
    Eating Disorders & Self Love vs the Inflated Ego with Bridget Lavin

    enMay 12, 2019

    About this Episode


    Eating Disorders. Self love. Self Worth.

    And what it means to dissolve the ego while building the confidence we need for radical self acceptance.



    Recent Episodes from SoulWork with Adi Shakti

    Prayer for Ceasefire: A Palestinian Seeker's Heart-Centered Memoir

    Prayer for Ceasefire: A Palestinian Seeker's Heart-Centered Memoir
    Diala Hamed, a Raleigh native and RDN, is an E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher. She trained under Adi Shakti in Vinyasa and Hatha yoga in Costa Rica and furthered her certification in India. With extensive global teaching experience across Europe, Asia, Central and South America, and Australia, Diala integrates lessons from Vipassana meditation into her classes, emphasizing inner stillness. Her passion lies in sharing yoga philosophy in international retreats and Nova Yoga teacher trainings.
    You can follow her at @yogadiala on Instagram
    10 myths of Israel - Ilan Pappe
    Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe
    Hundred Years War on Palestine 
    The Question of Palestine
    Born in Gaza (setting only no historical context)
    5 Broken Cameras

    Healing the Mother Wound + Finding your purpose with Adetoro Majek

    Healing the Mother Wound + Finding your purpose with Adetoro Majek

    Adetoro Majek is the owner and founder of the The InnHer Experience, an online coaching business that caters to a global audience of women who are looking to develop a more meaningful and effective experience for their lives!She has worked with many clients helping them learn the deeper parts of themselves to achieve their greatest desired outcomes!

    Through her passion in wellness and mindfulness, she is able to guide you through the journey of understanding your experiences and processing it with a conscious approach by coaching you through the intimate details of your needs. As a Board Certified Coach, Adetoro believes in empowering the best version of you through harnessing the power, possibilities and confidence of your inner experience.

    Contact Adetoro:

    Divine Clarity & Inspired Action w. Spiritual Business Coach Maria Saraphina

    Divine Clarity & Inspired Action w. Spiritual Business Coach Maria Saraphina

    Maria Saraphina is an International Spiritual Business Coach, Energy Alignment Method® (EAM®) Mentor, Catalyst & Facilitator with clients on almost every continent of the world.

    In her show & podcast The Golden Frequency – and previously in The Magdalene Voices and The Spiritual Business w. Maria Saraphina she shares her wisdom, knowledge, experience and revelations as well as have Sacred Conversations with beautiful, radiant beings. Together these shows have been watched, viewed or listened to more than 50.000 times.

    Through 1:1 Sessions and online courses she supports Soul driven, Heart based, Holistic Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Magdalenes Rising with the expansion and growth of themselves and their businesses always from a space of Love.

    Before jumping into the world of entrepreneurship her career had four pillars:

    • Hospitality aka working in hotels.
    • Startups aka being part of multiple start-ups within a different variety of industries, from hotels over nationwide newspaper to the financial world of credit card terminals and acquiring.
    • Financial aka being a Key Account Manager for one of the largest credit card acquirers in Scandinavia negotiating million dollar contracts.
    • Product Development and Management aka spearheading as well as being deeply involved in the development of very complex and technical systems.

    She’s followed the Priestess Path, gone through her fair share of rude awakenings and dark nights of her soul to arrive at the place and space, within as without where she, today, cannot imagine not blending, weaving and merging the worlds of seen and unseen, spirituality with practicality and magic with the mundane.

    Together with energy alignment she brings this unique blend to her clients, listeners and viewers from across the globe.

    Her not-so-secret superpower is her ability to “see things” - Not dead people like the boy from 6th. Sense.

    No, she sees your missions, visions and dreams as if already real and no one works with her without it having a catalysing effect on themselves and their businesses.

    The free download of Divine Clarity & Inspired Action: mariasaraphina.com/dcia

    • WEBSITE: www.mariasaraphina.com
    • INSTAGRAM: www.Instagram.com/xomariasaraphina
    • PINTEREST: www.Pinterest.com/xomariasaraphina
    • LINKEDIN: www.Linkedin.com/in/Mariasaraphina/
    • YOUTUBE: www.Youtube.com/c/Mariasaraphina
    • FACEBOOK: www.Facebook.com/xomariasaraphina

    Opening a Studio in COVID: Failure, Self Worth + Re-Framing Success with Kasey Parsons

    Opening a Studio in COVID: Failure, Self Worth + Re-Framing Success with Kasey Parsons

    We talk about winning, but 2020 was hard. How are we able to cope with the challenges of 2020 + not feel defeated?

    Kasey is a yoga entrepreneur in Wichita, Ks. She started Optimistic Elephant in 2013 and continues to be on a journey of a yoga teacher, meditation advocate, studio owner and coach.

    Kasey began her journey as a yoga teacher with ShambhavAnanda Yoga™ and is still guided today by her teachers in this lineage.  She teaches intuitively from the heart to offer practical and profound classes that incorporate meditation and asana.  She has seen firsthand the power of yoga to heal and give hope.  She has used it as a vehicle to work through grief and anxiety.  Ultimately, she believes yoga is life changing for everyone who wants to give it a try.  In addition to her practice with ShambhavAnanda Yoga™, she has also trained with Adi Shakti and currently is studying Yoga Psychology with Ashley Turner.

