
    About this Episode

    When was the last time you went out on a date...with yourself? If dining alone or seeing a movie solo freaks you out, I have three reasons why a date night with yourself is exactly what you need.

    In today's episode, we explore:

    • The difference between being lonely and being alone
    • 3 benefits to treating yourself to date night
    • Top solo "date night" recommendations
    • How to block out the noise of what "everyone else thinks"


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    Recent Episodes from YOU WANNA DO WHAT?!

    E129: YOU are where the heart is. So let's celebrate!

    E129: YOU are where the heart is. So let's celebrate!

    I don't have to tell you that 2020 has been far from perfect. But you've made it this far, through COVID and quarantine and phased re-openings. Maybe you lost your job, or even worse, a loved one. You became besties with an app named, Zoom.

    Or maybe you haven't felt like celebrating at all. And that's understandable. Life wasn't meant to be lived like a real-life version of The Sims. You had plans. And those plans were tossed out the window. But that's why it's more important than ever before, to find your own light.

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E128: How to Make Reading a Habit (and Hobby)

    E128: How to Make Reading a Habit (and Hobby)

    When was the last time you finished a book? You say you want to read more books — but the challenge is making reading a regular habit.

    In today's episode,

    • I break down the benefits of reading (spoiler alert: there are scientific benefits to reading!),
    • How to find your next great book, 
    • 4 ideas to help you build a solid, more consistent reading habit.

    Episode Resources: 

    Start here to find your next great book >>

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E127: How to Start Running - Beginner Tips with The Mirnavator, Mirna Valerio

    E127: How to Start Running - Beginner Tips with The Mirnavator, Mirna Valerio

    If you’re an aspiring beginner runner, a sometimes runner, or a wannabe runner that daydreams about running if only you had more energy, the right clothes, weighed less, fresh joints, more hours in your day, a plan to follow, or tips to get started, then today’s episode is a must-listen. The runners gliding through your local park might be enough to motivate you to head out on the road yourself, or maybe you’re just looking for a way to be more active or lose weight. But no matter why you want to start running, it’s time to lace up and enjoy every step, well, maybe not every step, but you'll get there.

    For some backup, I invited the creator of the blog and Facebook group, FATGIRLRUNNING, Mirna Valerio to the show. Mirna is an ultramarathoner, teacher, National Geographic 2018 Adventurer of the Year, and author of the book, A Beautiful Work in Progress. 

    And even if running never crosses your mind, something does. Something that u have wanted to try or succeed at, that until this point has eluded you. Keep listening, because there are some gems in today’s episode for you too. Practices and philosophies you can apply to whatever goal or item are on your to-do list. 

    Episode Resources: 

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E126: Anti-Racism, and Being Black in America

    E126: Anti-Racism, and Being Black in America

    YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! celebrates 3 years! Each episode delivers practical motivation for living, inspiring stories, and useful strategies to do more, want more & be more. 

    In today's episode, I invited 4 guests to tell their stories and share their experiences of being Black in America.

    • Dr. Donna Granville, sociologist of race, immigration, and culture
    • Sir Wilkins, a former teacher turned personal trainer and co-host of The Jobber Tears podcast
    • Natalie Charles, Kenyan born, IT Security professional
    • Scott Hale, ambitious entrepreneur and docuseries director

    We discuss:

    • Reactions to George Floyd's death
    • Personal stories of racism
    • Collective pain of the Black community
    • How to be a stronger ally and advocate in the community
    • Protecting your mental wellness through self-care and restorative practices
    • Required reading, videos, and resources to educate yourself or others on systemic, institutional and other forms of racism
    • How to unlearn behavior
    • What progress means in our communities

    As a Latina and a woman of color born and raised in New York City, I am in solidarity with my brothers and sisters. 


    For a full list of resources from today's episode: Visit >> www.youwannadowhat.com/podcast

    Episode Resources:

    Book Recommendations:

    1. How to be Less Stupid About Race by Crystal Marie Fleming 
    2. How to be Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
    3. Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
    4. So You Wanna Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
    5. White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo  

    Video Recommendations: 

    TEDxHampshireCollege - Jay Smooth - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race


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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E125: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Job

    E125: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Job

    If you're on the hunt for your next job, press play right now! With more than 38 million jobless claims, it feels like every time you open up Facebook or Instagram, someone you know has been furloughed or laid off. 

