
    Dr. Mitch: engage in music for a healthier brain in old age

    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Music and Brain HealthEngaging with music, especially playing an instrument or singing in a choir, can help protect the brain against dementia, and starting early and continuing engagement is beneficial, even for those 60 and older

      Engaging with music, whether it's listening or playing an instrument, can help protect the brain against deterioration associated with dementia. A study published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that individuals who played an instrument or participated in a choir showed protective effects for their brains. This is in line with the idea that using your brain regularly can help maintain its health. Starting early and continuing engagement is also beneficial. Even if you're 60 or older, taking up a new hobby like square dancing or learning to play an instrument can still make a difference. Additionally, music can be particularly helpful for those with mild cognitive impairment as they progress towards dementia.

    • Music therapy for dementiaMusic can be an effective tool in calming and soothing individuals with dementia, as it's often retained for long periods and can provide comfort in challenging situations.

      Music can be an effective tool in helping individuals with dementia overcome agitation and confusion. Music has the unique ability to be retained for a long time, even when other skills may be lost. This can provide comfort and assistance in dealing with challenging situations. The quote "music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" by William Carson Grove highlights this idea. While there's no guarantee that music will always work, it's worth trying, especially when dealing with angry or charged partners. This can be through singing, choir, or simply incorporating musicality into their environment. Music's calming effects can help soothe and improve the quality of life for those with dementia.

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