
    E1132: News! Jack Dorsey vs. Ted Cruz, Google’s antitrust lawsuit, Expensify email, Amazon deep dive & much more with Acquired’s Ben Gilbert & David Rosenthal

    en-usOctober 30, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Tech industry under scrutiny for free speech and social media moderationTwitter's handling of the New York Post's Hunter Biden stories led to debates about Section 230 and tech companies' role in moderating content, resulting in new features like quote tweets to slow down information spread.

      The tech industry is facing increased scrutiny and regulation, particularly regarding free speech and the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse. This was highlighted during the controversy surrounding the New York Post's Hunter Biden stories being banned on Twitter. Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO, admitted it was a mistake, but the incident sparked debates about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the responsibility of tech companies in moderating content. Additionally, Twitter has implemented new features, such as requiring users to quote tweet instead of retweeting, to slow down the spread of information. These changes reflect a shifting landscape in the tech industry, with increased pressure for companies to balance free speech with the potential for harm or misinformation.

    • Early blogging days: Traditional media vs. blogs over fair use, attribution, and linkingDuring the early days of blogging, traditional media outlets and blogs clashed over issues of fair use, attribution, and linking. This led to public disputes and 'holy wars', but eventually both parties began to acknowledge and link to each other's work.

      During the early blogging days, there was a contentious issue between traditional media outlets and new blogs over fair use, attribution, and linking. The traditional media outlets, such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, were hesitant to link to blogs and give them credit, fearing a loss of traffic, domain authority, and SEO benefits. This led to public disputes and "holy wars" between the parties. The blogs, in turn, accused the traditional media outlets of stealing their content and not giving them proper attribution. Eventually, the situation improved as both parties began to acknowledge and link to each other's work. However, the issue of responsibility and attribution in the digital age, particularly regarding the role of social media platforms and Section 230, remains a complex and ongoing debate.

    • Clearer guidelines needed for tech companies on hate speech removalUpdate to Section 230 required for clearer content moderation guidelines, addressing the ambiguity of what should be taken down and what should be left up for tech companies.

      There is a need for clearer guidelines for tech companies regarding the removal of objectionable content on their platforms, particularly in relation to hate speech. The current Section 230 law does not provide clear direction on what should be taken down and what should be left up for tech companies to maintain their neutral status. Jack Dorsey of Twitter suggested the idea of "Bring Your Own Algorithm" (BYOA), allowing users to choose algorithms created by third parties to rank and filter their content. However, the feasibility and adoption of this idea were questioned due to the low percentage of users engaging with such features. The general consensus is that an update to Section 230 to provide more guidance on content moderation would be beneficial.

    • Senator Ted Cruz Grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Election Influence and CensorshipSenator Cruz accused Twitter of acting as a democratic super PAC, while Dorsey maintained Twitter's neutrality in political speech during a hearing.

      Technology companies like Twitter are constantly innovating to stay competitive in the market, while also facing regulatory pressures and accusations of influencing elections. During a hearing, Senator Ted Cruz grilled Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about the company's ability to impact elections and censorship of political speech. Dorsey maintained that Twitter is just one communication channel among many and denied having the power to influence elections. However, Cruz argued that Twitter's actions could indeed impact elections and accused the company of behaving as a democratic super PAC. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between technology companies, regulators, and the public over issues of free speech, censorship, and election interference.

    • The Paradox of Politicians' Use of Social Media for Clips and SoundbitesPoliticians leverage social media for clips and soundbites to connect with their base, but inadvertently strengthen the platforms' influence. Clear guidelines and a commitment to truth are necessary to navigate the complex relationship between social media and democracy.

      The strategy of creating clips and soundbites for political gain on social media platforms, as seen in the Ted Cruz and Jack Dorsey exchange, presents an intriguing paradox. Politicians seek to connect with their base by using these platforms, but in doing so, they may inadvertently strengthen the influence of those very same platforms. The clip game in politics has become a crucial factor, and transparency and clear guidelines are necessary to navigate the complex relationship between social media and democracy. The hearing highlighted the impact of social media on elections and the potential consequences for the platforms. While Twitter's stance on transparency might benefit them in the long run, it could also lead to regulatory capture for Facebook. The question of who is responsible for fact-checking and editing content is a thorny issue. As long as traditional media outlets maintain their editorial standards, the role of social media platforms should be limited to distribution. However, the current incentives for platforms and publications to prioritize attention over truth could lead to a dangerous combination of link baiting and amplification. Ultimately, clear guidelines and a commitment to truth are essential to maintaining a healthy information ecosystem.

