate through our words
    • 39:23 What’s your definition of success?
    • 42:28 Unless we live for money to help make a difference
    • 46:40 The Survivor Tree story
    • 50:42 Messengers of hope need to be storytellers
    • 54:00 Influential people inspire more people to make a difference
    • 54:48 Jane on Final Five

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