
    Dr Grace Karskens: The heritage of Aboriginal Sydney: Placing lost histories

    en-usApril 17, 2014

    About this Episode

    Dr Grace Karskens from UNSW's School of History and Philosophy speaks on her recent research relating to The heritage of Aboriginal Sydney: placing lost histories.

    Recent Episodes from So What? Lectures

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    Professor Andrew Schultz: The minor fall and the major lift - Music, power and the composer's black art

    What is it about those rare and fleeting moments of musical beauty that fully captivate a listener’s attention? Does a composer calculate such junctures or are they happy accidents? How could a composer shape and guide the listener’s experience to create these events? Does detailed analysis of the notes tell us all we need to know to explain them? From Beethoven’s Sonata in E Major, Opus 109 to Leonard Cohen’s song, Hallelujah, as in many other works before and since, there are precise moments where a listener may experience a superb glimpse of ‘musical truth’. Understanding how and why they happen calls for an awareness of the psychoacoustic and social contexts for the musical experience and has unavoidable aesthetic implications for the way a composer thinks about music.

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    As recently as November 2012, the current Minister for Immigration commented that 'It doesn't matter whether you're a child, it doesn't matter whether you're an unaccompanied minor, it doesn't matter whether you have a health condition, if you're fit enough to get on a boat, you're fit enough to end up in offshore processing'. Is this the only way to think about journeys, arrivals and settlement?

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    Professor Steven Connor: Rustications: Animals in the Urban Mix

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    When animals become audible in the city, it is often annoying, sometimes unnerving, but also now and again a kind of annunciation.  Animals are an anomaly in the urban soundscape, which seems to be populated and made intelligible to itself exclusively by sounds of human origin. And yet cities have never become free of animals, which are all the time finding ways of recolonising urban space, and insinuating themselves into the syntax of its sounds. I will use this talk to listen out for and amplify the animal signatures in different urban soundscapes. Perhaps the sonic infiltrations of animals are not so much a haunting as a harbinger of a new, more convivial world-city.

    So What? Lectures
    en-usApril 18, 2014

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