
    Dyslexia: Speechify With Cliff Weitzman

    en-usSeptember 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Undiagnosed learning differences lead to psychological consequencesUntreated dyslexia, ADHD, and processing speed disorders can cause depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, leading to a gap between abilities and academic performance. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial for self-confidence and academic success.

      Undiagnosed and untreated dyslexia, ADHD, and processing speed disorders can lead to significant psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, and feelings of oppositionality or underachievement. These conditions often result in a disproportionate gap between a person's abilities and their academic performance, leading to internalized feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and misconceptions about their intelligence. Cliff Weitzman, the founder and CEO of Speechify, shared his personal experience growing up with dyslexia and the immense shame he felt due to his inability to read, despite being a curious, ambitious, and intelligent child. He emphasized that these conditions are access issues rather than reflections of a person's intelligence or character. It's crucial to recognize and address these challenges to prevent the negative psychological impacts and promote self-confidence and academic success.

    • Overcoming Dyslexia through Determination and SupportDetermination and a supportive environment helped an individual with dyslexia excel in other areas despite reading, writing, and spelling challenges. They found relief through auditory learning and exercises like Brain Gym, but continued to struggle with reading and writing.

      Despite facing significant challenges with reading, writing, and spelling due to dyslexia, the individual's determination and supportive environment allowed them to excel in other areas and overcome their learning differences. Growing up in Israel, they found it easier to learn through auditory means, such as biblical cartoons and movies. However, their reading and writing skills were significantly impacted, with atrocious spelling and illegible handwriting. They struggled with cursive and even printing, but found relief through exercises like Brain Gym. Despite these challenges, they were able to thrive in other areas, such as music and sports, and their fast thinking ability was apparent to others. Their loving and supportive family and community never wrote them off, allowing them to maintain a strong sense of self-worth and determination. They never gave up on improving their reading and writing skills, but the dissonance between their abilities and intelligence was a constant challenge.

    • Overcoming Dyslexia with AudiobooksDedicated parents and audiobooks helped a dyslexic child overcome reading challenges, fostering a love for stories and language, and leading to academic success.

      Despite facing significant challenges with dyslexia and struggling with reading as a child, the speaker overcame these obstacles through the use of audiobooks. Her father's dedication to reading Harry Potter to her sparked a love for stories and the English language. She pushed herself to listen at increasingly faster speeds to improve her comprehension and vocabulary. The speaker's perseverance and self-advocacy led her to excel academically, despite missing out on opportunities for second languages or arts classes. The power of audiobooks and the support of loved ones played a crucial role in her journey to graduate from Brown University and become an avid reader and book recommendation engine.

    • Overcoming Academic Challenges with Determination and CreativityDetermination and creativity can help overcome academic challenges. Seek help when needed and find creative solutions to succeed.

      Determination and creativity can help overcome academic challenges. The speaker shares an experience from their eighth grade year when they struggled to read and write due to English language and spelling issues. They approached their teacher, Mr. Bloom, and proposed listening to an audiobook and verbally reciting the material to him instead. Mr. Bloom agreed, and the speaker's academic performance improved. This approach continued in high school, where they also built tools to help them read and listen to course materials. Despite facing challenges, the speaker's perseverance and resourcefulness led to academic success and eventually admission to Brown University. They also created various products during their undergraduate years. The story highlights the importance of having a growth mindset, seeking help when needed, and finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles.

    • Creating Speechify: A Passion Project to Help Dyslexic StudentsThe founder of Speechify, driven by passion and personal experience, built a text-to-speech app to help dyslexic students, growing it into a successful productivity tool with over 3 billion words listened monthly.

      The speaker, who is the founder of Speechify, a text-to-speech app, shared his personal motivation behind creating the product. He was driven by his passion for building things and helping others, especially those with dyslexia, as he himself had experienced it. He wanted to be the person he needed most when he was young. At the time, deep learning was advancing, and he saw the potential in speech synthesis. He built the infrastructure around this technology and turned it into a product. Speechify started as a desktop app and grew to become the number one app in its productivity category on the App Store and Google Play, with over 3 billion words being listened to per month. The team behind Speechify has grown significantly, and the app has helped many dyslexic students by allowing them to listen to text at faster speeds than they could read it. The app tracks the user's progress and adjusts the speech speed accordingly. The speaker's determination and passion for helping others led to the creation of a successful product that has made a significant impact on the lives of many.

    • Improve listening skills with SpeechifyPractice listening to content at faster speeds with Speechify for better attention, multitasking, and comprehension. Beneficial for individuals with learning differences.

      Listening to content at faster speeds, such as with the help of Speechify, is a skill that requires practice but offers significant benefits. Initially, people may find it challenging to listen at faster speeds, but with time and consistent practice, they can improve their attention, multitasking abilities, and comprehension. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with dyslexia, ADD, or ADHD, as it allows their listening speed to match their brain's natural processing pace. Speechify offers various platforms, including an iPhone app, browser extensions, and the ability to scan physical books, making it a versatile tool for accessing and consuming content in a more engaging and efficient way.