    • Expensify CEO's Political Move and Business ImplicationsExpensify's CEO is urging 10M users to vote for Biden, seen as risky or genius move, minimizing paperwork crucial for startups, politics in the workplace debate, intersection of business and politics implications for founders and investors.

      Expensify's CEO, Robert Reffkin, is making a bold move by using his platform to encourage political action among its 10 million users, urging them to vote for Joe Biden. This move, which some may view as a reverse Coinbase or going rogue, could be seen as a risky altruistic act or a genius business decision, depending on one's perspective. For startups, the discussion also highlighted the importance of minimizing paperwork and leveraging services like Main Street to maximize tax credits and savings, which can significantly impact a business's bottom line. The episode also touched on the ongoing debate about politics in the workplace and the potential impact on shareholders and customer base. Overall, the conversation provided insights into the intersection of business and politics and the potential implications for founders and investors.

    • CEO's email to Tide Pods customers sparks controversyCEO's unsolicited email urging votes for proposition could lead to customer, shareholder loss and legal issues, emphasizing the risks of mixing politics and business and the importance of transparency, communication, and effective governance.

      The actions of Expensify's CEO, David Rosenthal, in sending an email to 78 million Tide Pods customers urging them to vote for a specific proposition, has sparked controversy and potential legal issues. This decision, which Rosenthal made without consulting his board, could have significant consequences for the company, including a potential loss of customers and shareholders, as well as potential lawsuits. The incident highlights the risks and challenges of mixing politics and business, and the potential consequences for companies and their leaders when they take a public stance on controversial issues. It also underscores the importance of transparency and communication with stakeholders, as well as the need for effective governance structures to ensure that companies remain focused on their core mission and values.

    • Early access to promising private deals for accredited investorsAccredited investors can access exclusive investment opportunities in promising private companies and startups through our platform, with potential deals involving Beyond Meat, Intel, and Syabra, among others.

      Our crowd provides accredited investors with early access to invest in promising private companies and startups, including those that go public or get acquired by larger companies. For instance, investors have benefited from deals involving Beyond Meat and Intel. Our investment professionals carefully review potential deals and offer personalized guidance. Accredited investors can participate in single company deals for $10,000 or join one of our funds for $50,000. Currently, there's an opportunity to invest in Syabra, an AI-related platform addressing the growing issue of online disinformation and defakes, with a potential market size of $6.1 billion. By joining our crowd, investors can gain access to exclusive investment opportunities and expert guidance. Additionally, the podcast featured an interview with Dick Costolo, former CEO of Twitter, discussing his decision to take down a sarcastic tweet that led to violent threats against him. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of being mindful of the potential consequences of online actions.

    • Should businesses take a stance on political and social issues?The debate continues on whether companies should express political and social views or remain neutral, with some arguing for representing community and employees, while others prioritize shareholder interests.

      The line between personal beliefs and professional conduct is becoming increasingly blurred, especially for companies deeply involved in societal issues and monetary policy. Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's tweet about "owning the libs" and subsequent deletion of the post sparked a discussion on the role of politics and social issues in the workplace. While some argue that these topics should be kept separate from work, others believe that businesses must represent their community and employees, and cannot solely focus on shareholder interests. The debate continues on whether companies should have a clear stance on political and social issues, or remain neutral. The Tom Cruise and Scientology example illustrates the potential consequences of mixing personal beliefs with professional conduct. Ultimately, the decision rests on the company's values and its stakeholders' expectations.

    • Creating a supportive work environmentEncourage in-person discussions about concerns, set up designated meetings, and maintain focus on mission while addressing employee needs

      Companies should make room for their employees to discuss and address their concerns, even if they seem unrelated to the company's mission. However, these discussions should not become a distraction and should ideally take place in person with empathy and respect. Electronic communication, such as Slack or email, can lead to charged discussions without end and should be avoided for such topics. Companies can set up designated meetings or events for these discussions and encourage face-to-face interactions. Pragmatism is key in handling these issues, and maintaining focus on the mission is important, but addressing employee concerns and creating a supportive work environment are also crucial.

    • The Power and Potential Pitfalls of Social MediaEffectively using social media can significantly impact reach and influence, with potential financial rewards. Be mindful of online presence and actions as they can have a significant impact.

