
    About this Episode

    A calming, guided experience to help you center in and release any tension or worries about the current stress in the world. Find a way to come home to yourself and feel more at ease.

    Includes a grounding meditation to release worry (19 minutes)

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    Recent Episodes from The Danielle Mercurio Show

    From Confusion to Creating a Path of Momentum

    From Confusion to Creating a Path of Momentum

    This episode is the perfect antidote to if you're feeling a bit uninspired or flat when it comes to your journey. Danielle provides how to get out of your own way, where you are draining your individual resources, and how to craft your life forward in a way that feels on purpose and expansive.

    Understand how to take your desires a step further by uncovering the why and who behind them.  You'll feel lighter, reassured, and opportune to keep going from here!

    Subscribe + tap for 5 stars!

    Check out the sis-star podcast, Unfiltered Universe of Danielle + Regan


    Go Deeper Within: Guided Meditation

    Go Deeper Within: Guided Meditation

    This episode is an invitation to explore the life-giving power of your breath, filter out the world's noise, and deeply connect with your soul. Through unscripted guided meditation and visualization, you'll find the space to lean into your goals, plan your next steps, and embrace the joy of being alive. This experience is designed to leave you feeling more centered, clear-minded, and connected to your true essence.

    Explore the upcoming Meditation Method Teacher Training, a program for letting the breath transform you as a leader in your world. 

    Learn more and enroll at Meditation Method Teacher Training

    Check out my sis-star podcast: Unfiltered Universe of Danielle & Regan

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    2024 Cosmic Alignment and Numerology

    2024 Cosmic Alignment and Numerology

    Join Danielle Mercurio in this enlightening solo episode as she dives deep into the cosmic alignment and numerology of 2024. Discover the significance of this being an 8 year and its profound connections to the Tarot, Lion, and the concept of infinity.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The Essence of Number 8: Unravel the mysteries of 2024 being an 8 year. Explore its ties to strength, prosperity, and the eternal flow of energy and resources.

    • Tarot and Lion Symbolism: Delve into the intriguing links between the number 8, Tarot interpretations, and the powerful symbolism of the Lion. Understand how these elements intertwine to guide your journey through the year.

    • Astrological Insights: Get detailed insights into key astrology transits for the year, focusing on the Eclipses, Pluto, and Jupiter plus the Lunar New Year + Lion's Gate. Learn how these celestial movements will impact us on both a personal and collective level.

    • Community and Leadership: 2024 is a year where community becomes paramount. Learn why building and nurturing your community is essential, and how stepping into an intuitive leadership role can amplify your impact.

    Special Announcement:

    Don't miss out on the opportunity to align with the cosmic energy of the new year. Join Danielle's "New Year, New Moon Workshop" on 1/11. A transformative experience awaits where you can set powerful intentions and start your 2024 with clarity and purpose.

    Reserve your spot now: https://daniellemercurio.com/newyearnewmoon

    Encouragement on the Entrepreneurial Path

    Encouragement on the Entrepreneurial Path

    Danielle dives deep into the heart of entrepreneurship, offering a beacon of hope and guidance for those moments when the journey feels daunting. As an entrepreneur, it's common to encounter challenges and moments of doubt. Danielle addresses these head-on, providing practical advice and inspirational reframes to help you stay connected to your center during tough times.

    Listeners will gain invaluable insights on how to present themselves and their business as high-value propositions in the market. Danielle shares her expert strategies on promotion and sales, ensuring that your passion and purpose shine through in every aspect of your business.

    This episode is a must-listen for any entrepreneur in need of a motivational boost. Danielle's guidance is not just about pushing through the hard times; it's about thriving through them and emerging stronger and more aligned with your business vision.

    Subscribe + tap for 5 stars!


    What I Learned That Time I Went on a Cruise

    What I Learned That Time I Went on a Cruise

    Episode Summary:

    In this heartfelt episode, Danielle Mercurio shares her profound experience and insights from a recent cruise journey that turned into an unexpected lesson in self-discovery and boundary-setting. Despite the challenges and discomfort she faced, Danielle's story is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. Confronting Discomfort: Danielle opens up about the stress and misalignment she felt during her cruise, describing it as a time of survival and self-preservation.

    2. Being Present with Challenges: Emphasizing the importance of being with difficult situations, Danielle discusses how she used her tools of listening, leaning in, and embracing calm.

    3. Self-Identity and Wellbeing: A major takeaway from her experience is the realization that her wellbeing is non-negotiable, and the need to mirror the space she holds for others with how she treats herself.

    4. Embracing Uniqueness: Danielle reflects on her past fears of being different and how she now cherishes and protects her uniqueness.

    5. Navigating Life-Altering Times: The episode delves into the idea of moving forward bravely in our uniqueness, acknowledging historical trauma, and making peace with the light.

    6. A Message of Solidarity and Hope: Danielle offers words of comfort and empowerment, assuring listeners that they are not alone in these transformative times.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Danielle Mercurio inspires listeners to embrace their individual journeys and reassures them of their strength and purpose in this new era. Her message is clear: We are the chosen ones to navigate these times with wisdom and mystical insight.


