
    Podcast Summary

    • From Humble Beginnings to Founding a BankSelf-initiative, perseverance, and determination can overcome societal expectations and lead to achieving one's goals, regardless of background.

      Anne Boden's journey from humble beginnings to founding a successful bank is nothing short of extraordinary. Despite growing up in a working-class family and attending a subpar school, Anne's determination and self-motivation allowed her to excel academically. She took it upon herself to educate by buying her own textbooks and studying independently. Anne's passion for learning was driven by her desire to have a respectable job in an office, demonstrating her ambition and aspiration for success. This conversation highlights the importance of self-initiative, perseverance, and the ability to overcome societal expectations to achieve one's goals. It serves as an inspiring reminder that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve great things with determination and hard work.

    • From Passion for Knowledge to Entrepreneurial JourneyAnne Boden's determination and drive led her to break away from traditional expectations and pursue her entrepreneurial journey, showing that with passion and ambition, one can defy the typical career path.

      Anne Boden's career journey was shaped by her aspirations and determination, rather than conforming to traditional expectations. Despite not knowing anyone who worked in an office, she took inspiration from television and saw the possibility of working in glamorous places like London. Her parents provided support by giving her ample resources to indulge in her passion for knowledge. Initially, Anne never considered herself an entrepreneur, but rather envisioned a scientific or interesting job. Through intense competition, she secured a job as a computer specialist at Lloyds Bank, where she was advised to temper her ambitions. However, her drive led her to work for various banks and insurance companies worldwide. Eventually, she broke away from the corporate world and embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, defying the typical career path.

    • Anne Boden: From Dissatisfaction to Disrupting the Banking IndustryDespite facing obstacles and doubts, Anne Boden's drive, determination, and belief in her vision allowed her to successfully establish Starling Bank and bring innovation to the banking industry.

      Anne Boden made the bold decision to leave the corporate world and start her own bank at the age of 54. She was driven by a sense of dissatisfaction with the banking industry's lack of technological innovation and a desire to make a difference. Despite facing skepticism and challenges, Boden persisted in her vision and began working on her new proposition immediately after leaving her job. Emotionally, she had to adjust to no longer having a business card or title, and she discovered that raising money for her venture was more difficult than anticipated. However, her determination and belief in her unique banking concept ultimately led to the successful establishment of Starling Bank.

    • Overcoming Prejudice and Doubt in the Tech IndustryAnne Boden's determination, resourcefulness, and ability to defy stereotypes highlight the importance of perseverance and belief in achieving success, regardless of societal expectations or biases.

      Anne Boden faced numerous challenges and prejudices while trying to build a tech company and a new bank. Despite people doubting her abilities as an entrepreneur and CEO, she remained determined and resilient. Anne encountered meetings where she didn't have the answers or faced assumptions that she lacked technical skills. However, she didn't let these setbacks discourage her. Instead, she sought help from industry experts and previous colleagues to find answers and overcome obstacles. Anne defied stereotypes that tech builders are young white men from Silicon Valley and proved that anyone can succeed in the industry. Her perseverance and belief in the possibility of creating a new bank kept her motivated, even when others didn't understand her vision.

    • The conservative approach of female founders in business and the importance of building loyal relationships.Female founders focus on over-delivering rather than over-promising and rely on personal connections to raise funds and build their teams successfully.

      Women founders tend to have a conservative approach in business, focusing on over-delivering rather than over-promising. Anne Boden shares her experience of finding the difficult balance between being confident without appearing arrogant or demanding. Interestingly, this approach seems to be consistent among female founders, as observed by various venture capitalists and investors. Anne also highlights the unconventional way she raised funds and built her team, relying on personal connections and convincing big consulting firms to back her idea. The conversation suggests that successful female founders often rely on their ability to build loyal relationships and convey their ideas effectively.

    • The fallout between Tom and Anne at Starling Bank revealed the challenges of running a business and highlighted the positive outcomes that competition within the industry can bring.Despite the fallout between Tom and Anne at Starling Bank, both Monzo and Starling Bank have thrived individually, showing that competition within the industry can lead to better outcomes.

      The relationship between Tom and Anne at Starling Bank faced significant challenges and ultimately fell apart. The fallout occurred when Tom decided to leave just as they were about to secure funding, causing the deal to collapse and the team to disintegrate. However, both Monzo and Starling Bank have thrived individually, suggesting that competition within the industry can lead to better outcomes. Additionally, Anne reveals that they had more in common than people realized, often sharing the same views during panel discussions. It is evident that the clash between them stemmed from the stress of running a business and potential misunderstandings, rather than differences in their personalities.

    • Embracing Differences for SuccessCollaboration with individuals who have unique perspectives can lead to positive changes and success in business. Anne's dedication and realization of the importance of both her role in Starling Bank and the survival of the business drive her to reclaim her position and pursue her goal.