    • People with disabilities and learning differences make up a significant portion of users, yet they often face unique challengesEarly diagnosis and intervention for neurodevelopmental disorders like dyslexia, ADD, and processing speed disorders can improve outcomes and prevent mental health issues for individuals, while technologies initially designed for people with disabilities often benefit the general population.

      There is a significant population of people with learning differences or disabilities, including dyslexia, ADD, low vision, concussions, autism, and second language learners, using a certain product. These individuals make up about 20% of the user base, while the remaining 80% are "normal" users. However, many inventions and technologies that were initially designed to help people with disabilities have become widely used by the general population. For instance, the phone was invented for the hard of hearing. People with dyslexia, such as George Washington and 30% of NASA and MIT employees, possess unique strengths like creativity and big-picture thinking. Early diagnosis and intervention for neurodevelopmental disorders like dyslexia, ADD, and processing speed disorders can prevent mood instability, anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues. Despite the lack of overt manifestations, many individuals with these conditions suffer in silence due to the limitations of the one-size-fits-all school system. Neuropsychological evaluations can provide valuable insights and recommendations for individuals with these conditions.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Learning Differences in ChildrenSuccessful entrepreneur Cliff Weitzman advocates for recognizing and addressing conditions like ADHD and dyslexia in children. He emphasizes the importance of supportive parents and self-advocacy, and highlights the impact of technology like Speechify on improving the quality of life for individuals with processing speed issues and learning differences.

      Cliff Weitzman, a successful entrepreneur and advocate for individuals with learning differences, emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing conditions like ADHD and dyslexia in children. He shares his personal experience of growing up with attentive parents and advocating for himself when he faced struggles in school. Weitzman also highlights the impact of technology, specifically Speechify, in improving the quality of life for individuals with processing speed issues, dyslexia, and other learning differences. Speechify, an app and Chrome extension, allows users to listen to text from various sources, including emails, documents, and PDFs, at their preferred speed. It is available on the Apple App Store, Google Play, and as a Chrome extension, and offers voices in multiple languages with automatic translation. Weitzman encourages parents and individuals suspecting learning differences to seek testing and resources, and invites them to learn more about Speechify and his work by searching for him on YouTube, Instagram, or Medium.

    • Recognizing and addressing learning differencesSeeking help and using tools can significantly impact individuals with dyslexia and other literacy challenges, enabling personal growth and success.

      Recognizing and addressing learning differences, such as dyslexia, can have a profound impact on personal growth and success. The speaker shared his own experience of writing a college essay about the influence of his upbringing and education on his identity, and how he reached out to influential teachers and even the founder of Audible to express gratitude. This led to a friendship and the creation of Speechify, a software solution that helps individuals with dyslexia and other literacy challenges. The speaker emphasized that dyslexia is an invisible disability, and it's essential to understand and own it rather than feeling shame. He encouraged parents and individuals suspecting they may have dyslexia to seek a full neuropsychological evaluation to determine the specific learning difference and its severity. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of using tools like Speechify to level the playing field and democratize access to education.

    • Identifying Disorders for Effective TreatmentDiagnostic testing helps identify specific ways disorders affect individuals, enabling effective treatment plans. Speechify supports those with undiagnosed disorders, especially dyslexia, with multidisciplinary approaches.

      While different disorders manifest differently, diagnostic testing can help identify the specific ways in which they affect individuals. This information is crucial for creating effective treatment plans. Speechify is an excellent resource for those with undiagnosed disorders, particularly dyslexia, as it offers support and multidisciplinary approaches. The human experience, including adversity, plays a significant role in our lives. Instead of being victims, we can develop our Adversity Quotient (AQ), which helps us better cope with challenges. By viewing adversity as an opportunity to grow, we can improve our ability to handle tough situations. Remember, IQ and EQ are essential, but AQ is often overlooked and can be just as valuable in navigating life's challenges.

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    Brief summary of show:

    In this episode of The Motherhood Village podcast, I speak with special guest Alyson Young, owner of the Learning Lab, and a dedicated advocate for struggling learners. 

    From being a teacher and reading specialist for Broward County Public Schools for 10 years, she saw first hand the challenges faced by students with learning differences such as ADHD or dyslexia, and the inadequacy of traditional approaches. Her ultimate goal is to comprehensively transform the lives of these children through education that extends beyond just academics, all the way to encompass social and emotional growth. 

    She believes in early intervention, teaching children their strengths and how to navigate their unique learning journey. They believe in open communication and empowering children about their learning differences. Aly advises parents to listen to their guts, advocate for their children, and not be afraid to seek help and evaluations.

    We talk about:

    • 0:00 Introduction and Guest Background
    • 1:06 A book or resource she recommends listeners to read
    • 3:27 The importance of early identification of learning differences
    • 8:36 Inspiration in creating The Learning Lab
    • 15:01 The mission behind The Learning Lab
    • 21:12 What questions to ask while touring schools
    • 25:45 How parents can advocate for their child/ren and tips to foster a learning environment at home
    • 30:41 How the Learning Lab affects social and emotional development
    • 33:02 Strengths Based Learning vs Shaming 
    • 36:09 Thoughts on rewards based systems
    • 43:17 Imparting words for listeners


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