
    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable Alternatives Amidst Political and Business ChangesMint Mobile cuts price for new unlimited data customers to $15/month, offering an affordable wireless alternative. PlushCare provides online access to physicians for weight loss solutions, offering an affordable healthcare alternative.

      Despite the legal allowance for price increases by big wireless companies, Mint Mobile is reducing its price for unlimited data from $30 to $15 per month for new customers. Meanwhile, in the world of politics, the 2015 election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader marked a significant shift, leading to two general elections and ongoing internal party upheaval. The full story of Labour's revolution is explored in a new 6-part series from Tortoise. In the midst of these changes, Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative for wireless services, and PlushCare provides online access to board-certified physicians for those seeking weight loss solutions.

    • Miliband's resignation and its aftermathMiliband's sudden resignation sparked internal strife, the rise of radical leaders, and two more election defeats for Labour. New leadership rules brought in more members but caused division, and the lack of consensus on a new leader further complicated matters.

      The unexpected resignation of Ed Miliband after the 2015 Labour Party election defeat set off a chain reaction of events that significantly shaped British politics in the following years. Miliband's abrupt departure led to the election of an unlikely and radical leader, the takeover of the Labour Party by its fringe elements, and internal battles that weakened the party and resulted in two more election defeats. The new rules for electing a party leader, which gave more power to individual members and less to unions, were intended to bring in new centrist members but instead led to internal strife. The lack of enthusiasm for the leading candidates and discussions about putting up a left-wing candidate further complicated the situation. Overall, Miliband's resignation and the events that followed had a profound impact on the Labour Party and the political landscape of Britain.

    • Corbyn's Surprising Victory: Underestimating the Disaffection of Newer MembersThe 2015 Labour leadership race saw an unexpected win by Jeremy Corbyn, a far-left candidate, due to underestimation of discontent towards the party establishment by MPs, resulting in a surge of support from newer members.

      Jeremy Corbyn's unexpected rise to become the leader of the Labour Party in the UK was not anticipated by many, including the mainstream candidates and their supporters. Corbyn was considered a longshot due to his far-left ideologies and past disagreements with party leadership. However, his nominations began to creep up as a way to widen the debate and show the party's diversity. MPs underestimated the disaffection of newer members towards the party establishment, leading to a "boiling rage" that translated into Corbyn's surprising victory in the membership vote. Despite his seemingly unlikely candidacy, Corbyn's engagement on various causes and polite demeanor earned him supporters, but questions remained about his desire to lead and his ability to handle the demands of the role. Ultimately, Corbyn became the only plausible candidate for the left wing group, and his reluctance to seek the position added to the perception that he was there under sufferance.

    • Unexpected Contender in Labour Party Leadership RaceJeremy Corbyn's unexpected entry into the Labour Party leadership race was seen as a token gesture, but his strong emotional support from voters led to his surprising win, marking a significant shift in the party's direction.

      Jeremy Corbyn's unexpected entry into the Labour Party leadership race in 2015 was seen as a token gesture by many, with few expecting him to win. He was viewed as a decent, decent human being but not a significant player in foreign policy or parliament. However, his lack of enemies and broad support for moral issues made him an acceptable choice for those seeking to give legitimacy to the contest. When Corbyn surprisingly made it onto the ballot, some were worried that his left-wing views would alienate voters, especially after years of a centrist leader who failed to defend Labour's record. Despite initial skepticism, Corbyn's campaign gained momentum, and his supporters were driven by a strong emotional response to the party's electoral losses. Ultimately, the outcome was a surprise to many, including Corbyn himself, and marked a significant shift in the direction of the Labour Party.

    • Unexpected rise of Jeremy Corbyn in 2015 Labour leadership raceCorbyn's emphasis on community services, housing, education, and employment opportunities resonated with a broader base of supporters, including young people and union members, leading to his surprising victory despite initial skepticism from political pundits.

      The 2015 Labour leadership race was a turning point in British politics, marked by the unexpected rise of Jeremy Corbyn. At a time when many believed the most important economic objective was a budget surplus, Corbyn emphasized the importance of community services, housing, education, and employment opportunities. His straightforward communication and genuine concern for the working class resonated with a broader base of supporters, including young people and union members, who had previously been disengaged from the Labour Party. Despite initial skepticism from political pundits, Corbyn's campaign gained momentum, and his unconventional approach to politics challenged the status quo. The unexpected energy and excitement behind his candidacy ultimately led to his surprising victory, signaling a shift in the political landscape.