    Sacred In-Between of Eclipse Season

    Sacred In-Between of Eclipse Season

    In this enlightening episode, Danielle Mercurio explores the transformative energy between two significant celestial events: the solar eclipse new moon on October 14th and the upcoming lunar eclipse full moon on October 28th. This period, often referred to as the "Sacred In-Between," serves as a portal for profound personal and spiritual growth.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Understanding the Sacred In-Between: Learn what it means to be in this transformative period between two powerful celestial events.

    2. Solar Eclipse New Moon: Reflect on the significance of the solar eclipse new moon and how it set the stage for the lunar eclipse.

    3. Lunar Eclipse Full Moon: Anticipate the energy of the upcoming lunar eclipse full moon on October 28th and prepare for its impact.

    4. Navigating the Portal: Discover tips and practices for moving through this period with grace, intention, and mindfulness.

    5. Personal and Spiritual Growth: Understand how this unique time can be a catalyst for deep personal and spiritual evolution.


    Recognizing Life Isn't A Constant Problem To Solve

    Recognizing Life Isn't A Constant Problem To Solve

    In this solo episode, Danielle Mercurio delves into the concept that you are not a problem that needs to be solved but a soul that's here to evolve. She discusses the pitfalls of constantly being in 'fix it' mode and how it can hold you back from living an authentic life.

    Key Takeaways

    1. You Are Not a Problem: Understand that you are a soul on a journey of evolution, not a problem that needs constant fixing.

    2. The 'Fix It' Trap: Recognize the patterns where you find yourself constantly trying to fix things, and understand how this can be a barrier to authentic living.

    3. Moving Beyond Mistakes: Learn to stop hyperfocusing on what you did wrong and instead move into a space of vulnerability.

    4. Being Seen and Heard: Embrace the power of letting yourself be vulnerable, seen, and heard.

    5. Guided Meditation: The episode concludes with a 12-minute meditation to help you internalize these concepts and find peace.


    • Guided Meditation Timestamp: 35:05

    Connect with Danielle Mercurio

    Final Thoughts

    This episode serves as a reminder that life is not a series of problems to be solved but a journey to be experienced. By stepping out of 'fix it' mode, you open yourself up to a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

    Laugh Through It: Courage and Compassion with Foster Rhodes

    Laugh Through It: Courage and Compassion with Foster Rhodes

    In this latest installment of the podcast, host Danielle Mercurio is joined by special guest Foster Rhodes, an innovative yoga teacher and stand-up comedy improviser. This episode offers listeners a fresh take on the confluence of spirituality and laughter, demonstrating that the path to enlightenment can be infused with joy.

    Foster Rhodes delves into her personal journey, sharing why she has temporarily stepped away from comedy to concentrate more intensely on mental health and wellness. Through a combination of mindful movement and laughter, she gives people the tools to empower themselves, trust their intuition, and navigate life's challenges with a "fail through it" attitude.

    Guest Details:

    Host Details:

    Digging the vibes? Hit subscribe and drop a stellar review. Your support fuels our growth!

    Illuminating AI in the Golden Age

    Illuminating AI in the Golden Age

    In this enlightening episode, Danielle dives into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), sharing her personal journey of discovery, intuition, and creativity. From initial hesitations to embracing AI as a creative ally, Danielle demystifies the fears and misconceptions surrounding this innovative tool. Whether you're a spiritual leader, life coach, or entrepreneur, this episode offers a fresh perspective on how AI can enhance authenticity and transform your business.

    Ready to explore how AI can elevate your spiritual or wellness business?

    Sign up for the free "Illuminating AI" Webinar.

    Click here to enter the Golden Age of possibility.

    Subscribe to stay connected!

    IG: @daniellemercurio

    Investing in Faith over Fear

    Investing in Faith over Fear

    In this solo episode, embark on a transformative journey exploring the power of investing in faith over fear. Join your host, Danielle, as she uncovers the ways your past traumas may be holding you back and reveals the vital role of connecting to the Universe and God in reclaiming your true self.

    Danielle shares insights on how you may unknowingly sabotage yourself, not only through the limitations of your ego but also due to the lingering effects of past traumatic experiences. Discover how these moments can dampen or alter your current way of living, preventing you from fully embracing your potential.

    This episode is not just about identifying the obstacles; it's about finding the way forward. Danielle will guide you on a journey of successful surrender, teaching you how to navigate the in-between spaces where growth and transformation occur. You'll learn how to move from a place of disbelief into the vast realm of possibility, where dreams manifest and miracles happen.

    Don't miss out on this empowering episode, where Danielle shares practical tools and profound insights to help you overcome the limitations of fear and embrace the boundless power of faith. It's time for you to invest in your true potential and live a life guided by faith, not fear.

    Subscribe for more inspiring conversations, limitless possibilities, and transformative insights!

    IG: @daniellemercurio