      Effective use of social media, especially in its early days, could significantly impact an individual's or a business's reach and influence. This was exemplified in the discussion about Twitter's suggested user list and the potential value of being on it. The speaker, Jason, shared his experience of offering a quarter of a million dollars to be on the list, which was a way for Twitter to monetize their influence over journalists and other high-profile users. This story highlights the power of social media in shaping public discourse and the potential financial rewards for those who can effectively leverage it. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of managing one's online presence and the potential consequences of controversial tweets. Jason shared an example of a tweet he made about gig economy jobs and the backlash he received from certain groups, which led to a significant number of retweets and comments. This illustrates the need for individuals and organizations to be mindful of their online actions and the potential impact they may have. Lastly, the discussion also touched upon the evolution of social media platforms and their business models, with Twitter initially exploring the idea of selling promoted slots on their suggested user list. Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into the power and potential pitfalls of social media and its role in shaping public discourse and influencing individuals and businesses.

    • The gig economy: A safety net on top of a safety netThe gig economy offers financial flexibility but raises concerns about traditional employment and income inequality. While it may serve as an important societal shift, it may not be a long-term solution for all and could increase reliance on social welfare programs.

      The rise of gig economy jobs, represented by platforms like Uber, provides a new level of financial flexibility for workers. However, this convenience comes with potential downsides, such as the perception of undermining traditional employment and exacerbating income inequality. The speaker in this conversation reflects on the historical context of job searching and financial insecurity, acknowledging that the gig economy offers a "safety net on top of the safety net." Despite the controversy surrounding the tweet, the speaker defends its message and believes it highlights an important societal shift. However, they also acknowledge the criticism that the gig economy may not be a viable long-term solution for everyone and could lead to increased reliance on social welfare programs.

    • Impact of gig economy and competition on wages and opportunitiesThe gig economy and increased competition lead to better wages and opportunities for workers, but regulations and industry dominance can have unintended consequences.

      The gig economy and increased competition lead to better opportunities and wages for workers, as seen with companies like Amazon and Apple raising prices and wages respectively. However, regulations like Proposition 22, which could limit worker options, may have unintended consequences. Additionally, the dominance of certain companies in industries, such as Google's control of search engines, can have significant economic implications. For instance, Apple's potential entry into the search engine market could disrupt Google's hold on the industry. Ultimately, the importance of options and competition for both workers and consumers cannot be overstated. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of the Mozilla Foundation's success in generating revenue through search engine deals and Apple's efforts to develop its own search technology.

    • The DOJ's lawsuit against Google and Apple highlights significant acquisitions shaping tech giants' fortunes.The DOJ's lawsuit against Google reveals the importance of strategic acquisitions, like Apple's purchases of Next and Siri, in tech companies' growth, despite not always generating immediate revenue.

      The DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Google for its deal with Apple as the default search engine may seem politically motivated, but it sheds light on significant business acquisitions that have shaped tech giants' fortunes. Unlike the top 10 revenue-generating acquisitions discussed, such as Facebook buying Instagram, Microsoft buying PowerPoint, and Google buying YouTube, Apple's acquisitions, like Next and Siri, did not necessarily generate immediate revenue but were crucial in Apple's growth. One surprising omission from the list was Google's acquisition of DoubleClick, which has reportedly generated over $100 billion in value. The conversation also highlighted the power of tech business models and the long-term impact of strategic acquisitions.

    • Discussing the revenue models of tech giants like Google, Apple, and AmazonGoogle earns most from search ads, Apple from hardware sales and App Store fees, Amazon from advertising and sales. A potential solution to search engine market dominance could be a free market where all pay for each search.

      While the production costs of movies are significant, social media platforms like Instagram don't pay creators for their content. However, Google's Android operating system, which generates revenue from the Play Store, provides value to Google by reducing their reliance on Apple and the substantial traffic acquisition costs they would otherwise pay. Apple's revenue comes mainly from selling hardware and taking a cut from the App Store, while also making money from advertising through their privacy-focused approach. A potential solution to the current search engine market dominance could be implementing a free market where all search engines pay for each search, providing consumers with more choice. For instance, Amazon, with its substantial advertising revenue, could challenge Google in this market. The discussion also highlighted Amazon's impressive revenue growth, generating $96 billion in a single quarter, up 37% annually.

    • Amazon's $30B Free Cash Flow Fuels Business GrowthAmazon is investing heavily in Prime Air, video, AWS, hiring, and employee compensation, using its $30B free cash flow. Bezos, a top capital allocator, prioritizes business growth.