    • Labour Leadership Race Surprise: Corbyn's Grassroots Movement Defied ExpectationsIn 2015, Jeremy Corbyn's grassroots campaign, fueled by new members and discontent against austerity, defied expectations and won the Labour leadership race, utilizing digital organizing and harnessing zeitgeist.

      The 2015 Labour leadership race was not a foregone conclusion for front-runner Andy Burnham, despite his strong support among MPs. The underestimated anger and organization among labor members, particularly against austerity measures, coalesced around Jeremy Corbyn's authentic and anti-establishment campaign. This grassroots movement, fueled by new young members and 3-pound voters, was able to harness the discontent and bring it to the polls. The Corbyn campaign effectively utilized digital organizing and tapped into a zeitgeist, defying mainstream media skepticism and expectations. The difference this time compared to previous elections was the combination of grassroots energy and a well-oiled campaign machine.

    • The 1981 Labour Party Leadership Race: Unexpected Results and Initial SkepticismUnexpected political outcomes and the need for accurate data, adaptability, and confidence in strategy apply to businesses and individuals alike.

      The 1981 Labour Party leadership race saw a surprising lead for Jeremy Corbyn, which was initially met with skepticism from other campaigns. However, data from private polls and anecdotal evidence from local members soon confirmed Corbyn's strong showing. This unexpected result caused fear and infighting among Labour MPs, who saw Corbyn as a potential disaster for the party. Despite the initial shock, Corbyn's campaign was confident in his ability to win due to the clear energy and support around him. This event serves as a reminder of the importance of data and accurate information in political campaigns. It also highlights the potential for unexpected outcomes and the need for adaptability in political strategy. For businesses, the lesson could be drawn from LinkedIn's unique access to professionals who may not be actively looking for new opportunities but could still be great hires. And for individuals, the importance of being prepared and confident, even in uncertain situations, was emphasized by the Corbyn campaign's belief in their ability to win despite initial doubts.

    • Unexpected Labour Party victory and forming an inclusive shadow cabinetJeremy Corbyn's unexpected election as Labour Party leader brought a shift in political landscape, but faced significant opposition from within the party while forming an inclusive shadow cabinet.

      The unexpected victory of Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of the Labour Party in 2015 was a turning point in British politics. The poll results confirming their win came as a surprise, and the team had to quickly prepare for the possibility of leading the opposition. Despite having limited experience in running a government, Corbyn and his advisors aimed for an inclusive shadow cabinet. However, they underestimated the level of opposition they would face from within the Labour Party. Len McCluskey, a major Corbyn supporter and Unite General Secretary, took an assertive role in shaping the new leadership. Corbyn's election with a large mandate marked a significant shift in the political landscape. Despite the challenges, the team had to figure out their next steps and how to navigate the internal opposition.

    • Labour Party's Divisive Leadership ElectionJeremy Corbyn's election as Labour leader caused deep divisions, with some calling for alternative shadow chancellors. Despite this, many MPs felt duty-bound to serve, and Corbyn enjoyed his role.

      The election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader in 2015 was a contentious and divisive event, with some party members and MPs disagreeing with his leadership and others feeling duty-bound to serve under him. Len McCluskey, the Unite union leader, publicly called for someone other than John McDonnell to be the shadow chancellor, which sparked backlash. Despite this, many Labour MPs felt a duty to the party and accepted roles in Corbyn's team. Corbyn himself seemed to enjoy his role as leader, despite speculation about how long he would last. The election marked a significant shift in the Labour Party and highlighted the deep divisions within it.

    • Exploring Jeremy Corbyn's 8-year tenure as Labour Party leaderThe podcast series '8 years hard labor' examines Corbyn's political journey, including his stance on the EU and leadership style, providing insights into British politics complexities.

      During the eight-year tenure of Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of the British Labour Party, he went from being a veteran backbencher to leading a major political party, but faced challenges and criticism along the way. The podcast series "8 years hard labor" explores this period, including Corbyn's stance on the European Union and his leadership style. Meanwhile, in other news, Marc Maron, host of the WTF podcast, promotes Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues as a solution for allergy sufferers and celebrates the convenience of 1800flowers.com for gift-giving. However, the most significant takeaway is the exploration of Corbyn's political journey and the challenges he faced during his leadership. The podcast series delves into his decisions regarding the European Union and his approach to power, ultimately shedding light on the complexities of British politics.

