
    Endless Lies From the Media # 1038 (Ep 1038)

    enAugust 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging the perception of US as a violent placeThe Dan Bongino Show debunks misinformation about US having a high rate of mass shootings, emphasizing fact-checking and critical thinking.

      The Dan Bongino Show aims to debunk misinformation campaigns, particularly those portraying the US as a uniquely violent place with a high rate of mass shootings. This perception is not based on facts, and the show intends to provide clarity on this matter. Bongino expressed disappointment in the misinformation spread by liberals and their media allies, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking. He announced upcoming appearances on Fox News and encouraged listeners to tune in. Additionally, the show was sponsored by Tommy John, a brand known for comfortable underwear, with a free guarantee for unsatisfied customers. The show began with a critique of Hillary Clinton's tweet, which presented the US as a uniquely violent place, an assertion that the Dan Bongino Show aims to challenge with facts.

    • Hillary Clinton's misinformed claim about mass shootingsDespite common belief, the US does not lead in mass shootings and it's important to be informed and not spread misinformation, let's work together to find solutions to gun violence.

      Hillary Clinton's claim that the United States has a unique problem with mass shootings due to guns is a misinformed and disingenuous statement. The data shows that the United States does not lead the world in mass shootings. This is a common liberal talking point, but it is based on a widely discredited study. The issue of gun violence is serious, but it is not unique to the United States. It is important to be informed and not to spread misinformation. Instead of focusing on guns as the sole cause of mass shootings, we should be working together to find solutions to this complex issue.

    • Study on US leading in mass shootings is not factualA study claiming US leads in mass shootings is not factual, data not shared, and used for political agenda against Second Amendment.

      A study claiming the United States leads the world in mass shootings is not based on factual data and is being used as part of an agenda to restrict Second Amendment rights. The researcher behind the study, who claims to have gathered data from hundreds of different languages and countries since 1966, has not shared his data set, raising skepticism. Self-respecting researchers make their data available for scrutiny. The study's findings have been parroted by the media without question, but when other researchers examined the data using the same definition of mass shootings, they found that the US does not even rank in the top 60 countries. The real goal of this misinformation is to paint the US as uniquely violent and use that as a basis for political attacks on the Second Amendment. It is important to be skeptical of data and sources, especially when they are being used to advance a political agenda.

    • Beto O'Rourke's Inaccurate Gun Death ClaimDespite being debunked, Beto O'Rourke continued to claim the US leads the world in gun deaths, emphasizing the significance of factual accuracy in political debates.

      During the presidential campaign, Beto O'Rourke, a former congressman from El Paso, made the claim that the United States leads the world in gun deaths. However, this claim was debunked by fact-checking sites like PolitiFact, which found that the United States was actually 62nd in the world in terms of gun deaths per capita. Furthermore, a significant portion of gun deaths in the US are suicides, which require different solutions than homicides. Despite being debunked by a left-wing fact-checking site, Beto continued to make this claim, highlighting the importance of factual accuracy in political discourse.

    • Misconceptions about gun laws and gun violenceDespite common beliefs, most US gun deaths are suicides, not homicides, and the 'gun show loophole' is a myth. Media should fact-check information to avoid misinforming the public.

      There is a lot of misinformation being spread about gun laws and gun violence in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, the US does not have the highest gun death rate or the most mass shootings in the world. Most gun deaths in the US are suicides, not homicides. The idea of a "gun show loophole" is also a myth. If you buy a firearm at a gun show from a licensed dealer, you will undergo a background check. Private sales between individuals do not require background checks. These misconceptions are spread intentionally to misinform the public and push for stricter gun control measures. The media's credibility is at stake, and it's important to fact-check information before accepting it as truth.

    • Seeking truth and finding solutionsUnderstand facts, identify breakdowns, take responsible actions, avoid hasty government intervention, use Policygenius for informed insurance decisions.

      In the face of tragedy and complex issues, it's crucial for individuals and society to seek out the truth and work towards finding solutions, rather than reacting impulsively. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the facts, identifying any potential breakdowns, and taking responsible actions to mitigate harm. Additionally, they warned against hasty government intervention that could infringe on personal rights and liberties. The speaker also endorsed Policygenius as a helpful tool for individuals to make informed decisions about their insurance coverage.