      Amazon, with its impressive free cash flow of $30 billion in the last 12 months, is investing heavily back into the business, focusing on areas like Prime Air, video, AWS, and hiring 100,000 new employees. Bezos, known as a top capital allocator, is allocating all available resources to business growth. A notable suggestion is for Bezos to raise the minimum wage for workers to $25 an hour, positioning Amazon as a leader in employee compensation and potentially improving public perception. The discussion also touched on Amazon's significant stock growth over the past decade and the benefits of holding equity. Additionally, there was a mention of the idea of subterranean sports suites, offering a unique viewing experience.

    • Amazon's Economic Impact and InfluenceAmazon's revenue approaches certain countries' GDP, it's a major player in competitive markets, and its impact on industries is undeniable, but debates around regulation and competition persist.

      Amazon's economic impact is significant, with its revenue approaching the GDP of certain countries. The company's growth rate is impressive, and it's a major player in various hyper-competitive markets like e-commerce, web hosting, and video. The discussion also touched upon Amazon's suite perks, which offer flexibility for work and events, and the potential debate around government intervention in Amazon's business practices. Despite the debate, it's clear that Amazon's influence continues to grow, and its impact on various industries is undeniable. The conversation also highlighted the potential challenges for governments in regulating such large corporations and the implications for competition.

    • Preventing Monopolistic Behavior in TechAmazon, with its focus on low margins, is less likely to monopolize industries and significantly raise prices. Potential solutions include ownership caps, but enforcing and reinvesting the cash flow are unclear.

      Amazon, as a retailer with a focus on low margins, is unlikely to monopolize industries and significantly raise prices, as they have shown through their business practices, including with AWS. A potential solution to prevent monopolistic behavior could be implementing an ownership cap, as seen in the case of SK Telecom in South Korea. However, enforcing such a cap and how Amazon would reinvest its free cash flow are unclear issues. While there are debates about which tech companies are the most anti-competitive, it's argued that Amazon is the least of the three, Apple, Facebook, and Google, due to a lack of significant consumer harm. Ultimately, it's a complex issue that even industry experts and capital allocators struggle to navigate.

    • Apple's market dominance limits consumer choiceApple's control over various aspects of the user experience, like app stores and messaging services, can limit consumer choice and be considered anti-competitive.

      Apple's dominant position in the smartphone market and its control over various aspects of the user experience, such as app stores and messaging services, can limit consumer choice and potentially be considered anti-competitive. The speaker expresses frustration with Apple's practices, particularly in relation to the messaging app and app store, which they believe extend beyond the smartphone market and negatively impact their ability to access certain digital services and pay for them in desired ways. They argue that Apple's market dominance should not allow them to skim off the top of all software sales on their devices. While acknowledging Google's monopolistic position, the speaker emphasizes the specific anti-competitive actions of Apple, such as restricting jailbreaking and limiting software choices. They also criticize Apple's deals with specific companies, like Amazon, which further limit consumer options. Overall, the speaker advocates for more competition and consumer choice in the tech industry.

    • Exploring innovative solutions for entertainment, immigration, and business during the pandemicDiscover unique entertainment through freestyle rapper Harry Mack on Mystery, simplify immigration processes with Boundless, and explore investment opportunities with Balance. Adapt to the modern web-age for personal and professional growth.

      During the pandemic, finding creative ways to engage and entertain teams and families is essential. Jason Calacanis shared his experience with discovering freestyle rapper Harry Mack on the Mystery platform, who can provide unique and personalized entertainment for various occasions. Additionally, Calacanis mentioned Boundless, an immigration company that simplifies the process and offers flat-rate pricing for various visa types and services, including marriage green cards and U.S. citizenship. Another highlight was the discussion about Balance, a company that has raised funds from notable investors like Foundry Group and Brad Feld, and is expected to have a Series A or B round soon. The speakers encouraged listeners to check out these companies and their offerings, whether it's for entertainment, immigration services, or investment opportunities. Calacanis emphasized the importance of adapting to the modern web-based age and finding innovative solutions for personal and professional needs. Whether it's through entertainment, immigration, or business, there are opportunities to explore and make the most out of the current situation.

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    DevSquad. Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.


    Todays show:

    David Weisburd hosts Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis to discuss VCs not raising new funds (3:04), Cisco's $1 billion AI fund (31:36), and more!



