
    About this Episode

    Are you successful entrepreneur searching for more? Do you desire to learn more ideas and strategies to achieve greater profitability? Do you want to meet and connect with other entrepreneurs from other diverse growth-oriented industries? Do you need more referrals? Is it too difficult to attend networking or educational meetings due to your busy schedule? This program is for entrepreneurs who want to create more referral opportunities for their business and learn more about other business owners in various industries. This forum creates an atmosphere that encourages participants to support each other in their business. It is efficient, productive, cost effective and ONLINE!! Participants are able to introduce themselves, share their passion, describe their business and educate others about what makes them special! It is divided into five sessions that includes: establishing a personal connection, sharing client experiences, finding client opportunities, great gate openers and defining your uniqueness. Technology Corner: Create your own magazine online! Check out www.issuu.com (Recommended by Dr Joseph) What Do Google Do? (http://www.buzzmachine.com/what-would-google-do)(http://e3c.typepad.com/e3c_ken_coaches_entrepren/2009/03/what-would-google-do-by-jeff-jarvis-at-google-headquarters.html) by Jeff Jarvis Dr Robert Joseph www.Glulife.com, Norma Stanley www.nfscommwriter.com, Pierre Di Alfordii www.rarecoinhouse.com & Rick Meekins www.aepiphanni.com Kenneth Brown (Sales & Profit Evangelist) E3C www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com www.my-business-community.com www.E3C.typepad.com www.E3C.podOmatic.com www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com

    Recent Episodes from E3C: The Passionate Entrepreneur

    Healthcare Challenges and Solutions for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs!

    Healthcare Challenges and Solutions for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs!
    So what are the healthcare challenges that business owners face? Are you for the federal government take over or would you want you, your family and doctor to stay in control? Is it a good idea to own your health insurance policy or depend on your employer? Do we need to change the whole healthcare system or just correct certain parts of the system? What is the real issue here: health insurance or our total health? Should the focus should be on prevention? Why is health insurance so expensive? How can we reduce our cost? And, what is this about the federal government empowering the IRS to determine who has has an "acceptable" health insurance plan and finding and punishing those who don't have such a plan? (Health Care Reform Means More Power for the IRS by Byron York, Washington Examiner http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/Health-care-reform-means-more-power-for-the-IRS-56781377.html) We will talk with Mike Davis of My Georgia Doctor (www.mygadoctor.com) and Kelly McCutchen (www.gppf.org) of the The Georgia Public Policy Foundation. What are the solutions to resolving the healthcare issue? Tune in learn how to take control! Join us for a lively discussion! Here are some other interesting links for your review www.healthtransformation.net, www.heritage.org and www.americansolutions.com

    Career Transitions: Interview Thomas Ellsworth, author of The Rat, the Race & the Cage & MORE!

    Career Transitions: Interview Thomas Ellsworth, author of The Rat, the Race & the Cage & MORE!
    Karen Rands, the Compassionate Capitalist will interview two leading experts in the field of helping successful people make career transitions that move them into fields and roles they can love. Whether you or someone you know has had to make a career change out of desire for something different or were forced to make a change as a result of a right-sizing or closing of a company, you will benefit from listening to the insights offered from these two expert guests. A core topic we will cover is when does it make sense to stop being an employee and to start being a boss. First up will be Thomas Ellsworth, author of The Rat, The Race, and The Cage http://www.ratracecage.com. Tom will share his insights into how high achievers can make career transitions to get to a place that they LOVE what they do, whether that is to a new job or to become an entrepreneur. Also, joining us will be Jim Duepree of DBM (Drake, Beam & Morin www.dbm.com). Jim will share the insights gained from working directly with executives in transition as his firm helps them determine whether to pursue a similar career in their chosen field or find fulfillment from starting or acquiring a business. With unemployment at its recent highest levels this is a timely topic and listeners will gain insights about the following: -Cities where jobs are hot now and the best fields to be in -How to identify your workplace personality and build a Personal Career Compass -How to transfer your existing professional skills to a new industry -How to build a career "back-up plan" -How to determine if you should start a business or acquire a company -How to bring passion back to what you do Join us and tell others to turn in for this show. Replays and more indepth written information will be posted on Karen Rands blog: http://EntrepreneurBlogSpace.com Check out these investment websites: Karen's twitter page: @Karen_Rands, www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, www.entrepreneurblogspace.com and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    E3C Connect August 18, 2009!