    The Astrological Climate January 2021 with Kelly M Beard

    The Astrological Climate January 2021 with Kelly M Beard

    Kelly M Beard has been a Shamanic Astrologer since 1996, specializing in cycles & patterns, including personal, social & collective cycles that affect everyone. To some, working with their own cycles & patterns is a completely new & foreign concept. Kelly teaches that there are many planetary cycles that coincide with natural life cycles which allow us to co-create in mystical, as well as practical ways.
    Recently, she became a certified through Pixie Lighthorse as an Earth Medicine Practitioner dedicated to creating sacred space & custom tools that support the individual’s lifelong journey of self-healing, ongoing education & transformational soul work. This is the work we can only do for ourselves, but it helps to have the right tools, support & guidance.
    She started her online global community in 1999, called the Power Circle, which has members from all over the world, to this day. Additionally, she created the Venus Circle in 2007, which is a group following the Venus 18-month cycle and how the Sacred Feminine is vital to navigating their lives, specifically their Love, Money & Magnetics (Venus’ domain).

    Kelly’s mission is to be a stellar guide & solid support as you consciously navigate your own evolutionary process. She is here to support & assist your process. All her work is created to help you hone your instincts and rise into your fullest potential by establishing relationships with your own Animal Guides and Inner Archetypes, while also deepening your understanding of the current Energetic Support available.

    How to Pivot Our Inner Lives Towards Fulfillment with Christy Whitman

    How to Pivot Our Inner Lives Towards Fulfillment with Christy Whitman

    Let’s explore how our inner dialogue shapes our reality + how to adjust it if needed.

    Christy Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All. She has appeared on "Today" and The Morning Show and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program.

    Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 200,000 people a month and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim.





    Healing the Past & Intergenerational Trauma with Rena Yassiri

    Healing the Past & Intergenerational Trauma with Rena Yassiri

    Energy healing and working with trauma from both a Western and Eastern perspective.

    Rena Yassiri is a world renowned Energy Healer, Health Coach, Restorative Yoga Teacher and the founder of Inside Job Healing LLC, a cutting edge health & wellness practice focused on healing trauma & creating balance in clients’ lives on a physical, emotional, and chemical level.

    Contact Rena:

    Transformation through Organization: Home, Heart, Mind, with Laci Love.

    Transformation through Organization: Home, Heart, Mind, with Laci Love.

    Laci Love is a modern medicine woman, high vibe organizational coach and embodiment guide. She is a real life fairy who loves all things nature, magic, god, and sustainability. With her work in house cleaning, and yoga teaching; she weaves together transformational organization and mind-body awareness to create lifestyles of freedom and fluidity. 

    She helps sensitive souls transform their life through organization: turning chaos into magic within the home, heart, and mind. Laci believes in the power of energy flow and it is her mission to help others create space for the things that are of most importance. Her philosophy merges a scientific perspective with a spiritual understanding - based on energy and matter.  Laci teaches these practices of living in a compassionate way that brings awareness to the mind-body connection and as a result integration happens -  a new dream emerges.

    COVID-19 - A practice in slowing down with Ana Poirier

    COVID-19 - A practice in slowing down with Ana Poirier

    Since 2000, Ana Poirier, the founder of Yoga Body Nutrition, has been using the healing modalities of yoga, Ayurveda, health coaching, bodywork, essential oils, inner inquiry, Life Path Astrology™ and Taoist principles in her workshops, retreats,  classes and private practice.  Committed to guiding others towards their unique path and positive evolution, she uses both in person and online  platforms to reach more people and touch more souls.

    She’s the co-author of the best-selling book Turning Points, and creator of the Divine Diva Detox, which leads women through a customized mind, body, soul journey towards their alignment, truth and divine feminine essence. 

    Ana is grateful to have taught internationally, as well as her homebase on the Central Coast of California, where you can find her hiking, enjoying the ocean and feeding her addiction to the local farmers markets.

    You can learn more at www.YogaBodyNutrition.com or contact Ana Ana@YogaBodyNutrition.com 

    The Astrological Climate July 2020 with Kelly M Beard

    The Astrological Climate July 2020 with Kelly M Beard

    Crazy times. Here’s what the stars have to say...

    Kelly M Beard has been a Shamanic Astrologer since 1996, specializing in cycles & patterns, including personal, social & collective cycles that affect everyone. To some, working with their own cycles & patterns is a completely new & foreign concept. Kelly teaches that there are many planetary cycles that coincide with natural life cycles which allow us to co-create in mystical, as well as practical ways.  Recently, she became a certified through Pixie Lighthorse as an Earth Medicine Practitioner dedicated to creating sacred space & custom tools that support the individual’s lifelong journey of self-healing, ongoing education & transformational soul work. This is the work we can only do for ourselves, but it helps to have the right tools, support & guidance.  She started her online global community in 1999, called the Power Circle, which has members from all over the world, to this day. Additionally, she created the Venus Circle in 2007, which is a group following the Venus 18-month cycle and how the Sacred Feminine is vital to navigating their lives, specifically their Love, Money & Magnetics (Venus’ domain).   Kelly’s mission is to be a stellar guide & solid support as you consciously navigate your own evolutionary process. She is here to support & assist your process. All her work is created to help you hone your instincts and rise into your fullest potential by establishing relationships with your own Animal Guides and Inner Archetypes, while also deepening your understanding of the current Energetic Support available.