      The collaboration of individuals with different personalities can lead to the creation of successful businesses. Despite their differences, Anne Boden believes that working together with people who have unique perspectives can bring about positive changes. The conversation also highlights the challenges faced by Anne and Tom during their fallout within Starling Bank. Anne's willingness to give up her role in the company for its success shows her dedication and selflessness. However, she later regrets this decision and realizes that both her role in Starling and the survival of the business are equally important. Ultimately, the encounter with a tech entrepreneur rekindles Anne's determination, leading her to reclaim her position in Starling and pursue her goal of creating a successful digital bank.

    • Taking Back Control: Anne Boden's Journey with Starling BankAnne Boden's determination to create an ethical organization led her to face numerous challenges, but ultimately rebuild Starling Bank from scratch, showcasing the importance of staying true to one's vision.

      Anne Boden had to take back control of Starling Bank in order to lead it in a way that aligned with her vision. After feeling ashamed of being a banker for many years, she wanted to create an organization that operated ethically. However, this decision meant that she found herself alone in the office. Despite Anne attempting to resign, her team refused to accept it due to certain circumstances. Moreover, Anne faced additional challenges during this time, including a burglary at her home, which added to the complexity of her decision-making. Ultimately, Anne had to rebuild the company from scratch after losing funding and letting go of the team. The full details of the events can be found in her book, allowing readers to form their own conclusions.

    • Overcoming Setbacks and RebuildingAnne Boden's resilience and determination, along with the support of her friend, allowed her to overcome setbacks and rebuild her company, ultimately forming a new team and moving forward.

      Anne Boden faced significant setbacks and challenges when her team, including Tom, left the company. Despite this blow, she did not give up and was determined to start again. She saw the situation as an opportunity to rebuild and find new investors and team members. Anne's friend, Alan, played a crucial role in supporting her emotionally and practically by helping clean up the office and providing encouragement. Anne's resilience and determination, along with the support of her friend, helped her overcome the humiliation and false stories in the press. She remained focused on moving forward and starting afresh, ultimately leading to the formation of a new team.

    • Rising above setbacks and embracing resilience in entrepreneurshipEmbracing setbacks and using them as stepping stones can lead to valuable lessons and ultimate success in the world of entrepreneurship.

      Anne Boden faced a significant challenge when some of her team members left and played a prank on her. Despite feeling hurt and upset, Boden chose not to give up and instead became even more determined to make Starling succeed. She put in extra effort and worked twice as hard to ensure the success of her business. Boden recognized that setbacks and near-death moments are common in the business world, and she learned valuable lessons from this experience. She decided to continue and ultimately believes that both she and Starling are better for it. This conversation highlights the resilience and determination required to overcome obstacles and succeed in entrepreneurship.

    • The Impact of Hiring and Embracing Unexpected OpportunitiesHiring the right people and seizing unexpected opportunities are crucial for business growth and success, as they bring in qualified individuals who can solve complex problems and open doors to funding and other advantageous partnerships.

      Hiring the right caliber of people and accepting unexpected opportunities can greatly impact the growth and success of a business. Anne Boden emphasizes the importance of bringing in qualified individuals who align with the evolving needs of the company and have the experience to solve complex problems. Steven Bartlett also shares his own experience of realizing the need for higher-caliber talent as his business evolved. Additionally, the pivotal moment of obtaining funding from a family office, despite initially overlooking them, highlights the significance of being open to unexpected opportunities. By embracing these opportunities and making strategic hires, businesses can position themselves for success and build the best technology in their industry.

    • Seizing opportunities and creating a compelling vision: Lessons in raising investment for entrepreneursFocus on building a compelling vision, be excited about starting, and don't worry too much about valuation. Lack of funding is a major reason for business failure, and gender disparity in venture capital funding still exists.

      Raising investment for a business is challenging, but entrepreneurs should seize opportunities when they arise. Anne Boden, despite facing difficulties, took the chance to build something unique and secured funding by giving up a significant portion of her ownership. She emphasizes that it is crucial to create a compelling vision and be excited about starting. Anne highlights that entrepreneurs cannot always choose where the investment comes from and should not worry too much about valuation. The majority of businesses fail due to a lack of funding, not because of the idea or the people behind it. Anne also sheds light on the gender disparity in venture capital funding, where women founders often struggle to receive significant investment.

    • Personal Responsibility and Accountability as an EntrepreneurAs an entrepreneur, it is crucial to take personal responsibility for all decisions and mistakes. Anne Boden emphasizes the need for accountability and the importance of doing the right thing in the financial industry.