    E3C Connect  August 18, 2009!
    Are you successful entrepreneur searching for more? Do you desire to learn more ideas and strategies to achieve greater profitability? Do you want to meet and connect with other entrepreneurs from other diverse growth-oriented industries? Do you need more referrals? Is it too difficult to attend networking or educational meetings due to your busy schedule? This program is for entrepreneurs who want to create more referral opportunities for their business and learn more about other business owners in various industries. This forum creates an atmosphere that encourages participants to support each other in their business. It is efficient, productive, cost effective and ONLINE!! Participants are able to introduce themselves, share their passion, describe their business and educate others about what makes them special! It is divided into five sessions that includes: establishing a personal connection, sharing client experiences, finding client opportunities, great gate openers and defining your uniqueness. Dr Robert Joseph www.BraineoWebSolutions.com & www.drtechtalk.com, Pierre Di Alfordii www.rarecoinhouse.com, David Walker www.davidmwalkeresq.com, Debbie Snelling www.linkedin.com/in/dsnelling, Ivo Philbert www.linkedin.com/in/ivophilbert, Robert Williams www.williamsitech.com Kenneth Brown (Sales & Profit Evangelist) E3C www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com www.my-business-community.com www.E3C.typepad.com www.E3C.podOmatic.com www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com

    Is It Possible to Converge Technology In Business: Conversation with Faisal Hoque of BTM

    Is It Possible to Converge Technology In Business: Conversation with Faisal Hoque of  BTM
    Compassionate Capitalist, Karen Rands, interviews the CEO & Founder, Faisal Hoque, of BTM Corporation. BTM will be presenting at the upcoming NBAI Investor event, so this is a sneak peek of this exciting company. BTM is forging an entirely new space in the technology sector: Business Technology Convergence & Management. With strong sales, a growing pipeline, and extensive products & IP, this company is one to watch and learn from. Faisal Hogue was recently named one of the top 100 (#55) most influential People in Technology (along with Oracles Larry Ellison, Apple's Steve Jobs, and Microsoft's Steve Balmer. BTM has twice been named one of the latest growing technology companies in North America in the annual Deloitte Technology Fast 500. (www.btmcorporation.com www.faisalhoque.com) Tune In to hear their exciting story and future direction. If you want the full investor story, plan to attend the NBAI meeting on Aug 12 of their follow up briefing the week of Aug 17. Fill out the contact us form on our website http://www.launchfn.com Check out these investment websites: Karen's twitter page: @Karen_Rands, www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, www.entrepreneurblogspace.com and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    Michael Brouthers, CEO of Embark Healthcare: Empowering Healthcare Choices With Technology!

    Michael Brouthers, CEO of Embark Healthcare: Empowering Healthcare Choices With Technology!
    Michael Brouthers, CEO of Embark Healthcare: Empowering Healthcare Choices With Technology! Karen Rands, the Compassionate Capitalist, interviews CEO Michael Brouthers. His company Embark Healthcare provides a technology-based repository for the collection, distribution, and servicing of its member’s healthcare information and documents. Embark’s mission is to improve the end-of-life process for patients, families, loved ones, and caregivers. Embark’s Advance Directives Clearinghouse (ADC) empowers patients and their loved ones to document their own healthcare choices and to make these decisions available and enforceable wherever and whenever they are needed. We'll explore the value proposition and the business opportunity this company offers. www.embarkhealth.com Check out these investment websites: Karen's twitter page: @Karen_Rands, www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, www.entrepreneurblogspace.com and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    What Are The Five Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Business?

    What Are The Five Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Business?
    Dr Greg Henley says that knowing the basics is not enough. Successful entrepreneurs recognize that creating a long-term sustainable business requires more than just a good idea. The entrepreneur must make sure that her idea is a good business opportunity, which means that it must create value for the customer and for the entrepreneur. That is, the business must provide benefits for customers so that enough of them will purchase the product/service at a price high enough for the entrepreneur to make a profit. Yet, there are many pitfalls entrepreneurs face even when they know the basics. Greg Henley is the Director of the Herman J. Russell, Sr. Center for Entrepreneurship at Georgia State University. His background includes entrepreneurial experience both as a practitioner and as an academic. Kenneth Brown (Sales & Profit Evangelist) E3C, Twitter: @KenE3C, www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com www.twitter.com/KenE3C www.my-business-community.com www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com www.E3C.typepad.com Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    E3C Connect June 30, 2009!