    My friend, it's time for a plan. That's why I'm sharing 11 tips to find your next job. These nuggets of information & inspiration apply if you've recently been laid off or are a new graduate, across industries and job titles. My intention is to guide you away from your breaking point and to a place where you feel empowered. Grab a pen and paper or open up your notes app and start applying 1, 5, or all of these you can use to look for a new job.

    And if you know someone who can benefit from this episode, PLEASE, be a neighbor, and share it with a friend, family member, or co-worker. 

    Shoutout to ladders.com for inspiring today's episode.

    Episode Resources: 

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E124: How has 2020 Changed What Matters to YOU?

    E124: How has 2020 Changed What Matters to YOU?

    "Do you think life will go back to normal after the pandemic?" Living in NYC, I get that question - a lot. With more than 30 million Americans filing for unemployment and deaths in the hundreds of thousands, what exactly is normal?

    In episode 124 of YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! the more important question is, What matters to you?

    Episode Resources: 

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    NEW: www.twitter.com/youwannadowhat1

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    E123: Increase your happiness right now!

    E123: Increase your happiness right now!

    What if I told you there was something you could do right now that would increase your happiness, is good for your health, evokes gratitude, fosters connection, and is contagious? I bet you would jump out of your seat to try it. 

    Enjoy this episode of real-life ways people are giving back and paying it forward and learn how you can, too!

    Episode Resources: 

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    E122: Flex Your Creativity Muscles While at Home

    E122: Flex Your Creativity Muscles While at Home

    Do you know what really turns me on? It's when I see YOU flexing your creative muscles and trying something new. Businesses are pivoting to adapt to changing times and so are you! Each day I scroll through my social media timelines and see you coming up with cool, different, and quirky ways to keep your sanity in check, kids entertained, and your days full of projects and ideas.

    I'm spotlighting YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! in-real-life (IRL) moments from listeners, friends, and virtual strangers. Enjoy these fun ideas you can do while staying home.

    These cool, different, and quirky ideas and projects may have ramped up because of COVID-19, but my hope is that you continue to lean into the creative parts of your heart and mind and keep it going!

    Episode Resources:

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    E121: What is the main contributor to success? Hint: You already own it.

    E121: What is the main contributor to success? Hint: You already own it.

    What if I told you that the main ingredient, the secret sauce, one of the main contributors to your success, my success, your mama’s success, her mama’s success, OUR collective success, you already own?  This one thing is so powerful, yet it costs nothing at all. You can’t buy it. You can’t find it on eBay…. you already possess it BUT you may have to cultivate it if it doesn’t come easy.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • The main contributor to success (HINT: you can't buy it and you already have it)
    • The difference between a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset
    • How Rihanna and Michael Strahan pivoted and reinvented themselves 
    • Checklist for you to figure out YOUR mindset 
    • 4 completely doable things you can start doing, practicing, and cultivating today to shift from a fixed to a growth mindset
    • How Coronavirus, COVID-19, quarantine, and self-isolation has already proven your ability to adapt
    • What Robert Kiyosaki thinks about this global pandemic and what you should do

    Episode Resources:

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


    **Love the show? Leave a review!

    Visit the YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! online: www.youwannadowhat.com

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    Have a question? Want to recommend a topic or guest? Email me: monica@youwannadowhat.com

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    NEW: www.twitter.com/youwannadowhat1

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    E120: Feeling alone? Ways to Manage Anxiety

    E120: Feeling alone? Ways to Manage Anxiety

    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the United States, but what happens to our anxiety in the middle of a global pandemic? You guessed it! It goes through the roof. Thankfully, there are ways to manage anxiety in isolation. 

    In today's episode, we discuss:

    • Feelings of depression, anxiety, apathy, and numbness
    • How to turn a crisis into an opportunity
    • Understanding your stress level using an easy scale of 1-10
    • Why writing a list of things to do "if you had the time" is essential during quarantine and social distancing
    • Recognizing your good days and how to replicate them
    • Keys self-care tips to utilize during isolation and beyond 

    Episode Resources:

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    Join a FREE personal development community for extra support as you learn how to change your mindset and how to improve productivity on the path of self-development.   


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    Let's Connect!

    Have a question? Want to recommend a topic or guest? Email me: monica@youwannadowhat.com

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    NEW: www.twitter.com/youwannadowhat1

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