    (0:00) David Weisburd intros Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis

    (3:04) VCs not raising new funds, market impact, and the current state of venture capital

    (5:32) Challenges for new fund managers, power laws, and investment strategies

    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (12:01) Capital deployment, returns, and portfolio assessment

    (17:28) Emerging managers and market trends

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (31:36) Cisco's $1 billion AI fund

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (41:21) AI applications and business models

    (50:27) Investment strategies for M&A vs. IPO

    (53:19) Lightning round on latest investments


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    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

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    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show!

    (2:11) Ai generated memes.

    (7:36) The butler experiences.

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (11:52) The Texan stock exchange.

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:14) Circle’s pending IPO.

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (31:46) Alex breaks down some amazing details around stable-coins like Tether and crypto companies like CoinBase and Circle.


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    Check out the TWIST500: twist500.com


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    Mentioned on the show:



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    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use.


    Great TWIST interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    Lemon.io. Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen (9:02), Jason’s recent Donald Trump interview (14:49), JCal becoming a meme (36:34), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:38) Club 33 at Disney.

    (9:02) The most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen.

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (14:49) A look at the Donald Trump interview on All In.

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (36:34) JCal became a meme!

    (37:15) The gentleman’s RIF and the status of remote workers. (48:26) New air taxi plan from Archer.


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    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:

    Check out the Donald Trump interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqIZGXWUpU

    Check out Disney’s Club 33: http://www.disneylandclub33.com/#google_vignette

    Check out Archer: https://news.archer.com/archer-san-francisco-air-mobility-network-connecting-five-locations-across-bay-area-kilroy-oyster-point

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/

    Check out Dell article: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1dl16s2/nearly_half_of_dell_workers_opt_for_fulltime/

    Check out Athena: https://www.athenago.com/


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

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    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    AssemblyAI - Get maximum value from voice data with AssemblyAI. Build powerful products and features for your end users on the industry’s leading speech-to-text models. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist



    (0:00) Dan Senor joins guest host Mark Suster.

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Dan’s podcast “Call Me Back”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/call-me-back-with-dan-senor/id1539292794

    Check out Start-Up Nation Central: https://startupnationcentral.org/


    Follow Dan:

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-senor/


    Follow Mark:

    X: https://twitter.com/msuster

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marksuster/


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Coda. Coda empowers your startup by bringing words, tables, and teams together. Strategize, plan, and track goals effectively with all your valuable data in one place. Go to https://www.coda.io/twist to get started for FREE and get 6 free months of the Team plan.

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex leads us into two great talks from Liquidity Summit 2024. First we have Sky Dayton’s “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight” (3:28), followed by Mike Jones’ with “Lessons in Brand Building” (24:14)



    (0:00) Teaser of both speakers.

    (1:33) Alex kicks off the show.

    (3:28) Sky Dayton’s talk “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight”.

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (24:14) Mike Jones’ talk “Lessons in Brand Building”

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (44:30) Wrap up with Alex.


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Science Inc.: https://www.science-inc.com/

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/


    Follow Sky:

    X: https://x.com/skydayton

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skydayton/


    Follow Mike:

    X: https://x.com/mjones

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjones/


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam Session with JCal” contest, coming soon! To apply and get more details go to https://jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company (2:34), the GLP-1 phenomenon (11:50), the FTC suing Adobe (34:21), new TWIST500 companies (47:09), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:34) Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company

    (10:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (11:50) Eli Lilly and the GLP-1 Phenomenon

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (25:08) Telehealth and its future

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (34:21) FTC sues Adobe

    (47:09) New TWIST500 Companies

    (1:18:22) Would Amazon buy TikTok?


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:















    New TWIST500 companies:









    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Mercury. With Mercury, you can simplify your financial operations with banking and software that power your critical financial workflows, all within the one thing every business needs, a bank account. And with new bill pay and accounting integrations, you can pay bills faster and stay in control of company spend. Apply in minutes at ⁠https://www.Mercury.com


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss woke Google Maps (1:57), Bilt & Wells Fargo dynamics (16:20), AI progress in China and Japan (32:00), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:57) Woke Google Maps

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (16:20) Bilt and Wells Fargo fintech dynamics

    (17:00) CNBC interview with Bilt founder Ankur Jain

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:00) AI progress in China and Japan

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com

    (45:09) Defining AGI and its implications

    (49:06) McDonald's AI ordering systems and their challenges

    (1:04:37) Audience question on EU's AI Act and its impact on startups


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:




    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist.

    LinkedIn Ads - To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Todays show:

    Will Guidara joins Jason to discuss the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups (3:44), Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY (14:32), how the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - which then led to his involvement with future seasons (36:19), and more!