    E3C Connect June 30, 2009!
    Are you successful entrepreneur searching for more? Do you desire to learn more ideas and strategies to achieve greater profitability? Do you want to meet and connect with other entrepreneurs from other diverse growth-oriented industries? Do you need more referrals? Is it too difficult to attend networking or educational meetings due to your busy schedule? This program is for entrepreneurs who want to create more referral opportunities for their business and learn more about other business owners in various industries. This forum creates an atmosphere that encourages participants to support each other in their business. It is efficient, productive, cost effective and ONLINE!! Participants are able to introduce themselves, share their passion, describe their business and educate others about what makes them special! It is divided into five sessions that includes: establishing a personal connection, sharing client experiences, finding client opportunities, great gate openers and defining your uniqueness. Technology Corner: Create your own magazine online! Check out www.issuu.com (Recommended by Dr Joseph) Dr Robert Joseph www.Glulife.com, Kimberlee Scott, www.kaiconsults.com, Pierre Di Alfordii www.rarecoinhouse.com, Floyd Blackett www.floydblackett.com & Rick Meekins www.aepiphanni.com Kenneth Brown (Sales & Profit Evangelist) E3C www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com www.my-business-community.com www.E3C.typepad.com www.E3C.podOmatic.com www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com

    Do You Have a Better Idea? Invention Guru Jim Debetta

    Do You Have a Better Idea?  Invention Guru Jim Debetta
    Karen Rands, the Compassionate Capitalist, will interview Jim DeBetta, a leading consumer products business advisor to inventors and entrepreneurs alike. As a highly sought-after coach and mentor for aspiring inventors worldwide, his unique methods and experienced insight is transforming the way people "go to market" with their unique products and services. For nearly twenty years, Jim has successfully launched companies and demystified the process of proven sales and marketing methods to world-renowned retailers while selling millions of dollars of products. www.jimdebetta.com Check out these investment websites: Karen's Twitter Page @Karen_Rands, www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, www.entrepreneurblogspace.com and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    "Winning with Private Equity" , Author Paul Anthony Thomas

    "Winning with Private Equity" , Author Paul Anthony Thomas
    Karen Rands, the Compassionate Capitalist, will talk with Paul Anthony Thomas, author of "Winning with Private Equity", as they discuss the "9 Pitfalls of Private Equity". Paul Thomas, a 30 year veteran of private equity and value investing, recounts several of his hard learned lessons in this easy read. Having been mentored by a 50 year veteran of the venture capital and private investing world, Mr. Thomas’ experiences cover a wide variety of topics including: Motivation, Proper Capitalization, The Right Attitude, Hedging and a Workable Exit. Paul Anthony Thomas: www.winningwithprivateequity.us, www.farpointadvisors.com (websites), www.winningwithprivateequity.wordpress.com (blog) and @pathomas2009 (twitter) Check out these investment websites: Karen's twitter page @Karen_Rands, www.kugarandholdings.com, www.launchfn.com, www.nbai.net, www.kyrmedia.com, www.myvirtualangelworld.com, www.entrepreneurblogspace.com and www.dothedeal.org Listen, Learn, Enjoy and Share with a Business Associate! Bumper Music by Bryan Hunley of New Whyne Music

    E3C Connect June 23, 2009!

    E3C Connect June  23, 2009!
    Are you successful entrepreneur searching for more? Do you desire to learn more ideas and strategies to achieve greater profitability? Do you want to meet and connect with other entrepreneurs from other diverse growth-oriented industries? Do you need more referrals? Is it too difficult to attend networking or educational meetings due to your busy schedule? This program is for entrepreneurs who want to create more referral opportunities for their business and learn more about other business owners in various industries. This forum creates an atmosphere that encourages participants to support each other in their business. It is efficient, productive, cost effective and ONLINE!! Participants are able to introduce themselves, share their passion, describe their business and educate others about what makes them special! It is divided into five sessions that includes: establishing a personal connection, sharing client experiences, finding client opportunities, great gate openers and defining your uniqueness. Technology Corner: Create your own magazine online! Check out www.issuu.com (Recommended by Dr Joseph) What Do Google Do? (http://www.buzzmachine.com/what-would-google-do)(http://e3c.typepad.com/e3c_ken_coaches_entrepren/2009/03/what-would-google-do-by-jeff-jarvis-at-google-headquarters.html) by Jeff Jarvis Dr Robert Joseph www.Glulife.com, Norma Stanley www.nfscommwriter.com, Pierre Di Alfordii www.rarecoinhouse.com & Rick Meekins www.aepiphanni.com Kenneth Brown (Sales & Profit Evangelist) E3C www.BetterSalesandProfitsNow.com www.my-business-community.com www.E3C.typepad.com www.E3C.podOmatic.com www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com