
    Eight years hard Labour: episode 3 - Oh Jeremy Corbyn

    enJanuary 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Appreciation and Hiring on LinkedInAppreciation boosts individual and company performance. LinkedIn is a vast professional network for hiring, even for those not actively seeking new roles. Political uncertainty marked the 2016-2017 period, but cities like Stoke showed resilience.

      Appreciation holds significant value, not just for individuals but also for companies, leading to improved performance and productivity. Meanwhile, LinkedIn offers access to a vast pool of professionals, including those not actively seeking new roles, making it an essential platform for hiring. Regarding politics, the 2016-2017 period was marked by significant change, with many Labour MPs questioning their party's future and resigning. The party faced challenging poll numbers, and both Copeland and Stoke by-elections resulted in losses for Labour. Despite these challenges, cities like Stoke continued to show resilience and prove that they are more than just their political climate. In summary, appreciation is crucial for personal and professional growth, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring, and the political landscape during this period was marked by uncertainty and change.

    • Unexpected election shift leads to change in political powerInitially confident of a victory, the 2017 UK snap election resulted in unexpected losses for the Conservatives due to shifting public sentiment and a strong Labour message of hope and unity.

      The decision to call a snap general election in the UK during the Brexit negotiations in 2017, despite initial confidence in a victory for the Conservative Party, ultimately led to unexpected losses and a shift in political power. During the negotiations, progress was made but not yet concluded, and the Prime Minister, facing issues with her narrow majority, decided to call an election in late April. Initially, Labour seemed doomed based on local election results, but things began to change on the streets as large crowds gathered in support of Labour's message of hope and unity. An email from the senior civil service marked the beginning of communication between the incoming Labour government and the outgoing one, but the initial meetings were out of politeness and constitutional obligation. However, the unexpected momentum shifted in Labour's favor, leading to a significant change in political power.

    • The 2017 UK general election: A surprise outcomeThe unpopularity of the Conservative Party's manifesto and Labour's surge in support from young voters and outsiders led to a surprising election outcome, marking a turning point for British politics and highlighting the importance of grassroots activism and taking risks.

      The 2017 UK general election resulted in a surprising outcome, with the Conservative Party losing their large polling leads and the Labour Party gaining ground. This shift was due in part to the unpopularity of the Conservative Party's manifesto and the realization that they might not be able to form a government alone. Meanwhile, Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, experienced a surge in support, particularly among young voters and those outside the Westminster bubble. The election result was a shock to many, and it marked a turning point for British politics. The Labour Party, which had been dismissed as an internal revolution of left-wing activists, emerged as a viable contender for power. The election result also highlighted the importance of grassroots activism and the power of taking risks and trusting instincts. Despite some misgivings from Labour MPs, the party's triumphalism was well-earned, as they had managed to make significant progress against the odds.

    • Labour Party's internal strife under Corbyn's leadershipCorbyn's leadership faced challenges from both critics and supporters, but hubris and bureaucracy ultimately led to internal division within the Labour Party.

      Despite Jeremy Corbyn's kind demeanor and unexpected popularity following the 2017 general election, his leadership of the Labour Party was not without its challenges. The election result was not close, but some Labour supporters, like Wes Streating, were determined to keep criticizing Corbyn. Meanwhile, others, such as Paul Mason, saw the election as an opportunity for Corbynism to move forward. However, hubris and the influence of Unite the Union's Len McCluskey led to a divisive and bureaucratic approach, which ultimately undermined the potential for unity within the party. In the end, Corbyn addressed his party conference in a triumphant mood, but the road to that point was marked by internal strife and division.

    • Labour's Overconfidence and Tories' SurpriseLabour's overconfidence led to their downfall, while the Tories' surprise sparked a renewed focus on preventing future defeats. Labour members accepted Corbyn's leadership and focused on damage control, while the Tories vowed to prevent another close election.

      The overconfident attitude of the Labour Party during the 2017 election, which was seen as a golden opportunity to present their plans for the future, ultimately led to their downfall. Instead of celebrating their near victory, they should have focused on addressing the concerns of their opponents and the public. The Tories, on the other hand, were shocked by their narrow escape from defeat and vowed to prevent a similar outcome in the future. For Labour members who opposed Corbyn, the outlook was clear: they were stuck with him for at least another parliament, so their strategic objective became trying to make Brexit as least damaging as possible or even giving the public a referendum on the deal. This attitude of acceptance and damage control allowed them to focus on the national interest, despite their reservations about Corbyn's leadership.