    Recent Episodes from The Slow Newscast

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    Taking the stand: Emma's story

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    The Slow Newscast
    enJune 27, 2024

    Taking the stand: Grace's story

    Taking the stand: Grace's story

    In the UK, more than one in four adult women are thought to have been sexually assaulted or raped in their lifetime. But what is going wrong and where? This is the story of two women, of their two trials, and of a criminal justice system that seems completely broken.

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    The Slow Newscast
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    Frank Hester: Tory Northern diamond

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    The Slow Newscast
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    The Slow Newscast
    enJune 11, 2024

    Sunak's summer shower

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    The Slow Newscast
    enJune 04, 2024

    Word for word: Trump on trial - episode 5

    Word for word: Trump on trial - episode 5

    Donald Trump is the first former US president to be convicted of a crime.

    In a special one-off, we will be sharing our new series Word for Word: Trump on Trial. In each episode, we’re bringing you the story of the trial, told using the transcripts of what is said in court. This is the final part.

    To find out more about Tortoise:

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Slow Newscast
    enMay 31, 2024

    Word for word: Trump on trial - episode 4

    Word for word: Trump on trial - episode 4

    Donald Trump is the first former US president to face a criminal trial. He is accused of falsifying his business records by saying a hush money payment to a porn star was for legal fees. He's facing 34 counts of fraud under campaign finance laws, and has pleaded not guilty to all of them. The trial, which is expected to last eight weeks, is being held in a New York court and Donald Trump has to appear for every day. This is the story of that trial, told using the transcripts of what is said in court. Michael Cohen is on the stand.

    Frank Falzon as Michael Cohen.

    Art Brown as Todd Blanche.

    To find out more about Tortoise:

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Slow Newscast
    enMay 30, 2024

    The Gas Man

    The Gas Man

    It starts with a tip-off. 

    It’s the late 1980s and US Special Agent Dennis Bass is warned about a shipment of suspicious chemicals headed to a secret destination. So he follows the lead – and ends up stumbling into a global plot helping fuel a war. The main suspect? The Gas Man. 

    In the decades since, Special Agent Bass has been locked in an international game of cat and mouse with the man who supplied a dangerous regime with the chemicals to make weapons. Every time Bass thinks he’s got his hands on him… The Gas Man somehow manages to slip the net. And he’s still on the run today.

    But after more than 30 years, could his past finally be catching up with The Gas Man?

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    If you want to get in touch with us directly about a story, or tell us more about the stories you want to hear about contact hello@tortoisemedia.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Slow Newscast
    enMay 28, 2024

    Word for word: Trump on trial – episode 3

    Word for word: Trump on trial – episode 3

    Donald Trump is the first former US president to face a criminal trial. He is accused of falsifying his business records by saying a hush money payment to a porn star was for legal fees. He's facing 34 counts of fraud under campaign finance laws, and has pleaded not guilty to all of them. The trial, which is expected to last eight weeks, is being held in a New York court and Donald Trump has to appear for every day. This is the story of that trial, told using the transcripts of what is said in court. Michael Cohen is on the stand.

    Frank Falzon as Michael Cohen.

    Skye Alley as Susan Hoffinger.

    To find out more about Tortoise:

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    If you want to get in touch with us directly about a story, or tell us more about the stories you want to hear about contact hello@tortoisemedia.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Slow Newscast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Introducing... What's wrong with democracy?

    Introducing... What's wrong with democracy?

    By the end of this year, countries making up half the world’s population will have held elections. But not all of them will have been free and fair. In ‘What’s Wrong with Democracy?’ Professor Ben Ansell of Oxford University will, with the help of academics, journalists, activists and writers, figure out whether democracy is working and how best to preserve democratic freedoms, equality and rights. 

    What’s Wrong with Democracy? is produced by Tortoise Media and supported by Open Society Foundations. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Slow Newscast
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    HUSBAND Married to the love of his life, his soul-mate, his rib, and his best friend, Tameka Jackson. If there was anything that he did right in his adult life, he did it when he married her. ​

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