
    E8: "Pioneer Parents"- Blazing a Trail Through Technology

    enJuly 19, 2018

    About this Episode

    In his movie "Connect", Kirk Cameron refers to us as "pioneer parents" when it comes to social media and technology. No other generation has faced the parenting challenges that we are facing! Just like teaching our kids to drive is scary, but necessary, so is technology. This episode discusses the importance of learning alongside our kids and presents ways we can stay connected to them.




    "Forget Me Not" by Elder Uchtdorf 

    Recent Episodes from Thriving with 8 Podcast

    E90: Reminders for a Thriving Marriage// Julia Woods

    E90: Reminders for a Thriving Marriage// Julia Woods

    A thriving marriage doesn't just magically happen! Just like motherhood, marriage is an arena for growth. We must be intentional if we want to become the best spouse we can be. It is a process of becoming. Perfection is the lie that can discourage us from trying. 


    In this conversation with couples coach and podcaster, Julia Woods, she teaches 5 tips to develop and maintain a thriving marriage. You are probably already doing some of them, but there's always room for improvement as you partner together with your spouse. Listen as she explains the importance of growing through tension, negotiating, weekly partnering, playing and chatting with your spouse. Even better, listen together! And then commit to starting small steps to improving your marriage relationship. 


    IG @heyjuliawoods


    E89: Momivate// Regan Barnes

    E89: Momivate// Regan Barnes

    What motivates you to be the best mom possible?

    Listen to Regan Barnes, Chairmom of the nonprofit Momivate, to learn more about what it means for moms to RAISE UP society and her vision to empower and support moms.
    Being a full-time mom encompasses SO much so give yourself a pat on the back for all you are doing! You’re developing relationships, creating a wonderful atmosphere in your home, managing schedules, pursuing personal pursuits… the list could go on and on!!
    Also... Momivate is hosting their Enrich Motherhood Convention March 9, 2024. Hope you can come join the connect with others moms and leave feeling nourished and empowered. 
    Use discount code: THRIVING to save some money :) 

    E88: Thriving Intentionally

    E88: Thriving Intentionally

    Happy New Year! Do you have a word or phrase for the year? What will you focus on? Are you going to let the year happen to you or are you going to be intentional in your thriving? 


    The choice is up to you! First of all, give yourself credit for the progress you have made this past year. Second, set yourself up for success, even if your progression comes through baby steps. Thriving has nothing to do with perfection. There is no "perfect mom". Thriving comes by not giving up, being steadfast, and striving for impovement. It's all about progression, not perfection!



    E87: Seeking Christ in Motherhood//Neill Marriott

    E87: Seeking Christ in Motherhood//Neill Marriott

    Motherhood is not a solo job. We need Christ by our side in our motherhood journey. It's our ressponsibility to seek Him. As we courageously lean into this relationship and partnership with God, we will receive spiritual guidance that blesses us and our children. 


    Listen to Neill Marriott, mother of 11 and spiritual giant, as she shares stories and ideas of how she sought Jesus as she raised her wonderful family. 

    Neill is also the author of "Seek This Jesus", a book I highly recommend. 

    Bonus Episode: Grief & Loss During the Holidays//Tiffany Papageorge

    Bonus Episode: Grief & Loss During the Holidays//Tiffany Papageorge

    The holiday season is such a joyful time...for most people. But for many the holidays are a time of grief and loss. They can trigger memories of losing a loved one. They can be a hard time for single parents or for those without funds to provide Christmas for their children. 

    In this short bonus episode, Tiffany Papageorge, our guest from Thriving With 8 episode 86, reminds us to be aware of those around us who are grieving this holiday season. 

    E86: Helping Our Kids Acknowledge, Feel & Heal From Grief & Loss//Tiffany Papageorge

    E86: Helping Our Kids Acknowledge, Feel & Heal From Grief & Loss//Tiffany Papageorge

    When we hear about loss and grief our thoughts tend to think of something big like death. However, there are many other ways that children experience loss including divorce, a friend moving, or losing a championship game. All of these things cause a sense of grief. 

    Author Tiffany Papageorge was a grieving child. As a Junior High student she wrote a book for a school assignment and it changed not only her life, but many others. "My Yellow Balloon" is a beautiful picture book that helps children navigate love, loss, and letting go. As parents we often want to rush our children through their emotions and quickly soothe them. But Tiffany teaches that it is important to let our children feel their emotions and learn from them, whether the loss is big or small. 

    E85: We Are All Student Humans//Meghan Mitchell

    E85: We Are All Student Humans//Meghan Mitchell

    We've all seen them. The "Please Be Patient Student Driver" bumper stickers. When Meghan Mitchell of The Little Lessons Podcast saw this sticker one day, it changed her. She realized that we are all "Student Humans". This has led to greater compassion, grace, and patience with others, especially her own children. 


    So how do we remember that our children really are students and be patient with them when we feel they are not reaching their potential? How do we transition from "what will people think of my child" to "how can I best support my child?" After all, we're student moms and we're all just trying to do our best!




    E84: Becoming the Next Version of Yourself//Jody Moore

    E84: Becoming the Next Version of Yourself//Jody Moore

    Do you ever "pretend" that you are a patient, organized, or fun mom? There are times in our lives when we try characteristics on for size to see how they fit. In this episode of Thriving With 8 Podcast, Life Coach Jody Moore helps us embrace who we are as moms as we strive to become the next version of ourselves. We gain true confidence and authenticity when we embrace both our strengths and our weaknesses. 


    E83: Don't Settle for the New Normal//McKenna Rose Brown

    E83: Don't Settle for the New Normal//McKenna Rose Brown

    After McKenna's 4th child was born she found herself caught in a dark cloud of survival. She wondered if this was just a "new normal". But when the darkness was too much to bear she found herself wondering if her kids would be better off without her. 

    In this episode of Thriving With 8 Podcast, McKenna Rose Brown shares her healing journey and the importance of noticing small signs of anxiety and depression before the big ones comes. She has come to learn that vulnerability leads to connection and growth and that you don't need to suffer alone. Life can be both beautiful AND have struggles. Life is worth living and your kids DO need you. 


    Stiry Story: I am McKenna

    E82:Becoming Unstuck in Motherhood through Professional Development

    E82:Becoming Unstuck in Motherhood through Professional Development

    Do you ever feel stuck in motherhood- like every day is stuck on "repeat"? No mom guilt necessary. We have all been there! Many times this is caused by a lack of personal progression. Since motherhood is the best job in the world, we need to participate in "professional development" and be intentional about what we are learning and the skills we are gaining. 


    Listen to this episode to discover what professional development in motherhood looks like and hear about many great options to get back on the path of personal growth.