    (0:00) Will Guidara of Unreasonable Hospitality joins Jason.

    (3:44) Important premises from the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups.

    (6:26) Will explains how it felt to see parts from his book appear on the hit show The Bear.

    (8:13) Iconic examples of hospitality and how it can turn customers into advocates for your brand.

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (11:08) Powerful examples of going above and beyond for your customer.

    (14:32) Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (22:13) Jason shares an anecdote of how he helps others.

    (24:17) Will and Jason riff on interesting examples of unreasonable hospitality, including one that should exist for airplane passengers.

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:12) A perspective shift that changes the value of call centers.

    (36:03) How the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - leading to his involvement for future seasons.

    (40:21) Will feels that The Bear was able to craft and articulate his message spot on in one of their best episodes.

    (42:22) How to gain from the addictive personality traits in the restaurant business.

    (51:15) The “Chicken for Two” at the NoMad hotel.

    (53:31) Breaking down the state of tipping culture and how its removal from Eleven Madison Park was highly successful.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Unreasonable Hospitality: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/

    Sign up for Will’s newsletter: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/newsletter

    Check out “The Welcome Conference”: https://www.thewelcomeconference.com/

    Check out Will’s hospitality agency “Thank You”: https://www.thankyou.nyc/


    Follow Will:

    X: https://x.com/wguidara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willguidara/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    Zendesk. The best customer experiences are built with Zendesk. Qualifying startups can join their Startup program and get Zendesk products free, for six months! Visit http://www.zendesk.com/twist today to get started.

    CLA. Innovation takes balance. CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors can help you get from startup to where you want to end up. Get started now at ⁠https://www.claconnect.com/tech


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Waymo crash implications (3:53), Apple's AI announcements post-WWDC (17:17), inflation cooldown (27:21), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (3:53) How Waymo handled a crash and self-driving car standards

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (10:04) Car safety technology

    (17:17) Apple's AI announcements and stock impact

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at


    (27:21) Inflation update: Recent CPI data and its implications

    (33:34) High interest rate environment and venture capital

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech

    (42:12) 10 companies most likely to IPO


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:



















    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at http://www.zendesk.com/twist

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Jobs. A business is only as strong as its people, and every hire matters. Go to https://www.linkedin.com/twist to post your first job for free. Terms and conditions apply.

    The Equinix Startup program offers a hybrid infrastructure solution for startups, including up to $100K in credits and personalized consultations and guidance from the Equinix team. Go to https://www.equinixstartups.com to apply today.



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:50) Jumping into the keynote from Apple and whether or not it impressed.

    (5:24) “Apple Intelligence” has landed!

    (8:32) Reactions to the new Siri.

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (12:42) The importance of Apple’s addition of “on-screen awareness”.

    (16:30) Breakdown of Apple’s use of data with their AI.

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (23:53) ChatGPT’s integration with Siri.

    (26:32) Unpacking the “free” use of ChatGPT with Apple products.

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups

    (31:07) Discussing the relationships between OpenAI and Microsoft and now Apple.

    (34:44) More “ooohs” and “ahhhs” from Apple’s new Image Playground.

    (40:25) Jason breaks down other key announcements from WWDC 2024 including a password manager and Apple TV’s new “Insights”.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp



    Watch Apple’s WWDC 2024 Keynote: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/101/

    Article on Fearless Fund: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-06/the-fearless-fund-should-keep-fighting-racism-in-venture-capital


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 11, 2024

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    The Twitter Takeover, Progressives Fold on Their Anti-War Stance in Ukraine, a Senate Report on COVID Origins, and Who’s More Violent - the Left or the Right?

    Jack Hunter subs in for Brad this week. Jack and Hannah discuss Elon Musk's Twitter takeover and what that means for content moderation and free speech. Plus, progressives quickly fold on their anti-war stand in Ukraine, the Senate releases a bombshell report on the origins of COVID (we funded this thing), and Jack and Hannah debate violence on the Left and the Right.

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    Hello, my name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!



    Website: www.hsstrengthcoach.com



    Contact me at hsstrengthcoach365@gmail.com



    Thank you so much for listening and I would appreciate it greatly if you could leave a 5 star review in iTunes as this really helps boost the show rankings and spread the word about the High School Strength Coach Podcast. That way other Strength Coaches like yourself can find the show and benefit from it too.



    Thank you very much if you have already left a rating and feedback, I appreciate it greatly!

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