    • The Importance of LinkedIn for Hiring and Unity Among Political Figures During CrisesLinkedIn is a crucial platform for hiring professionals, while strong leadership and unity among political figures is vital during crises, such as Brexit and attempted murder cases.

      LinkedIn is a valuable platform for hiring professionals, with over 70% of its users not visiting other leading job sites. This means that missing out on LinkedIn could result in missing out on potential candidates like Sandra. Additionally, during a time of political instability, such as the Brexit situation, events like the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal can significantly impact the situation and raise tensions. In response to such events, strong leadership and unity among political figures is crucial. In the case of the UK, the prime minister's handling of the situation was met with support from many MPs, demonstrating the importance of a unified response to crises. On a different note, Mother's Day is a time to celebrate and show appreciation for the amazing moms in our lives. 1800flowers.com offers various gifts, including handmade bouquets, sweet treats, and gourmet food, that can be easily ordered and delivered fresh. For a limited time, customers can save up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers.

    • Jeremy Corbyn's director of communications, Seamus Milne, confuses journalists with conflicting statements on Russian intelligencePolitical leaders must ensure clear and consistent communication, especially during national security concerns, to maintain trust and avoid confusion.

      During a particular huddle with journalists following a moment in the Commons, Jeremy Corbyn's director of communications, Seamus Milne, provided a confusing and controversial explanation regarding the intelligence surrounding weapons of mass destruction and the Russian state. This led to widespread skepticism and cynicism towards Milne's words, which seemed to contradict what Corbyn had stated in the chamber. The situation worsened when shadow cabinet members Emily Thornberry and Mia Griffith gave interviews taking a different stance, leading to a contentious meeting and public backing from John McDonnell. Despite the ensuing chaos, Corbyn appeared unwilling to learn from the situation and adjust his messaging accordingly. The incident highlights the importance of clear and consistent communication in political leadership, especially during times of national security concerns.

    • Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn's reluctance to condemn Russia during the Salisbury nerve agent attackCorbyn faced criticism for his hesitance to condemn Russia during the Salisbury nerve agent attack, with some blaming his advisor and others attributing it to his own ideological past and reluctance to label Russia as an adversary. This controversy came to a head when Corbyn was accused of being anti-Semitic, further fueling criticism.

      During the Salisbury nerve agent attack in 2018, Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, faced criticism for his hesitance to directly condemn Russia. While some blamed Corbyn's advisor Seamus Milne for his pro-Russian views, others believed Corbyn's own ideological past and reluctance to label Russia as an adversary were the root causes. Despite calls for him to condemn Russia unequivocally, Corbyn continued to resist, which fueled further criticism. This reluctance came to a head when Corbyn was accused of being anti-Semitic and making the Labour Party a hostile environment for Jews. The Salisbury incident highlighted the deep divide within the Labour Party regarding Russia and its relationship with the West. Despite the controversy, Corbyn remained steadfast in his beliefs, leading to further criticism and controversy.

    • Personal experiences leading to innovative solutionsUtilize personal experiences to find innovative solutions for businesses and consider using no-brainer services like Pretty Litter and Stamps.com for improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

      Innovation often stems from personal experiences and a desire to make a difference. Daniel, the founder of Pretty Litter, learned the hard way that cats can hide symptoms of illness. In response, he created a health monitoring litter that changes colors to detect early signs of illness, potentially saving cat owners money and their pets' lives. Meanwhile, 1800flowers.com is dedicated to spreading smiles through their love-infused gifts for various occasions. When it comes to business decisions, there are no-brainers like using services such as Pretty Litter or Stamps.com. Pretty Litter offers an easy and veterinarian-developed solution for monitoring a cat's health at home, while Stamps.com streamlines mailing and shipping processes to make businesses more efficient. Additionally, 1800flowers.com prides itself on putting love into every aspect of their gift-giving process, ensuring a smile is delivered along with the gift. For businesses, Stamps.com is a no-brainer, offering a 4-week trial, free postage, and a free digital scale with no long-term commitments or contracts. Similarly, Pretty Litter offers a 20% discount and a free cat toy with the code "acast" for new customers. These services make running a business smoother and more cost-effective. Overall, personal experiences can lead to innovative solutions, and businesses can make smart decisions by utilizing no-brainer services like Pretty Litter and Stamps.com.

