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    Why don’t hurricanes seem to hit the West Coast of the USA or Europe? What is the Coreolis effect and why does it determine which direction a hurricane spins? They say the water flushes down a toilet or down a drain in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres - fact or fiction? Why did hurricanes all have female names at one stage?

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    Recent Episodes from Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

    ELI5 Olive Oil - virgin, extra-virgin & refined - what's the difference?

    ELI5 Olive Oil - virgin, extra-virgin & refined - what's the difference?

    What else determines the quality of olive oil and what's the difference between extra virgin, virgin, and refined olive oil? How is olive oil extracted? What are the proven health benefits of consuming olive oil?

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    🔥 ELI5 Daylight Savings Time - who thought it was a good idea?

    🔥 ELI5 Daylight Savings Time - who thought it was a good idea?

    Why do we still change clocks to Daylight Savings Time when so many people dislike it? Who came up with the idea in the first place? Why is there a movement to permanent Daylight Savings Time? Are farmers for or against Daylight Savings Time?

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    ELI5 Leap Years - why was 2000 a leap year but 2100 isn’t?

    ELI5 Leap Years - why was 2000 a leap year but 2100 isn’t?

    How did ancient civilizations in 45 B.C. with their ancient technology know that the earth orbits the sun in 365 days? What is the exact length of an Earth year? How does the Gregorian calendar adjust for this discrepancy? There are some exceptions to leap years right? What is the Birthday Paradox? And does it apply to leap year birthdays?

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    ELI5 Hypnosis - is it real and how does it work?

    ELI5 Hypnosis - is it real and how does it work?

    What is hypnosis capable of? Can anyone be hypnotized? Are there certain people who are more susceptible to it? Are there any potential dangers or side effects associated with hypnosis? How is hypnosis induced? Can someone put themselves into hypnosis? Can hypnosis be used to control or manipulate people against their will?

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    Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: thelazyguy001, lindsaymurray, thetimeischow, omarwazhere, aikawa_kizuna, animalprofessor, solidgol and the_wandering_mind

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    ELI5 Eczema - why scratching it feels so good?

    ELI5 Eczema - why scratching it feels so good?

    Why does scratching eczema affected skin feel good in that moment, when it actually worsens the skin condition? Why is it that eczema often appears in small patches on the body rather than being spread out? How does hydrocortisone work to relieve itching and inflammation caused by eczema? Is Eczema contagious?

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    Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: trianglesaurus, picklesrnoturfriend, qblez, 7superbaby7, jaydenlzw and oopsielalala

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    ELI5 Soaps - hand soaps vs body wash - are they different?

    ELI5 Soaps - hand soaps vs body wash - are they different?

    Is there a significant difference between hand soap and body soap? Why does using bar soap often leave a "squeaky clean" feeling compared to liquid soap? How about antibacterial soap that has become popular in recent years? Is it more effective than regular soap? Is it alcohol in them that kills the bacteria?

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    Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: dankutobi, andiell, parallax3, germtheory, typhoneus, wafflebauf, formyfrog, catwhowalksbyhimself, amaranth1977 and lumpywon

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    ELI5 Endangered Species - how is the axolotl endangered but also in pet stores?

    ELI5 Endangered Species - how is the axolotl endangered but also in pet stores?

    How do researchers accurately estimate the population of endangered species in the wild? How can the axolotl be both critically endangered and readily available in pet stores? How did the giant panda get off the endangered list? What is the process of how a species is declared endangered?

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    ELI5 Aurora Borealis - what would it be like inside the northern lights?

    ELI5 Aurora Borealis - what would it be like inside the northern lights?

    What is the Aurora Borealis? How do the various colors come about? Why are the northern lights primarily seen at the poles? Isn’t the magnetic north moving and what does that mean for where to spot the Aurora Borealis? What would it be like to be inside an Aurora? Is it even possible? Can you see the northern lights from space?

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    Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: venbrou, speckledjim, target880, anomalousenigma, itsapeljax, uncledan2017, jermleeds, zhendejiade99, thejeeronian, moogiemcfly and karlrutabaga

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    ELI5 Snakes - does eating a venomous snake kill its predator?

    ELI5 Snakes - does eating a venomous snake kill its predator?

    What is the difference between venomous and poisonous? How do snakes never get in a knot and if they do, how do they untangle themselves? Why do snakes have such potent venom? What happens when predators eat part of a snake that contains venom? Why are snakes evolving to not use their venom?

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    Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: casperslakes, xychologist, freestyle-scientist, freebytes, qyle95, yesssssssssssno, cameltrowe and phage0070

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