      Anne Boden, the founder of Starling Bank, highlights the importance of personal responsibility and accountability as an entrepreneur. She emphasizes that being an entrepreneur comes with a great deal of responsibility, as all decisions and mistakes ultimately fall on the entrepreneur's shoulders. Boden also expresses her belief that financial institutions have lost their way and that Starling Bank is striving to do the right thing by providing a better banking experience for customers. Despite the challenges and emotional toll of managing a bank, Boden takes pride in her role and aims to make a positive impact in the industry.

    • Responsibility, empathy, and gratitude in running a business dealing with sensitive topics.Anne Boden emphasizes the importance of being there for vulnerable people and finding inspiration in gratitude and optimism while running a business.

      Running a business that deals with sensitive topics requires responsibility and empathy. Anne Boden emphasizes the importance of being there for people in vulnerable situations, whether they have experienced loss, financial difficulties, or scams. She acknowledges that it is not just her responsibility, but also the hundreds of people in her company who interact with customers. To protect herself mentally from the chaos of running such a business, Boden finds inspiration in her father, who taught her to focus on happiness, count blessings, and change the chatter in her head. She maintains a perspective of gratitude, optimism, and excitement, which acts as a coping mechanism and protective disposition. Despite the challenges and pressures, she sees her role as a privilege and opportunity to build something meaningful.

    • The Power of Gratitude and Individual ChoicesPrioritize gratitude, embrace individual choices, and find fulfillment in personal achievements.

      Having a default position of gratitude and counting your blessings can serve as a powerful defense mechanism against the difficulties of life. By viewing the glass as half full and appreciating what we have, we are less likely to fall into the trap of unhappiness and unmet expectations. Anne Boden exemplifies this mindset through her love for understanding things and finding happiness in her career, despite not having a traditional family life. She emphasizes the importance of making the right decisions for oneself, rather than comparing to an idyllic societal norm. Steven Bartlett also highlights the challenges of finding a balance between work and personal life, especially when others may struggle to understand the demands of a successful career. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize gratitude, embrace individual choices, and find fulfillment in personal achievements.

    • Prioritizing career and ambition over dating, Anne Boden finds satisfaction in her job and warns against advice from inexperienced mentors. She envisions Starling Bank as a game-changing force in the financial industry.Focus on your career and ambitions, seek advice from experienced mentors, adapt to changing knowledge, and pursue your goals with dedication and excitement. Embrace the ongoing narrative of innovation in your industry.

      Anne Boden prioritizes her career and ambitions over dating, finding satisfaction in her job and the success she has achieved. She warns against taking advice from mentors who don't have a good understanding of the business world or have never run a business themselves. Anne emphasizes the importance of staying relevant and accepting that what you thought you knew may be wrong. She envisions Starling Bank as a game-changing force in the financial services industry and plans to list it on the stock exchange in a couple of years. Despite receiving offers, Anne is committed to continuing her journey and enjoying the excitement of running a successful bank. Steven Bartlett admires her remarkable story and acknowledges the ongoing banking war narrative in the fintech space.

    • Challenging Stereotypes and Making a Positive Impact: Anne Boden's Journey in BankingAnne Boden's inspiring journey as a female founder in the banking industry defies stereotypes and showcases the courage needed to challenge the status quo. Through Starling Bank, she aims to achieve excellence while promoting fairness and equality.

      Anne Boden's journey as a female founder in the banking industry is remarkable and inspiring. Despite the existing stereotypes of tech founders in Silicon Valley, such as young, Ivy League dropouts, Boden perseveres and challenges the status quo. She defied the odds and successfully established Starling Bank, taking on stubborn incumbents in the industry. Boden's story is rare and courageous, with very few entrepreneurs achieving similar feats. She not only aims to make Starling the best bank in the world but also desires to nudge society towards fairness and equality. Although uncertain about the purpose of life, she believes in making a positive impact by leveraging Starling as a platform for change.