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    Get 20% OFF + Free international shipping @manscaped with promo code ROBM20 atManscaped.com! #sponsored #manscaped


    • Nigel believes that people disrupt things to challenge the status quo. Disruption is often needed to change things for the better, Nigel thinks things haven’t been disrupted nearly enough in the world yet.
    • It is plain for all to see that there are a lot of differing and polarising views on coronavirus. Nigel Farage thinks governments haven’t been honest enough from the start and it’s something we can learn to live with going forward. He is not prepared for his liberties to be taken away from him again so will not obey any further lockdowns.
    • There is a big difference of mindset between a corporate business and the entrepreneur. The government may understand big business somewhat but they certainly don’t have a clue about small businesses and entrepreneurs. Nigel’s experience of working with the political class has shown him that there is a massive disconnect between the UK government and businesses.
    • It was inevitable that Brexit was going to cause massive changes, there was always going to be winners and losers. However, Nigel thinks there are countless upsides to small business owners and entrepreneurs that the government still hasn’t utilised.
    • Tax and Welfare need reforming drastically. Past governments have de-skilled the British population and have also turned what should be a safety net, into a very large welfare state. It has changed young people’s mindsets and there is a lack of aspiration among the younger generations especially.
    • Nigel would love to run for Prime Minister but with the current UK system this is just not possible. He thinks that the UK political system needs a complete overhaul and bringing into the 21st century, starting with removing the first past to post system and the house of lords.
    • Nigel believes that Boris Johnson has a very clever act and it has got him very far in his political career. However, he thinks the mood of the public after many lies and most recently, the revealing of all of the covid parties in government, will very likely be the end to it.
    • The de-platforming and silencing of conservative voices across social media platforms is worrying to Nigel. He thinks it’s the medias way of trying to gain back control.



     “You’re not doing it because you’re trying to cheese everyone else off, you’re doing it actually because you think the status quo as it is needs shaking up”

    “Not one of them has ever worked in a small business, not one of them has ever set one up”

    “There is a complete disconnect with the world of entrepreneurship, of the world of business”

    “I’m an old style free-marketer, I believe in a safety net for those that can’t look after themselves, of course I do”

    “Our democracy needs to be brought into the 21st century”

    “There is a limit to free speech, there always has been, but I think the limit on conservative voices is bad”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Get 20% OFF + Free international shipping @manscaped with promo code ROBM20 atManscaped.com! #sponsored #manscaped


    • Nigel believes that people disrupt things to challenge the status quo. Disruption is often needed to change things for the better, Nigel thinks things haven’t been disrupted nearly enough in the world yet.
    • It is plain for all to see that there are a lot of differing and polarising views on coronavirus. Nigel Farage thinks governments haven’t been honest enough from the start and it’s something we can learn to live with going forward. He is not prepared for his liberties to be taken away from him again so will not obey any further lockdowns.
    • There is a big difference of mindset between a corporate business and the entrepreneur. The government may understand big business somewhat but they certainly don’t have a clue about small businesses and entrepreneurs. Nigel’s experience of working with the political class has shown him that there is a massive disconnect between the UK government and businesses.
    • It was inevitable that Brexit was going to cause massive changes, there was always going to be winners and losers. However, Nigel thinks there are countless upsides to small business owners and entrepreneurs that the government still hasn’t utilised.
    • Tax and Welfare need reforming drastically. Past governments have de-skilled the British population and have also turned what should be a safety net, into a very large welfare state. It has changed young people’s mindsets and there is a lack of aspiration among the younger generations especially.
    • Nigel would love to run for Prime Minister but with the current UK system this is just not possible. He thinks that the UK political system needs a complete overhaul and bringing into the 21st century, starting with removing the first past to post system and the house of lords.
    • Nigel believes that Boris Johnson has a very clever act and it has got him very far in his political career. However, he thinks the mood of the public after many lies and most recently, the revealing of all of the covid parties in government, will very likely be the end to it.
    • The de-platforming and silencing of conservative voices across social media platforms is worrying to Nigel. He thinks it’s the medias way of trying to gain back control.



     “You’re not doing it because you’re trying to cheese everyone else off, you’re doing it actually because you think the status quo as it is needs shaking up”

    “Not one of them has ever worked in a small business, not one of them has ever set one up”

    “There is a complete disconnect with the world of entrepreneurship, of the world of business”

    “I’m an old style free-marketer, I believe in a safety net for those that can’t look after themselves, of course I do”

    “Our democracy needs to be brought into the 21st century”

    “There is a limit to free speech, there always has been, but I think the limit on conservative voices is bad”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com