    • Public figures should avoid spreading misinformation on sensitive topics like gun controlEncourage solutions that don't involve banning currently illegal items, address cultural issues, be a responsible parent, and engage with children to reduce violence and promote healthy social interaction.

      Public figures, especially those with large followings, should be mindful of spreading misinformation, particularly on sensitive topics like gun control. The speaker in this discussion acknowledged his lack of expertise on the subject and encouraged people to focus on solutions that don't involve banning currently illegal items. He suggested addressing cultural issues like screen time and teaching empathy to children as potential ways to reduce violence and promote healthy social interaction. Ultimately, being a responsible parent and engaging with one's children are crucial steps towards raising well-adjusted kids.

    • Teaching Values and Learning from MistakesEffective parenting involves teaching children important values, allowing them to learn from mistakes, engaging with them, setting boundaries, providing positive role models, respecting older generations, and encouraging activities beyond screens.

      Effective parenting involves teaching children important values and respect for others while allowing them to learn from their mistakes. Children, especially teenagers, may not fully understand the consequences of their actions and need guidance from parents. It's essential to engage with them, set boundaries, and provide positive role models. Older generations have valuable experiences and lessons to share, and treating them with respect can be a powerful learning experience for children. Additionally, involving children in activities outside of screens and teaching them to socialize and communicate effectively can contribute to their overall development. Ultimately, being an active and present parent or mentor can make a significant impact on a child's life.

    • Lessons from Growing Up in a Divorced HouseholdEmpathize with your children, teach them valuable lessons, engage with them, help them learn about empathy and respect, and be material generous. Avoid red flags and streamline your operations with business management software like NetSuite.

      Growing up in a divorced household can be challenging, but it's important for fathers to be present and teach valuable lessons to their children. The speaker, who grew up in such a household and has a daughter of his own, emphasizes the importance of empathy, respect, and material generosity. He encourages fathers to engage with their kids, get them off screens, and teach them about the importance of helping others. The speaker also warns against red flag laws and encourages listeners to be mindful of their actions. Additionally, he promotes the use of business management software like NetSuite to streamline operations and save time and resources.

    • Red flag laws: A potential threat to individual rights?Red flag laws, which allow for the confiscation of firearms from individuals deemed a potential threat, could infringe upon individual rights and potentially be abused. They could flip the presumption of innocence and result in neither security nor liberty.

      The proposed red flag laws, which allow for the confiscation of firearms from individuals deemed a potential threat, raise significant concerns regarding individual rights and the potential for abuse. The speaker argues that these laws could flip the presumption of innocence on its head, allowing for the government to seize property without due process. He also raises the possibility of these laws being used for political reasons or as a result of social media reports. The speaker believes that such actions would infringe upon our founding freedoms and result in neither security nor liberty. He suggests that there are already legal mechanisms in place for addressing threats and that these should be utilized instead.

    • Address potential threats in own communitiesIndividuals have a role to play in identifying and addressing mental health issues and potential threats within their communities, rather than relying solely on government laws and background checks.

      Individuals have a responsibility to address potential threats and address mental health issues within their own communities, rather than relying solely on government red flag laws or background check systems. These systems have limitations and can miss crucial signs. Additionally, individuals should prioritize their own safety and not solely rely on law enforcement for protection. It's important to remember that law-abiding gun owners are not the problem and infringing on their civil liberties should not be the solution. Instead, we should focus on improving mental health laws and education to better identify and address potential threats.

    • Exploiting Tragic Events for Political GainSome media outlets and individuals use tragic events to push political agendas, potentially spreading misinformation and eroding civil liberties.

      Certain media outlets and individuals are trying to exploit tragic events, such as mass shootings, to further their own political agendas and infringe upon civil liberties. This was highlighted in a discussion regarding an editor at The Daily Beast, Justin Miller, who has a history of spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, particularly against the President of the United States. Miller's recent tweet, which speculated a potential political motivation behind the Dayton shooter, was criticized for its irrelevance to the facts of the case and its potential to incite fear and hysteria. However, Miller's true motivation was revealed to be his frustration that the shooter was a left-winger, as this challenged his narrative that all mass shootings are the fault of right-leaning politicians. This dangerous and divisive rhetoric not only undermines the truth but also risks eroding civil liberties and creating a climate of fear and suspicion. It's essential to remain critical of sensationalist media narratives and to focus on facts and evidence when discussing sensitive issues.

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    Photo Editing:
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