
    Elizabeth Banks: How Do I Know If He’s My Soulmate? [VIDEO]

    enNovember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Relaxing with Canned Wine and Personal StoriesCanned wine brings back vacation vibes and personal stories, despite feelings of wine-shaming and lack of expertise.

      Alex Cooper, the host of Call Her Daddy, shared her experience of enjoying canned wine and how it brings her back to a relaxing beach vacation. She also expressed her feelings of wine-shaming and not being knowledgeable about wine, but appreciating the expertise of others. During the episode, they discussed various wine options and promoted brands like Archerus, COSIS, and Shopify. The conversation also touched upon her past experiences with her parents' attitude towards her drinking at a young age. Overall, the episode was filled with light-hearted banter, product recommendations, and personal stories.

    • The Power of Ambition and Hard WorkAmbition and hard work can lead to personal growth and success, instilling self-discipline and a deep appreciation for the dignity of work.

      Ambition and hard work can lead to personal growth and success, even if it means missing out on certain experiences along the way. The speaker, who grew up working class and felt the pressure to escape her small town and make something of herself, worked tirelessly in college to maintain her grades and pay for her education. This experience instilled in her a deep appreciation for the dignity of work and the importance of self-discipline. It wasn't until later in life that she discovered her passion for acting, but her determination and work ethic helped her succeed in that field as well. Overall, the speaker's story is a testament to the power of ambition and hard work, even when faced with challenges and obstacles.

    • It's okay not to have everything figured outFocus on what makes you attractive to employers and work hard towards it. Even if you don't have a specific dream job, having a vision of a happy life can guide you towards success.

      It's okay not to have everything figured out. Successful people, including podcasters, didn't always know what they wanted to do. Dreaming big and setting goals, even if they seem unrealistic at the time, can lead to unexpected opportunities. The key is to focus on what makes you attractive to employers and work hard towards it. Even if you don't have a specific dream job in mind, having a vision of a happy life, such as having a job you enjoy, enough time for family, and staying connected to friends, can guide you towards success. As the wise words of a young child remind us, the dream life is what truly matters.

    • Take pride and put effort in whatever you doPursue your goals with determination and don't give up easily, good things come to those who put in the effort.

      No matter what job you have or what situation you're in, take pride in it and give it your best. Whether it's cleaning toilets or starting a new relationship, show up and put effort in. A memorable story shared was about meeting her husband in college. Although he wasn't overly interested at first, she pursued him and they eventually connected. The importance of standing out in job applications and taking risks was also emphasized. The story serves as a reminder that sometimes, good things come to those who put in the effort and don't give up easily.

    • Navigating long-distance relationships after collegeEffective communication and a shared commitment to the relationship are essential for making long-distance relationships work after college.

      The speaker's college relationship, which began with a memorable first date, allowed her to focus on the relationship without worrying about figuring out romantic entanglements, but presented challenges as they both pursued individual goals and paths after graduation. The key to making it work was open communication and a mutual desire to stay together. Despite the uncertainty and emotional turmoil, they both made decisions that prioritized their relationship and ultimately stayed together. The experience taught her that relationships require honesty and a willingness to grow and adapt together, even when faced with difficult questions about the future.

    • Maintaining a long-lasting relationship: individuality, commitment, and open communicationIndividuality is crucial for a long-lasting relationship, but open communication and commitment are also vital. Use time apart to strengthen the bond and have honest conversations about future plans to keep the passion alive.

      Maintaining a long-lasting relationship requires individuality, commitment, and open communication. The speaker emphasizes the importance of feeling like one's own person before committing fully to a relationship. She also highlights the significance of using time apart to strengthen the bond between partners and keep the passion alive. The couple's experience shows that having an open and honest conversation about future plans and commitments is crucial. While the fear of rejection may prevent some from bringing up such conversations, it's essential to remember that not having the discussion could lead to missed opportunities. The couple's journey demonstrates that staying together for a long time involves making decisions that lead towards a shared goal, even if it takes time to get there.

    • Open communication and traditional values led to a surprise proposal and marriageThrough open communication and respecting traditional values, a surprise proposal and eventual marriage were made possible despite unexpected circumstances

      Open communication and traditional values played significant roles in a couple's decision to get married. The couple, who had been living together since they were 18, didn't rush into marriage but had open discussions about their future. One partner wanted to be traditional and get married before having children, while the other surprised her with a well-planned proposal during a trip to Kentucky. The proposal was a surprise, but the couple's shared values and open communication allowed them to navigate the unexpected event and eventually get married. The unexpected and traditional elements of the proposal created a memorable experience for both partners.

    • Unexpected proposals can still be specialUnexpected romantic moments and unique parenthood journeys can both hold deep meaning, and it's important to share personal stories honestly.

