
    ENFP Turning into ENTJ, Need for Community, and Quitting a Job Advice - AskDan (Part 1)

    enFebruary 08, 2020

    About this Episode

    As I was waiting for some important news about my recent property investment in Ukraine, instead of giving in to stress I thought it'd be fun to go through a bunch of AskDan questions I've received via my website.

    In this episode, which is Part 1 of this little AskDan session of mine, I'm sharing some helpful advice on:

    • Changing your MBTI type and if an ENFP with ADHD can actually turn into an ENTJ
    • Quitting a well-paid job that doesn't inspire you
    • How to take care of your need for a community when you're planning to become an expat or a digital nomad and move to a different continent

    If you enjoy the podcast and would like to say hi and submit your own question for a future episode, send me a voice message here: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/speakpipe

    If you need a more detailed answer to your question, you can check different coaching opportunities with me on this link: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/coaching-invitation/

    You can also check out my Dreamers and Doers Coaching Program and Community that I've mentioned in the episode here: https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/dreamers/

    Don’t miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe here: Apple Podcasts | Google Play Music | Stitcher TuneIn RSS/XML

    If you want to follow my travels or catch some shorter videos and updates I share, you can find me on Facebook (DreamsAroundTheWorldHQ) | and as TheDanJohnston on Instagram and Twitter | I publish new videos weekly on YouTube as well. 

    Sound effect obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

    Recent Episodes from Dreams Around The World with Dan Johnston

    What gets better with time or training, or what is just part of being an ENFP?

    What gets better with time or training, or what is just part of being an ENFP?

    An interesting episode looking at some of the things we can improve with time and other things that really are part of our personality and who we are. 

    Have you ever wondered what my voice would sound like when spoken through text on a page, like I don't know, in a book? Well today is your lucky day. The ENFP Calling is out now and doesn't suck. You can buy it here: https://amzn.to/3Hn75Wv

    An ENFP New Year's Episode

    An ENFP New Year's Episode

    Happy New Year everyone :)

    If you'd like my help making 2024 the best year yet, the two ways I'd suggest this month are:

    -Reading The ENFP Calling-

    I just received this from an ENFP who spent her New Year's on a Volcano in Guatemala:

    "By the way, Dan, congratulations on the book. I read it in two days and think it's a masterpiece. I've shared some of its quotes with random people and friends, and it has had a great impact on them. Thank you!"

    https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/theenfpcallingbook/ or just search for ENFP wherever you buy books. It is available in E-Book and Print. 


    -Joining ENFP Unleashed-


    Increasing My Price To $20,000 - Lessons For Fellow Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Freelancers

    Increasing My Price To $20,000 - Lessons For Fellow Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Freelancers

    I was hesitant to record this episode because I don't usually discuss my pricing and these parts of my business so openly. I'm sharing this episode because a few people encouraged me to, and because I think there is a lot of valuable information for people selling services AND for anyone looking to hire a coach. 

    Including things like red flags a "coach" is actually a scammer, or at the least, someone you should avoid. 

    Oh, what's this? What a cool cover page. If I was an ENFP I'd run out and buy a copy today. If I wasn't one, I'd buy a copy for Christmas for every ENFP I know. 

    Meet Tecey, an Incredibly Inspiring Woman & Entrepreneur (Rwanda Interview)

    Meet Tecey, an Incredibly Inspiring Woman & Entrepreneur (Rwanda Interview)

    While spending some weeks in Kigali, Rwanda I had the privilege of meeting many inspiring entrepreneurs and artists. Tecey is of them and she has, might I say, one of the most incredible stories I've ever heard.

    So naturally, we had to record it. I hope you find her as inspiring and entertaining as I did. 

    Her business is Kigali Soul. You can find it on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kigali.soul/

    If you're looking for the best Christmas present for an ENFP in your life, such as yourself, consider a paperback copy of The ENFP Calling

    Your Life Will Get More and More Awesome, Here's How (and Why)

    Your Life Will Get More and More Awesome, Here's How (and Why)

    I think this is a good episode. So you should listen to it. 

     I'm going to be releasing the FULL footage from my 5 day 2022 event for free, for a limited time (72 hours per day of the event), for my email subscribers only. If you aren't already receiving my emails, you can subscribe here: https://dreamsaroundtheworld.com/sub

    Join me at the end of this Summer in Prague for Life Design Fiesta 2023: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/Prague2023/



    Why I Hate YouTube and Other Rebel Life Lessons

    Why I Hate YouTube and Other Rebel Life Lessons

    Lots of new episodes coming out this and next week. If you're someone who makes content, or just curious about the psychology of being a "creator" and what it is like to be on YouTube, this episode might be interesting for you. 

    My event Life Design Fiesta is coming up in Prague Sept 13-17. https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/Prague2023/

    Generally for international travel the best flight prices are about 6 weeks beforehand, so now is a good time to check it out if you're interested in joning me and about 8 other NF types for 5 days of mentoring, training, masterminds and fun! 


    What ENFPs & INFPs Can Learn from SAPIOSEXUALS

    What ENFPs & INFPs Can Learn from SAPIOSEXUALS

    This video was intended to be funny and troll, but it wouldn't be true to who I am if I didn't turn it into a life lesson. Now, let me pose a question: What labels are we willing to place on ourselves in order to characterize ourselves and feel a sense of belonging? So, in today's episode, we will first talk about the importance of understanding the meaning and goals of the groups to which we attribute ourselves, as well as the quality of these associations.

    Also, I would be thrilled to have you join us for an in-person event in Prague! Check out the link below to learn more about Life Design Fiesta 2023 in Prague: https://www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/Prague2023/

    If you have any questions about the event you can always contact me by email: dan@dreamsaroundtheworld.com

    If you are ENFP here is a FREE training I have for you:


    Don’t miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe here: Apple Podcasts | Google Play Music | Stitcher TuneIn |

    If you enjoy the podcast and would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you can do so here: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/ask-dan/