    Recent Episodes from The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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    Wim Hof: They’re Lying To You About Disease & Inflammation!
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    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!
    From working in the post room in a record label to becoming the world’s best known music mogul, this is the Simon Cowell you don’t see on TV. Simon Cowell is a world-renowned record producer, talent scout, and music mogul. He is best known for being a judge on some of the world’s most popular TV shows including, ‘The X Factor’, ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, ‘Pop Idol’, and ‘American Idol’.  In this episode, Simon and Steven discuss topics such as, being bankrupt at 30, working his way up from the bottom, his life threatening accident, how his son’s birth changed his life, and his one and only regret about One Direction.  (00:00) Intro (00:52) Early Context (02:38) Your Parents (03:53) Your Work Ethic, Where Does That Come From (06:41) The Importance of Respect (10:23) Making the Decision to Pursue Entertainment (15:45) Working in the Post Room at a Record Label (19:24) Making His Way Up in the Music Industry (23:21) Starting a Record Label with Your Boss (28:40) Creating Your First Smash Hit Record (31:58) I Don't Know How Music Is Made, Staying in the Mind of the Consumer (39:40) Going Broke Right After Creating Your First Smash Hit (46:39) Meeting Pete Waterman, a Moment That Changed Everything (50:37) Being an Early Adopter of TV (59:50) Following Your Gut Regardless of the Criticism (01:06:30) Finding Westlife (01:09:30) Your Father Passing Away (01:17:37) Your Life Changing After Your Son, Eric, Was Born (01:23:09) Loyalty, Why It's So Important to Me (01:25:35) Setting New Work Boundaries in My New Life (01:29:15) Advice for a Young Simon Cowell (01:32:03) The Importance of Hard Work (01:34:30) Your Accident, Breaking Your Back in 3 Places (01:39:39) Going to Therapy (01:45:56) Foundational Advice for Anyone Starting Out in Their Career (01:49:39) The Importance of Legacy (01:53:02) The Rise of Bullying (01:55:02) One Direction (01:58:11) Searching for a New Boy Band (02:03:33) Harry Styles (02:05:54) AI Within the Music Industry (02:09:48) Will One Direction Get Back Together? (02:11:14) The Last Guest's Question Follow Simon:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4c5bKK0  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3yKu9xg  Simon Cowell Launches Nationwide Hunt For Next UK Boyband Phenomenon Audition, sign up here - https://g2ul0.app.link/WnrZDXcwjKb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb   My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen
    In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos David:  https://www.raichlen.arizona.edu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras

    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras
    She was the last line of defence and ready to die for the most important person on earth, here are the secret skills she’s learned defending 4 U.S. Presidents.  Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’. In this episode, Evy and Steven discuss topics such as, Evy’s close encounter with death on 9/11, how to gain control over anyone, her biggest lessons from working for Obama and Bush, and the best way to tell if someone is lying to you.   00:00 Intro 02:05 My Mission To Unlock People's Potential 05:05 How You Became A Secret Service Officer 10:43 How To Get Someone To Do What You Want Them To 13:10 When You Listen To Someone They Like You More 14:34 You Need To Know About Them And Then You Can Start Asking The Right Questions 18:18 How To Get Others To Respect You 22:59 Is It Your Ego Or Have Your Boundaries Being Broken? 26:49 How To Build Confidence 29:34 The Different Versions Of Ourselves We Create 32:49 What I Learnt About Leadership From Working With 4 US Presidents 35:47 I Was In The Room When US Presidents Would Make Tough Decisions 38:36 My First Day Working For George Bush 41:07 Secret Service Training: Only 1% Make It Through 44:16 The 1% Of People That Became Part Of The Secret Service 46:06 How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You? 48:16 Who's The Biggest Liar You've Met? 50:54 Signs They're Lying To You 52:59 What Your Body Language Reveals About You 01:00:19 Do Men Struggle With Strong Women? 01:01:00 What Advice Would You Give Your Daughter Become A Resilient Person 01:04:37 What Do You Work Out Your Mind And Body 01:07:19 What Was The Scariest Day Of Your Career? 01:12:28 How Was Your Mental Health During Your Career? 01:17:48 Discrimination In The Secret Service 01:19:39 How To Be Heard And Respected 01:25:51 Why You Need To Take Personal Responsibility 01:33:48 The Addiction To Being A Victim 01:35:02 Identifying Victims That Don't Want To Change 01:39:47 Undercover Missions 01:45:24 Discrimination In The Job 01:50:58 Labelling Yourself Can Affect The Way You See Yourself You can purchase Evy’s book, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’, here: https://amzn.to/3RhDtz9  Follow Evy:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4aN4q4D  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4c4TErD  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: PerfectTed: bit.ly/PerfectTed-DOAC with an exclusive code DIARY10 for 10% off ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!
    Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.  Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine. In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.  00:00 Intro 02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children 04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children 07:00 Are We Having Less Sex? 07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk 10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating 13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility 16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too 18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility 22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility 26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility? 29:40 Heat And Infertility 30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm 31:45 The Egg Vault 35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies 42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do 47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents 49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle 54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System 55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility 57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility 59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility 01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It 01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal 01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? 01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore 01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market 01:24:48 PCOS Explained 01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis 01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer 01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It 01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children 01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children 01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate 01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures 01:56:40 IVF Stigma 01:58:42 Ads 01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment 02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF 02:06:38 Myths Of Conception 02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant 02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy? 02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility? 02:15:40 Last Guest Question Follow Natalie:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3yIQJ9L  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wLxtb6  YouTube - https://bit.ly/4551ZZY  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: Colgate: https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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