      Romantic moments don't have to be grand or planned out perfectly to be meaningful. The speaker's partner proposed to her unexpectedly during a long dinner at a party, when they were originally planning for a more private and romantic setting. The proposal was still special and memorable, even though it didn't go as planned. Another takeaway is that everyone's journey to parenthood is unique. The speaker openly shared her experience of struggling with unexplained infertility and emphasized that she has never been pregnant or had a miscarriage, despite rumors to the contrary. It's important to share personal stories honestly and avoid spreading misinformation. Lastly, the speaker endorsed Kosis makeup and skin care products, praising their natural look and suitability for sensitive skin.

    • A woman's journey to parenthood through surrogacyDespite societal stigma, surrogacy can be a viable solution for families struggling with infertility. Support from community and medical professionals can help alleviate personal shame and lead to successful parenthood.

      Infertility can be a complex and emotional journey, and sometimes traditional methods like IVF may not be the solution. One woman's experience involved repeated failed implantations, leading her to consider surrogacy as an alternative. Initially hesitant, she eventually came to appreciate the support of her community and the advice of medical professionals. Surrogacy, once a stigmatized option, has become a viable solution for many families. The ultimate goal is to become a parent, and the means to achieve that should not be clouded by societal judgment or personal shame. The journey to parenthood is unique for every family, and it's essential to remember that there are resources and options available to help bring new life into the world.

    • Impact of infertility on women's self-worth and societal perceptionInfertility can deeply impact a woman's sense of self and societal worth, but focusing on the lifelong commitment of raising a child can shift perspective and prioritize what truly matters. Sharing stories of infertility can provide powerful connections and support.

      Fertility and the ability to procreate can deeply impact a woman's sense of self and worth in society. The journey to overcome infertility can involve intense grief, self-blame, and a focus on external factors. However, as one friend pointed out, the responsibility of raising a child is a lifelong commitment that can shift perspective and prioritize what truly matters. The experience of infertility is unique to each woman, and sharing these stories can provide powerful connections and support. The movie "Call Jane" highlights the historical context of women's autonomy over their bodies and the importance of safe and accessible reproductive healthcare.

    • A tale of self-discovery and renewed purposeThe film's protagonist, Joy, learns the value of new experiences and self-worth after making a life-affirming decision, emphasizing the importance of open-mindedness, empathy, and standing up for oneself in diverse situations.

      The film "Joy" is more than just a story about a woman seeking an illegal abortion; it's a coming-of-age tale for a 40-year-old woman who discovers her own worth and the value of new experiences. The actress, who portrays Joy, shares how the character's life-affirming decision leads her to a renewed sense of purpose and self-discovery. She also emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness and empathy towards others, as encounters with diverse individuals can broaden our perspectives. Furthermore, the actress reflects on her own experiences in an industry dominated by men and the importance of standing up for oneself in male-dominated spaces. Overall, the film and the actress's insights highlight the transformative power of personal growth and the importance of valuing diverse experiences and perspectives.

    • Women's struggle for power and patriarchy's resistanceDespite historical challenges, women can find strength in numbers and data to challenge patriarchy's grip on power, bringing about change.

      Women's struggle for political and economic power is a relatively new concept in human history, and the patriarchy's resistance to this change is rooted in the fear of losing control. Women's lack of autonomy and economic power throughout history has made it difficult for them to speak out against abuse and inequality. It took women feeling safe and secure before they could openly stand up for themselves. The #MeToo movement was a testament to this, as women found strength in numbers and the support of data and research that validated their experiences. My advice for young women navigating the workforce without feeling safe or secure is to remember that they are not alone and that there is opportunity for everyone. It's important to remember that the patriarchy's grip on power is not absolute, and women's collective voices can bring about change.

    • Connecting with others is key when dealing with sensitive issuesRemember you're not alone in advocating for reproductive rights, progress has been made but there's still work to do, essential for women's autonomy and equality, personal matter, advocate for protection of reproductive rights.

      It's important to connect with others and not feel isolated when dealing with sensitive issues, such as reproductive rights. The patriarchy uses shame and stigma to keep women silent, but it's crucial to remember that you're not alone. Furthermore, reproductive rights, including access to abortion, are essential for women's autonomy and equality. These rights should be protected, and it's important to advocate for them, even in the face of opposition. Sexual and reproductive health is a personal matter, and individuals should have the right to make decisions about their bodies. The fight for reproductive rights is ongoing, and it's important to remember that progress has been made, but there is still work to be done.

    • Living with positivity, equality, and personal growthStay true to yourself, make decisions based on positivity, strive for a more equitable world, understand and respect past experiences, and pay it forward as a feminist.

      The interviewee believes in living life with positivity, equality, and personal growth. She emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself, making decisions based on positivity, and striving for a more equitable world. She also highlights the significance of standing on the shoulders of those who came before us and paying it forward by being a feminist. The interviewee's career success and personal fulfillment come from staying true to herself and her beliefs, and she encourages others to do the same. She also acknowledges the importance of understanding and respecting the experiences of those who came before us and using that knowledge to create opportunities for future generations.

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